Frequently Asked Questions:
CFNS Postdoctoral Fellowship Program
Location: 100% CFNS, Stony Brook
Focus: Electron-Ion Collider science, detector technologies and related activities.
Q. Who can apply?
A. Physicists who hold a doctorate, or will have their doctorate before the start
date of the posting.
Q. Where can I find the currently open searches / positions?
A. These will be widely advertised, and posted on the jobs page on the CFNS website.
Q. How do I apply?
A. The application process for each posting will be described in the posting.
CFNS-University Joint Postdoctoral Fellow Appointments:
Location: 75% Partner University and 25% CFNS, Stony Brook
Focus: Electron-Ion Collider science, detector technologies and related activities.
CFNS pays half of the base salary for a two-year postdoctoral fellowship at a remote
institution (University or Research Laboratory) to help seed research projects on
EIC. The postdoctoral fellow spends a majority of their time at the remote institution,
and a fraction of the time at CFNS, Stony Brook. CFNS provides travel support for
the postdoctoral fellow for this program.
About applying:
Q. Who can apply?
A. Tenure-track faculty at universities and staff members at national laboratories
may submit applications.
Q: Do I need to identify a CFNS co-mentor?
A: No, the faculty or staff who submits the proposal will be the primary mentor.
About the research:
Q. What is an appropriate research focus for a proposal?
A. The project should have a clear connection to EIC physics, either experimental,
computational, or theoretical.
Q: What is the timeline for results of the proposed project?
A: CFNS does not require or impose a specific timeline. Proposals typically lay
out projects that will see substantial progress and producibles in the two year time
Q: Do I need to submit a report at the end of the period?
A: No. Joint Postdocs are, however, expected to give regular presentations to CFNS.
About the position:
Q: How long are these positions?
A: Joint postdoc positions are two years. Upon request, review, and approval, a third
year may be awarded in exceptional cases.
Q: How much time is the postdoc expected to spend at Stony Brook University?
A: The postdoc is expected to spend approximately 25% of their time (2-3 months per
year) at Stony Brook. Funding for travel and accommodations is provided by CFNS.
The details of this will be described in the MOU, if the position is funded.
Q: What are the postdoc's obligations?
A: In addition to visits to the university, the joint postdoc will be expected to
attend monthly meetings and give presentations about the status of their research.
About travel:
Q: How is travel handled?
A: The joint postdoc must have an invitation from CFNS (letter or email) and approval
from the home institution supervisor. Joint postdocs will work with CFNS admins to
arrange travel.
Q: What visa should the postdoc get?
A: Postdocs intending an extended visit should get a business (B2) visa. However,
it is advised that the postdoc conuslt with thier home instituion for advice and consultation.
About Funding:
Q: What is the technical source of funding for this position? Can CFNS funding be
considered Federal Pass-Through (such as DOE money being funneled through CFNS)?
A: CFNS is privately funded by the Simons Foundation. It is not federally funded.
We do not pay fringe nor IDC on Joint Postdoc positions.
Q: What are the details of the financial support CFNS offers?
A: CFNS will pay 50% of the yearly salary, up to a maximum of $30k/year. The Center
will also provide up to $5k/year for travel and housing for the candidate to come
to CFNS. It is the responsibility of the home institution to make the travel funding information
available to the postdoc.
When creating PO’s and Invoices, the fiscal year has to be considered. PO and Invoice will be created accordingly (July 1-June 30)
Q: Can travel funds be used for other purposes if not needed for visting CFNS?
A: No. Travel funds are intended solely for supporting the postdoc to visit the Center,
and cannot be used for other travel, equipment purchases, etc.
Q: What reports or updates on how funding is being used do we need to submit?
A: There are no progress reports or updates required. Progress is measured through
the regular presentations the postdoc gives to the CFNS group.
Q: What is the payment procedure?
A: CFNS will send a draft Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to be filled out and
signed by the home institution. Documents should be returned in a timely manner along
with a W9 (domestic), W8BEN-E (International), a Vendor Request From, and a Business
Banking form.
Once received, CFNS will submit a request for a Purchase Order. The Stony Brook Foundation will send the PO to the person listed as a contact. The home institution will invoice against the PO in order for payment to be made.
Your invoice should be on institution letterhead with the following information:
- Invoice Number
- Invoice Date
- Stony Brook Foundation PO number
- Dates of approved period
- Dollar amount to be paid to the institution.
- Description of Service: Joint Postdoc with CFNS for the period of _____ to ____