Academic Regulations and Procedures
Programs in the Health Sciences will allow students to earn credit based on external standardized examinations such as AP, CLEP, IB, Regents College Examinations, and the University’s own challenge examinations. Courses for which examinations are permitted are recommended by the faculty and approved by the dean. Credit by examination may not be used to satisfy the Stony Brook Curriculum learning objectives except as follows: AP credit can be used to satisfy many SBC learning objectives and the Health Sciences course distribution degree requirements. Credit by examination or other options does not count toward the University’s residence requirement and cannot be used to satisfy total credits necessary to qualify for degrees with distinction.
Additional questions regarding academic credit by examination and other credit options should be directed to the advisor or to the Office of the Dean of the appropriate Health Sciences school.
Academic Notice
Students who are the subject of warnings, probation, dismissal, or termination will be notified in writing by their school. The notice will indicate the action which has occurred to cause a change in status; the duration of the status or the response required to modify the status; whether there is an appeal mechanism and its time limits; and who should be contacted for further information.
Auditing refers to the practice of attending a course for informational instruction only. The privilege of auditing courses is limited to matriculated students and senior citizens. Courses offered through the Health Sciences programs cannot be taken on an audit basis.
Matriculated students who wish to audit a course must first obtain permission from the instructor. Senior citizens must arrange to audit courses through the School of Professional Development. An auditor does not receive academic credit for the course, nor does the University maintain any record of the auditor’s attendance in the course. After the end of the add/drop period, the student may not change status in a course from auditor to registered.
Change of Address
Students must maintain an up-to-date home and mailing address through the SOLAR system. International students must report changes of address to the Office of VISA and Immigration Services. Current and former employees of the University must make changes through Human Resource Services.
Change of Course Registration
During the time frame specified by the academic calendar, undergraduate students may add or drop courses through the SOLAR system. After the add/drop period, changes in registration must be requested through the appropriate Health Sciences school and course drops will result in a "W" (withdrawal) being recorded on the transcript. After the start of classes, students who drop classes or withdraw from the University will incur a percentage of tuition and fees; please see the Bursar/Student Accounts liability schedule.
Change of Name
Students must report changes of name to the Office of the Registrar. To change your name you must complete the name change form, available on the Registrar's website. For name changes you must provide two forms of documentation of the new name. Examples of documentation are: driver’s license, passport, marriage certificate, court action documents, social security card or professional license. At least one document must be a photo identification. Current and former employees of the University must make changes through Human Resource Services.
Changing to the Colleges of Arts and Sciences, Engineering and Applied Sciences, College of Business, School of Journalism
Students enrolled in a Health Sciences school who wish to leave the Health Sciences school and pursue work in another college must see the appropriate dean in the Health Sciences school and complete a “Change of Enrollment Form” in order to withdraw from the Health Sciences program.
Classification of Courses
The numbering system for course level ranges from 300 to 500 and above. All 300 and 400 level courses are upper-division courses. These are appropriate for and are generally taken by students in their junior and senior year of study. All 500-level courses and above are graduate courses.
Course Load
Undergraduate full-time students must register for a minimum of 12 credits for the fall or spring academic term. A student who wishes to register for less than the number of credits required by the program need to secure approval from the academic program. Graduate full-time students will register for a minimum of 9 credit hours per term. Full-time status is a requirement for on-campus housing and most financial aid programs.
All Health Sciences School students must adhere to the COVID protocols established by the University. Please visit the Stronger Together webpage for additional information.
Equivalent Opportunity/Religious Absences
Some students may be unable to attend classes on certain days because of religious beliefs. The Health Sciences Schools follow University policies regarding equivalent opportunity/religious absences. For more information, Undergraduate students should consult this link and Graduate students should refer to this link. To view the University policy regarding Religious and Other Holidays please refer to this link.
Students in the Health Sciences programs are required to comply with the training requirements related to privacy and security provisions of HIPAA and to abide by the University’s policies and procedures related to HIPAA.
Information about HIPAA and training will be provided by the individual Health Sciences schools at orientation.
Leave of Absence
At the time of withdrawal from the University, students have the option of indicating whether they intend to return. A Leave of Absence (LOA) may be obtained for a specified time as determined by the school. Students should contact the school or department as soon as possible noting their desire to withdraw. Proper documents and authorization must be obtained from the academic program and dean, for approval with documentation and processed by the University Registrar.
