Do passion, perseverance and determination play a role in your story?
Do you show our fierce desire to impact the world around us?
Do readers get the sense that students choose Stony Brook because they’re looking
for a place that will challenge and push them to reach their potential?
Does your writing stimulate the imagination and inspire the reader to take positive
Does your writing not only compel people to be a part of something, but challenge
them to be an active participant and become an agent of change? Is it provocative
by nature?
Does your word choice exude confidence and instill pride, while being careful not
to come off as elitist?
Does your language make the reader sit up and take notice?
Could the copy be considered a conversation starter?
Is your language insightful? Does it generate thought and position SBU as a beacon
of innovative ideas that make a real difference?
Will the reader get a sense of our open, welcoming and inclusive environment, our
eagerness to engage students from all backgrounds?
Does your writing capture the incredible diversity at Stony Brook? Does the reader
get a sense that Stony Brook welcomes people from all backgrounds and that everyone
has a place here?
Use these guidelines to tailor your writing accordingly for students, faculty and staff, peer educators, donors and alumni.
Please note that headlines can be structured in four ways.
- Leading with “Dare to be…”
- Leading with “Dare to…”
- Leading with “Be…” followed by “Dare to Be” as a tagline.
- Freeform language followed by “Dare to Be” as a tagline.
Use first-person narrative, and always be clear about the benefit for the specific
audience. For out-of-state students, messaging should emphasize campus life, proximity
to surrounding areas and hands-on research in a well-rounded, robust offering of academic
subjects — just as much as SBU’s affordable excellence. For in-state students, messaging
should lead with affordable excellence, followed by hands-on research and strong rankings.
When writing for prospective students and high school counselors, use “Dare to be…, Dare to…, or Be…” at the beginning of headlines. This conveys that students can reach their full potential at Stony Brook.
PROSPECTIVE STUDENTS considering SBU are driven and passionate, as they know it’s a challenging university. They’re aware that this is an environment that requires individual ambition. Many choose to attend Stony Brook because it’s one of the top research universities in the country, at an affordable price.
This means our messaging needs to be provocative and challenge candidates to aim high. We should convey that SBU is a place where big aspirations can be realized.
Headline and Subhead Copy Examples:
Dare to be a connected global citizen.
Join Stony Brook University.
Dare to dream big and go bigger.
Join Stony Brook University.
Be a high note.
Stony Brook University Music. Dare to Be
Calling all mavericks.
Stony Brook University. Dare to Be
CURRENT STUDENTS are seekinga sense of school spirit and culture. They desire to be represented and proud of what SBU stands for. And they want to feel like they are all of a shared mindset — one with the ambition to be a part of something bigger and make a real difference.
This means we need to relate to them as the bright, passionate individuals they are, who are a crucial part of our thriving institution. By instilling pride in SBU, we’ll promote engagement within the community.
Headline and Subhead Copy Examples:
Dare to be building a more inclusive world.
We are Stony Brook University.
Dare to shatter the mold.
Stony Brook University.
Be a game changer in climate change.
Stony Brook University. Dare to Be
Exuding the excellence.
Stony Brook University. Dare to Be
For peer educators, and faculty and staff, focus on outcomes that have been or are being accelerated by SBU faculty, students, research and other key players or avenues. Wherever possible, demonstrate Stony Brook’s global impact.
For donors and alumni, focus on outcomes that have been or are being accelerated by SBU faculty, students, research andother key players or avenues. Wherever possible, tie the impact of the contributions of donors and alumni to these outcomes.
When writing for peer educators, faculty and staff, donors and alumni, again use “Dare to be…, Dare to…, or Be…” at the beginning of headlines. This conveys that Stony Brook is already transforming higher education and thesurrounding world.
PEER EDUCATORS provide valuable reviews on institutions like ours, with best-in-class academics and impact.
This means we need to elevate their perception of SBU’s offerings and impact. Messaging should aim to raise the reputation of SBU by focusing on outcomes and achievements.
Headline and Subhead Copy Examples:
Dare to be exploring Mars.
Stony Brook University.
Dare to add another invention to the tally.
2,334 patents and counting. Stony Brook University.
Be a pioneer with impact.
Stony Brook University. Dare to Be
Exceptional by routine.
Stony Brook University. Dare to Be
FACULTY AND STAFF care about improving their areas of study and pursuing their research passions. They want to feel proud to work at SBU and be excited about a campaign they can be associated with.
This means our communications should remind them that this is a place for opportunity and passion, in order to instill a sense of pride that inspires their community engagement.
