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Research Equipment and Insurance

Sponsored Research Equipment and Insurance


                                                                                                       The Research Foundation's Equipment Floater Policy is an all-risk policy that provides coverage on equipment (purchased with or without sponsor funds, or on loan from another institution but used for sponsored projects) against loss by specified external causes anywhere in the world. Since the University has no other funding source to cover the damages to or loss of equipment, this is the only vehicle for protecting that equipment.

The website for the Offices of Sponsored Programs and Grants Management Equipment Insurance provides the most up to date information and forms for equipment insurance.

In order to obtain insurance a decal will need to be assigned and affixed to the equipment. If this has not already been done contact the Property Control office to have one assigned.

State Owned Equipment

Equipment should be insured when on loan from the State and used for Research Foundation sponsored projects. Project directors may be held accountable for equipment that is not insured.

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