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Mail Services Information

  • Bulk - Lift Services

    USPS Marketing Mail - formerly known as BULK Mail or Standard Mail is non-profit mail

    For help and inquiries please email Colin Pilkington at

    Mail Service Nonprofit Presentation

    What is Nonprofit Mail? 

    Nonprofit Mail is printed material eligible to be mailed as USPS Marketing Mail at significantly reduced nonprofit postage rates.

    What are qualifying items that can be mailed using Nonprofit USPS Marketing Mail from our nonprofit permits?

    • Letters
    • Flats
    • Self-mailers
    • Newsletters
    • Booklets (weighing less than 16 ounces)


    Minimum Quantity

    USPS Marketing Mail provides economical prices for mailings of 200 or more pieces or 50 or more pounds of mail.


    Mail-piece Weight

    All USPS Marketing Mail pieces must weigh less than 16 ounces. Flat-size pieces that do not meet the standards must be prepared as parcels and pay parcel prices. The following weight limits also apply to pieces mailed at USPS Marketing Mail letter prices:

    1. Pieces mailed at automation or machinable letter prices may weigh up to 3.5 ounces. Automation or machinable letter-size pieces weighing more than 3.5 ounces are mailable at the nonautomation, nonmachinable letter prices.
    2. Pieces mailed at automation carrier route (saturation, high density, high density plus, and basic) letter prices may weigh up to 3.5 ounces. Automation carrier route letters weighing more than 3.5 ounces are mailable at the applicable nonautomation carrier route letter prices.

    A properly designed mail-piece qualifies for the best postage rates possible and will help you avoid unanticipated costs and ensure accurate delivery.


    Mail-piece Design Analyst

    Central Services has Mailpiece Design Analysts (MDAs) on staff who can answer your questions about mail-piece design, including reply mail design. These employees provide advice and evaluate mail-pieces for machinability and automation-based prices.  Contact us at 2-6348 for additional information.


    Commercial - Designing Letters and Postcards for Automated Processing

    Letter-size mail and card-size pieces meeting the applicable automation standards are entitled to automation prices. This Quick Service Guide summarizes the standards for mail with 100% delivery point barcodes and mail without barcodes processed on USPS optical character readers (OCRs).


    • Minimum: 3-1/2 inches high, 5 inches long, and either 0.007 inch thick if not more than 6 inches high and 9 inches long; or 0.009 inch thick if more than 4-1/4 inches high or 6 inches long, or both.
    • Maximum for cards at card rates: 4-1/4 inches high, 6 inches long, and 0.016 inch thick.
    • Maximum for letters and other cards: 6-1/8 inches high, 11-1/2 inches long, 1/4 inch thick.
    • Rectangular, with four square corners and parallel opposite sides. Letter-size, card-type mailpieces made of cardstock may have finished corners that do not exceed a radius of 0.125 inch (1/8 inch). Automation priced letter-sized pieces are not subject to (rectangular) when they are prepared as a trailing edge die-cut (TED-C) automation piece under the “Trail Edge Die-Cut (TED-C) Process for Eligibility at Automation Letter Prices” advisory available on PostalPro at

    Maximum Weight:

    • First-Class Mail Presorted Machinable—3.5 ounces (0.2188 pound).
    • First-Class Mail Automation—3.5 ounces (0.2188 pound).¹
    • Periodicals Barcoded (Automation)—3.5 ounces (0.2188 pound).¹
    • USPS Marketing Mail Automation—3.5 ounces (0.2188 pound).¹
    • Enhanced Carrier Route—3.5 ounces (0.2188 pound).¹
    1. Heavy letters over 3 ounces, if barcoded, must bear an address block delivery point barcode unde and be part of a 100% delivery point or Intelligent Mail barcoded mailing. Heavy letters must be prepared in a sealed envelope, and may not contain stiff enclosures or be prepared as a self-mailer or booklet-type mail-piece.


    • Polywrap, polybag, and shrinkwrap.
    • Clasps, strings, staples, buttons, or protrusions that might impede or damage the mail or mail processing equipment.

    Other machinability standards:

    • Rigid and odd-shaped items prohibited or restricted.
    • Tabbing for self-mailers or booklets. 

    Pieces with delivery point barcodes or Intelligent Mail barcodes must meet all standards.

    • Format of barcode bars  
    • Minimum clearance around barcode for barcodes printed on a mail-piece or label: 1/8 inch on left and right sides; 1/25 inch above and below barcode.
    • Placement of address block barcode, lower right barcode, or barcode within a window: see page two.
    • Reflectance standards for barcode and portion of mail-piece on which barcode is printed.


