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Stony Brook University's first alumni, the Classes of 1961-1966, shared the unique experience of attending a small, quality institution during its formative years. Each of these classes has its place in the history of the University:

  • 1961: First graduates from SUNY Long Island Center, originally called the "College on Long Island." The name was changed in 1961.
  • 1962: Last seniors at Oyster Bay and last graduates of SUNY Long Island Center.
  • 1963: First seniors at SUNY at Stony Brook, last graduation ceremony at Oyster Bay.
  • 1964: First graduation ceremony on the Stony Brook campus.
  • 1965: First sophomores at Stony Brook, last freshmen at Oyster Bay.
  • 1966: First class to complete a four-year Stony Brook experience.


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