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Dissertation and Thesis Submission

All dissertations and theses must be submitted online through Stony Brook University's ProQuest/UMI ETD administrator site.  All candidates should check with their dissertation advisor and graduate program director regarding additional departmental requirements.

Graduation and Degree Requirements   Doctoral Dissertation and Recitals

Submission specifications

  • Digital copy must be submitted after successfully defended.  Submission Instructions
  • Once submitted an email notification will be sent to the student and to the Graduate School.  No changes can be made after submitting, except for format changes as directed by the Graduate School.  Submissions are reviewed in order and will take an estimate of three weeks after the semester. 
  • Updates will be sent to the email address used to submit by  Students should add this email address to their contacts and regularly check their email inbox. 
  • Adobe is available in campus SINC sites for PDF conversion.
  • Submission Deadlines: 4:00 pm EDT for the May and August and by 4:00 pm EST for the December.
  • Students may email a PDF of their thesis/dissertation to for a format review before officially submitting if they wish. The thesis/dissertation must be submitted to ProQuest by the deadline regardless of when a student's format review request is answered.
  • Co-authorship or copyright permissions must accompany submission in the supplemental files section if any content, including manuscript and appendices, is under another copyright or were supported by a third party. Review UMI Copyright Guide and ProQuest Copyright Guide
  • Students are encouraged to submit copy of theses or dissertation to Academic Commons after their submission is fully accepted by the Graduate School. 
  • Students must contact ProQuest and Academic Commons if they wish to embargo their work.