    Barcode in Address Block

    When the barcode is included as part of the address block the barcode must be placed in one of these positions:

    • Above the address line containing the recipient’s name.
    • Below the city, state, and ZIP Code line.
    • Above or below the keyline information.
    • Above or below the optional endorsement line.


    Additional Basic Standards for USPS Marketing Mail

    Each USPS Marketing Mail mailing is subject to these general standards:

    • All pieces in a mailing must be of the same processing category, except that irregular and machinable parcels may be combined in 5-digit scheme and 5-digit sacks or on 5-digit scheme and 5-digit pallets.
    • Each mailing must contain at least 200 pieces or 50 pounds of pieces. For volume requirement eligibility unique to Presorted USPS Marketing price mailings contact the department of Mail Services. 
    • All pieces in a mailing must be sorted together and marked under the standards for the price claimed.
    • Each letter and flat piece must bear the addressee‘s name and delivery address, including the correct ZIP Code or ZIP+4 code, except as allowed when using alternative addressing formats or detached address labels (DALs) and detached marketing labels (DMLs).
    • Nonprofit USPS Marketing Mail machinable or irregular parcels must bear the addressee‘s name and complete delivery address, or may use an alternative addressing format.
    • Postage must be paid with precanceled stamps, meter stamps, or permit imprint.
    • A postage statement, completed and signed by the mailer, using the correct USPS form or an approved facsimile, must be submitted with each mailing. In addition, mailings must be documented and the standards for the price claimed.
    • Each piece must meet the standards for any other price or discount claimed.
    • Any barcode on a mailpiece must be correct for the delivery 
    • Mailings must be deposited at a business mail entry unit of the Post Office where the postage permit or license is held and the annual mailing fee paid, unless deposit elsewhere is permitted by standard.



    L.I.F.T SERVICES  Labeling, Inserting, Folding and Tabbing

    Mail encapsulates Labeling, Inserting, Folding and Tabbing

    Rate of Service- $0.11 cents per piece up to three pieces, anything thereafter is free


    Cost is $0.33 cents up to three sheets, next five sheets are free of charge.

    ExampleTabbing  Free
    ExampleLabeling  Free


    All mailing lists are uploaded into our Pitney Bowes ConnectRight Database, and we perform NCOA for free.  Mail Services updates all mailing lists for the departments for free when we do the mailings.

    Mail Services can help the campus community eliminate time consuming tasks of folding and inserting by using our Pitney Bowes Relay 2500 Folder Inserter for accuracy and uninterrupted process performance as well as our Pitney Bowes Tabber to apply wafer seals to material that require them.

    Mail Services is a mailing agent for Stony Brook University and provides the most cost efficient savings on your material and mailings with no hidden charges.

    Please contact Central Services today to see how we can better service your needs.

  • Campus Mail

    Campus Mail

    General Policy

    Inter-office mail service should be used only for official University correspondence. There are certain materials that should not be sent through Campus Mail, including stapled items, currency, library books, liquids, medical supplies, personal items, and office supplies. 

    Addressing Envelopes

    It is essential to include the departmental/office Zip+4 extension in the mailing address. Please adhere strictly to the format below when sending on-campus mail.

    Recipient's Name (if applicable)
    Department/Office Name
    Campus Zip+4

    Please note that room numbers, building names, street addresses, etc. should never be used.

    When using reusable manila inter-office envelopes, please cross out the previous address with a single line and use the next sequential empty address box from top to bottom, left to right. This common sense approach allows us to use the previous address as a return address in the event of a delivery problem.

    When using regular envelops, please but your return Zip+4 in the upper left hand corner (no other return information is needed.) It is recommneded that two X's be written in the upper right hand corner of the envelope so that the mail is not confused with mail going off-campus. 

    Large Packages

    Please do not send printed materials in boxes larger than a mail bin. If a large volume of letters, flyers or other documents are being sent to a single destination, please apportion them into a few separate packages. In addition, please remember that if you have difficulty lifting a heavy package, your mail carrier will have a challenge transporting it to its destination.

    Campus Address Directory

    The most current address information for campus employees may be accessed using the Campus Address Directory. We encourage you to bookmark this site and use it whenever convenient.

  • Department Zip Codes

    Department Zip Codes

    General Policy

    Inter-office mail service should be used only for official University correspondence. There are certain materials that should not be sent through Campus Mail, including stapled items, currency, library books, liquids, medical supplies, personal items, and office supplies.

