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College Of Arts And Sciences

Film and Screen Studies

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Why Film and Screen Studies?

The Minor in Film and Screen Studies allows students to study cinema both as a specific art form with its own history and language and as a medium that participates in the broader field of literary and other cultural production. The program encourages comparative thinking and offers students the opportunity to engage critically with various issues, and encourages students to become reflective, sensitive, and avid viewers and readers about film and related media.


  • History of Film
  • Television
  • Literary & Cultural Studies
  • Video Art

Ready to take the next step?


  • Film Genres
  • Cinema History 
  • Gender and Genre in Film
  • Ecofeminism, Literature & Film


All courses for the minor must be passed with a letter grade of C or higher. Completion of the minor requires 18 credits, with at least three courses at the upper-division level.

After Graduation

Your college decision isn't really about the next four years. We get it. It’s about what doors are opened by your degree and whether those opportunities are what you had envisioned for yourself. Nearly 95% of SBU grads are employed or go to professional or graduate school. Here's a snapshot of what life after graduation looks like for some of them.


  • Associate Professor
  • Broadcast Presenter
  • Program Researcher
  • Dramaturge
  • Television/Film/Video Producer


  • BBC
  • CBS Films
  • Paramount Pictures
  • Warner Bros
  • Lengendary

Interested in this Minor?

Department of English

Chair: Celia Marshik

Office: Humanities 2096

Phone: (631) 632-7400

College Of Arts And Sciences

Film and Screen Studies

Back to all Programs

Why Film and Screen Studies?

The Minor in Film and Screen Studies allows students to study cinema both as a specific art form with its own history and language and as a medium that participates in the broader field of literary and other cultural production. The program encourages comparative thinking and offers students the opportunity to engage critically with various issues, and encourages students to become reflective, sensitive, and avid viewers and readers about film and related media.


  • History of Film
  • Television
  • Literary & Cultural Studies
  • Video Art

Ready to take the next step?


  • Film Genres
  • Cinema History 
  • Gender and Genre in Film
  • Ecofeminism, Literature & Film


All courses for the minor must be passed with a letter grade of C or higher. Completion of the minor requires 18 credits, with at least three courses at the upper-division level.

After Graduation

Your college decision isn't really about the next four years. We get it. It’s about what doors are opened by your degree and whether those opportunities are what you had envisioned for yourself. Nearly 95% of SBU grads are employed or go to professional or graduate school. Here's a snapshot of what life after graduation looks like for some of them.


  • Associate Professor
  • Broadcast Presenter
  • Program Researcher
  • Dramaturge
  • Television/Film/Video Producer


  • BBC
  • CBS Films
  • Paramount Pictures
  • Warner Bros
  • Lengendary

Interested in this Minor?

Department of English

Chair: Celia Marshik

Office: Humanities 2096

Phone: (631) 632-7400

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