The CFNS seminar takes place every first and third Thursday of the month at 4:00pm Eastern Time. It covers a wide range of theory and experimental topics connected to the science at the Electron Ion Collider, which is the current main focus of the Center. The seminar locations alternate between Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL, CFNS Seminar Room 2-38, Bldg. 510) and Stony Brook University (Peter Paul Seminar Room C-120, Physics Building). Coffee and cookies will be served before the seminar, at 3:45pm in the adjacent room.
If you would like to speak at one of the upcoming seminars or suggest a speaker, please contact the seminar organizers via and include a title, brief abstract, and possible dates.
Date |
Upcoming Seminars |
DateFebruary 13, 2025 4:00PM |
Upcoming SeminarsCFNS Seminar:Ready for it? Quantum Utility in High Energy Physics |
DateFebruary 12, 2025 8:00AM - 6:00PM |
Upcoming SeminarsCFNS Seminar:Quantum computing and nuclear theory |
DateJanuary 30, 2025 4:00PM |
Upcoming SeminarsCFNS Seminar: Factorization and Resummation Beyond Leading Power: The SCET Approach Abstract:Factorization theorems play a crucial role in understanding and predicting the behavior of physical processes in Quantum Field Theory. By separating long- and short-distance physics, they allow for the resummation of large logarithms that often arise in perturbative calculations. This talk will provide a modern Effective Field Theory perspective on factorization. We will then delve into the complexities of next-to-leading power corrections, where the traditional understanding of factorization is challenged. Specific examples will be presented, including the amplitude for di-Higgs production in gluon fusion and the cross-section for Deep Inelastic Scattering near the threshold. These examples will highlight the current progress and ongoing challenges in understanding factorization and resummation beyond leading power. SLIDES |
Date |
Recent Seminars |
DateDecember 12, 2024 4:00PM
Recent SeminarsCFNS Seminar: Three's a Crowd: Short-Range Correlations in the A=3 System Abstract: The formation of short-range correlations between nucleons appears to be a universal phenomenon in nuclei, appearing in systems as small as the deuteron and as large as lead. Though only a fraction of nucleons may participate in a correlation at any moment, correlations may play significant roles in determining the symmetry energy in the equation of state in dense nuclear matter, double beta decay matrix elements, and the EMC Effect. While experiments have revealed a lot about the properties of these correlations, it has been challenging to make contact with microscopic nuclear theory. The A=3 system, owing to its simplicity, presents an opportunity to compare to ab initio calculations and gain insight into how pairs form and behave. In my talk today, I will review an experimental campaign conducted at Jefferson Lab studying helium-3 and tritium and discuss what we have learned, and the new questions that have arisen. In particular I will discuss efforts to understand the preference for the formation of neutron-proton correlations (over proton-proton and neutron-neutron) in asymmetric nuclei. I will also compare results with on-going data mining efforts in older helium-3 data and discuss future avenues for studying the A=3 system. |
DateDecember 5, 2024 4:00PM
Recent SeminarsCFNS Seminar: A High Luminosity Polarized Helium-3 target for various experiments in Halls A and
C of Jefferson Lab |
DateNovember 14, 2024 4:00PM |
Recent SeminarsCFNS Seminar: All order factorization for virtual Compton scattering at next-to-leading power |
DateOctober 10, 2024 4:00PM |
Recent SeminarsCFNS Seminar: Tunneling in string breaking and implications for hadronization Abstract: In this talk I will discuss particle production and string-breaking dynamics in high-energy
collisions of a receding electron-positron pair using the bosonized formulation of
the massive Schwinger Model (Quantum Electrodynamics in 1+1 spacetime dimensions)
as an effective model for exploring QCD. The resulting particle density per rapidity
interval for large masses can be fitted using a Boltzmann factor, where the temperature
can be related to the hadronization temperature in QCD. Lastly, I will discuss the
possibility of an analog quantum simulation of the massive Schwinger model using ultracold
atoms, explicitly matching the potential of the Schwinger model to the effective potential
for the relative phase of two linearly coupled Bose-Einstein condensates. |
DateOctober 3, 2024 4:00 PM
Recent SeminarsCFNS Seminar: Exploring Hadron Dynamics with the Polarized Drell-Yan Process at Fermilab: Current
Progress and Future Directions |
DateSeptember, 12 2024 4:00 PM