    Hospital Clinical HSC
    Hospital Clinical HSCDepartments Zips
    Hospital Clinical HSC11th Floor Nursing Station 7111
    Hospital Clinical HSC13N Nursing Station 7132
    Hospital Clinical HSC15N Nursing Station 7151-7153
    Hospital Clinical HSC16S Nursing Station 7161-7162
    Hospital Clinical HSC17S Nursing Station 7175, 7179
    Hospital Clinical HSC18N Nursing Station 7181
    Hospital Clinical HSC19N Nursing Station 7191, 7194, 7195
    Hospital Clinical HSC6W PICU/Child Life 7261
    Hospital Clinical HSC7W/CVICU 7277
    Hospital Clinical HSC8W 7276
    Hospital Clinical HSC9N Nursing Station 7094
    Hospital Clinical HSC9S Nursing Station 7096
    Hospital Clinical HSC9W 7275
    Hospital Clinical HSCAcademic Affairs/Medical Education 8432
    Hospital Clinical HSCAdmitting 7513
    Hospital Clinical HSCAdult Infusion Department 7264, 7266
    Hospital Clinical HSCAllergy (HSC) 8161
    Hospital Clinical HSCAmbulatory Surgery Center 9440
    Hospital Clinical HSCAnatomy 8081
    Hospital Clinical HSCAnesthesiology 8480
    Hospital Clinical HSCAttorney General 9110
    Hospital Clinical HSCAudit Compliance (Flowerfield) 6062
    Hospital Clinical HSCAuthorizations, Financial Navigation, Patient Access (Cancer Admin) 7251-7256, 7625
    Hospital Clinical HSCBellavie Med Spa 9393
    Hospital Clinical HSCBio Med Informatics 8322
    Hospital Clinical HSCBiomedical Engineering 8018
    Hospital Clinical HSCBlood Bank 7530
    Hospital Clinical HSCBME Research Lab 8084
    Hospital Clinical HSCBone Marrow 8183
    Hospital Clinical HSCBookstore (East) 8279
    Hospital Clinical HSCBurn Unit 7084
    Hospital Clinical HSCBusiness Office 9113
    Hospital Clinical HSCCampus Card (HSC) 8301
    Hospital Clinical HSCCancer Prevention 8175
    Hospital Clinical HSCCancer Support Services 7267
    Hospital Clinical HSCCardiac Acute Care Unit (CACU) 7589
    Hospital Clinical HSCCardiac Intensive Care Unit (CICU) 7590
    Hospital Clinical HSCCardiology 9260
    Hospital Clinical HSCCardiology (HSC) 8167
    Hospital Clinical HSCCardiology/Specialty Services (Commack) 9414
    Hospital Clinical HSCCarol Baldwin Breast Center 9460
    Hospital Clinical HSCCenter for Medical Ethics 8335
    Hospital Clinical HSCCentral Sterile Supply 7320
    Hospital Clinical HSCCerebrovascular Center 7447
    Hospital Clinical HSCClinical Education 9102
    Hospital Clinical HSCClinical Integrated Network (Commack) 9407
    Hospital Clinical HSCClinical Skills 8220
    Hospital Clinical HSCContinue Medical Education 8222
    Hospital Clinical HSCCorporate Training 9155
    Hospital Clinical HSCCPEP 7435
    Hospital Clinical HSCCPMP 9152
    Hospital Clinical HSCCPMP (HSC) 8552
    Hospital Clinical HSCCPMP/HR (Flowerfield) 6065/6066
    Hospital Clinical HSCCRC 9219
    Hospital Clinical HSCCSEA 8555
    Hospital Clinical HSCDean - School of Medicine 8430
    Hospital Clinical HSCDermatology 6078
    Hospital Clinical HSCDermatology (Commack) 9400
    Hospital Clinical HSCDermatology (HSC) 8675
    Hospital Clinical HSCDiabetic Program 7124
    Hospital Clinical HSCDialysis 7177
    Hospital Clinical HSCDietary/Morrisons 7012
    Hospital Clinical HSCDistribution Services 7010, 7015
    Hospital Clinical HSCDLAR (BST) 8611
    Hospital Clinical HSCDNA (BST) 8085
    Hospital Clinical HSCE.N.T Surgery 9200
    Hospital Clinical HSCEast Campus Power Plant 9490
    Hospital Clinical HSCEast Physical Plant/MOC 8016, 8015
    Hospital Clinical HSCEastern Long Island (ELI) 6850
    Hospital Clinical HSCEEG 7138
    Hospital Clinical HSCEmergency Medicine (HSC) 8350
    Hospital Clinical HSCEmployee Health 7080
    Hospital Clinical HSCEndocrinology (HSC) 8154
    Hospital Clinical HSCEndoscopy 7773
