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West Campus, Health Sciences, and School of Medicine




Please submit back the following documents to within 30 days of being appointed, even if you are electing to decline coverage.

  1. PS- 404 Enrollment Form,even if you are electing to decline coverage.
  2. If you are electing coverage, please also include the proper proof documents.
  3. Enrollment in a retirement plan is mandatory for most full-time employees, but voluntary for part-time employees. Visit  Retirement@Work to elect your plan within 30 days of your hire date and submit the corresponding paper enrollment form for the Pension Plan's records.
  4. Benefit Acknowledgement completed, signed and emailed to

UUP Benefit Acknowledgement
Classified Benefit Acknowledgement
MC Benefit Acknowledgement



Please submit back the following documents to  within 60 days of being appointed, even if you are electing to decline coverage.

  1. Go to RF Self-Service to enroll  in Health, Dental and/or Vision Insurance within 60 days of being appointed. The Research Foundation does not require proof documents (for enrollee or any dependents) when enrolling in benefits.
  2. Go to RF Self-Service to enroll  in Optional Retirement.
  3. Go to to designate your Basic Retirement and/or Optional Retirement beneficiary and/or if you would like to choose an investment option other than the default (age-based target date fund).
  4. Benefit Acknowledgement completed, signed and emailed to

→ RF Benefit Acknowledgement



Benefits Summary   CSEA Benefit Summary PEF Benefit Summary NYSCOPBA Benefit Summary PBANYS Benefit Summary
Total Rewards Website  
CSEA Total Rewards Website
PEF Total Rewards Website NYSCOPBA Total Rewards Website PBANYS Total Rewards Website
MEDICAL Health Insurance Enrollment Form

Please complete form PS404within 30 days of being appointed indicating whether you are enrolling,declining or opting out of health insurance coverage. 

Proof Documents


If you are eligible and would like to enroll in health insurance coverage, copies of these Proof Documents for yourself, spouse, and any  dependents you would like to enroll must be attached to the Health Insurance Enrollment Form (PS-404)and either brought to the overview or sent to 
List of Providers   Go to MYNYSHIP, a secure website for active, eligible New York State employees, to find a list of providers.  For assistance registering, please refer to the MyNYSHIP Guideor call 631-632-6180.
Health Insurance Choices   NYS Health Insurance Choices
Opt Out Information and  PS409 Form   Current CSEA, PEF, PBANYS, NYSCOPBA, and M/C employees who can demonstrate and attest to having other employer-sponsored group health insurance may elect to opt out of NYSHIP's Empire Plan or Health Maintenance Organizations.
For more information visit Opt-Out-Program.

For more information on these and other CSEA administered benefits, contact contact your union at 1-800-323-2732 or the campus office at x2-6575. PEF, PBANYS, and NYSCOPBA employees DO NOT need to be enrolled in one of the state health insurance programs to enroll in dental or vision coverage. If you are eligible and would like to enroll, copies of these Proof Documentsfor yourself, spouse, and any  dependents you would like to enroll must be attached to the Health Insurance Enrollment Form (PS-404)and either brought to the overview or sent to

Enrollment in a retirement plan is mandatory for most full-time employees, but voluntary for part-time employees. Visit Retirement@Work to elect your plan within 30 days of your hire date and also submit the paper enrollment form for the Pension Plan's records.
Paper Enrollment Form

 ERS Paper Enrollment Form PFRSand ERSPaper Enrollment Forms
Summary   Retirement- ERS
Retirement- PFRS & ERS
Voluntary Savings Plan   State Voluntary Retirement Savings Programs
Union Specific Benefits   For more information on other CSEA administered benefits, contact contact your union at 1-800-323-2732 or the campus office at x2-6575. N/A N/A N/A
Health Insurance Marketplace   For more information visit Health Insurance Marketplace.




Benefits Summary   RF Employee Benefits Summary RF Postdoc Employee Benefits Summary
Total Rewards Website  
RF Employee Total Rewards Website
RF Postdoc Employee Benefits Website
Employee Benefits Handbook   Employee Benefits Handbook Postdoc Benefits Handbook
MEDICAL Health Insurance Enrollment Form


Go to the SUNY RF Employee Self Service Portal within 60 days of your appointment date to indicate whether you are enrolling or declining health insurance coverage. If you choose to decline at this time, you must check Waive Enrollment


Proof Documents

  RF does not require proof documents (for enrollee or any dependents) when enrolling in benefits. 
List of Providers   Search for providers towards the bottom of this page:
DENTAL Enrolling


Please see RF Dental for more information regarding the Delta Dental Plan.  To enroll in the plan, log into the RF portal at SUNY RF Employee Self Service Portalwithin 60 days of your appointment date.

VISION Enrolling


Please see RF Vision for more information regarding the Davis Vision Plan.  To enroll in the plan, log into the RF portal at SUNY RF Employee Self Service Portal within 60 days of your appointment date.

RETIREMENT Basic Retirement


Enrollment is not required.Contributions in the Basic Retirement begin automatically after you satisfy the eligibility requirements. Log onto to designate your beneficiary and/or if you would like to choose an investment option other than the default (age-based target date fund).

Optional Retirement


Go to the SUNY RF Employee Self Service Portal to enroll any time of the year. Log onto to designate your beneficiary and/or if you would like to choose an investment option other than the default (age-based target date fund).