At the time of withdrawal from the University, students have the option of indicating whether they intend to return. A LOA may be obtained for a specified time as determined by the school. Students should contact the school or department as soon as possible noting their desire to withdraw. Proper documents and authorization must be obtained from the academic program and dean, for approval with documentation and processed by the University Registrar.
Failure to return at the end of the defined LOA term will result in automatic dismissal from the program. The student will need to reapply for admission if he/she wishes to continue in the program.
Students who do not maintain registration for two (2) consecutive semesters, with the exception of formal leave of absence* or prior academic advisement from faculty, will lose access to academic/technology support and will be dismissed from the program
*Special Note for Undergraduate students in the Health Science major within the School of Health Professions*
Students who do not maintain registration for two (2) consecutive semesters, with the exception of formal leave of absence, will be discontinued from the program, and required to re-matriculate to enroll or transfer credits into Stony Brook.
Formal leave of absence: Students who indicate at the time of official withdrawal that they may wish to return to Stony Brook will be approved for return to the University during the four (4) consecutive Fall/Spring semesters following the semester in which they withdrew if:
- The student leaves in good academic standing;
- There has been no previous withdrawal;
- The student has no disciplinary action pending or in force.
Students who wish to return or to transfer credits into Stony Brook after four consecutive Fall/Spring semesters following the semester in which they withdrew must rematriculate.
Students who have taken a Permanent Withdrawal: Students who wish to return to the University after requesting a Permanent Withdrawal must rematriculate.
What is the re-matriculation process?
Students must submit the Undergraduate Rematriculation Form to the Registrar's Office.
Visit the forms page to download the form. There is a re-matriculation fee. Once this form is processed
by the Registrar's Office, the student is required to meet with an Academic Advisor
before being able to enroll for classes.
NOTE: Students who do not attend the semester in which they rematriculate are not eligible
to enroll for future semesters. These students must follow the Rematriculation Process
for the new semester in which they plan on attending, and must submit a rematriculation
form and rematriculation fee.
Involuntary Leave OF aBSENCE
Requiring a student to take a leave of absence is rare and only happens when current medical knowledge and/or the best available objective evidence indicates to the President's designee(s) at the University that there is a significant risk to the student's health or safety, or the health or safety of others in the Campus community, or the student's behavior severely disrupts the College or University environment, where no reasonable accommodations can adequately reduce that risk or disruption.
The institution offers a range of resources, support services, and accommodations to address the physical and mental health needs of students. However, on rare occasions, a student's needs may require a level of care that exceeds the care that the institution can appropriately provide. Where current knowledge about the individual's medical condition and/or the best available objective evidence indicates that a student poses a significant risk to their own safety not based on mere speculation, stereotypes, or generalizations, or the health and safety of others in the Campus community, or where a student's behavior severely disrupts the College or University environment and the student does not take a voluntary leave of absence, the President's designee(s) has the authority to place a student on an involuntary leave of absence, after appropriate procedural due process has occurred according to the SUNY policy found here.
Medical Leave of Absence
Most students who leave the Health Sciences programs for medical reasons do so voluntarily after discussions with medical advisors and an academic program dean. A request for a medical leave of absence is normally initiated by a student, approved by the dean of their school and processed by the University Registrar.
The dean will indicate what documentation will be necessary to demonstrate readiness to resume studies in the Health Sciences program(s).
Readmission to the Health Sciences
Students who have withdrawn or have been dismissed, and who wish to be readmitted, must apply for readmission through the appropriate Health Sciences school. If the student has attended another institution since leaving the Health Sciences school, an official transcript must be submitted. Each school will determine readmission according to established policies.
Research Involving Human Subjects
Experiments conducted by Stony Brook personnel, on or off campus, in which human subjects are involved are required to be reviewed and approved by the Office of Research Compliance (ORC) before they can begin.
Research Involving Safety Considerations
Questions regarding research safety considerations should be directed to the appropriate school or program and may also be directed to the Office of Research Compliance.
SOLAR System
Stony Brook’s student online access system, the SOLAR system provides students with access to course information, semester class schedules, class registration, unofficial transcripts, financial aid, billing and payment information as well as links to other important sites such as academic calendars. Access is through the student’s Stony Brook ID and password.
Stony Brook University Health Sciences Schools are dedicated to preparing students for a variety of careers in medical facilities, social services organizations, and other institutions.