    Hospital Clinical HSCEnvironmental Health & Safety 8017
    Hospital Clinical HSCExecutive Director (Hospital) 8410, 8414
    Hospital Clinical HSCFacilities Management 9124, 9127
    Hospital Clinical HSCFamily Medicine 9250
    Hospital Clinical HSCFamily Medicine (Patchogue) 9424
    Hospital Clinical HSCFinance 9112
    Hospital Clinical HSCFinancial Services (LVL 5) 7500
    Hospital Clinical HSCGastroenterology 9292
    Hospital Clinical HSCGastroenterology (HSC) 8173
    Hospital Clinical HSCGen. Services/Hospital Receiving 8011, 8014
    Hospital Clinical HSCGeneral Counsel 9255
    Hospital Clinical HSCGeriatrics (HSC) 8228
    Hospital Clinical HSCGI Trans. Research Lab 8176
    Hospital Clinical HSCGift Shop 7519
    Hospital Clinical HSCGrad Program-Public Health 8338
    Hospital Clinical HSCHand Therapy 9225
    Hospital Clinical HSCHealth Tech. Management 8200-8206
    Hospital Clinical HSCHealthcare Epidemiology 7018
    Hospital Clinical HSCHeart Center 7585-7588
    Hospital Clinical HSCHematology (HSC) 8151
    Hospital Clinical HSCHIM/Medical Records 9409
    Hospital Clinical HSCHist./Comp. Labs 7024
    Hospital Clinical HSCHospital Accounts Payable 9115
    Hospital Clinical HSCHospital Administrators 8500-8511
    Hospital Clinical HSCHospital Garage 7579
    Hospital Clinical HSCHospital Purchasing 9111
    Hospital Clinical HSCHospital Timekeeping 9121
    Hospital Clinical HSCHospitality 7008
    Hospital Clinical HSCHousekeeping 7013
    Hospital Clinical HSCHSC AV Audio Services 8272
    Hospital Clinical HSCHSC Library 8034
    Hospital Clinical HSCHuman Resources (Tech Park) 9300
    Hospital Clinical HSCImaging 9462
    Hospital Clinical HSCImaging (Commack) 9402
    Hospital Clinical HSCInfectious Disease (HSC) 8153
    Hospital Clinical HSCInfo Desk 7593
    Hospital Clinical HSCInformation Services (IT) 8037
    Hospital Clinical HSCInformation Tech (Flowerfield) 6060
    Hospital Clinical HSCInternists (Commack) 9408
    Hospital Clinical HSCIsland Federal Credit Union 8277
    Hospital Clinical HSCLabor & Delivery 7597
    Hospital Clinical HSCLabor Relations 8329
    Hospital Clinical HSCLabs 7300
    Hospital Clinical HSCLawson Support 7009
    Hospital Clinical HSCLI High Tech Incubator 9900
    Hospital Clinical HSCLI Vets Home 9500
    Hospital Clinical HSCLinen/Laundry 7014
    Hospital Clinical HSCLipid Cancer Lab 8155
    Hospital Clinical HSCManaged Care 9411
    Hospital Clinical HSCMART Administration 7263
    Hospital Clinical HSCMed Staff/House Staff 7097/7718
    Hospital Clinical HSCMedia Services/Photography 8030, 8032
    Hospital Clinical HSCMedical Admissions 8434
    Hospital Clinical HSCMedical Care Review 7019
    Hospital Clinical HSCMedical Informatics 8330
    Hospital Clinical HSCMedical Records 7131
    Hospital Clinical HSCMedicine/Med. Finance 8160, 8164
    Hospital Clinical HSCMobile Mammogram 9126
    Hospital Clinical HSCMother Infant 7595, 7599, 7601, 7606
    Hospital Clinical HSCMultidisciplinary Clinic 7250
    Hospital Clinical HSCNephrology (HSC) 8166
    Hospital Clinical HSCNeurology 9257
    Hospital Clinical HSCNeurology (HSC) 8121
    Hospital Clinical HSCNeuropsychology 9129
    Hospital Clinical HSCNeurosurgery (HSC) 8122
    Hospital Clinical HSCNew Construction 8019, 8004-8006, 8008
    Hospital Clinical HSCNICU 7598
    Hospital Clinical HSCNursing Administration 7715
    Hospital Clinical HSCOB/GYN (140 Belle Mead) 9240
    Hospital Clinical HSCOB/GYN (6 Technology Dr) 9254
    Hospital Clinical HSCOB/GYN (Bohemia) 9422
    Hospital Clinical HSCOB/GYN (Commack) 9412
    Hospital Clinical HSCOB/GYN (HSC) 8091
    Hospital Clinical HSCOphthalmology 9210
    Hospital Clinical HSCOphthalmology (HSC) 8223
    Hospital Clinical HSCOR Clincal Office 7442
