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College Of Engineering And Applied Sciences

Engineering Composites

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Why Study Engineering Composites?

The Department of Mechanical Engineering offers the minor in Engineering Composites to Mechanical Engineering students and non-Mechanical Engineering students who seek a strong education in the mechanical behavior of composite materials. This minor is intended for students with a strong background in engineering or physical science. Engineering composites are used widely in many industries including aerospace, civil, naval, medical, and automotive; examples can be seen in aircraft, yachts, motor vehicles, dental fillings and a wide range of military equipment. Students will learn how to fabricate composites, experimentally measure their relevant mechanical properties, and incorporate them into engineering designs. Students will gain invaluable insight into engineering composites, give them a competitive edge in an engineering market that is becoming increasingly dependent on engineering composites.


  • Analysis & Design
  • Fabrication
  • Characterization
  • Engineering 

Ready to take the next step?


  • Mechanics of Solids
  • Applied Stress Analysis
  • Engineering Graphics & CAD
  • Modern Machining Practices


Completion of the minor requires 18-21 credits. All prerequisites must be satisfied in order to take these courses. A student who wishes to pursue this minor should consult with the Undergraduate Program Director.

After Graduation

Your college decision isn't really about the next four years. We get it. It’s about what doors are opened by your degree and whether those opportunities are what you had envisioned for yourself. Nearly 95% of SBU grads are employed or go to professional or graduate school. Here's a snapshot of what life after graduation looks like for some of them.


  • Damage Tolerance Engineer
  • Process Engineer
  • Flight Test Technician
  • Concealment Technician
  • Heat Shield Technician


  • NASA
  • Brookhaven National Labatory
  • Boeing
  • Sikorsky
  • General Motors

Interested in this Minor?

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Chair: Thomas Cubaud

Office: 113 Light Engineering Lab

Phone: (631) 632-8310

College Of Engineering And Applied Sciences

Engineering Composites

Back to all Programs

Why Study Engineering Composites?

The Department of Mechanical Engineering offers the minor in Engineering Composites to Mechanical Engineering students and non-Mechanical Engineering students who seek a strong education in the mechanical behavior of composite materials. This minor is intended for students with a strong background in engineering or physical science. Engineering composites are used widely in many industries including aerospace, civil, naval, medical, and automotive; examples can be seen in aircraft, yachts, motor vehicles, dental fillings and a wide range of military equipment. Students will learn how to fabricate composites, experimentally measure their relevant mechanical properties, and incorporate them into engineering designs. Students will gain invaluable insight into engineering composites, give them a competitive edge in an engineering market that is becoming increasingly dependent on engineering composites.


  • Analysis & Design
  • Fabrication
  • Characterization
  • Engineering 

Ready to take the next step?


  • Mechanics of Solids
  • Applied Stress Analysis
  • Engineering Graphics & CAD
  • Modern Machining Practices


Completion of the minor requires 18-21 credits. All prerequisites must be satisfied in order to take these courses. A student who wishes to pursue this minor should consult with the Undergraduate Program Director.

After Graduation

Your college decision isn't really about the next four years. We get it. It’s about what doors are opened by your degree and whether those opportunities are what you had envisioned for yourself. Nearly 95% of SBU grads are employed or go to professional or graduate school. Here's a snapshot of what life after graduation looks like for some of them.


  • Damage Tolerance Engineer
  • Process Engineer
  • Flight Test Technician
  • Concealment Technician
  • Heat Shield Technician


  • NASA
  • Brookhaven National Labatory
  • Boeing
  • Sikorsky
  • General Motors

Interested in this Minor?

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Chair: Thomas Cubaud

Office: 113 Light Engineering Lab

Phone: (631) 632-8310
