AP/College Credit

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AP/College Credit


AP credit is granted to matriculated students who have taken the appropriate CEEB advanced placement examination and scored a 3 or higher.

Official test scores must be sent to Stony Brook University’s Undergraduate Admissions Office from AP Services. Stony Brook's College Board code is 2548.

Stony Brook University accepts up to 30 credits by examination in partial fulfillment of the bachelor's degree (view full transfer credit policy).

View available AP credit in the chart below.

Subject AP Exam Score SBU Equivalent Credits DEC & Skill SBC
African American Studies* African American Studies 4 or 5 AFS 101   F CER, SBS, USA
Africana Studies Africana Studies 3 None 3 F SBS, USA
Art Art History 4 or 5 ARH 202, 204 6 G ARTS
  Art History 3 none 3 G ARTS
  Studio (drawing) 4 or 5 ARS 154 3 G ARTS
  Studio (drawing) 3 none 3 G ARTS
  Studio (2D or 3D) 3,4 or 5 none 3 G ARTS
Biology Biology 3,4 or 5 none 3 E SNW
Calculus AB 4 or 5 MAT 131, placement 7 4 Skill 1, C QPS
  BC 4 or 5 MAT 131, 132 placement 9 8 Skill 1, C QPS
  AB or BC 3 none 3 Skill 1 none
Chemistry Chemistry 4 or 5 CHE 131 (waiver of CHE 133) 4 E SNW
  Chemistry 3 none 3 E SNW
Chinese Language & Culture 3,4 or 5 CHI 212 3 Skill 3 LANG, GLO, HUM
Computer Science A 3 CSE 101 4 none TECH
  A 4 or 5 CSE 114; waiver of CSE 101 4 none TECH
Computer Science  Principles 3, 4 or 5 CSE 101 3 none TECH
Economics Macro 3,4 or 5 none 3 F SBS
  Micro 3 none 3 F SBS
  Micro 4 or 5 ECO 108 3 F SBS
English Language/Comp 3,4 or 5 WRT 101 3 Skill 2; 1st crs, A Partially satisfies WRT
  Literature/Comp 3,4 or 5 EGL 192; waiver of WRT 101 3 Skill 2; 1st crs, A HUM, partially satisfies WRT
Environmental Science Environmental Science 3,4 or 5 SUS 111 3 E SNW
French Language & Culture 5 FRN 212 3 Skill 3 LANG, GLO, HUM
  Language & Culture 3 or 4 FRN 211 3 Skill 3 LANG, GLO
German Language & Culture 5 GER 212 3 Skill 3 LANG, GLO, HUM
  Language & Culture 3 or 4 GER 211 3 Skill 3 LANG, GLO
Government & Politics Comparative Govt 4 or 5 POL 103 3 F SBS
  Comparative Govt 3 none 3


  US Govt & Politics 4 or 5 POL 102 3 Skill 4. F SBS, USA
  US Govt & Politics 3 none 3 Skill 4. F SBS, USA
History European 4 or 5 HIS 101, 102 6 F SBS, GLO
  European 3 none 3 F SBS, GLO
  US 4 or 5 HIS 103, 104 6 Skill 4, F SBS, USA, DIV
  US 3 none 3 Skill 4, F SBS, USA
  World 3,4 or 5 none 3 F SBS, GLO
Human Geography Human Geography 3,4 or 5 none 3 F SBS
Italian Language & Culture 5 ITL 212 3 Skill 3 LANG, GLO, HUM
  Language & Culture 3 or 4 ITL 211 3 Skill 3 LANG, GLO
Japanese Language & Culture 3,4 or 5 JPN 212 3 Skill 3 LANG, GLO, HUM
Latin Latin 3,4 or 5 LAT 251 3 Skill 3 LANG, HFA+
Music Theory Music Theory 3,4 or 5 MUS 119 3 G ARTS
Physics 1 3,4 or 5 none 3 E SNW
  2 3,4 or 5 none 3 E SNW
  B 3,4 or 5 none 3 E SNW
  C: Mechanics 4 or 5 PHY 125 3 E SNW
  C: Mechanics 3 none 2 none none
  C: Electrical & Magnetic 4 or 5 PHY 127 3 E SNW
  C: Electrical & Magnetic 3 none 2 none none
Precalculus Precalculus 5 MAT 123, Placement 5 3 Skill 1 none
Precalculus Precalculus 4 MAT 123, Placement 4 3 Skill 1 none
Precalculus Precalculus 3 MAP 103, Placement 3 3 Skill 1 none
Psychology Psychology 4 or 5 PSY 103 3 F SBS, CER
  Psychology 3 none 3 F SBS
Research  Research  3,4 or 5 none 3 none none
Seminar Seminar 3,4 or 5 none 3 none none
Spanish Language & Culture 5 SPN 212 3 Skill 3 LANG, GLO, HUM
  Language & Culture 3 or 4 SPN 211 3 Skill 3 LANG, GLO
  Literature & Culture 3,4 or 5 none 3 Skill 3, G LANG, GLO
Statistics Statistics 3,4 or 5 AMS 102 3 Skill 1, C QPS

With its origins in Europe, the International Baccalaureate Program—now offered by some American high schools—leads to a diploma or certificates of examination. Stony Brook University will award six credits for International Baccalaureate higher-level exams with scores of 5 or better for year-long courses.

Courses offered by regionally accredited colleges and passed with a letter grade of C or higher while the student was in high school will be accepted and evaluated for applicability to specific Stony Brook University degree requirements. Credits for successfully completed courses for which a grade equivalent to P or S was assigned are also accepted and will be evaluated for transfer credit according to the guidelines in the Application of Transfer Credits to General Education Requirements section of the Undergraduate Bulletin.

All course work completed with a grade of C or higher from a regionally accredited college will be applied toward the total credit hour requirement for a Stony Brook University BA, BS, or BE degree. Courses for which grades of P or S are earned are also accepted. Graduates of SUNY or CUNY colleges who earn  AA or an A.S. degree prior to matriculation at Stony Brook will receive credit for all course work completed as part of the associate degree requirements.

With its origins in the United Kingdom, the General Certificate of Education or GCE is a secondary-level academic qualification that continues to be a popular measure of academic aptitude in other countries, including Hong Kong, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Singapore, and Sri Lanka. Stony Brook University will award up to eight credits per subject for A-level (Advanced) exams in yearlong courses with grade equivalents of C or better.


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