    Hospital Clinical HSCOR/AICU 7440
    Hospital Clinical HSCOrthopaedics 9220
    Hospital Clinical HSCOrthopaedics - In Patient 7142
    Hospital Clinical HSCOrthopaedics (Commack) 9404
    Hospital Clinical HSCOrthopaedics (HSC) 8181
    Hospital Clinical HSCPain Management 9464
    Hospital Clinical HSCPathology (1320 SB Rd) 6085
    Hospital Clinical HSCPathology (BST) 8691
    Hospital Clinical HSCPathology Labs 7025
    Hospital Clinical HSCPatient Access 7133
    Hospital Clinical HSCPatient Access (Commack) 9415
    Hospital Clinical HSCPatient Advocacy 7522
    Hospital Clinical HSCPatient Safety/Quality Management 9118
    Hospital Clinical HSCPediatric Infectious Disease (HSC) 8224
    Hospital Clinical HSCPediatric Oncology (PONC) 7262
    Hospital Clinical HSCPediatrics (37 Research Way) 9202
    Hospital Clinical HSCPediatrics (4 Technology Dr) 9203
    Hospital Clinical HSCPediatrics (Flowerfield)+B21A62:B227 6064
    Hospital Clinical HSCPediatrics (HSC) 8111
    Hospital Clinical HSCPediatrics (Smithtown) 9418
    Hospital Clinical HSCPEF 8554
    Hospital Clinical HSCPharmacology (BST) 8651
    Hospital Clinical HSCPharmacy 7007
    Hospital Clinical HSCPhoto Copy 8013
    Hospital Clinical HSCPhysical Therapy 9205
    Hospital Clinical HSCPhysical/Occupational (Hospital) 7144
    Hospital Clinical HSCPhysician Outreach/Communications 9226, 9228
    Hospital Clinical HSCPhysiology (BST) 8661
    Hospital Clinical HSCPlanning 9106
    Hospital Clinical HSCPlastic Surgery 9267
    Hospital Clinical HSCPopulation Health 9429
    Hospital Clinical HSCPre Op Services (1320 SB Rd) 6077
    Hospital Clinical HSCPreventive Medicine/Family Medicine 8036, 8461
    Hospital Clinical HSCPrimary Care 9252
    Hospital Clinical HSCPsychiatry (Commack) 9405
    Hospital Clinical HSCPsychiatry (HSC) 8101
    Hospital Clinical HSCPsychiatry (In Patient) 7100-7102
    Hospital Clinical HSCPulmonary (HSC) 8172
    Hospital Clinical HSCPulmonary Function 7089
    Hospital Clinical HSCQuality Management 9117
    Hospital Clinical HSCRadiation Oncology 7028
    Hospital Clinical HSCRadiation Oncology Admin 8328
    Hospital Clinical HSCRadiology 8420, 8460
    Hospital Clinical HSCRadiology (1320 SB Rd) 6080
    Hospital Clinical HSCRecruitment 7575
    Hospital Clinical HSCRegistration Per Center 7529
    Hospital Clinical HSCRespiratory Therapy 7088
    Hospital Clinical HSCRisk Management 7757
    Hospital Clinical HSCRRAMP/CPH 6018/6012
    Hospital Clinical HSCSatellite Blood Draw 9101
    Hospital Clinical HSCSB Administrative Services 9417
    Hospital Clinical HSCSB Children's (Commack) 9406
    Hospital Clinical HSCSchool of Nursing 8240-8245
    Hospital Clinical HSCSchool of Social Welfare 8230-8239
    Hospital Clinical HSCSleep Center (Smithtown) 9139
    Hospital Clinical HSCSocial Work Services 7017
    Hospital Clinical HSCSouthampton 6700
    Hospital Clinical HSCSpeech Language 9208
    Hospital Clinical HSCSpine Surgery 9266
    Hospital Clinical HSCSpiritual Care 7737
    Hospital Clinical HSCStarbucks 7518
    Hospital Clinical HSCStudent Affairs (HSC) 8436
    Hospital Clinical HSCStudent Services (HSC) 8276
    Hospital Clinical HSCSurgery (Holbrook) 9423
    Hospital Clinical HSCSurgery Associates (Smithtown) 9420
    Hospital Clinical HSCSurgery ENT (HSC) 8191, 8192
    Hospital Clinical HSCSwitchboard 7011
    Hospital Clinical HSCTechnology Services 9114
    Hospital Clinical HSCTumor Registry 9125
    Hospital Clinical HSCUrology 9265
    Hospital Clinical HSCUrology (HSC) 8093
    Hospital Clinical HSCUUP 8553
    Hospital Clinical HSCVascular/Vein Center 9394-9395
    Hospital Clinical HSCVolunteers 7027
    Hospital Clinical HSCWorld Trade Center (Commack) 9401

