Stony Brook offers many courses that examine the historical, sociological, and cultural
implications of the arts. Dive right in and take a course in art, music, or theatre!
Consider our new BFA in Creative Writing and join a colony of artists embedded in
our research university.
Whether you play a musical instrument, act, dance, or just enjoy watching from the
audience, you'll find many opportunities to enjoy the arts at Stony Brook University.
At Stony Brook, you will find:
Performances, Shows, Entertainment and More. The Staller Center offers a wealth of professional performances by popular artists from around the world.
All new students can receive a free ticket to a performance of their choice.
Have acting experience? Take part in one of our theatrical productions! Each semester our musical ensembles
hold open auditions.
Show Off Your Work. The Paul W. Zuccaire Gallery provides a forum for students with talents in the visual arts to showcase their works.
Participate in artistic festivals held on our campus throughout the year, including
an Undergraduate Art Exhibition and an Undergraduate Music Celebration.