The Health Sciences Schools require that all students participating in internships, practicums, clinical rotations, or otherwise working at Stony Brook Medicine facilities or other clinical training sites comply with the placement requirements of each respective clinical facility.
Clinical sites increasingly request students to complete criminal background checks and drug screening to meet the requirements for placement.
To facilitate placement at a clinical facility, the Health Sciences Schools will collaborate with CastleBranch, Inc. to help students obtain criminal background checks and drug screening. CastleBranch is a vendor that specializes in higher education screening.
Students will set up student-pay accounts with CastleBranch to complete criminal background record checks and drug screening.
Students will be responsible for paying CastleBranch directly and entering into an End User Agreement to govern their use of the system. Stony Brook University will not process payments.
The Health Sciences Schools will certify students’ eligibility for clinical placements based on the results of CastleBranch’s criminal background checks and drug screening.
- Students who choose to be placed at a facility that requires a criminal history record check may object to completing the process. Such students may select, but shall not be guaranteed acceptance to an alternate clinical site, and may not be able to complete program requirements needed for graduation.
- Criminal history screening includes a review of criminal convictions and probation.
The following factors will be considered for individuals with criminal history:
- The nature of the crime and its relationship to the position
- The specific duties and responsibilities necessarily related to the license or employment/position sought or held by the student
- The bearing, if any, of the criminal offense or offenses for which the student was previously convicted will have on their fitness or ability to perform one or more such duties or responsibilities
- The amount of time elapsed since the occurrence
- The number of convictions
- The age of the person at the time of the occurrence of the criminal offense or offenses
- The seriousness of the offense or offense
- Whether accepting the individual for clinical instruction would pose an unreasonable risk to the facility, its employees or its patients
- The legitimate interest of the public agency or private employer in protecting property, and the safety and welfare of specific individuals or the general public
- Any information produced by the person regarding their rehabilitation and good conduct
- Students may provide consent for criminal background checks through the CastleBranch portal.
- CastleBranch will analyze the criminal history report and determine if a student has a criminal conviction. CastleBranch will notify the Director of Health Sciences Schools Compliance and the respective Health Sciences School representative for any student with a criminal conviction. The details of such convictions shall not be disclosed to the School representatives.
- The Director of Health Sciences Schools Compliance shall consult with the Office of General Counsel to review the student’s criminal history and determine their eligibility for placement at the designated clinical site.
- Upon request, subject to applicable confidentiality laws and Stony Brook University policy, the respective Health Sciences School will submit a written statement to the clinical placement site that the criminal background check was conducted and that the student is eligible for placement. Ineligible students shall not be assigned to a clinical placement site.
- Students who choose to be placed at a facility that requires drug testing may decide not to consent to the screening. Such students may select but are not guaranteed acceptance to an alternate clinical site and may not be able to complete the program requirements needed for graduation.
- Students may provide consent for Drug Screening through the CastleBranch portal.
- CastleBranch will analyze the toxicology report and determine if a student is eligible
for placement at a clinical site.
- The Health Sciences Schools will use CastleBranch’s determination to certify that
a student is eligible for placement. The drug testing services include a Medical Review
Officer who will contact any student with a “non-negative” test to determine if there
is an explanation (prescription, etc.). If a student has a New York State Medical
Marijuana Card, the prescription will be verified by Stony Brook Medicine.
- Upon request, subject to applicable confidentiality laws and Stony Brook University policy, the Health Sciences Schools will provide a written statement to indicate a student has completed drug screening and is eligible for placement.
- The State of New York defines professional misconduct under New York State Education
Law §6530. Professional misconduct includes impairment resulting from being a habitual
abuser of alcohol or drugs that impair a practitioner’s judgment and performance (New
York State Education Law §§6530(7) and (8)). Professional misconduct also results
from “…being convicted of committing an act constituting a crime under New York State
Law, or federal law or of the law of another jurisdiction … which, if committed under
the laws of the State of New York, would have been a crime under New York State law”
(New York State Education Law §6530(9)).
- Students who receive adverse results for toxicology screens and/or criminal background
checks may be barred from clinical placements. This will impede a student’s ability
to complete a degree and/or obtain licensure in the student’s chosen field. Eligibility
for licensure may depend upon work experience, completion of didactic and clinical
education, not having a criminal record, and being free of illegal drugs and habitual
alcohol abuse. Students are responsible for understanding the requirements of certification
exams and licensure that are subject to change depending on the applicable certifying
boards or agencies.
