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Fixed Asset/Physical Inventories

Fixed Asset / Physical Inventories

This is the Fixed Asset area of Property Control which deals with equipment having a threshold of $5,000 and above. These pieces of equipment are inspected biennially. All equipment purchased with the proper budget category and with the correct cost threshold is issued an asset number. These numbers represent a tracking system for Property Control, as well as a tracking system for the various auditors when reviewing our equipment inventory for the campus. All assets issued can be tracked through the RAM System.

Inventories are created from the purchase made and are recorded to a parent account for each department. Many departments have more than one account available for purchases. We will use the "main" account for your equipment inventory. We have found it easier to track these items through one general account rather than several. The exceptions for that rule are Stony Brook University Hospital as well as the Long Island Veterans Home. These are recorded by account of payment.

Locations and destinations of equipment are essential pieces of documentation. To better serve the campus community we need your assistance with properly documenting the physical location.

  1. Property Control must be notified, via a transfer form PROC0067 Report of Surplus and/or Transfer of Personal Property , of any equipment that is relocated by a department. This is required so that the system can be properly updated with the new or temporary location of the equipment.
  2. For all RF sponsored equipment being permanently relocated to a site off campus, out of state, or out of the country, OGM approval is required and PC notified via. Report of Surplus and/or Transfer of Personal Property Form.
  3. Ownership of all State assets CANNOT be transferred to any entity, other than NYS. PC must be notified via Report of Surplus and/or Transfer of Personal Property Form.
  4. All foreign shipments, for any equipment, must have the approval of the Export Control Department. Contact 631-632-1954


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