Undergraduate Bulletin
Spring 2025
Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) Honors Program
Assistant Dean: Dr. Catherine Sherman
Director: Jacquelyn Gatta
Office: Stony Brook Union, Suite 111
Phone: (631) 632-4378
E-mail: wisehonors@stonybrook.edu
Website: stonybrook.edu/universityhonors
The WISE Honors Program offers educational and professional science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) opportunities for undergraduate students at the University by facilitating individual, institutional, and social change. The main goals of the program are to: (1) promote academic excellence; (2) support professional development; (3) facilitate research opportunities; (4) establish and maintain community outreach; (5) encourage global collaboration; and (6) enact inclusive strategies. The four-year curriculum is designed to promote academics, research, service, and leadership.
WISE Honors Program admissions are based on both quantitative and qualitative criteria. Applicants must have a demonstrated aptitude and interest in science, technology, mathematics, and/or engineering (STEM) as evidenced by factors such as mathematics and/or science courses in high school, above-average grades, research or other relevant experience, above-average scores on the quantitative parts of the SAT or ACT examination or an SAT science or mathematics achievement test. Recent incoming students have had 95-98 high school GPAs, 1420-1540 SAT (critical reading and math) composite scores, and 32-34 ACT composite scores. Strong applicants should have demonstrated interest in the WISE Honors Program mission as shown by extracurricular activities, service, and leadership.
Transfer students, first-year students and sophomores not initially enrolled in the WISE Honors Program can apply for admission into the program. Acceptance will be based on quantitative and qualitative (STEM major, personal statement and letters of recommendation from faculty) criteria.
The core of the WISE Honors Program curriculum emphasizes not only academic excellence in STEM, but service and leadership with a deep and rigorous research and career focus.
- Course Sequence
A WISE Honors Program student should take the course sequence (or their equivalents) described in the following table:
Fall |
Spring |
Any Semester |
Focus |
First year |
WSE 101 (1c) |
WSE 105 (1c) |
Academics |
Research and Career |
Second year |
WSE 380 (3 c) (offered both semesters) |
WSE 205 (1c) |
Academics |
Research and Career |
Third year |
WSE 381 (1c) (offered both semesters) WSE 201 (3c) offered both semesters |
Academics |
Service and Career |
Fourth year |
WSE 401 (1c) (offered both semesters) |
WSE 405 (1c) |
WSE Practicum (total 2 credits) offered both semesters |
Leadership |
WSE 495 (3c) |
WSE 496 (3c) |
Thesis or Design Project |
- Students will take WSE 101 and WSE 105 in the first year.
- WSE Practicum for a total of 2 credits can be taken at the same time or after WSE 381. This can be accomplished by taking WSE Practicum courses (WSE 475/477/487/488). Courses under a different designator may be considered in lieu of WSE Practicum. Students are encouraged to consult with the WISE Honors Program advisor prior to enrollment.
- Students who enter the WISE Honors Program after the first semester of their first year will follow a modified course program according to the time spent in college. For example, those entering as sophomores must take WSE 101 and WSE 105 or substitute equivalent courses.
- Every WISE Honors Program student must submit a letter of intent containing a detailed description of the student's intended senior thesis or design project in WSE 495/496. The letter of intent must be submitted to the WISE Honors Program for approval no later than three days before the add/drop deadline in the semester the student enrolls in WSE 495/496. A progress report must be submitted at the end of the first semester of work. An appropriate thesis must be submitted at the end of the second semester and an oral report must be made at the annual University Honors Senior Symposium. The grade on the senior thesis or project design must be C or higher. These rules apply to students doing their theses or projects under the WSE designator or under a departmental designator. Students must obtain WISE Honors Program approval for registration under a designator other than WSE.
The WISE Honors Program will fulfill the Stony Brook Curriculum (SBC) general education requirements though the courses listed below:
- WSE 105/201 = GLO
- WSE 201 = HUM/DIV
- WSE 380 = TECH
- WSE 381 = SBS
- WSE 401 = STAS
- WSE 495/496 = ESI, EXP+, CER, SPK and WRTD
In addition, students must fulfill the following general education requirements:
- Explore and Understand the Fine and Performing Arts (ARTS)
- Master Quantitative Problem Solving (QPS)
- Study the Natural World (SNW)
- Understand the Political, Social and Cultural History of the United States (USA)
- Write Effectively in English (WRT)
WISE Honors Program students must complete advanced studies in two of the three distinct areas of knowledge:
- Humanities and Fine Arts (HFA+)
- Social and Behavioral Sciences (SBS+)
- Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM+)
Students who transfer out of the WISE Honors Program must complete all remaining general education requirements for graduation.
B. Requirements to maintain WISE Honors Program membership and receive transcript notation:
- Receive an "S" (Satisfactory) grade in WSE 101 and pass all required WISE Honors curriculum with a C or higher grade including the Senior Thesis or Design Project;
- Maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0;
- Not be found guilty of academic dishonesty; and
- Cleared through Community Standards to ensure no University Code of Conduct policies have been violated.
Students who receive a grade of C- or lower in a WISE Honors Program course (those with the WSE designator) may request to repeat the course toward WISE Honors Program requirements.