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PhD Program Path

Welcome to the PhD Program. Here are the major milestones for you to pass on your way through the program. Links to required forms are provided with important time stamps and notes where they apply.


Meet with Academic Advisor

1st to 3rd Semesters of Course Work

First Semester Meeting: Discuss PhD program plans, including course work and research.

2nd Semester Meeting: Discuss progress and fill a PhD Program Plan Form. Submit form to Department/Grad Staff Assistant Malina Salman at

Note: If you haven't received your master's degree yet, you will need to fill an MS Program Plan and a PhD Program Plan during your 3rd semester. See the "MS Path" for a link to the form.

PhD Program Plan

Preliminary Exam

2nd Semester of Course Work

Schedule Preliminary Exam: Contact Department/Grad Staff Assistant to help with scheduling and booking a room

Note: If no master's degree has been obtained, schedule exam during 3rd semester of course work.

2 Weeks Prior to Exam: Fill and Submit Record of Preliminary Exam Form. Submit to Department/Grad Staff Assistant

Record of Preliminary Exam

Dissertation Examining Committee

Final Semester of Course Work

Fill the Dissertation Examining Committee Form and submit to Department/Grad Staff Assistant for Department approval.

Dissertation Examining Committee Form

Qualifying Exam

Shortly After the Final Semester of Course Work

Schedule Qualifying Exam: Contact Department/Grad Staff Assistant to help with scheduling and booking a room

2 Weeks Prior to Exam:

  1. Fill Record of Qualifying Exam Form and submit to Department/Grad Staff Assistant
  2. Distribute the written exam (research proposal) to the examining committee 

Record of Qualifying Exam


After Qualifying Exam



Prepare Dissertation

After Advancement

Determine the Semester of Dissertation Defense: Notify Department/Grad Staff Assistant of the anticipated semester of defense.

Note: Defense must occur at least 2 weeks prior to last day of finals.

2 months prior to Defense: Confirm Proposed Examining Committee and details with Department/Grad Staff Assistant. Department will request (from Grad School) approval to appoint your Committee and to schedule your defense.

1 month prior to Defense:

  1. Contact Department/Grad Staff Assistant to help with scheduling and booking a room
  2. Submit Doctoral Defense Announcement to GPD and Department/Grad Staff Assistant for approval

Doctoral Defense Announcement Instructions

Dissertation Submission

2-4 Weeks Prior to Defense

Step 1: Review Dissertation Submission Guidelines

Step 2: Submit copies of the Dissertation to the committee members and one copy to the Department/Grad Staff Assistant

Dissertation Submission Guidelines

Apply for Graduation

4-6 Weeks Prior to End of Semester

Details/Notes: there is a separate deadline to be included in the commencement program publication

Graduation Information and Application

Dissertation Defense

2-3 Days Prior to Defense

Step 1: Sign and Submit PhD Signature Page

Step 2: Defend Dissertation

Adobe Signature Page - PhD

Submit Digital Copy

By 4 pm on the Last Day of the Term

Step 1: Submit digital copy of dissertation to ProQuest ETD Administrator - SBU

Step 2: Upon submission, send a copy of your receipt to

  1. GPD
  2. Department/Grad Staff Assistant

Submission Instructions

Survey of Earned Doctorates


Complete the survey of earned doctorates

Survey of Earned Doctorates (SED) | National Science Foundation

Awarding Degree

Upon Graduate School Clearance

For details regarding posting of your degree, receiving your diploma, and/or requesting a letter of completion, follow the link below.

Awarding Degree