Flexible Spending Account

You have the opportunity to participate in Payflex Flex Spending Account. For information about this benefit, please call tel:1-844-729-3539. To enroll in the plan, log into SUNY RF Employee Self Service Portal within 60 days of your appointment date.
Voluntary Short Term Disability

If you are interested in enrolling in this plan please contact the Benefits Office at 631-632-6180 for more information. To enroll in the plan, log into  SUNY RF Employee Self Service Portal within 60 days of your appointment date.  
Dependent Life Insurance

To enroll in the plan, log into SUNY RF Employee Self Service Portal within 60 days of your appointment date.  
Health Insurance Marketplace   For more information visit Health Insurance Marketplace.



Benefits Summary   UUP Non-Faculty Benefit Summary UUP Faculty Benefit Summary M/C Benefit Summary
Total Rewards Website   UUP Non-Faculty Total Rewards Website UUP Faculty Total Rewards Website M/C Total Rewards Website
MEDICAL Health Insurance Enrollment Form (PS-404)


Please complete form PS404within 30 days of being appointed indicating whether you are enrolling or declining health insurance coverage. 

Please complete form PS404within 30 days of being appointed indicating whether you are enrolling declining or opting out of  health insurance coverage. 

Proof Documents

  If you are eligible and would like to enroll in health insurance coverage, copies of these Proof Documents for yourself, spouse, and any dependents you would like to enroll must be attached to the Health Insurance Enrollment Form (PS-404)and either brought to the overview or sent to
List of Providers   Go to MYNYSHIP, a secure website for active, eligible New York State employees, to find a list of providers.  For assistance registering, please refer to the MyNYSHIP Guideor call 631-632-6180. 
Health Insurance Choices   NYS Health Insurance Choices
Opt Out Information and  PS409 Form   N/A N/A Current M/C employees, visit Opt Out for more information.
DENTAL/VISION Enrolling   For more information on these and other UUP administered benefits, contact the UUP Campus phone at 631-632-6570, the UUP Benefit Trust Fund at 1-800-887-3863 or visit them on the web at

You DO NOT need to be enrolled in one of the state health insurance programs to enroll in dental or vision coverage. If you are eligible and would like to enroll, copies of these Proof Documents for yourself, spouse, and any dependents you would like to enroll must be attached to the Health Insurance Enrollment Form (PS-404)and either brought to the overview or sent to



This is an irrevocable decision! Enrollment in a retirement plan is mandatory for most full-time employees, but voluntary for part-time employees. Choose one plan within 30 days of your hire date. Visit Retirement@Work to elect your plan and submit the paper enrollment form for the Pension plan's records. Again, this is an irrevocable decision!

Paper Enrollment Form


ERS Paper Enrollment Form

TRS Paper Enrollment Form

ERS Paper Enrollment Form



ERS - Available to all State employees.
TRS - Available to State employees who teach or supervise teachers.
ORP - Available to full-time State employees and part-time State employee’s with TERM appointments.

Voluntary Savings Plan   State Voluntary Retirement Savings Programs
Union Specific Benefits   For information on additional UUP administered benefits, contact the UUP Campus phone at 631-632-6570, the UUP Benefit Trust Fund at 1-800-887-3863 or visit them on the web at  N/A
Health Insurance Marketplace  
For more information visit Health Insurance Marketplace.

*UUP FACULTY TITLE TEACHING LESS THAN SIX (6) CREDITS PER SEMESTER — If you are teaching less than 6 credits per semester, you are not eligible for a contribtion from the university toward health insurance at this time. However, you can still enroll in a retirement plan if you choose. 



Please find your employment group for detailed benefits information that may apply to you.
    • New Employees: It is located on your offer letter. If you need a copy of your offer letter, please contact your department administrator.

    • Current Employees:  Current benefit eligible State employees will find it next to "Pay Group" on their paychecks. Current benefit eligible RF employees belong to the RF employment group. 

    • Prospective Employees: If the posting is no longer available, please contact
Employment Group Abbreviation  Type #
Employment GroupCSEA Civil Service Employees Association Employment GroupCSEA Employment GroupAdministrative Services Unit (ASU) Employment Group02
Employment GroupCSEA Civil Service Employees Association Employment GroupCSEA Employment GroupOperational Services Unit (OSU) Employment Group03
Employment GroupCSEA Civil Service Employees Association Employment GroupCSEA Employment GroupInstitutional Services Unit (ISU) Employment Group04
Employment GroupPublic Employees Federation  Employment GroupPEF Employment GroupProfessional, Scientific & Technical (PST) Employment Group05
Employment GroupUnited University Professions  Employment GroupUUP Employment GroupProfessional Employment Group08
Employment GroupManagement Confidential Employment GroupM/C  Employment GroupProfessional Employment Group13
Employment GroupNY State Correctional Officers and Police Benevolent Association, Inc. Employment GroupNYSCOPBA  Employment GroupSecurity Services Unit (SSU) non-arb Employment Group21
Employment GroupGraduate Student Employees Union Employment GroupGSEU  Employment Group  Employment Group28
Employment GroupPolice Benevolent Association of NY, Inc. Employment GroupPBANYS  Employment GroupAgency Police
Services Unit (APSU)
Employment Group31
Employment GroupResearch Foundation Employment GroupRF Employment Group  Employment GroupRF