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Research at CELT

The research team at the Center of Excellence in Learning and Teaching has been collaborating with stakeholders around campus to conduct rigorous research projects on a wide range of topics including active learning classrooms, virtual reality, TA training and more.

Since 2022, we have published our research findings in various top-tier peer-review educational journals including:

  • Journal of Higher Education Theory & Practice 
  • Discover Education
  • IAFOR Journal of Education
  • European Journal of Educational Research
  • Studying Teacher Education

Additionally, we have been invited to present our research findings at different international, national, and regional conferences such as:

  • American Educational Research Association annual conference
  • POD Network annual conference
  • TESOL annual conference
  • SUNY CIT conference

We also have successfully secured external and internal funding from sponsors such as POD Network Research Grant, Echo 360 Impact Grant, and Stony Brook University’s Presidential Mini-Grant. These grants allowed us to advance our research efforts at multiple fronts and enable us to provide informed and empirical suggestions to our audiences. In addition, we have also collaborated with our partners and played vital roles on other grant projects such as SUNY Innovative Instruction Technology Grant and CAA Innovate/Collaborate (IN/CO) Grant.

Researchers working together.

Research Collaborators

Our department is also dedicated to advancing the field of education through collaborative research efforts. We partner with faculty members across campus to explore innovative teaching and learning methodologies, striving to enhance educational practices and learning outcomes. On this page, you can learn more about our valued collaborators and the impactful research projects we undertake together.

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Open book with a pen resting on it.

IJTTL Journal

The International Journal of Transformative Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (IJTTL) is an international peer-reviewed, open-access, and interdisciplinary journal committed to the advancement of higher education teaching and learning. IJTTL is the official journal of the Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching at Stony Brook University, State University of New York.

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