Prior to submitting the form:
- Units containing a hard drive (computers, laptops, tablets, cell phones, some printers, etc.) must have the hard drive removed; contact the Division of Information Technology using the IT Service Portal or call (631) 632-9800.
- Units containing refrigerants (fridges, freezers, air conditioners, refrigerated centrifuges, etc.) must have the refrigerant removed from the unit. West Campus Physical Plant: (631) 632-6400 or University Hospital Physical Plant: (631) 444-7962.
- Units containing any hazardous material (biological, radiation, chemical, pumps containing oil, and batteries) need to be cleared by Environmental Health & Safety (631) 632-6410 having their technician sign off on the form.
- Ensure the form has the present location section completed, department head signature or authorized signatory, and as applicable provide the description, asset decal number, and serial number.
- Items that are too large to fit through doorways will need to be disassembled prior to pick up.
- Items also need to be emptied prior to pick up as well (fridges, freezers, file cabinets, incubators with water, centrifuges, etc.)
If an item that is in fair or better condition is not taken by another department or any other SUNY establishments, then it will be offered up for sale on eBay through Albany OGS as allowable by OGS. Please note if State funded items must be offered up through OGS to other State Municipalities prior to being listed on eBay. Monies recuperated from the sale of any item on eBay will be returned to the state general account if state monies is used or to the department spending account if special funding was used.
Things we do not facilitate pick up of:
Skids, household recyclables, used toner cartridges. Contact Campus Operations & Maintenance Recycling. If you have any questions, please contact us.
Hospital Surplus Pick up for hospital surplus is done by the Hospital Housekeeping Department and brought to the Health Science Center Loading Dock for removal.
Vehicles After a vehicle is no longer needed by a department and the vehicle is being turned over to the Automotive Garage it is necessary to complete and submit to the Property Control office the Report for Surplus and/or Transfer of Personal Property Form . |