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Computer Engineering

The ever-increasing use of computers in almost every sphere of our society has created high demand for engineers with balanced knowledge of hardware and software. Computer engineers must have skills that are not only used for design and manufacturing of central processing units, memory systems, peripheral devices, or design of digital systems in general, but also for software development and systems programming.

Circuit Board
Program Overview

    • First two years: basics of mathematics, physics and the fundamental concepts and principles in circuit theory, electronics, digital systems, embedded microprocessor system design and computer science.
  • Third and fourth years: students take courses in computer architecture, software engineering, operating systems, and software tools.
  • Senior year: a one-year senior design course in which a student teams-up with a partner, and works on a project to design and build a prototype of a particular system.




Apply now to be a Computer Engineering major!

Explore Your Future Career Opportunities

Computer engineers are recruited for a variety of fields including:

  • Software Developer
  • Database Administrator
  • Computer Systems Analyst
  • Computer Hardware Engineer
  • Information Security Analyst
  • Video Game Developer
  • Web Developer
  • Computer Programmer