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College Of Engineering And Applied Sciences

Materials Science

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Why Study Materials Science?

The development of new materials and research into the engineering applications of materials are critical to a wide variety of industries including aerospace, automotive, energy, electronics, environmental, medical instru­men­tation, advanced computing, and defense-related companies. Without a clear understanding of the relationship between material structure, properties, and processing, achieving the performance necessary to meet the needs of current and future high technology applications would be impossible. For this reason, industrial and research laboratories value graduates with an understanding of materials science and engineering issues in addition to their other engineering or physical science knowledge.


  • Biomaterials
  • Materials Science
  • Research
  • Teaching Practicum

Ready to take the next step?


  • Structure and Properties of Materials 
  • Electronic Properties
  • Microfabrication & Thin Film Processing
  • Diffraction Techniques & Structure of Solids


There are two versions of the minor: for students in B.S. degree programs and those in B.E. degree programs. B.E. students should see the faculty advisor in their engineering major for approval before declaring the Materials Science minor.

After Graduation

Your college decision isn't really about the next four years. We get it. It’s about what doors are opened by your degree and whether those opportunities are what you had envisioned for yourself. Nearly 95% of SBU grads are employed or go to professional or graduate school. Here's a snapshot of what life after graduation looks like for some of them.


  • Analytical Chemist
  • Research Scientist
  • Management Consultant
  • Materials Engineer
  • Metallurgist


  • Estee Lauder
  • Brookhaven National Labatory
  • Pratt & Whitney
  • ASML
  • Apple

Interested in this Minor?

Department of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering

Chair: Dilip Gersappe

Office: 314 Engineering

Phone: (631) 632-4986

College Of Engineering And Applied Sciences

Materials Science

Back to all Programs

Why Study Materials Science?

The development of new materials and research into the engineering applications of materials are critical to a wide variety of industries including aerospace, automotive, energy, electronics, environmental, medical instru­men­tation, advanced computing, and defense-related companies. Without a clear understanding of the relationship between material structure, properties, and processing, achieving the performance necessary to meet the needs of current and future high technology applications would be impossible. For this reason, industrial and research laboratories value graduates with an understanding of materials science and engineering issues in addition to their other engineering or physical science knowledge.


  • Biomaterials
  • Materials Science
  • Research
  • Teaching Practicum

Ready to take the next step?


  • Structure and Properties of Materials 
  • Electronic Properties
  • Microfabrication & Thin Film Processing
  • Diffraction Techniques & Structure of Solids


There are two versions of the minor: for students in B.S. degree programs and those in B.E. degree programs. B.E. students should see the faculty advisor in their engineering major for approval before declaring the Materials Science minor.

After Graduation

Your college decision isn't really about the next four years. We get it. It’s about what doors are opened by your degree and whether those opportunities are what you had envisioned for yourself. Nearly 95% of SBU grads are employed or go to professional or graduate school. Here's a snapshot of what life after graduation looks like for some of them.


  • Analytical Chemist
  • Research Scientist
  • Management Consultant
  • Materials Engineer
  • Metallurgist


  • Estee Lauder
  • Brookhaven National Labatory
  • Pratt & Whitney
  • ASML
  • Apple

Interested in this Minor?

Department of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering

Chair: Dilip Gersappe

Office: 314 Engineering

Phone: (631) 632-4986