    CampusDepartments Zips
    CampusAcademic Success & Tutoring Center 3205
    CampusAcademic/Transfer Advising Services 3217
    CampusAccounting 1151
    CampusAccounts Payable (Bldg 17) 6000
    CampusAdmissions 1901
    CampusAdvancement/Alumni 1601
    CampusAERTC (Advanced Energy Center) 6044
    CampusAffirmative Action 0251
    CampusAfrican Studies 4340
    CampusAIM/EOP 3375
    CampusAlan Alda Center 3394
    CampusAlumni 3354
    CampusAlumni Rm - 4th Floor 4046
    CampusAnthropology 4364
    CampusApplication Support Admin 3383
    CampusApplied Mathematics 3600
    CampusArt 5400
    CampusAsian American Studies 5343
    CampusAthletics 3504, 3500
    CampusAudiovisual JAVITS 2699
    CampusAudit 1308
    CampusAutomotive 2001
    CampusBio Chemistry 5215
    CampusBio Medical Engineering 5280, 5281
    CampusBiology Science 5200
    CampusBldg Management (Ronkonkoma) 9122, 9123
    CampusBookstore 3395
    CampusBudget 1307
    CampusCampus Rec 3131
    CampusCampus Residences 4444
    CampusCareer Development 3363
    CampusCEIE 4335
    CampusCELT 3373
    CampusCenter for India Studies 3386
    CampusCenter for Italian Studies 3358
    CampusCenter for Prevention & Outreach 3214
    CampusCentral Reading Room 3300-3349
    CampusCentral Receiving 6500
    CampusCentral Stores 2050
    CampusCEWIT 6040
    CampusChapin Apartments 5600
    CampusChemistry 3400
    CampusCivil Engineering 2323
    CampusCivil Engineering (Old Computer Science Bldg) 4424
    CampusClient Support 3382
    CampusCogen Plant 2099
    CampusCommunications/Publications 0605
    CampusComputer Center 2400
    CampusComputer Science 2424
    CampusCounseling Center 3100
    CampusCreative Writing 3371
    CampusCSEA Office 4414
    CampusDean - Engineering 2200
    CampusDean/College Arts & Sciences 3391
    CampusDental 8700-8715
    CampusDevelopmental Genetics 5140
    CampusDisabitlity Support Services 3216
    CampusDoIT (ECC) 2630
    CampusEcology & Evolution 5245
    CampusEconomics 4384
    CampusElectrical Engineering 2350
    CampusEmployee Assistance Program 4307
    CampusEnglish Program 5350
    CampusEnrollment Retention 1919
    CampusEnterprise Risk Management 0180
    CampusEnvironmental Health & Safety 6200
    CampusEuropean Studies 5359
    CampusFacil. Design & Construction (Bldg 17) 6010
    CampusFaculty Student Assoc 3209
    CampusFedex/Kinko's 3392
    CampusFinancial Aid 3252
    CampusFrey Hall 3443
    CampusGender Studies 5356
    CampusGeosciences 2100
    CampusGlobal Affairs 3379
    CampusGlobal Initiative 3396
    CampusGovernment & Community Relations 1131
    CampusGraduate School INC Education 4433/4422
    CampusHarriman College of Business 3775
    CampusHispanic Language 5355
    CampusHistory 4345-4348
    CampusHuman Resources 0751
    CampusHumanities Institute 5354
    CampusI.A.C.S 5250
    CampusIEC (Intensive English Center) 3390
    CampusInfectious Diseases 5120
    CampusInfirmary 3191
    CampusInformation Technology 2610, 2620, 2630
    CampusInstitutional Research, Planning & Effectiveness 1707
    CampusInterfaith Center 3235
    CampusIPP (Int. Prop. Partners) / Tech Lic. 3369
    CampusIT Employee Office 3204
    CampusJasmine Café 4040
    CampusJournalism 3384
    CampusKorean Studies 3377
    CampusLabor Relations 1015
    CampusLanguage Learning Resource Center (LLRC) 4308
    CampusLaufer Center 5252
    CampusLegal 1212
    CampusLinguistics 4376
    CampusLockshop 6205
    CampusMarine Atmosheric Science 5000
    CampusMaterial Sciences 2275
    CampusMathematics 3651
    CampusMechanical Engineering 2300
    CampusMicrobiology 5222
    CampusMusic 5475
    CampusNeurobiology 5230, 5232
    CampusNY SEA Grant 5001
    CampusOffice of Educational Effectiveness 3357
    CampusOLLI 4304
    CampusOmbuds Office (Psych B) 2566
    CampusOPD (Office of Proposal Development) 3367
    CampusOrientation 3201
    CampusOVPR/DoIT 3360
    CampusParking Services 6245
    CampusPhilosophy 3750
    CampusPhysical Plant (MOC) 2002
    CampusPhysics 3800
    CampusPolice/Public Safety 5501
    CampusPolitical Science 4390, 4392, 4395
    CampusPre Proffessional Advisors/Academic Affairs 3351
    CampusPresident's Office 0701
    CampusProperty Control 6550
    CampusProvost 1401
    CampusPsychiatry 8790
    CampusPyschology (Psych B) 2500
    CampusQuarterly Review Bio (QRB) 5004
    CampusRecycling 6551
    CampusRegistrar 3221
    CampusResearch Informatics 3368
    CampusS.T.E.M. 5233
    CampusSB Child Care 4000-4002
    CampusSB VAC/Vol. Ambulance 4780
    CampusScan Center 5299
    CampusSchool of Professional Development 4434
    CampusSEA Grant Extension 5002
    CampusSimons Center 3636
    CampusSINC Site 3350
    CampusSmall Business Development Center 6016
    CampusSociology 4356
    CampusSponsored Programs/Grants Management 3362/3366
    CampusStadium Office 3525
    CampusStaller Center/Art Gallery 5425
    CampusStony Brook Foundation 1188
    CampusStructural Biology 5115
    CampusStudent Activities Center 2800
    CampusStudent Conduct & Community Standards 3253
    CampusStudent Financial Services 3222
    CampusStudent Union 3200, 3220
    CampusStudy Abroad 3397
    CampusSUNY Korea 2246
    CampusSustainability Studies 3352
    CampusTank Gas 5201
    CampusTech & Society 4404
    CampusTelecom (ECC) 2620
    CampusTheater 5450
    CampusTransportation Services (South P Lot) 4010
    CampusUnder Grad Biology 5110
    CampusUndergrad Education 3257
    CampusUUP 3388
    CampusVice President 1002
    CampusVISA/Immigration Services 3393
    CampusVP Research 3365
    CampusW. Campus Dining/ FSA 4460
    CampusWang Center/Confrences & Special Events 4044
    CampusWC Power Plant 2008
    CampusWISE 2244
    CampusWriting Program 5340
    CampusWUSB 3263
  • Residential Student Mail

