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Receiving for Credit Cards

Receiving for Credit Card Purchases

For requisitions generated in WolfMart that were paid for with a credit card and received through Central Receiving: Items received will be recorded in the comments section of the requisition for viewing and verification purposes. 

Departments should use the requisition number as a PO#, or a department contact name and location on the shipping label, so that the shipment can be identified and routed to the correct department and location once received by Central Receiving. Since shipping companies often neglect to indicate end-user information on the shipping label, the department providing the requisition # or a contact name/location  is imperative for the proper identification of credit card shipments being accepted by Central Receiving. 

Please Note: It is the responsibility of the department to notify Central Receiving and Property Control via an email, or the "Add Comment" section of the requisition in the WolfMart system, so that the shipment will not be refused and in order for the system to be updated accordingly, once received. 



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