Recent SeminarsCFNS Seminar: CD in non-inertial frames: effects of vorticity and acceleration on thermodynamics
and phase structure of quark-gluon plasma |
DateSeptember 5, 2024 4:00 PM
Recent SeminarsCFNS Seminar: Puzzle for the Vector Meson Threshold Photoproduction Abstract: High-statistics total cross-sections for the vector meson photoproduction at the threshold: gp→wp (from A2 at MAMI and ELPH), gp→fp (from CLAS at JLab), and gp→J/yp (from GlueX at JLab) allow to extract absolute value of vector meson nucleon scattering length using VMD model. The “young” vector meson hypothesis may explain the fact that the obtained scattering length value for f-meson nucleon compared to typical hadron size of ~1 fm indicates that the proton is more transparent for f-meson compared to the w-meson and is much less transparent that J/y-meson. The extended analysis of the Y-meson photoproduction using quasi-data from the QCD approach is in perfect agreement with the light meson finding using experimental data. Recent high statistical J/y photoproduction cross sections measured by the GlueX collaboration
allow to search for the exotic Pc(4312) state observed by the LHCb collaboration.
The fits show that destructive interference involving an S-wave resonance and associated
non-resonance background produces a sharp dip structure about 77 MeV below the LHCb
mass, in the same location as a similar structure is seen in the data. The interference
between open charm and gluon exchange may (by some accident) produce a dip, but there
is room for the resonance. |
DateAugust 22, 2024 4:00 PM
Recent SeminarsCFNS Seminar: Spin-orbit entanglement in QCD Abstract: Spin-orbit coupling is a ubiquitous phenomenon across many subfields of physics and chemistry. I will discuss the nature of the spin-orbit coupling of quarks and gluons inside the nucleon. In the first part, I derive rigorous QCD relations for the PDFs describing the quark and gluon spin-orbit correlations. I derive a new momentum sum rule which can be regarded as the momentum version of the Jaffe-Manohar spin sum rule and explain its physical interpretation. I also discuss how the correlation can be measured at the future EIC. In the second part, I explore possible connections to quantum information science. I show that individual quarks and gluons at small-x can be regarded as Bell states in which qubits in the spin and orbital angular momentum spaces are maximally entangled. I then discuss whether a similar interpretation is possible for partons with generic values of x. Slides |
DateJune 20, 2024 4:00PM
Recent SeminarsCFNS Seminar: Gravitational form factors of light nuclei Abstract: I will present our recent studies of the gravitational form factors (GFFs) for deuteron and helium-4 using the impulse approximation including leading order exchange current corrections, which include the pair interaction, plus the seagull and the pion exchange interactions, modulo the recoil corrections. The deuteron GFFs are analysed using Reid soft core potential, and helium-4 GFFs are assessed using the K-Harmonic method with simple pair nucleon potential, and Jastrow trial functions using the Argonne v14 potential. We also estimate the cross section of threshold J/Psi photo-production off light nuclei using these GFFs. Recording |
DateMay 30, 2024 4:00PM |
Recent SeminarsCFNS Seminar: Identity of the Proton Abstract: Proton as a member of the baryon family, holds a baryon number (identity) of 1. Unlike the structureless leptons, the baryons are constructed of quarks and gluons. In this colloquium, we will dive into the mystery of who carries the identity (baryon number) for the proton: quarks? gluons? or both? |
DateMay 16, 2024 4:00PM |
Recent SeminarsCFNS Seminar: A basis approach of hadronic systems on the light front Abstract: The study of hadrons from the perspective of the light front offers distinct benefits, particularly as the partonic degrees of freedom within Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) become well-defined in the infinite momentum frame. Basis Light-Front Quantization (BLFQ), having matured over the last decade, becomes a powerful method for solving problems related to the strong force. The BLFQ framework employs an effective Hamiltonian that integrates the one-gluon-exchange QCD interaction with mechanisms for confinement across both transverse and longitudinal dimensions. This approach has facilitated in-depth studies of diverse hadronic systems, notably baryons and quarkonia. The light-front wavefunctions (LFWFs) derived from these studies are instrumental in assessing a broad spectrum of hadronic observables. Such observables encompass decay constants, light-cone distribution amplitudes, form factors, and transitions, both radiative and semi-leptonic. Furthermore, they extend to parton distributions and Generalized Parton Distributions (GPDs) for quarkonia, as well as the electromagnetic and axial form factors, transverse densities, Parton Distribution Functions (PDFs), GPDs, radii, and axial and tensor charges of baryons.This talk aims to provide a summary of the current state of the Basis Light-Front Quantization (BLFQ) approach and its application to research at the future Electron Ion Collider. A key focus will be on the process of diffractive vector meson production, which will be studied using the BLFQ light-front wavefunction. |
