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Permanent Appointment for UUP Professional Employees

The Policies of the Board of Trustees of the State University of New Yorkoffer to professional employees who satisfy specific University service requirements, eligibility for permanent appointment (see Article XI, Title C). Permanent appointment is defined in the Policies of the Board of Trustees as " appointment of a professional employee in a professional title which is eligible for a permanent appointment, which shall continue until a change in such title, resignation, retirement or termination." (Article XI, Title C, Section 1 (a)).


Eligibility For Initial Permanent Appointment

A professional employee must have completed seven (7) consecutive years of full-time professional service at Stony Brook University and have been in a professional title that is eligible for permanent appointment during the last two (2) years of that appointment, such appointment shall not be effective until made so by the Chancellor.

Process Overview

The consideration for permanent appointment is a process that includes consultation by the employee and the immediate supervisor approximately eight months before the date of eligibility for permanent appointment. Therefore, you should begin preparing the file 8 months prior to the employee's permanent appointment effective date.


  • When an employee is eligible for consideration the supervisor will receive notification of eligibility and the process for Permanent Appointment from Human Resources through their Division HR Business Partner.
  • The supervisor will notify the employee of permanent appointment eligibility and request an updated resume/C.V., and a list of references to solicit.


  • The supervisor will solicit references identified by the candidate, the supervisor and secondary sources (as identified in the Performance Program). We require a minimum of 4 contacts from both the employee and the supervisor, giving a minimum total of 8.
  • The supervisor completes a comprehensive review, completes the Supervisor's Statement and meets with the employee to review the Supervisor's Statement and recommendation.
  • The Supervisor compiles all evaluative material into a Permanent Appointment File.


  • The Supervisor submits the compiled Permanent Appointment file to the Department head and/or Dean's office.
  • The Department Head and/or Dean reviews the file and makes a recommendation to the Vice President or Provost.
  • The Vice President or Provost reviews and makes a recommendation to the University President.
  • The file is then submitted to Human Resources (HR).
  • HR reviews the file, completes a comprehensive review and notifies the employee that the file is available for their review. (NOTE: statements/documents from solicited references that do not indicate approval of disclosure shall NOT be available to the employee.)


  • HR forwards permanent appointment file to the President for review and recommendation.
  • If the President denies the permanent appointment, the employee will be notified in writing. 
  • If the President supports the permanent appointment, HR sends the file to the Chancellor.
  • When the permanent appointment is supported by recommendations, the employee will receive notification from HR on behalf of the University President and Chancellor.
  • This notification is received approximately two weeks before the eligibility date, if the file is submitted timely.

For additional information, visit Permanent Appointment in a New Title.


Email hrs_state_appointments

Frequently Asked Questions