Headline and Subhead Copy Examples:
Dare to be a catalyst for creativity.
We are Stony Brook University.
Dare to prepare future leaders.
Stony Brook University.
Be driven with passion.
Stony Brook University. Dare to Be
A beacon for information.
Stony Brook University. Dare to Be
ALUMNI AND DONORS want to feel connected to SBU and be inspired by work being done here to make an impact on the world.
This means we need to demonstrate that their contributions to us are making a difference.
Headline and Subhead Copy Examples:
Dare to begroundbreaking.
Support research at Stony Brook University.
Dare to endow limitless opportunity.
Stony Brook University.
Be a Seawolf for life.
Stony Brook University. Dare to Be
Opening a door to destiny.
Stony Brook University. Dare to Be
While calendar listings, event announcements and lists/tips are not typically wrapped in a narrative, the information around them should provide enough context and enthusiasm to draw attention and garner results. There is so much content noise to compete with, it’s important to think critically about what will inspire your audience: what will make them see DARE TO BE as more than a traditional notice.
For longer stories — whether they are about students, alumni, faculty, staff, initiatives
or research breakthroughs — remember the key ingredients of a compelling narrative:
One core idea
Before you start crafting your story, make sure you define the core idea you are communicating
and how it relates to Stony Brook’s missions, values and brand. Imagine your audience:
What will grab their attention at the start; what thread will keep them engaged?
Words and media that support the core idea
Consider strategically placed pull quotes, photographs and headlines that create a
visual rhythm to your storytelling and make the story richer and more engaging.
Also consider the opportunity to draw in a broader audience via social media. Is there a particular subhead that could double as an Instagram or Tik Tok headline? A photo that could serve as a visual header on a website? Take the time to craft these elements specifically for the appropriate channels, and your story will travel beyond its original medium. That said, for social media, don’t force it. If there is not enough there there, don’t create a social media component just because you think you are supposed to. Always keep your core idea and goals in mind. Please review our Social Media Guidelines for any questions on this topic.
Clear call to action
What would you like your readers to do or feel once they’ve finished the story? It
could be an emotional response (pride in your alma mater, impressed by groundbreaking
research that touches them personally or is transforming lives on the other side of
the planet), or transactional (driving donations, an increase in applications, encouraging
sign-ups) or both. Whatever the end goal, keep it firmly in mind as you develop the
story, considering who or what will grab your readers and create the desired response.
Strong narrative arc
The “narrative arc” is a common device used in storytelling as it defines the story’s
beginning, middle and end. Traditional, yes, but also very effective.
- Exposition: The beginning establishes the topics and people central to your story, setting the stage for your audience.
- Rising action: What events and details move the story forward?
- Resolution: How has the tension/experience been resolved, the situation or person changed? What are the net result and the final sentiment you want to leave with your reader?
If you have any questions about how best to craft your story for a specific audience
or medium, please contact the Marketing and Communications team for guidance.
In everything you write for Stony Brook:
Use consistent naming conventions across websites, publications and social media.
Use active language and non-passive sentence structure.
Resist rhetorical questions.
Show, don’t tell. Use examples to illustrate points whenever possible.
Be concise. Short sentences hold users’ interest and generally provide clearer information.
Avoid University-specific terminology when communicating with non-employees.
Write in second person. The audience is “you.” Stony Brook is “we.”
Good copy sounds more like how people speak than how they write.
People scan when they are reading a screen. They do not respond to heavy blocks of
People read 25 percent more slowly online. Write half as much.
Bullets and subheads make it easier for readers to scan content.
Don’t use formal or long words where shorter words will do:
Instead of | Use |
Cognizant of | Knows |
Empower | Enable or Allow |
Impact | As a verb, use “Affect” |
Impact on | Effect |
Implement | Begin OR Carry out |
In order to | Don’t use, always superfluous |
Innovative | Don’t use — instead, describe the outcome of the innovation |
Is aware of | Knows |
Subsequent to | After |
Utilize | Use |
This is a sample selection of plain language; please use your best judgment, understand the overall tone and attitude of the Stony Brook brand language and always consult the Editorial Style Guide for specific questions.
Lastly, please note that as a guiding principle, headlines should also be compelling
and to the point. Let’s avoid overly verbose language in order to circumvent TLDR.
In instances where very short copy is required, a choice adjective or verb used in conjunction with a Dare to Be lead-in or tag can suffice. Examples:
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook University. Dare To Be
Stony Brook University. Dare To Be