Return and Outgoing Shipments
All return shipments and outgoing shipments that need to be processed by Central Receiving must be accompanied by a completed Return/Shipment Request Form (SUSB 114). Once the form is complete it should be submitted to Central Receiving. The completed form should be mailed (Z-6500) or faxed (2-8332) to Central Receiving. This form, as well as other forms are available on the WolfMart and Procurement websites. A Central Receiving staff member will schedule pick up from the requesting department and return the item to Central Receiving for outgoing shipment processing.
As a reminder, return shipments must have a Return Material Authorization (RMA) number assigned by the vendor, which indicates they will accept the return. This information should be included on the return form in order for the Central Receiving to process for shipment.
If shipping via UPS is requested, departments must attach a completed mail requisition form for UPS shipping charges.
Please Note: all shipments leaving the U.S. MUST receive prior approvalfrom the Export Control Office before the shipment can be processed. Export Control can be reached via email, or telephone, 631-632-1954.
Websites that can help:
WolfMart Webpage | Procurement Webpage | Export Controls Webpage |
To access the Return/Shipment Request form click HERE