    Residential Student Mail

    For more information please see Mailroom Services for how to pick up your mail.

  • Incoming Mail

    Incoming Mail

    General Policy

    The use of Stony Brook Mail Services is limited to the conduct of University business. Personal mail should not be sent through Campus Mail.

    Campus ZIP+4

    The Zip code 11794 is used exclusively by Stony Brook University, and is the only information needed by the U.S. Post Office to direct a piece of mail to the University. The four-digit Zip+4 extension assigned to each department is the primary means of sorting mail by Mail Services and is absolutely necessary for efficient handling of your mail. This extension, also known as your Mail Code, should be included whenever campus addresses are used (envelopes, letterheads, business cards, websites, etc.)

    Campus Address Format

    Please adhere to the standard campus address format when giving your address. We find that in many instances users are including more information than necessary in their address to properly route mail to departments, while often excluding the Mail Code, which is vital for accurate routing of mail.

    Your Street Address

    Rather than use street addresses derived from the campus road system, we use a much more specific "virtual" street address derived from each department's unique Mail Code. For your street address you should use your Mail Code (i.e., your Zip+4 extension) followed by the abbreviation SUNY. Please note that the order of the address lines is very important. The basic format is as follows:

    Format Example
    Sender's name (if applicable) John Doe
    Department name Mail Services
    Street Address 6999 SUNY
    Stony Brook, NY 11794-(Mail Code) Stony Brook, NY 11794-6999

    In certain instances, recipients may wish to add more information to their address (for instance, room numbers & building names when an article might be shipped by a private carrier such as United Parcel or FedEx.) In such a case, all other information should be included above the street address; the bottom two lines of your address must always be the street address and city, state and Zip+4.

