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West Campus, Health Sciences, and School of Medicine








→ Full-time Classified employees paid on a salaried basis earn at the rate of one-half day per pay period (13 days/year total).  New full-time classified employees can begin using their accrued annual leavewith prior supervisory approval,  after they have completed thirteen (13) pay periods of employment.

Part-time Classified employees paid on a salaried basis who regularly work at least half time earn accruals on a prorated basis.  New part-time classified employees can begin using their accrued annual leavewith prior supervisory approval,  after they have completed thirteen (13) pay periods of employment.

Classified Employees paid on an hourly basis do not qualify for holiday leave, annual leave, sick leave, personal leave, etc. until they have worked 19 consecutive pay periods at 50% effort.

  • PEF and CSEA employees may accrue in excess of forty (40) days annual leave during the state fiscal year as defined by applicable collective bargaining agreements (4/1 - 3/31) but they will forfeit annual leave in excess of forty (40) days on March 31st close of business. 

  • PBANYS and NYSCOPBA employees may accrue in excess of forty (40) days annual leave during the state fiscal year as defined by applicable collective bargaining agreements (10/1 - 9/30) but they will forfeit annual leave in excess of forty (40) days on September 30th close of business.
  • Annual leave can be used in lieu of sick leave, but sick leave cannot be used in lieu of annual leave.
  • Employees who wish to use annual/holiday credits must have absence approved in advance by supervisor/department head.
  • Accruals are not advanced and may not be used before they are earned.
  • Accruals are earned on a bi-weekly basis. Therefore, accruals earned in the current pay period are available to use in the following pay period. 
  • Classified employees may use/charge accruals in increments of 15 minutes (.25 accrual).

New annual salaried employees must be employed and meet eligibility for earning leave accruals for 13 pay periods before annual accruals are available to use.


The maximum payment for annual accruals upon separation from State service is thirty (30) days.


Classified Employees are credited with five (5) days of personal leave upon appointment & five (5) days each year on personal leave anniversary date.

Personal leave is not cumulative & any unused leave remaining at the close of business the day preceding the personal leave anniversary date is canceled.

Classified Employees paid on an hourly basis do not qualify for holiday leave, annual leave, sick leave, personal leave, etc. until they have worked 19 consecutive pay periods at 50% effort.


  • Separating employees are not entitled to be paid out for unused personal  leave.



To view the holidays for which you are eligible visit Holidays.


Full-time PBA and NYSCOPBA employees eligible to observe holidays, and are scheduled to work on a holiday, shall receive at their option either (a) additional compensation for each holiday worked, or (b) a compensatory day off.

Upon hire the PBA and NYSCOPBA employees will fill out the “Holiday Waiver Form” and submit to Human Resources (HR) Time & Attendance to opt for additional compensation or compensatory day off for holiday work. The time to make a change to receive holiday compensatory time or holiday pay for working holidays is April 1st to May 15th each year.

PBANYS and NYSCOPBA employees who receive compensatory time off for time worked on holidays, or the holiday falls on their pass days, will receive compensatory time added to and included in their vacation accruals.   

Please note, that compensation pay or time for less than a full day of a holiday worked will be prorated.

Security Services and Security Supervisors observe all holidays as listed (no floating holidays).

FULL-TIME CSEA & PEF employees

Full-Time CSEA & PEF employees who are eligible to observe holidays and work on Election Day and/or Lincoln's Birthday will be credited with a floating holiday. 

Full-Time CSEA & PEF employees, for whom Election Day and/or Lincoln's Birthday are pass days, will be credited with a floating holiday. 

Full-time CSEA & PEF employees eligible to observe holidays and work on a holiday, other than Election Day or Lincoln’s Birthday, will receive holiday pay or holiday compensatory time. When hired, employees will receive holiday pay for working a holiday. The time to make a change to receive holiday compensatory time or holiday pay for working holidays is April 1st to May 15th each year.

PART-TIME CSEA & PEF employees

Eligible Part-Time CSEA & PEF employees will be credited with a floating holiday if they are regularly scheduled to work, or are directed to work on Election Day and/or Lincoln's Birthday.

