Version: September 2024
We are tremendously grateful to our Stony Brook University alumni volunteers, both near and far from campus, that create meaningful personal and professional connections with other Seawolves, Patriots, Warriors, Soundmen, and Baymen (that we now collectively call the “Seawolves”). Our alumni volunteers are essential to the lifelong relationships between alumni and their alma mater. In collaboration with the Office of Alumni Relations, these volunteers spearhead initiatives that foster bonds among alumni while also supporting Stony Brook University and its current students.
One of the best ways to engage in alumni volunteer efforts is to participate in an alumni group.
Stony Brook University (“SBU”) alumni groups partner with the Office of Alumni Relations, the Stony Brook University Alumni Association (“SBUAA”), Stony Brook University Advancement, and the Stony Brook Foundation (“SBF” or the “Foundation”) in many ways. Here’s a brief synopsis of how these organizations work together:
- Established in 1965, the SBUAA is a 501(c)(3) organization whose activities are administered by the Stony Brook University Office of Alumni Relations under the direction of the Stony Brook University Alumni Association Board of Directors and the Stony Brook University Advancement office.
- The Office of Alumni Relations partners with the Stony Brook University Alumni Association in leading, advising, and supporting alumni engagement activities across the Stony Brook community. Alumni group leaders partner with a liaison from the Office of Alumni Relations in planning group activities.
- Members of the Stony Brook Advancement team support alumni efforts to raise and donate money to Stony Brook University and Stony Brook Medicine, and they do so in partnership with the SBF. The Foundation was also established in 1965 as a private 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization to advance the goals and strategic plan of Stony Brook University by raising and managing private funds on the University’s behalf. As such, the Foundation manages all alumni and donor-sourced gifts that benefit Stony Brook University.
There are two main types of Stony Brook University alumni groups:
- Regional Alumni Groups
- Alumni Affinity Groups
Regional Groups:
- Have 100 or more Stony Brook University alumni living within an approximate 50-mile radius of a major city / chapter location. The Office of Alumni Relations can query data to show alumni concentration in different regions.
- Are open to all Stony Brook alumni who are interested in forming and fostering a sense of community in their geographic area.
Affinity Groups:
- Are open to all Stony Brook University alumni except in cases of student membership being required to join the associated chapter (e.g., alumni Greek organizations, NCAA teams).
- When possible, affinity groups affiliate with one (or more) currently registered Stony Brook University club or organization, an NCAA athletic team, or a recognized college department or office. The Office of Alumni Relations can help facilitate affiliations. Exceptions may be made for chapters associated with student organizations that no longer exist.
- Whenever possible, partner with current student affinity leadership and provide support and encouragement for student members and activities.
- With an academic focus should have the support of the leadership of the relevant school, college, or department such as a chair or dean. The Office of Alumni Relations can support you in this effort.
All groups are expected to:
- Support the mission and values of Stony Brook University and the SBUAA.
- Maintain a strong working relationship with regular communication with a liaison from the Office of Alumni Relations.
- Involve as many alumni as possible in group activities by promoting opportunities and responsibilities among alumni.
- Participate in the philanthropic mission of Stony Brook University, annually, at any level.
- Encourage fellow alumni to take part in Stony Brook University’s Giving Day and other philanthropic programs to support the University.
- Participate in programs and events driven by the Office of Alumni Relations such as Homecoming festivities, Annual Alumni Association and/or Athletics Golf Outings, and Dean, Faculty or Presidential Tour gatherings, etc.
- Plan and execute events or programming on a regular and meaningful basis and submit the event proposal form according to the “Event planning timeline” section of this guide. Some groups may host one or two events per year while others may opt for an event every-other year.
- Refrain from any activities that would jeopardize the SBUAA not-for-profit status. For example, a group cannot be involved in any significant commercial endeavors (i.e., in the business of manufacturing and marketing of a product), and cannot engage in lobbying or political activities.
- Above all, have fun!
No less than three current leaders of every alumni group must sign an agreement to comply with this alumni group guide. The Stony Brook University Alumni Association reserves the right to terminate support of any alumni group event that does not abide by the criteria and guidelines set out in these policies, without any liability or obligation.
Alumni volunteers launch Stony Brook groups across the United States. Regional Alumni Groups offer a variety of social activities designed to help you expand your network, give back, support our students, and have fun in your area! You can enjoy networking socials, faculty lectures, sporting events, and more by attending one of our regional group’s events.
