Undergraduate Bulletin

Spring 2025

Army Reserve Officers Training Corp (ROTC)

Office: Student Activity Center Basement
Phone: (631) 816-3017
Email: sbarmyrotc@gmail.com
Contact: https://www.culperbattalion.com/contact
Website: https://www.culperbattalion.com/home

Army ROTC (Reserve Officers Training Corps) is designed to train the next generation of U.S. Army officers. This program offers students the chance to excel in not only their academics but in the field of military science and leadership. Students may participate in the program during their freshman and sophomore years with no service obligation. They will learn Army leadership, custom & traditions, military operations and tactics, health and physical fitness, applied leadership theory, and effective communication.

Students enrolled in the advanced course (junior and senior years) earn a commission as a 2nd Lieutenant in the Army serving on active duty or in the Army Reserve or National Guard.

The Life of an ROTC Cadet

As a cadet, students will embark upon the mental and physical challenges of ROTC in addition to the academic responsibilities at Stony Brook. Cadets learn how to manage their time between academics and ROTC functions. Some ROTC time is spent completing physical training; the other is spent in the classroom and lab, where students will learn the fundamentals of leadership and management and practical skills that include small team leadership, decision making, and team building. In addition, cadets participate in activities outside of normal classroom and laboratory instruction, such as Field Training Exercises, Military Ball, Army 10 Miler, Tunnels for Towers, etc.

Army ROTC offers three programs leading to a commission as a second lieutenant in the Army, National Guard, or Reserve:

  1. Traditional four-year program for incoming first-year students
  2. Three-year program for interested sophomores
  3. A two-year program for qualifying juniors, transfer students, or graduate students


Students may qualify for a four, three or two-year scholarship. Scholarships are awarded to ROTC cadets based on academic record, extracurricular activities, and leadership potential.

Scholarships are limited: High school students need to apply online. College students compete for scholarships on campus based on grades and performance during Army ROTC training. Students must have a 2.5 GPA to be awarded and maintain a scholarship.


During the first year, students are introduced to the skills and lifestyle of an ROTC cadet.

During sophomore year, students will continue to learn the skills that were introduced during the first year while building more leadership experience by assisting and leading the underclassmen.

During junior year, students will prepare for the Cadet Leadership Course at Fort Knox, Kentucky. Students will attend the multi-weeklong camp during the summer between of junior and senior years and are put to the test the endurance, leadership skills, and mental agility they’ve gained in cooperation with other cadets from across the nation.

During senior year, students will hold cadet officer positions and work with faculty to help run the program and assist underclassmen in their training.

Graduation and Assignment

Cadets receive their occupational specialty and location of assignment during their senior year. Upon graduation, ROTC officers go on to serve in one of 16 fields, including Army aviation, signal corps, infantry, military police, military intelligence, etc.

Army cadets may apply for active duty on a full-time basis or on a part-time basis through the National Guard or Reserve. After commissioning, Second Lieutenants will continue their professional military education by preparing to attend their branch-specific Basic Officer Leadership Course (BOLC).

Graduating cadets may also request authorization to immediately continue their education in graduate programs in the medical, legal, and ministry fields.

Some of the Details:

  1. If a student chooses to complete the Army ROTC training program, they must sign a contract to join the Army by the junior year of college. This contract will obligate them to be affiliated with the Army for eight years: a minimum of four years in an active participating status and four years in a non-active status, during which they could still be called to duty if required. They will also earn a monthly salary, that is tax exempted and a yearly allowance for textbooks
  2. Students must complete all requirements in order to be commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the U.S. Army. Requirements include obtaining a bachelor’s degree, being physically qualified and completing all required Army ROTC training. Full-time active duty is not guaranteed. In order to be competitive, students need to have above a 3.0 GPA for the first three years of college, score high on the Army Physical Fitness Test, and demonstrate outstanding leadership during Army ROTC training.
  3. Active Duty (full time) Second Lieutenants start out at about $40,000 a year salary with medical and dental benefits included.
  4. Reserve Component (part-time) Second Lieutenants start out making about $6,000 a year working one weekend a month and two weeks a year, with opportunities to earn more for completing additional work or training at a rate of about $100 a day. This is in addition to a civilian job salary. Discounted medical and life insurance benefits are available. Basic dental care is provided.
  5. Students who enlist in the Army Reserve or National Guard in conjunction with Army ROTC are not deployed while still in college. They earn a monthly stipend for monthly weekend duty and about $2,000 for completing nine weeks of basic training. There are some opportunities for additional duty at a rate of about $50-$70 a day. Discounted medical and life insurance benefits are available. Basic dental care is provided.
  6. Students who enlist in the Reserve Component can still compete for active duty commissioning, but if they fail to complete their Army ROTC obligation, they are bound to remain an enlisted soldier in the Reserve Component in accordance with their enlistment contract.