For holidays,other than Election Day or Lincoln’s Birthday, the employee will receive holiday pay or holiday compensatory time.  When hired, employees will receive holiday pay for working a holiday. The time to make a change to receive holiday compensatory time or holiday pay for working holidays is April 1st to May 15th each year.

Part-Time CSEA & PEF employees, who are eligible to observe holidays, are entitled to observe only those holidays that fall on days when they are regularly scheduled to work or required to work.

Part-time employees who are eligible to observe holidays and are regularly scheduled to work on the Friday immediately preceding a holiday that falls on Saturday, and are not regularly scheduled to work on the Saturday, shall be credited with holiday compensatory time.  The amount of holiday compensatory time is equivalent to the number of hours in the employee's regular Friday schedule. 

Part- time CSEA & PEF employees with an FTE of at least .50 who have Friday as a regularly scheduled work day will accrue holidays that fall on a Saturday.

Please note, holiday compensatory time and floating holidays must be taken within one year of the date holiday earned for CSEA employees.  Holiday compensatory time and floating holidays do not have an expiration date for PEF employees.



→ Full-time Classified employees paid on a salaried basis earn at the rate of one-half day per pay period when hired. (13 days/year total).

Part-time Classified employees paid on a salaried basis who work at least half time earn on a prorated basis.

Classified Employees paid on an hourly basis do not qualify for holiday leave, annual leave, sick leave, personal leave, etc. until they have worked 19 consecutive pay periods at 50% effort.


Classified employees are eligible to accrue up to the following maximum sick days during any time of the calendar year:

PEF225 days CSEA225 days PBANYS225 days NYSCOPBA225 days

Sick leave accruals can be used for medical and dental appointments, sick related absences and periods of disability supported by Satisfactory Medical Documentation.


Classified Employees are eligible to charge up to the following maximum number of their accrued sick leave days of family sick leave time (see chart below).  


Family Sick Leave may also be used in the event of the death of a family member. 

PEF, CSEA, and NYSCOPBAPEF, CSEA, and NYSCOPBA employees may use up to a maximum of thirty (30) days of their accumulated sick family leave per calendar year (1/1—12/31) for absences necessitated by a death or illness in the employee’s immediate family. PEF, CSEA, and NYSCOPBAPBANYS employees may use up to a maximum of fifteen (15) days of their accumulated sick family leave per calendar year (1/1—12/31) for absences necessitated by a death or illness in the employee’s immediate family.
  • Employees may not use sick accruals when they are no longer sick/disabled.
  • Absences due to illness must be reported to the supervisor as soon as possible.
  • Sick related absences of five (5) or more consecutive scheduled working days require Satisfactory Medical Documentation to be submitted to a Leave Administrator in HR as soon as possible. For instructions on how to submit Satisfactory Medical Documentation go here.
  • For extended absencesSatisfactory Medical Documentation is required to be submitted periodically and Return to Work Satisfactory Medical Documentation (that clears an employee’s return to work) must be submitted to Human Resources (HR) within 48 hours/2 days prior to returning to work as noted here.
  • FMLA leave protects the employee and should be requested for five (5) or more consecutive sick days. It can also be requested for intermittent absences due to sick related absences. It may be applied for absences related to child birth, adoption, foster care, caring for your own illness or caring for a sick family member. For more information on FLMA, visit FMLA.
  • Absences attributable to approved FMLA leave (Family Medical Leave Act) must be documented as such on an employee’s time entry.
  • Sick leave credits are not advanced. They are accrued on a monthly basis and may not be used before they are earned. Accruals earned in the current month are available to use on the 1st day of the following month.
  • Overtime worked during a Thurs-Wed week with an unscheduled sick absence will be paid at a straight time rate.


  • Separating employees are not entitled to be paid out for unused sick leave accruals.

  • If you meet the requirements for retiree health insurance, unused sick leave accruals (up to a maximum of 200 days) can be converted into a monetary value to offset the cost of health insurance premiums during retirement. For more information, email