New Jersey
Contact: Alasdair Lambert, alasdair.lambert@stonybrook.eduNew York City
Contact: Alasdair Lambert, alasdair.lambert@stonybrook.eduNorthern California
Contact: Janet Masini, janet.masini@stonybrook.eduSoutheast Florida (Greater Palm Beach Area)
Contact: Alasdair Lambert, alasdair.lambert@stonybrook.eduWashington, D.C.
Contact: Alasdair Lambert, alasdair.lambert@stonybrook.edu
Affinity groups partner with the Office of Alumni Relations to build and nurture opportunities that create a sense of belonging for Stony Brook alumni that share specific affinities such as social or cultural identities, Stony Brook colleges and academic departments, life experiences, membership in a student club or organization, Athletics teams, or professional affiliations.
School of Dental Medicine
Contact: Leigh Regan, leighmarie.regan@stonybrook.eduRenaissance School of Medicine
Contact: Janet Masini, janet.masini@stonybrook.eduSchool of Nursing
Contact: Leigh Regan, leighmarie.regan@stonybrook.eduSchool of Health Professions
Contact: Leigh Regan, leighmarie.regan@stonybrook.eduSchool of Social Welfare
Contact: Leigh Regan, leighmarie.regan@stonybrook.eduCollege of Business: MBA Association
Contact: Danielle Engel, danielle.engel@stonybrook.eduSchool of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences - Climate and Sustainability
Contact: Mathew Roozrokh, mathew.roozrokh@stonybrook.eduFor all below, contact: Robby Griswold, robby.griswold@stonybrook.edu
Black and Latino Alumni Network
Stony Brook Jewish Alumni Network
Asian American Pacific Islander Mentorship Network
LGBTQIA+ Stony Brook Alumni CommunityThe Stony Brook Football Club Team, contact: Andrea Lebedinski, andrea.lebedinski@stonybrook.edu
For all below, contact: Robby Griswold, robby.griswold@stonybrook.edu
The Spirit of Stony Brook Alumni Band
Student Ambassador Alumni Network
Stony Brook Volunteer Ambulance Corps Alumni
Ice Hockey Club AlumniFor all, contact: Andrea Lebedinski, andrea.lebedinski@stonybrook.edu
Graduates of the Last Decade
The Founders Alumni GroupFor all below, contact:Robby Griswold, robby.griswold@stonybrook.edu
Stony Brook Alumni KappasFor all, contact: Andrea Lebedinski, andrea.lebedinski@stonybrook.edu
Student-Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC) Alumni
The Stony Brook Football Club Team
Below you’ll find the information you need to get started. The Office of Alumni Relations is here to help you along the way.
Hold an initial group organizational meeting with at least three Stony Brook alumni who share a similar interest, identity, affiliation or live in your region to form a group. At the meeting, discuss ideas for the alumni group that include:
- The mission for the group
- Events and/or traditions of interest to the group
- Potential group leaders
- Plan for meeting cadence
- Set goals for upcoming activities
MOST IMPORTANTLY: Submit this form to seek approval from the Stony Brook University Alumni Association for the formation of your group and to receive support from the Office of Alumni Relations (see “Support from the Office of Alumni Relations” for the details!)
- Alumni group leaders are volunteers whose role is to maintain the momentum of the group by suggesting and hosting events and keeping an open line of e-communication with its members.
- There is flexibility in structuring your group as it works best for you and your peers.
- Whether establishing formal or informal group leadership, the key to success is to organize duties so that no one person carries all of the responsibilities and new ideas are welcome and introduced.
- The Office of Alumni Relations requests the contact information for at least three alumni who coordinate the efforts of the alumni group.
It is recommended that group responsibilities are divided among several people, for the following reasons:
- Alumni group leaders can volunteer based on their interests. For example, one leader may take charge of career and networking events, while another may lead activities related to supporting Stony Brook students.
- Backup: It is important to have someone to step in if another group leader cannot be there.
- Avoiding Burnout: Having several strong group leaders allows the alumni volunteers to spread out responsibilities and take advantage of individual areas of expertise and talent. No one person can do it all, so it is encouraged that each group have a strong leadership team to avoid burnout.
- Training: Giving potential leaders responsibility in the operation of the group ensures a continuous wealth of talent that can be drawn on for future participation and leadership.
