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College Of Engineering And Applied Sciences

Energy Science, Technology & Policy

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Why Study Energy Science, Technology & Policy?

The Minor in Energy Science, Technology and Policy provides students with coursework intended to enhance their understanding of basic scientific concepts related to energy production, distribution and use, introduce them to basic engineering concepts in sustainable energy and a systems-based approach to energy technology, and enhance understanding of how to analyze energy policy decisions (including the impact of technical, economic and regulatory factors). Courses introduce students to emergent energy technologies (including the smart grid and future infrastructure systems), probabilistic risk assessment, and the dynamics of various energy markets, including understanding changing energy needs on a local to global scale. The Minor requires use of electronic portfolio to demonstrate attainment of learning objectives through course-based activities.


  • Energy Production & Distribution
  • Thermodynamics
  • Electromagnetics
  • Electrical Power Systems

Ready to take the next step?


  • Sustainable Energy
  • Energy Resources for the 21st Century
  • Learning from Engineering Disasters
  • Electromechanical Energy Converters


Admission to the minor requires a minimum grade point average of 3.0 in the three intro courses. Courses must be planned with the Minor program advisor. Any course substitution must be approved in advance by the director of the Minor.

After Graduation

Your college decision isn't really about the next four years. We get it. It’s about what doors are opened by your degree and whether those opportunities are what you had envisioned for yourself. Nearly 95% of SBU grads are employed or go to professional or graduate school. Here's a snapshot of what life after graduation looks like for some of them.


  • Electrical Engineer
  • Sustainability Program Coordinator
  • Assistant Electrical Engineer
  • Energy Analyst


  • Alakai Technologies Corporation
  • Franklin Electric
  • New York Power Authority
  • Marathon Energy Corporation

Interested in this Minor?

Department of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering

Chair: Dilip Gersappe

Office: Engineering 314

Phone: (631) 632-4986

College Of Engineering And Applied Sciences

Energy Science, Technology & Policy

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Why Study Energy Science, Technology & Policy?

The Minor in Energy Science, Technology and Policy provides students with coursework intended to enhance their understanding of basic scientific concepts related to energy production, distribution and use, introduce them to basic engineering concepts in sustainable energy and a systems-based approach to energy technology, and enhance understanding of how to analyze energy policy decisions (including the impact of technical, economic and regulatory factors). Courses introduce students to emergent energy technologies (including the smart grid and future infrastructure systems), probabilistic risk assessment, and the dynamics of various energy markets, including understanding changing energy needs on a local to global scale. The Minor requires use of electronic portfolio to demonstrate attainment of learning objectives through course-based activities.


  • Energy Production & Distribution
  • Thermodynamics
  • Electromagnetics
  • Electrical Power Systems

Ready to take the next step?


  • Sustainable Energy
  • Energy Resources for the 21st Century
  • Learning from Engineering Disasters
  • Electromechanical Energy Converters


Admission to the minor requires a minimum grade point average of 3.0 in the three intro courses. Courses must be planned with the Minor program advisor. Any course substitution must be approved in advance by the director of the Minor.

After Graduation

Your college decision isn't really about the next four years. We get it. It’s about what doors are opened by your degree and whether those opportunities are what you had envisioned for yourself. Nearly 95% of SBU grads are employed or go to professional or graduate school. Here's a snapshot of what life after graduation looks like for some of them.


  • Electrical Engineer
  • Sustainability Program Coordinator
  • Assistant Electrical Engineer
  • Energy Analyst


  • Alakai Technologies Corporation
  • Franklin Electric
  • New York Power Authority
  • Marathon Energy Corporation

Interested in this Minor?

Department of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering

Chair: Dilip Gersappe

Office: Engineering 314

Phone: (631) 632-4986
