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Print your W-2 or change your Federal, State and Local tax withholdings directly online @ NYS Payroll Online. Sign-Up Help?

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Print your W-2 or change your Federal, State and Local tax withholdings directly online @ HR Self-Service. Sign-Up Help?

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Tax Withholding Estimator 

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                                                                       Recent Tax Updates

Title % Wage Base Limit Description
TitleSocial Security Tax (FICA Tax) %6.2% Wage Base Limit$176,100 DescriptionThe Social Security wage base limit is $176,100
The Social Security tax rate for employees remains 6.2%
The maximum social security withholding tax employees will pay is $10,918.20
TitleFederal Income Tax %22% Wage Base Limit  DescriptionThe Federal income tax withholding rates changed effective January 1st. Federal tax tables for Non-Resident Alien employees increased slightly. The flat rate for withholding on supplemental wage payments up to and including $1 million will be 22%
TitleMedicare Tax* (FICA Tax) %1.45% Wage Base Limit  DescriptionMedicare tax rate remains 1.45% with no wage base limit. See also "New Additional Medicare Tax."
TitleAdditional Medicare Tax (FICA Tax) %2.35% (1.45% + 0.9%) Wage Base Limit  $200,000+ DescriptionEmployees receiving income in excess of $200,000 will be subject to an additional Medicare Tax of 0.9%. As a result, wages in excess of $200,000 will be taxed at 2.35% (1.45% + 0.9%)
TitleNew York State Income Tax %11.70% Wage Base Limit  DescriptionThe New York State withholding tax tables updated effective January 1st
The flat rate for withholding on supplemental wage payments is 11.70%
TitleNYS Paid Family Leave (PFL) %  Wage Base Limit  DescriptionPFL is available to Management/Confidential (MC13), Research Foundation (RF) and UUP (08) represented employees. The payroll contribution is 0.388% of an employee's gross wages each pay period. The maximum annual employee contribution is $354.53.

NYS Dept of Taxation & Finance

IRS Tax Withholding Resources

The IRS provides a Tax Withholding for Individuals resources page to help in understanding Tax Withholdings.

IRS Resources 



Deferred Compensation 

Deferred Compensation Limit

The regular yearly contribution amount for Deferred Compensation has increased to $23,000.

Deferred Compensation 50 Years & Over

Eligible employees age 50 and over can defer up to $7,500 in addition to their regular contribution amount, for a combined total contribution limit of $30,500.

414(h) Retirement Contribution Reminder

If you are a member of a Retirement System (ERS, TRS, or TIAA-CREF), and are still making 414 (h) Retirement Contributions (3% or more of gross pay), you must remember to add these contributions to your Federal adjusted gross income on your NYS Personal Income Tax return.

The amount you contributed in the last calendar year will be shown in Box 14 on your W-2 Statement and should be included on Line 21 of  Forms IT-201 OR  IT-203.

Be sure that any tax preparation software you may use performs this calculation. Failure to add this amount to your Federal adjusted gross income may result in additional payments and interest due.

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