All Leaders:
- Have an understanding of how group leaders and volunteer duties contribute to the success of the group.
- Have knowledge of the Alumni Association activities and goals, materials, and collaborate with staff in the Office of Alumni Relations.
- Encourage other alumni leaders, volunteers, and alumni at large and set a strong positive example of dedication to serving the institution and each other.
- Are committed to training new volunteers and sharing information to ensure the ongoing success of the group and future leaders.
- Have read and agree to uphold the policies, procedures, and practices outlined in this guide.
Chairs and Co-Chair(s):
- Ensure that the group remains active and offers opportunities for alumni to participate in events and activities throughout the year
- Convene, set agendas, manage meetings, and ensure that all tasks are assigned and completed.
- Serve as the primary contact and consistently communicates with the Office of Alumni Relations.
- Identify, recruit, and encourage new members of the group.
Event Coordinator:
- Researches, shares ideas, and coordinates diverse alumni events and activities that attract and appeal to a broad range of alumni.
- Works with the office of Alumni Relations to coordinate social, academic, athletic, and special events by making the arrangements, including reserving rooms and event space, coordinating refreshments, setting up the room, and arranging any equipment.
- Maintains a list of attendees at each event and forward to Alumni Relations staff within one week of the program.
Communications Coordinator:
- Partner with your Office of Alumni Relations liaison to build a strategy for your group’s e-communication and presence on the Alumni Association website.
- Assess social media, e-communication opportunities and make recommendations to enhance existing communication.
- Promote Stony Brook University events and good news to members of the greater alumni community.
- Coordinate the promotion of invitations to upcoming events and alumni activities within your group network.
Student Engagement Coordinator(s):
- Develop meaningful activities alongside your Office of Alumni Relations liaison and partner with student-serving units to support current Stony Brook students in ways that align with your alumni group’s goals, such as:
- Building engagement among alumni for participating on our Stony Brook Mentor Connect platform
- Support student performance and showcase events by hosting alumni gatherings that include attending these student-led events
- Coordinate, participate and act as a liaison to Admissions in Recruitment activities, “Seawolf Send-off” events, etc.
- Host/organize alumni –student mixer events during school breaks. For example, host a local “Seawolf Supper” or “Seawolf Salute” during the semester or during breaks.
- Research, share ideas, coordinate and participate in programs that assist current students and alumni with career focused issues.
- Choose a name that clearly and simply identifies the group. Don’t overthink it!
- There is only one official “Alumni Association” associated with Stony Brook University and authorized by SUNY and the University’s President. Therefore, alumni, faculty, and staff are not authorized to create any groups that utilize the term “Alumni Association.”
- To distinguish the alumni group from the university itself, the group’s proposed name must contain the word “Alumni” in the formal name and on any formal documentation.
- See the alumni groups in the section “Alumni Affinity Groups” above for inspiration from your fellow Seawolves!
The Office of Alumni Relations and the Stony Brook University Alumni Association partner with alumni groups and organizations to the extent that SBU and SBUAA policies allow.
Any alumni groups that seek the support of the Office of Alumni Relations are required to apply to be officially affiliated with SBUAA by completing this form.
Upon written approval from the SBUAA Board of Directors and the Office of Alumni Relations for your group’s programs or events, we can support your group in the following ways:
Events and reunions:
- Assisting with planning, sourcing, securing locations, and providing logistics
- Promoting the event on the Stony Brook Alumni events calendar
- Consulting in best practices in alumni event planning
- Reviewing and signing service agreements and contracts for the event
- Generating SBU-branded email invitations and correspondence
- Creating online registration forms and attendee lists
- Managing registration fees and coordinating payments
- Generating post-event thank you emails, surveys, and gift acknowledgements
Group planning & coordination:
- Providing access to Monday.com project management boards for alumni volunteers
Group identity & promotion:
- Creating presence for your group on the SBUAA website
- Generating lists of your alumni members
- Referring your group to marketing colleagues for potential spotlights in SBU communications channels, such as social media coverage for signature events
- Coordinating the sale of University-branded apparel, stickers, or other merchandise featuring your affinity group
- Manage the approval process for use of Stony Brook branding and logo on a case-by-case basis
Financial support:
- Supporting fundraising efforts via our Annual Giving and/or Leadership Annual Giving teams on a case-by-case basis
- Providing modest financial support for signature events or programs, as budget allows
- Covering some upfront event costs such as room rental deposits, catering deposits, etc. that will be reimbursed through ticket sales
- Offering alumni group rates for Athletics tickets
SBUAA and the Office of Alumni Relations reserves the right to withhold support listed here for any group or event that has not been approved by the SBUAA.
