Graduate School Bulletin
Spring 2025
Carravetta, Peter, Ph.D. 1983, NYU: Modern thought and hermeneutics; Italian philosophy
Crease, Robert, Ph.D., 1987, Columbia University: Philosophy of science; aesthetics.
Dilworth, David, Ph.D., 1963, Fordham University; Ph.D., 1970, Columbia University: History of philosophy, East Asian languages, and cultures.
Mar, Gary, Ph.D., 1985, University of California, Los Angeles: Logic; philosophy of mathematics; contemporary analytic philosophy; philosophy of religion.
Miller, Clyde Lee, Ph.D., 1974, Yale University: History of philosophy.
Simpson, Lorenzo, Ph.D., 1978, Yale University: Contemporary continental philosophy (hermeneutics and critical theory); philosophy of the social sciences; philosophy of science and technology; neopragmatism and post-analytic philosophy; philosophy and race.
Steinbock, Anthony, PhD., 1993, Stony Brook University; Phenomenology; Contemporary German and French Philosophy; Philosophy of Religion; Social Ontology, and Aesthetics.
Associate Professors
Cormier, Harvey J., Ph.D., 1992 Harvard University: American philosophy; William James and pragmatism; philosophy and culture; philosophy of biology; philosophy of race.
Craig, Megan, Ph.D., 2006, New School of Social Research: Ethics; aesthetics; pragmatism; phenomenolgy; Levinas.
Kim, Alan, Ph.D., Ph.D., 2001, McGill University: Ancient Greek philosophy; German philosophy.
O’Byrne, Anne., Ph.D, 1999, Vanderbilt University: 20th-century and contemporary European philosophy; political philosophy.
Assistant Professors
Ansari, Rosabel, Ph.D., 2020, Georgetown University: Classical and post-classical Islamic philosophy;
Graeco-Arabic Studies
Lemelin, Joseph., Ph.D., 2018, The New School for Social Research: Philosophy of Technology, Critical Theory, Philosophy of Mind, and Ancient Philosophy
Full Time Lecturer
Carter, Jennifer, Ph.D., 2018, Stony Brook University
Adjunct Professors
Brockelman, Thomas, Ph.D., 1992, Stony Brook University: 19 th & 20 th -Century Continental Philosophy,
Aesthetics and Philosophies of Art, Modern and Postmodern Studies, Freudian & Lacanian Psychoanalytic
Theory, Digital Philosophy, Philosophy & Architecture.
Irwin, Brian, Ph.D., 2014, Stony Brook University: 20th Century Continental Philosophy, Phenomenology,
Aesthetics, and Philosophy of Place.
Emeritus Faculty
Casey, Edward S., Distinguished Professor, Ph.D., 1967, Northwestern University: Aesthetics;
phenomenology; philosophy of psychology.
de Laurentiis, Allegra, Emeritus and Toll Professor, effective January 22, 2024 PhD, 1982, University of Frankfurt. Nineteenth Century German Philosophy; Greek Philosophy
Edwards, Jeffrey B., Emeritus and Toll Professor, effective January 22, 2024 Ph.D., 1987, Universität Marburg, Germany: History of philosophy; Kant; modern philosophy.
Grim, Patrick , B. Phil., 1975, University of St. Andrews, Scotland; Ph.D., 1976, Boston University: Logic;
ethics; computer modeling; contemporary analytic philosophy.
Harvey, Robert, Distinguished Professor, Ph.D. 1988, University of California, Berkeley; aesthetics,
literature-philosophy interpenetrations, history of ideas, critical theory.
Kittay, Eva, Distinguished Professor, Ph.D., 1978, City University of New York: Philosophy of language;
philosophy and literature; feminism.
Nolan, Rita, Ph.D., 1965, University of Pennsylvania: foundations of cognitive science; philosophy of art;
philosophy of language.
Rawlinson, Mary C., Ph.D., 1978, Northwestern University: 19th-century philosophy; Hegel; contemporary
French philosophy; aesthetics and literary theory; bioethics.
Welton, Donn, Ph.D., 1973, Southern Illinois University: Phenomenology and epistemology; philosophical psychology; Contemporary German philosophy.
Number of teaching, graduate, and research assistants, Fall 2023: 26
[1] Joint Appointment in Cultural Studies and Comparative Literature. Recipient of the Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching.
[2] Recipient of the Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, 1980
[3] Joint Appointments in Cultural Studies and Comparative Literature, Women’s and Gender Studies, and The College of Business. Recipient of the Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, 1984.
[4] Recipient of the Commonwealth of Virginia’s Outstanding Faculty Award, 1990; University of Richmond’s Distinguished Educator Award, 1984
[5] Joint appointment with Linguistics, Chancellor’s and President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, 1993; Pew Scholar’s Award, 1995; Outstanding Professor Award from the Alumni Association, 1995; Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in University Service, 2015.
[6] Recipient of the State University Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, 1988
[7] Recipient of President’s and Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Activity, 2005
[8] Recipient of the State University Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, 1978