Related Policy Resources
The links below provide access to policy related information and resources:
SUNY Board of Trustees Resources
The Board of Trustees is the governing body of the State University of New York. The
Board has its own policies, which are applicable at State-operated Campuses, including
Stony Brook.
SUNY Policies & Procedures
The State University of New York has its own Policy and Procedure library. This library is a compendium of the State University
of New York System-wide policies, procedures, regulations, and related information
and forms for each policy and procedure.
SUNY Research Foundation Policies, Procedures, and Forms
The Research Foundation for the State University of New York is a non-profit education corporation governed by its own independent board of directors.
It exists to serve the State University of New York and supports SUNY with a common
set of people, technology and processes. RF Policies, Procedures and Forms are available
on its website.
Stony Brook Council
The Stony Brook Council serves as an oversight and advisory body to the campus and
to Stony Brook’s president and senior officers. In accordance with New York State
Education Law, the Council comprises ten members; nine who are appointed to seven-year
terms by the governor of the State of New York, and one student member elected in
alternating years from among the campus’ undergraduate and graduate students.