Receiving & Creating Receipts in WolfMart
The receiving process begins when a PO is encumbered and sent to a vendor from our WolfMart system. When the order arrives on campus it is Central Receiving's responsibility to check for visible damages and verify the shipment via the PO and/or credit card order information.
Items are then physically inspected by Central Receiving staff for correctness using catalog numbers, piece count, and PO information.
Once the merchandise is received and deemed correct/undamaged, partial or complete, it is documented accordingly and processed to be scheduled for delivery to the ordering department. If an item quantity was over shipped, Central Receiving will contact the ordering department via the comment section of the PO (in WolfMart) to verify if the department would like to keep or return the item to the vendor.
If a department decides to keep an over shipped item, Central Receiving will add a comment to the comment section on the PO, indicating the department's decision. The department will then be advised to contact Procurement via the "Add Comment" functionality in WolfMart to generate a change order for the additional items. This will ensure the quantities on the order match the invoice amount for payment by AP. If an item is returned to a vendor due to over shipment, damage, or incorrect shipment received, the reason must be noted on the comment section as such, allowing all to see the progress of the order.
Once a receipt is created in WolfMart, it immediately becomes available to Accounts Payable to continue the payment matching process. After the receiving process is complete in WolfMart, the merchandise is then scheduled for delivery to the "Deliver To" address that is indicated on the PO.
Please note: Central Receiving delivers shipments to East and West Campus on a daily basis for both perishables and non-perishables, regular, and heavy shipments. Orders are processed for delivery based on the items in the PO and urgency. "HOTS" Overnight, Perishable, and Refrigerated orders are a priority and are processed for same day delivery to the departments in order to accommodate SBU Researchers needs in a timely manner. Ground shipments are typically delivered next day service based on volume and available staffing.
For additional assistance in WolfMart, please visit the WolfMart site