Undergraduate Bulletin
Spring 2025
Accelerated Bachelor's and Master's Degrees
Stony Brook offers a number of accelerated bachelor's/master's degree programs that allow students to use graduate courses taken as an undergraduate toward both the undergraduate and graduate degrees, thus reducing the normal time required to complete both bachelor's and master's degrees.
Below are the standards for such programs.
1. Students must apply and be admitted to the accelerated degree program. Applicants must have completed a minimum of 60 credits of college work with a g.p.a. of 3.00 or higher in all college work. The application must include approval by both the chairperson of the department offering the bachelor’s degree and the graduate studies director of the program offering the master’s degree.
2. Students can double count a maximum of 15 credits of graduate courses toward the undergraduate and graduate portion of the accelerated program.
3. Although the university allows undergraduate students enrolled in an accelerated program to use a maximum of 15 graduate credits toward the undergraduate portion of the accelerated degree, the maximum allowance may be less than 15, depending on the specific program. The department requirement in this case supersedes the university standard. Please consult the appropriate department.
4. Students must spend at least one year in full-time residency for the masters portion of the program and must earn a minimum of 30 graduate credits for the masters portion of the program. For comprehensive information regarding graduate degree requirements, see the Graduate Bulletin.
5. Students must complete a minimum of 105 undergraduate credits. All other undergraduate degree requirements remain in effect.
6. The degrees may be awarded upon completion of the respective requirements for each program. The masters degree may not be awarded before completion of the undergraduate degree.
7. Undergraduate course credits may not be used to satisfy graduate degree requirements.
College of Arts and Sciences Accelerated Degree Programs
Several accelerated degree programs are available through the College of Arts and Sciences. Please consult with department advisors for eligibility and specific program requirements:
Art History & Criticism, B.A./M.A.
Biochemistry, B.S./Chemistry, M.S.
Chemistry, B.S./M.S.
Engineering Chemistry, B.S./Chemistry, M.S.
Engineering Chemistry, B.S./Materials Science, M.S.
Pharmacology, B.S./M.P.H.
Philosophy, B.A./M.A
Political Science, B.A./Public Policy, M.A.
Women's and Gender Studies, B.A., M.P.H.
College of Engineering and Applied Sciences Accelerated Degree Programs
Several accelerated degree programs are available through the College of Engineering and Applied Sciences. Please consult with department advisors for eligibility and specific program requirements:
Applied Mathematics and Statistics, B.S./M.S.
Applied Math and Statistics, B.S./M.P.H.
Biomedical Engineering, B.E./M.S.
Computer Engineering, B.E./M.S.
Computer Science, B.S./M.S.
Electrical Engineering, B.E./M.S.
Engineering Science, B.E./Materials Science, M.S.
Mechanical Engineering, B.E./M.S.
Technological Systems Management, B.S./M.S.
School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences Accelerated Degree Programs
Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, B.S./ Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, M.S. (Atmospheric Track)
Marine Sciences, B.S./ Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, M.S. (Marine Track)
Marine Vertebrate Biology, B.S./ Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, M.S. (Marine Track)
Environmental Studies, B.A./ Marine Conservation and Policy, M.A.
B.A./M.B.A. and B.S./M.B.A. Programs
Through collaboration between the College of Business, the College of Arts and Sciences, the College of Engineering and Applied Sciences, and the School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, Stony Brook offers accelerated Bachelor’s/Master’s degree programs leading to a Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) plus a choice of nearly any undergraduate major (B.A. or B.S.). These represent almost all undergraduate degree programs we offer, with the exception of engineering majors (B.E.), the undergraduate business major, those majors that are inactive, those that require student teaching, or those that have special licensing guidelines. Students should contact their primary department advisor as well as the College of Business to discuss eligibility and specific requirements for this unique program. Please refer to the Accelerated Bachelor’s/ Master’s Degree Program Regulations, and note that summer coursework is required for timely completion of the M.B.A.
B.A./M.A.T., B.S./M.A.T. and B.A./M.A. Programs Leading to Teaching Certification
Through collaboration between the College of Arts and Sciences, the School of Professional Development, and the Distributed Teacher and Leader Education program, Stony Brook offers accelerated bachelor’s/ master’s degree programs leading to New York State certification in either secondary education or Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL). Please consult with department advisors for eligibility and specific program requirements:
Biology/Adolescent Education: Biology (B.S./M.A.T.)*
Chemistry/Adolescent Education: Chemistry (B.S./M.A.T.)*
English/Adolescent Education: English (B.A./M.A.)
Earth and Space Science/ Adolescent Education: Earth Science (B.S./M.A.T.)*
French Language and Literature/ Adolescent Education: French (B.A./M.A.T.)
History/Adolescent Education: Social Studies (B.A./M.A.T.)
History (B.A./M.A.)
Italian Studies/Adolescent Education: Italian (B.A./M.A.T.)
Linguistics/Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) (B.A./M.A.)
Linguistics + M.A.T. French, leading to dual certification TESOL/French (B.A./M.A.T.)
Linguistics + M.A.T. Italian, leading to dual certification TESOL/Italian (B.A./M.A.T.)
Linguistics + M.A.T. Spanish , leading to dual certification TESOL/ Spanish (B.A./M.A.T.)
Mathematics/Adolescent Education: Mathematics (B.S./M.A.T.)
Physics/Adolescent Education: Physics (B.S./M.A.T.)*
Spanish Language and Literature/ Adolescent Education: Spanish (B.A./M.A.T.)
*A General Science Extension: Grades 7 to 12 may be added to any of these programs upon completion of a minimum of 18 credits in a combination of two additional sciences other than the primary science upon request.