DateMay 2, 2024 4:00PM
Recent SeminarsCFNS Seminar: Twisted Gradient Flow renormalization scheme and the Λ Parameter Abstract: We review our study of a finite volume renormalization scheme that combines a gradient flow-based coupling, the use of twisted boundary conditions, and a special asymmetric geometry. We argue that this scheme has several advantages that make it particularly suitable for precision determinations of the strong coupling constant in QCD, including translational invariance, an analytic expansion in the coupling, and a reduced memory footprint. We test the scheme numerically by determining the Λ parameter of the pure SU(3) Yang-Mills theory. Like most gradient flow-based couplings, this determination suffers severely from the so-called topology freezing, which is overcome here by a judicious definition of the coupling: the determination is projected into the sector of zero topological charge. We show that this definition has no relevant impact on the determination of the Λ parameter. |
DateApril 18, 2024 4:00PM
Recent SeminarsCFNS Seminar: Precision QCD Program at Belle II Abstract: Due to the excellent control over the initial state, electron-positron annihilations provide for the cleanest way to probe QCD in hadronization.T he Belle II experiment is a next generation B factory, taking data around the (4S) resonance. It is located at the SuperKEKB accelerator which achieved a world record luminosity. Between 2019 and 2022, Belle II accumulated more than 400 fb-1 of data, about half of the Belle dataset. Since the beginning of 2024 Belle II has started taking data again after improvements to accelerator and experiment. With its state-of-the-art PID, the Belle II is an ideal place to study hadronization at medium energies. I will present an overview of the Belle II experiment as well as current activities in the study of precision QCD at Belle II with a special focus on the extraction of fragmentation functions. |
DateApril 4, 2024 4:00PM
Recent SeminarsCFNS Seminar: Signatures of baryon junctions in semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering Abstract: Since a baryon is a composite particle, one may wonder which degrees of freedom are carrying the conserved charges, including the baryon number. A baryon junction, that arises naturally in a gauge-invariant baryon wavefunction, is a good candidate to associate the baryon number with. In this talk I will go over the possibilities to test the flow of baryon number experimentally, focusing on the recent proposal of using semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering. The rapidity distribution of produced baryons predicted in a model with baryon junctions depends crucially on the Regge intercept of exotic states with hidden baryon number. Such intercepts can be estimated with the help of Feynman-Wilson analog gas model and I will discuss recent developments in this approach. Finally, I will explore the possibility of identifying such exotic states with particular glueballs that were reported in lattice QCD. |
DateMarch 20, 2024 4:00PM
Recent SeminarsCFNS Seminar: NNLO QED for l-p scattering with McMule Abstract: Precise lepton-proton scattering experiments need similarly precise theory predictions. It is now possible to model electron-proton and muon-proton scattering at next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) in QED. These corrections can be similar in size or even larger than the two-photon exchange contribution that is often a goal of the measurement and hence need to be brought under control. In this talk I will introduce the McMule framework for NNLO QED calculations and explain the theory background that is required to use it. I will then present results for the MUSE experiment. |
DateMarch 7,2024 4:00PM
