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College Of Arts And Sciences

Globalization Studies & International Relations

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Why Globalization Studies & International Relations?

The Institute for Globalization Studies promotes interdisciplinary perspectives on the challenges, opportunities, and contradictions related to the processes of globalization. The Institute offers a Bachelor of Arts in Globalization Studies and International Relations (a major and a minor) that combines the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, and engineering to prepare future leaders in global policy-making, international service, diplomacy, and activism. Supported by a multidisciplinary advisory board, the program seeks to foster scholarly collaborations on the interactions between and within global to local scales, as well as the contradictions embedded in globalization, which often result in severe economic, political, and social inequalities among people marked by territorial borders. The Institute also pays attention to the effects that globalization processes have on the environment and how, in turn, ecological degradation is contributing to the proliferation of conflicts and the securitization of human rights.


  • Humanities
  • Social Sciences
  • Natural Sciences
  • Engineering

Ready to take the next step?


  • Globalization & International Relations
  • Global Cultural & Environmental Issues
  • Global Political, Economic Issues
  • Cross-Cultural Mediation


Students complete a set of core courses that each combine theoretical and experiential components. Students will choose a specific Global Interaction Area and a specialized Global Issues track. Completion of the major requires 36-45 credits.

After Graduation

Your college decision isn't really about the next four years. We get it. It’s about what doors are opened by your degree and whether those opportunities are what you had envisioned for yourself. Nearly 95% of SBU grads are employed or go to professional or graduate school. Here's a snapshot of what life after graduation looks like for some of them.


  • Director for International Program
  • Ambassador
  • UN Representatives
  • International Relations Specialist
  • Affirmative Action Officer


  • United Nations
  • Smithsonian Office of International Relations
  • Meridian International Center
  • U.S Department of Labor
  • Columbia Law School

Interested in this Major?

Institute for Globalization Studies

Chair: Sophie Raynard-Leroy



College Of Arts And Sciences

Globalization Studies & International Relations

Back to all Programs

Why Globalization Studies & International Relations?

The Institute for Globalization Studies promotes interdisciplinary perspectives on the challenges, opportunities, and contradictions related to the processes of globalization. The Institute offers a Bachelor of Arts in Globalization Studies and International Relations (a major and a minor) that combines the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, and engineering to prepare future leaders in global policy-making, international service, diplomacy, and activism. Supported by a multidisciplinary advisory board, the program seeks to foster scholarly collaborations on the interactions between and within global to local scales, as well as the contradictions embedded in globalization, which often result in severe economic, political, and social inequalities among people marked by territorial borders. The Institute also pays attention to the effects that globalization processes have on the environment and how, in turn, ecological degradation is contributing to the proliferation of conflicts and the securitization of human rights.


  • Humanities
  • Social Sciences
  • Natural Sciences
  • Engineering

Ready to take the next step?


  • Globalization & International Relations
  • Global Cultural & Environmental Issues
  • Global Political, Economic Issues
  • Cross-Cultural Mediation


Students complete a set of core courses that each combine theoretical and experiential components. Students will choose a specific Global Interaction Area and a specialized Global Issues track. Completion of the major requires 36-45 credits.

After Graduation

Your college decision isn't really about the next four years. We get it. It’s about what doors are opened by your degree and whether those opportunities are what you had envisioned for yourself. Nearly 95% of SBU grads are employed or go to professional or graduate school. Here's a snapshot of what life after graduation looks like for some of them.


  • Director for International Program
  • Ambassador
  • UN Representatives
  • International Relations Specialist
  • Affirmative Action Officer


  • United Nations
  • Smithsonian Office of International Relations
  • Meridian International Center
  • U.S Department of Labor
  • Columbia Law School

Interested in this Major?

Institute for Globalization Studies

Chair: Sophie Raynard-Leroy