- Generally, clinical sites will decline a student’s application for a clinical placement
if the student has had a positive toxicology screen or a record of criminal convictions
nexus to the nature and scope of work at the facility. These determinations are fact
and site-specific and may depend on the laws of the jurisdiction in which the site
is located. The University will not recommend students for clinical placement without
the appropriate clearances. If a student is found to be ineligible due to the results
of a toxicology report or criminal background check, the University will withdraw
its recommendation regarding the student’s placement at the clinical site. If the
adverse result(s) are discovered while the student is placed at the clinical site,
the University will notify the clinical site and will remove the student from their
- The Office of Student Affairs will: (1) offer resources to the student through the
University’s Counseling and Psychological Services (“CAPS”) and the Center for Prevention
and Outreach (“CPO”) to assist the student, and/or (2) offer a meeting with University’s
Student Support Team in the Division of Student Affairs to provide resources and guidance.
The student may also be offered participation in educational workshops/classes, such
as the University’s Substance Education course, to support healthy decision-making.
Students are strongly recommended to avail themselves of all of the resources offered.
Students enrolled in some non-matriculated programs may be ineligible to participate
in CAPS or CPO resources but are encouraged to seek assistance through their faculty
- A student with a positive toxicology screen will be prohibited from participating
in clinical placements. As a result, the student may be unable to meet course objectives
for classroom or clinical requirements. This may also affect eligibility for graduation
and licensure. Students should consult their bulletins or their academic advisor regarding
any academic consequences.
- The Director of Health Sciences Schools Compliance shall consult with General Counsel,
the Chief Compliance Officer, and the Senior Vice President for Health Sciences before
a clinical placement affiliated is notified that a student is ineligible for placement
due to toxicology or criminal background check results.
- The Health Sciences Schools shall maintain appropriate administrative, physical, and technical safeguards to protect student information.
Stony Brook Medicine facilities, and other organizations affiliated with Stony Brook University Health Sciences Schools as clinical training sites may face civil monetary penalties and exclusion from federal or state health care programs, including Medicaid and Medicare if students assigned to those sites are ineligible to participate in such programs. Therefore, all Health Sciences students shall be screened to identify persons who have been determined to be ineligible.
Students shall immediately disclose any debarment, exclusion, suspension, or other event which make them ineligible to participate in federal or state health care programs. Students shall immediately report such events to their Program Directors and the Office of Health Sciences Schools Compliance.
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General (OIG) is required to exclude individuals for the following conduct:
- Medicare or Medicaid fraud,
- Other healthcare fraud, theft or financial misconduct,
- Patient abuse or neglect,
- Felony convictions related to health care fraud, or
- Felony convictions related to unlawful manufacturing, distribution, prescription, or dispensing of controlled substances.
The OIG is permitted to exclude individuals for the following conduct:
- Misdemeanor convictions related to health care fraud not involving federal or state funded programs,
- Misdemeanor convictions related to unlawful manufacturing, distribution, prescription or dispensing of controlled substances,
- Conviction relating to obstruction of an investigation or audit,
- Suspension, revocation or surrender of a license to provide health care for reasons bearing on professional competence or performance or financial integrity,
- Provision of unnecessary or substandard services,
- Engaging in unlawful kickback arrangements, or
- Defaulting on a health education loan or scholarship obligations.
student educational records
Please refer to the guidelines and procedures on the Office of the Registrar's website regarding student educational records.
Dental and medical students must request official transcripts directly from their schools. Information concerning transcript requests is available on the Office of the Registrar website. Transcripts will be issued only if the student’s financial record shows no outstanding obligation. Students also may view their unofficial transcripts using the SOLAR system. Official transcripts of work taken at other institutions, which have been presented for admission or evaluation of credit, cannot be copied or reissued. If a transcript of work is needed, it should be obtained directly from the appropriate institution.
Withdrawal from the Health Sciences Programs
Withdrawal from an academic program, for any reason, will be recorded only when written documentation is submitted to the academic program and dean for approval and processed by the University Registrar.
Note: Non-attendance does not constitute an official withdrawal. Notification to the student’s instructor does not constitute an official withdrawal. Non-payment of tuition and fees does not constitute an official withdrawal. A student who leaves a school without obtaining an official withdrawal may forfeit the prospect of readmission. If he/she leaves during an academic period without authorization, the student will be reported as having failed all courses. Withdrawal from the University does not relieve students from financial obligations.