- Stony Brook University is committed to ensuring the integrity, accuracy and privacy of the database of our alumni, friends, and donors.
- The Stony Brook University Advancement Data Services team manages the maintenance and integrity of the database on behalf of the Stony Brook Foundation and Stony Brook University.
- The Office of Alumni Relations staff coordinates use of the database for alumni activities on a case-by-case basis and determines each plan according to University policy.
- Any groups aligning itself with Stony Brook University or the Stony Brook University Alumni Association must be approved by the SBUAA (see “Start an Alumni Group” - “Getting Started”)
- All alumni chapter volunteers must abide by the rules and policies of Stony Brook University, SBUAA and Office of Alumni Relations, as well as state and federal laws. The SBUAA and Office of Alumni Relations reserve the right to terminate a group or event that is in violation of these policies and laws.
- Alumni information shared with group volunteers may not be used for any non-Stony Brook University purpose (private, professional, commercial or otherwise).
- Group volunteers are expected to promote their group and encourage alumni to get involved. All mass communication by group volunteers must be professional and is subject to approval by the Office of Alumni Relations.
- Group leaders work closely with an Alumni Relations staff liaison to provide regular updates of alumni group activities and plans (at least annually), discuss best practices, and create a succession plan for changing alumni group leadership.
- The Office of Alumni Relations maintains the most up-to-date data for alumni. Volunteers who collect updated contact information about Stony Brook alumni must share it with their Alumni Relations staff liaison.
- Depending on the size of your group, mission, and proposed activities, you may receive budget support from the Stony Brook University Alumni Association. Every budget year is different, but in recent years, as an example, alumni groups who partnered effectively with the Office of Alumni Relations received annual Alumni Association financial support between $500 and $1,500 per year to support their activities.
- Budget or event support allocations are determined based on a combination of factors, including alumni that form your group and/or audience number for events, and levels of previous activity.
- Groups that promote regular activity and maintain strong communication with the Office of Alumni Relations are prioritized to receive funding support.
- Alumni expenses are required to be aligned with University finance policies, including using preferred vendors and finance control practices. The Office of Alumni Relations staff coordinate expenses to be in compliance with these policies.
- All financial transactions are handled by the Office of Alumni Relations, including making all purchases via a university credit card, university check or other SBU Procurement process.
- Support from the SBUAA can be used for subsidizing the cost of events to make tickets more affordable.
- Groups are to work within the budgets allocated by the Office of Alumni Relations. If money is needed beyond that allocated amount, leaders should consult their staff liaisons.
Tax Information:
- The Stony Brook University Alumni Association is a tax-exempt organization.
- Purchases made on behalf of any alumni group activity must be ensured to not be charged tax.
- A copy of the SBUAA’s tax-exempt certificate can be made available prior to any purchase.
- Volunteers who make in-kind donations may receive a receipt for a gift-in-kind contribution through the Stony Brook Foundation as allowable by the tax code.
- Stony Brook Office of Alumni Relations helps to protect the Stony Brook University and Alumni Association brands by ensuring that all alumni activities follow University branding guidelines.
- No one is authorized to use the name “Stony Brook University” or any protected marks to promote causes, sell products or services, or otherwise bring attention to their organizations by falsely aligning themselves with the University.
- Use of any Stony Brook University, Stony Brook University Hospital, Stony Brook Medicine, Stony Brook Cancer Center, Stony Brook Children’s Hospital, Seawolves United, or other related Stony Brook University or Medicine logo or mark without consent will be considered unauthorized and in violation of these policies.
Office of Alumni Relations staff work with alumni groups and the Stony Brook Advancement and Central Marketing Communications teams in posting to Stony Brook University social media channels, and comply with SBU social media guidelines.
Ten or more weeks ahead:
- Alumni submit an Alumni Group Event Proposal form with the basic details and funding requests (no less than eight weeks ahead). The Office of Alumni Relations encourages groups to fill this out even if all details are not yet decided or known to alert the Office of your group’s intentions for planning purposes.
Eight to ten weeks ahead:
- Alumni Event Proposal form will be reviewed and approved by the Office of Alumni Relations, and that decision will be communicated to group alumni leaders.
