Undergraduate Bulletin

Spring 2025

University Scholars Program

Assistant Dean: Dr. Catherine Sherman

Director: Jessie Frevola

Office: Stony Brook Union, Suite 111

Phone: (631) 632-4378

Email: universityscholars@stonybrook.edu 

Website: www.stonybrook.edu/universityhonors

The University Scholars Program is a vibrant community of high-achieving students at Stony Brook. This program allows students to make connections with our world-class faculty, participate in numerous activities, and obtain leadership and research opportunities on campus. The purpose is to create a community of learners focused around our three pillars of leadership, service, and academic excellence.

University Scholars is a four-year program and is made up of some of the campus’ most active student and community leaders. Recent incoming students have had 96-99 high school GPAs, 1410-1520 SAT (critical reading and math) composite scores, and 31-34 ACT composite scores. The Program is by invitation only. 

First-year students residing on-campus have the option of living with other Scholars in their Quad and enroll in a Scholars-only section of their First Year Seminar course to help foster a greater sense of community. All Scholars are eligible to attend special symposia and field trips, obtain special academic advising throughout their career at Stony Brook, participate in the Scholars Executive Council, partake in a variety of outreach activities, and obtain priority registration for classes.

In addition to all the benefits noted above, new Scholars can also request a Peer Mentor (an upperclassman who has been a member of the Scholars Program for at least one full academic year) to assist them with the transition from high school to college and help them navigate Stony Brook’s campus. Scholars are committed to being active and engaged members not only of Stony Brook University, but of the community-at-large as well, and participate in a number of service initiatives.

Curriculum Before Fall 2025

Students must satisfactorily complete first-year foundational seminars SCH 101 and 102, complete the EXP+ requirement, and meet their co-curricular event attendance requirements as determined by their class year. First-year students must participate in two Scholar-designated events per semester; sophomores through seniors must attend one per semester.

Curriculum Beginning Fall 2025

The updated curriculum develops student leadership and engagement in order to prepare and empower students to realize their potential, that of others, and of the greater good. Students must satisfactorily complete first-year foundational courses (SCH 101 & 102), the EXP+ requirement, as well as attend a Scholars' designated event every semester. First-year students are required to attend two events per semester. Students will develop their leadership knowledge and skills through SCH 200: Scholars Leadership Foundations and SCH 300: Scholars Leadership Practice. The Scholars Senior Capstone (SCH 490) is the culminating academic requirement in the program. Through the Capstone, seniors will synthesize their academic learning, leadership knowledge, and program experiences with their professional goals and plans.

Course Sequence

First Year                                               SCH 101 and 102
Second and Third Years                           SCH 200 and 300
Fourth Year                                            SCH 490



Requirements to maintain University Scholars Program membership and receive transcript notation include:

  • Receive an “S” (Satisfactory) grade in their SCH 101 course and a C or better in all required SCH courses;
  • Maintain a cumulative GPA of at least a 3.0;
  • Not be found guilty of academic dishonesty;
  • Meet the minimum “for-credit” event requirement each semester (freshmen must attend 2 each semester; upperclassmen must attend 1 each semester): and
  • Cleared through Community Standards to ensure no University Code of Conduct policies have been violated.