Recent SeminarsCFNS Seminar: Photonuclear probes of high-density nuclear matter Abstract: Understanding the properties of high-density nuclear matter is a longstanding challenge. Short-Range Correlations (SRC) are pairs of strongly interacting nucleons which comprise the highest-density states of matter found on Earth. These SRC pairs influence the overall structure of nuclei and are also linked to the partonic structure of bound nucleons. While our knowledge of SRCs and their impact on small- and large-scale QCD has come primary from electron-scattering data, gaining a complete understanding of SRCs requires a variety of complementary measurements.T he SRC-CT experiment, conducted in Hall D at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility, employed a real photon beam to perform a high-energy measurement of nuclear targets, using meson photoproduction as a novel probe of SRCs in light nuclei. This measurement has allowed us to perform the first observation of SRCs in photoproduction reactions, allowing for an improved understanding of the nuclear ground-state. We have also used this data to perform the first measurement of near- and sub-threshold photoproduction of J/ψ off bound protons, offering the first insights into the gluon content of nuclei and large-x. In this talk, I will present the first results from this experiment and describe future measurements aiming to advance our understanding of SRCs and their partonic structure. |
DateFebruary 29, 2024 4:00PM
Recent SeminarsCFNS Seminar: Nuclear Suppression of Light Charmonia Measured at SeaQuest Abstract:The E906/SeaQuest experiment at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory took scattering data with the 120 GeV Main Injector Proton beam on liquid hydrogen and deuterium targets, along with carbon, iron, and tungsten targets. Within the data are a significant number of muons coming from the decay of J/Ψ and Ψ' particles. In this talk, I present a study of the suppression of these light, charmed particles by cold nuclear media at SeaQuest. The data are divided into two analyses: first, the cross sections for charmonia production on the carbon, iron, and tungsten targets is compared with the cross section on the hydrogen and deuterium targets to study the cross section ratio as a function of the atomic mass of the target; and second, each of the carbon, iron, and tungsten targets’ effects on charmonia production are studied as a function of the transverse momentum and Feynman-x kinematic dimensions in the ranges 0.0 ≤ pT < 1.5 GeV and 0.4 ≤ xF < 0.95. Finally, the unbinned results are compared with previous results from the E772 experiment and the binned results are compared to theoretical predictions from the Color Evaporation Model. |
DateFebruary 19, 2024 2:00PM
Recent SeminarsCFNS Seminar: Toward a microscopic picture of QCD dynamics Abstract: Abstract: High-energy particle colliders play a critical role in unraveling the fundamental interactions between elementary particles, which has led to the formulation of the Standard Model of particle physics. The strong force in nature, described by the theory of quantum chromodynamics (QCD), governs the interaction of quarks and gluons, which constitute the main building blocks of the visible universe. Despite significant theoretical and experimental progress since the development of QCD spanning over more than five decades, many fundamental questions remain: How do the dynamics of quarks and gluons give rise to emergent structures such as nucleons and nuclei? What is the phase diagram of nuclear matter and what are the real-time and non-equilibrium dynamics at collider experiments and in the early universe? Addressing these questions requires the development of new paradigms in nuclear theory, closely aligned with experimental efforts such as those at the Electron-Ion Collider, the main future nuclear physics facility in the US where the structure of nucleons and nuclei will be explored in great detail. In this talk, I will discuss recent progress toward answering some of these challenging questions using perturbative QCD, AI/machine learning, and quantum computing, and outline the road ahead. |
DateFebruary 18, 2024 4:00PM
Recent SeminarsCFNS Seminar: Nuclear Tomography with e-A scattering at JLab Abstract: I will describe recent measurements of hadron production in electron-nucleus scattering experiments at JLab using the CLAS detector. These studies aim to map the 3D structure of nucleons bound in heavy nuclei and to constrain the mechanism of hadronization within nuclei. Additionally, I will discuss planned experiments involving polarized 11 GeV electron beams, high rate and a range of nuclei from carbon to lead. |
DateFebruary 16, 2024 3:00PM