- Determine any additional event details.
Six to four weeks ahead:
- The Office of Alumni Relations can send an email invitation and create online registration form.
- Alumni begin personal outreach (via email, phone, social media).
Two to three weeks ahead:
- Alumni and Office of Alumni Relations liaison review event details (RSVPs, any outstanding details, volunteer/staff roles, etc.).
- The Office of Alumni Relations can send an email reminder.
- Alumni volunteers continue personal outreach (via email, phone, social media).
The day of:
- All event volunteers (alumni and Office of Alumni Relations staff) arrive at least 30 minutes early to set-up, meet staff members or volunteers and review duties.
- Welcome guests, hand out name tags, track attendance and gather business cards.
- Interact with attendees, gather feedback for future events and recruit new volunteers.
- Post real-time social media updates.
- Have fun!
Within one to two weeks following the event:
- Office of Alumni Relations liaison and alumni planners convene for an event debrief and capture notes to improve future event planning
- Post pictures to SBU or alumni group social media group(s)
Alumni groups host diverse events and activities that attract and appeal to a broad range of alumni. Possible events include networking events, educational or cultural events, sporting events, and/or other social events like the following:
Social Events
- Networking events and happy hours
- Potlucks and BBQs
- Family outings: trips to the zoo, picnics, amusement park visits, museums
- Gathering at Wolfstock: Stony Brook’s Homecoming Celebration. Various alumni groups host brunches, socials, dinners, etc. It is expected that alumni programming will not conflict with the Community BBQ, tailgate, or the football game.
- Holiday parties
- Reunions for milestone years that are significant to the group
- Group tickets to performances, such as at the Staller Center or Broadway
Athletic Events
- Group tickets to SBU athletic events (away games played in your area)
- Game-watch receptions (many Stony Brook Athletic games are nationally televised and a great way to get alumni together for fun, casual events.)
- Tailgate parties
- Group tickets to professional sporting events
Alumni groups must submit the Alumni Group Event Proposal form with the basic details and funding requests eight to ten weeks (or more) in advance of an event before making any event agreements or payment arrangements.
Office of Alumni Relations staff reserve the right to:
- Negotiate with alumni groups for level of services and support when a group plans more than two events per year, does not propose an event according to the “Event planning timeline” above, or other reasons that may arise such as staffing changes.
- Refuse involvement and/or refuse the use of the names and marks of Stony Brook University, SBUAA, and any related entities for any event that does not receive Office of Alumni Relations or Alumni Association explicit approval.
- Decline a fundraising event proposal if the proposal is not aligned with the SBUAA mission or Stony Brook Advancement policies.
We are grateful to our alumni donors and friends who support Stony Brook University by making gifts to support our mission. We literally can’t do it with you! In order to ensure we steward gifts effectively, we ask alumni groups that wish to fundraise for Stony Brook University to comply with these guidelines:
- It is absolutely essential that Alumni Groups obtain written permission from the Office of Alumni Relations (after submitting the event proposal form linked in “Event planning timeline”) prior to planning or publicizing any events with a fundraising component that will be promoted to benefit any Stony Brook University or Stony Brook Medicine community, program, or department.
- Alumni groups, events or programs that receive support from the Office of Alumni Relations can fundraise only for funds that are housed with the Stony Brook Foundation. All fundraising must adhere to Stony Brook University Advancement policies.
- All fundraising event monies are processed through the Stony Brook Foundation.
- Alumni group leaders are welcome and encouraged to promote Giving Day and other crowdfunding opportunities created in partnership with Stony Brook Advancement and promote the purchase of tickets to events managed by the Office of Alumni Relations.
- The process for alumni to collect or solicit donations, including peer to peer solicitation, must be in compliance with SBU fundraising policies and approved in writing by the Office of Alumni Relations in advance of execution. Outcomes of solicitation conducted by alumni shall be shared with the Office of Alumni Relations liaison.
- Monies raised through alumni group event ticket fees will have a percentage (up to 100%) designated for offsetting the event expenses. In certain cases, the remaining percentage can be directed to an existing Stony Brook Foundation account aligned with the attendees’ / organizers’ intent for the funds raised.
- Stony Brook Foundation reserves the right to decline donations from alumni groups if the donors’ intent cannot be adequately clarified or upheld, or if the University determines that the intended use of the gift is unreasonable or impractical to administer.