Health Sciences Bulletin

Academic Regulations and Procedures

Awards and Honors

School Awards

A candidate for the bachelor’s degree may receive school or departmental awards for superior performance upon recommendation of the faculty of the school in which the student is enrolled.

Undergraduate Dean’s List

At the end of each semester, the dean of each academic undergraduate unit compiles a Dean’s List of undergraduate students who constitute approximately the top 20 percent of the class. Each full-time student must complete in that semester at least 12 credits for a letter grade (including S) and have no U’s, I’s, NR’s, NC’s, NF’s, Q’s or F’s. P grades are not considered to be letter grades. Part-time students must have earned at least six credits in a semester of letter graded work (not including S or P grades). The grade point cutoffs are: juniors 3.45, seniors 3.60 in the School of Health Professions; juniors and seniors 3.60 in the School of Nursing; juniors and seniors 3.75 in the School of Social Welfare.

Degrees with Distinction

Degrees with distinction are conferred on candidates for the Bachelor of Science degree who have completed at least 60 credits at Stony Brook, excluding special examination and waiver credit, and who attain the requisite grade point average (determined by the school). The levels of distinction are summa cum laude, magna cum laude, and cum laude. Attainment of a degree with distinction is indicated on the student’s diploma and permanent academic record. The grade point cutoffs are as follows; for students in the School of Health Professions: summa cum laude, 3.85; magna cum laude, 3.75; cum laude, 3.60; students in the School of Nursing: summa cum laude, 3.80; magna cum laude, 3.70; cum laude 3.60; students in the School of Social Welfare: summa cum laude 3.90, magna cum laude 3.80, cum laude 3.70.

University Awards

The University pays tribute to its outstanding students through the conferring of awards, election to honorary societies and granting of departmental and University honors. For more information regarding the University awards that are presented each year please refer to the Undergraduate Bulletin.

Honor Societies

Selection of students for honors is based primarily on University records and recommendation (not on application). Some of the disciplinary national honor societies require application and have established criteria for eligibility; interested students should approach the relevant department or program. 

Alpha Omega Alpha, a chapter of Alpha Omega Alpha, the national honor medical society, annually recognizes outstanding medical students, alumni and faculty.

Alpha Eta is a national honorary society for the allied health Professions. The Stony Brook chapter was established in 1982 to recognize and encourage scholarship in allied health.

Delta Lambda, a chapter of Delta Omega Honor Society, recognizes excellence in practice, research, education, and academic achievement in the field of public health. Inductees may represent up to 20% of the graduating student body and must be in the upper 25% academically.  Alumni, faculty, and honorary members may also be considered for induction each year.

Lambda Beta is a national honor society for the profession of respiratory care. The Stony Brook chapter in the School of Health Professions was formed in 1987. The criteria for election include scholarship and community and professional service.

Lambda Tau is a national honor society for the profession of Clinical Laboratory Sciences. The Stony Brook Sigma Beta chapter in the School of Health Professions was formed in 1993. Eligibility is limited to no more than 15 percent of each class.

Omicron Kappa Upsilon-Chapter Award recognizes an OKU component chapter that has created exemplary programs that promote excellence at the local level. The Award Selection Committee will consider all activities by a component chapter that recognizes and encourages the art, science and literature of dentistry. Selection will be based upon the innovative and creative programs the chapter has developed to encourage excellence in educating and motivating students, faculty and the dental community.

Phi Alpha Honor Society is a national honor society for social work students dedicated to excellence in scholarship, humanitarian goals, and high professional standards. The National Council of Phi Alpha Honor Society granted membership privileges to the SBU School of Social Welfare effective August, 2015.

Pi Theta Epsilon is a national honor society for the profession of occupational therapy. The Stony Brook chapter in the School of Health Professions was established in 2001 to recognize high achievement in scholarship and research.

Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing Honor Society recognizes outstanding nursing students. The Kappa Gamma chapter in the School of Nursing was chartered in 1988.

The Sigma Tau chapter of Omicron Kappa Upsilon (OKU) was established at the School of Dental Medicine in 1977. Based on academic excellence, character references and service, the active members of the chapter may elect up to 12 percent of the graduating students each year to membership in this organization.

Upsilon Phi Delta Honor Society recognizes, rewards, and encourages academic excellence in the study of healthcare management and policy. Inductees may represent up to 20% of the graduating student body and must be in the upper 25% academically with a minimum GPA of 3.5.  Alumni and honorary members may also be considered for induction each year.

For additional honor societies, please refer to the academic honors.