Recent SeminarsCFNS Seminar: Probing quark matter and hadronization using energy flow substructure. Abstract: Understanding nuclear structure and hadronization from quantum chromodynamics (QCD) has been an outstanding challenge since its discovery 50 years ago. With the future Electron Ion Collider (EIC) and high-resolution detectors being planned at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL), it is a great opportunity to advance our knowledge of quark and gluon dynamics in the nonperturbative regime. In this talk, I will explain how streams of energy flows -- jets and target fragments -- coming out from high energy collisions may shed light on how quarks and gluons evolve into and distribute inside hadrons and nuclei, through the imprints in energy flow substructure. In particular, we show that leading two-particle charge correlation is sensitive to hadronization mechanisms which motivates further theory and phenomenological studies. Current-target correlation in deep inelastic scattering of nuclei also significantly enhances the sensitivities to quark and gluon distributions. Capabilities of particle identification and forward particle detectors at EIC will hopefully enable us to probe unprecedentedly these phase spaces which may lead to discoveries. |
DateFebruary 14, 2024 2:00PM
Recent SeminarsCFNS Seminar: Hadron as a many-body parton system: from parton interactions to non-perturbative
phenomena Abstract: Due to the phenomenon of confinement, the hadron cannot be understood as a compound state of independent quarks and gluons but rather represents a strongly bounded many-body parton system. The dynamics of this system gives rise to such fundamental properties of the hadron as spin and mass. How the spin and mass of the hadron arise from the parton dynamics is an outstanding question of modern nuclear science. The parton dynamics can be probed in high-energy scattering experiments using the factorization approach. However, there is a wide class of observables that cannot be described within the conventional factorization schemes due to various reasons, including non-perturbative phenomena. In my talk, I will give several concrete examples and propose a solution based on applying the background field techniques, which provide a unified treatment of parton interactions. I will argue that the application of such techniques allows us to obtain a complete picture of the multi-parton dynamics in QCD and shed light on the origin of the proton spin and mass. |
DateFebruary 12, 2024 2:00PM
Recent SeminarsCFNS Seminar: Harnessing Intricacies of Jets for Breakthroughs in QCD Speaker: Kyle Lee Location: Stony Brook University, Room C120 zoom Abstract:Jets have been pivotal in the advancement of Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) since its inception, serving as a bridge between collider phenomenology and the formal language of field theory. Modern jet analysis empowers us to achieve significant breakthroughs in our understanding of QCD and enables direct comparisons with experimental data. In this talk, I will outline several key research areas within jet physics that I am spearheading. These include deepening our understanding of heavy quark dynamics, investigating the effects of the medium, unraveling the hadronization process, and probing spin physics. I will highlight the application of these studies at current colliders like the LHC and RHIC, and look ahead to precision measurements at the future Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) to discuss how perturbative techniques serve to enhance our understanding of the intriguing non-perturbative aspects of QCD. |
DateFebruary 9, 2024 3:00PM
Recent SeminarsCFNS Seminar: (New) physics from lower dimensions Abstract: Recent years have witnessed impressive progress in the direct numerical study of quantum many-body systems in real-time, from first principles. I will present my perspective on how these methods, combined with insights from quantum information science and the promise of quantum advantage offer exciting opportunities to learn more about relativistic quantum field theories and how they pave the road to better understanding relevant phenomenology of real-world, 3+1 dimensional theories such as QCD. I will exemplify this view by presenting my recent work (arXiv:2312.05298) on the repartition of distillable entanglement in the ground state of the Schwinger model and how it relates to the confining behavior of the theory. I will also discuss our recent study (arXiv:2310.18312) of "QZD", our new toy model of nuclear matter. |
DateFebruary 8, 2024 4:00PM
Recent SeminarsCFNS Seminar: Intelligent Experiments Through Real-time AI: Fast Data Processing and Autonomous
Detector Control for sPHENIX and Future EIC Detectors Abstract: With an ever-increasing demand for high-precision data for discovery science and precision
measurements, all major high-energy nuclear and particle experiments face the challenge
of dealing with the large volume of raw data generated from sophisticated, high-rate
detectors. Data collection must be balanced with available hardware and cost limits
on DAQ (Data AcQuisition system) bandwidth and offline computing resources to capture,
store and process signal events. Two prototypical examples are the upcoming sPHENIX
