Caldwell, New Jersey
Activities: Hillel, Intramural basketball, Stony Brook Athletics, Stony Brook Media Group
"Stony Brook is a big school that feels like a small schoolwhere you could apply yourself and do anything you want."
I wanted to study sports journalism and I thought Stony Brook would be a good fit for me with its Division I sports program. I thought it would be a place where I could apply myself and have a fun time doing it.    

At Stony Brook’s School of Communication and Journalism, I get to do something that I truly enjoy and feel fulfilled doing. I’m active in intramural sports, especially basketball, and I work with the Stony Brook Athletics Department and Stony Brook Media Group. I have experienced professors that push me and who have done terrific things in their careers. My favorite professor was a foreign correspondent on CBS News for 20 years and has been instrumental in what I've learned.   

Since I have a concentration in broadcasting, I am super appreciative that I had the chance to broadcast Stony Brook’s annual Roth Regatta. It’s a crazy fun event. It was a unique opportunity to use my broadcasting skills and enhance them with my comical nature. It was a blast!    

The day I moved in freshman year, the first thing I did after I unpacked was play basketball in the rec center. Immediately people wanted to play basketball with me. Later that day I went to a Hillel meeting and met more people. That continued when I went to my first class and everyone was so nice. I met people I could relate to and who were in the same major and they became my friends. But the thing that I loved more than anything freshman year was hanging out in the lounge in Benedict Hall, where I lived, and meeting everyone. I felt so welcomed that first week of school because of those experiences.   

The thing I love most about Stony Brook is my peers and professors. I'm a ‘people person’ so being able to make friends and speak to people from all over the world has been a lot of fun. I’ve met students from New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, California, China, Italy, England…everywhere. Stony Brook is a big school that feels like a small school where you could apply yourself and do anything you want. 