    Format Example
    Sender's name (if applicable) John Doe, Chairman, Search Cittee.
    Any other optional information Central Svcs. Bldg. Rm 111
    Department name Mail Services
    Street Address 6999 SUNY
    Stony Brook, NY 11794-(Mail Code) Stony Brook, NY 11794-6999
  • Outgoing Mail

    Outgoing Mail


    General Policy

    ALL OUTGOING MAIL must be bundled and separated by type as follows:

    • Letter size mail
    • Flat size mail (8 1/2' x 11 1/2')
    • Express mail
    • Foreign mail
    • Inter-office mail

    Please indicate on the Mail Services Requisition Form the Postal Class you wish each bundle of mail to be sent through U.S. Postal Service. If not designated, all mail will be processed as first class mail.

    It is absolutely the sending department's responsibility to separate and bundle the mail; Mail Services will not pick up mail that is not prepared as listed above!


    Mail Services Requisition Form

    Mail Services Requisition Form


    Return Addresses

    All mail to be sent off-campus must have a return address. The return address should include the department's name and must include the campus Zip+4. The return address is absolutely necessary in case Mail Services needs to contact the sender's department before mailing an item or if an item is returned by the U.S. Post Office. Opening envelopes to determine the sender is extremely time-consuming and often inconclusive, and therefore Mail Services cannot guarantee return of any items without a return address.


    Addressing Envelopes

    Delivery Address Placement

    On a letter-size piece, the recommended address placement is within the optical character reader (OCR) read area, which is a space on the address side of the mailpiece defined by these boundaries (see Example OCR Read Area) OCR Read Area}:

    1. Left: 1/2 inch from the left edge of the piece.
    2. Right: 1/2 inch from the right edge of the piece.
    3. Top: 2-3/4 inches from the bottom edge of the piece.
    4. Bottom: 5/8 inch from the bottom edge of the piece.

    Example OCR Read Area

    OCR Area

    Address Placement Causing Mail to be Nonmailable or Nonmachinable

    The location of the delivery address on a letter-size mailpiece determines which dimensions are the length and the height of the piece. Consequently, the placement of the address may render a piece nonmailable or nonmachinable.


    Large Size Mail

    Please notify Mail Services in advance when you have an unusually large mailing. Mail bins should never be more than 3/4 full. Please notify us a day in advance if you require extra mail bins.

    Substantial savings can be realized by departments that do frequent or large mailings of certain types of correspondence. Please see our web page devoted to categories and classes of mail to see if a cheaper alternative to First Class Mail is possible for at least some of your mail.


    International Mail

    All International Mail over 13 oz. must have a Customs Declaration Form attached! If customs regulations are not followed completely and documentation is not exact, the mail will be impounded by customs until the addressee makes arrangements for clearance and pays the required duties for the release of the package.

    The recipient's country name must be spelled out in capital letters in English and should always go on the last line of any foreign address.


    Non-Profit (Bulk) Mail

    All non-profit (bulk) mail must consist of at least 200 pieces or 50 pounds. All envelopes must arrive in Mail Services in zip code order. Each piece of mail must be identical in size, weight, and content in order to qualify for the non-profit rate. Foreign mail does not qualify.

    Please call (631) 632-1189 for more detailed information on this service.

  • Sending Certified Mail

    Sending Certified Mail

    1. Fill in recipient's name and address at the bottom of the form and write the date mailed in the "Postmark Here" area.
    2. Peel the backing from the bar-coded label and place at the top of the envelope immediately to the right of the return address so the dotted line is even with the top of the envelope. Fold the upper green part of the label over the top of the envelope. DO NOT place the sticker to the far right or on the side of the envelope; sufficient space must be left for attaching postage.
    3. Detach the certified mail receipt and keep for your records (you will need the number on the receipt if you wish to trace the letter.)

    Certified Mail

  • Forms Order Sheet

    Forms Order Sheet

    The following items are available for order:

    • Mail Service Requisition (SUSB 2)
    • Bi-Weekly Attendance & Leave Accrual Report for Research Foundation (SUSB 128R)
    • Bi-Weekly Attendance & Leave Accrual Report for State (SUSB 128S)
    • Domestic Return Receipt (PS 3811)
    • Certified Mail Sticker (PS 3800)
    • Express Mail Label (Label 11-B)
    • Express Flat Rate Envelope (EP 13-F)
    • Priority Envelopes Large (EP 142)
    • Priority Envelopes Small (EP 14B)
    • Insured Mail Receipt (PS 3813)
    • Delivery Confirmation Receipt (PS 152)
    • Course Evaluation Form
    • NCS Exam Form

    To order any of these items, please call Mail services at 632-6231 or complete the Forms Order Sheet (SUSB 2732) and follow the submission instructions on the form.

  • Information Regarding USPS

    Information Regarding USPS

    For more information about USPS, visit their website below.

    Other services from them include:

    United States Postal Service Current Price List

    ZIP Code Lookup

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