experiment, the DOE next-generation heavy-ion physics experiment at the Relativistic
Heavy Ion Collider, and the future EIC experiments planned to be online circa 2030
at BNL. To meet this challenge, we propose developing a selective streaming readout
and control system comprising state-of-the-art AI-based fast data processing and autonomous
detector control systems to effectively sample the total collision rate delivered
by the accelerators while maintaining final data throughput for offline storage at
a manageable level within available DAQ bandwidth and storage and computing capacity. |
DateFebruary 7, 2024 2:00PM
Recent SeminarsCFNS Seminar: A comprehensive insight into nucleons at the Electron-Ion Collider Abstract: Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) is the theory governing the strong interactions that bind quarks and gluons, collectively known as partons, to form nucleons - the fundamental building blocks of visible matter. Achieving a profound understanding of the partonic structure of nucleons stands as a crucial milestone, and the forthcoming Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) at the Brookhaven National Laboratory is poised to be the ultimate tool in nuclear physics for this purpose. In this talk, I will explore a few of my research endeavors, aiming to address key questions such as, "How can we measure the orbital motion of partons within nucleons?" and "How can we uncover quantum anomalies in the distributions of partons within nucleons, and what can we learn from them?" The state-of-the-art theory discussed in this talk plays a pivotal role in providing comprehensive insight into nucleons, exploring the origins of spin, mass, and symmetry breakings - all of which form the bedrock of QCD and the EIC. |
DateFebruary 5, 2024 2:00PM
Recent SeminarsCFNS Seminar: Exploring the Intersections between Nuclear Physics and Quantum Information Science Abstract: I will discuss the role played by Quantum Information Science and Technology (QIST) in addressing grand-challenge nuclear physics problems and beyond, focusing on real-time dynamics (like thermalization and scattering) and elusive quantum and thermal phases. My presentation will draw connections to current experimental priorities, such as the Electron-Ion Collider, which pose significant challenges from the theoretical perspective because of their computational difficulty. My talk will focus on how quantum simulation can provide insights into these exciting questions, and I will highlight the opportunities for scientific exploration enabled by the ability to quantum simulate one quantum system with another. Emphasizing the significance of the so called “entanglement frontier”, I will present several examples where QIST can contribute to advancing our understanding of subatomic physics, even before quantum technology reaches the level of maturity required for precise simulation. Additionally, I'll discuss interdisciplinary work at the intersections of lattice gauge theory, topological phases, and fault-tolerant quantum computing, illustrating the symbiotic relationship between physics exploration and QIST development. |
DateFebruary 1, 2024 4:00 PM
Recent SeminarsCFNS Seminar: Thermal Pure Quantum States for Quantum Simulations of Abelian and Non-Abelian Lattice
Gauge Theories at Finite Temperature Abstract: Our understanding of the QCD phase diagram is hindered by the sign problem encountered by standard lattice gauge theory techniques. Quantum computers offer a potential route around this sign problem, but the simulation of systems at finite temperatures poses a challenge on quantum computers. Here, I will discuss a recently-introduced technique for estimating thermal expectation values in lattice gauge theories on quantum computers, which we call physical thermal pure quantum (PTPQ) states. An extension of thermal pure quantum (TPQ) states, originally introduced in a classical computing context, PTPQ states are suited to the simulation of lattice gauge theories while retaining key properties of TPQ states. Quantum circuit implementations will be discussed, followed by numerical demonstrations of simulating Abelian and non-Abelian lattice gauge theories with PTPQ states at finite temperature and chemical potential. |
DateJanuary 18, 2024 4:00PM
Recent SeminarsCFNS Seminar: Seeing quarks and gluons Abstract: I'll review some of the history that led to the methods of perturbative QCD, recall how I got involved with those advances, and comment on how they may develop in the coming decades. |
DateJanuary 17, 2024 2:00 PM
Recent SeminarsCFNS Seminar: Light-Ion Physics with EIC Abstract: I will discuss the physics applications of eA(light) scattering at EIC and the connection between high-energy-scattering and low-energy nuclear strucure |