The program provides a written guideline of the Goals and Objectives for a position:
An annual written evaluation of an employee's performance and accomplishments should
identify areas needing improvement. This should be the written "review phase" of your year long, on-going verbal feedback to your employees. This important communication
process provides the opportunity for the supervisor and employee to reflect on achievements,
plan for future activities, re evaluate job functions, and consider career or position
The evaluative process should assist those making decisions about discretionary increases
and serve to support the increase recommendation. The Research Foundation encourage supervisors to conduct performance programs at the time of hire, and evaluations
on an annual basis for all RF-supported employees. Programs and Performance Evaluations
must be generated for Administrative employees and all employees identified as having
Patient Contact .
1. Encourage Employee Self-Assessment: The new self-assessment form provides an opportunity for the employee to reflect on their accomplishments and
challenges faced, over the evaluation year. Notify the staff member that the evaluation
is due and that a voluntary self-assessment form may be completed and submitted to the supervisor prior to completion
of the written evaluation. The self-evaluation form may be attached t o the final evaluation and submitted to Human Resources.
2. Solicit Feedback from Other Sources: Prior to finalizing a written review, and when applicable, supervisors are encouraged
to solicit feedback from those who have assigned tasks to this employee.
3. Prepare a Performance Program & Evaluation Form: Supervisors should print a copy of the Performance Program and Evaluation Form prior
to meeting with the employee.
Section I: Review previous performance program's goals and objectives, and comment on employee's
progress and/ or accomplishment for each.
Section II: Review the Six performance factors and use check-boxes to assign the most appropriate
rating (see Performance Ratings Chart below ) for each factor. Provide more comments
about each performance factor in the space provided if desired.
Section Ill: Provide a summary statement, making note of any significant contributions or projects,
and select a rating which is reflective of t he employee's overall performance for
the period.
Section IV/VI: Draft New Year Goals and Objectives, Areas for Improvement, and/or Development Opportunities
4. Meet with the Employee to Discuss:
Achievements and overall performance related goals and objectives, acknowledge special
accomplishments, and solicit feedback from employee regarding ratings assigned. If
the "Needs Improvement" rating has been assigned to any of the performance factors,
the supervisor and employee should discuss and document the areas of work that need
New Year Goals and Objectives, Areas for Improvement, and Development Opportunities
should also be discussed with the employee. The supervisor has final authority with
regard to what is included in t he new performance program.
5. Finalize and Sign Performance Program & Evaluation Form: After discussion wit h the employee the supervisor can make any revisions as appropriate. The employee, supervisor, and project director should all sign the same final copy.
6. Submit Completed documents: Submit final evaluation and performance program in confidential envelopes to:
- Signed Original Form : Office of Human Resources, Room 390, Administration Bldg. Z:0751
- Copies: Employee, Supervisor/ Project Direct or, VP Coordinator
Performance Ratings Chart
Outstanding - O |
The employee consistently exceeds the requirements for the tasks or objectives to
be accomplished during the performance period, and/or has made outstanding contributions to the work of the office
or project . |
Highly Effective - HE |
The employee meets performance expectations and has generally achieved the objectives
or successfully performed the tasks specified in the performance program. The employee
is performing better than expected for some of the objectives/tasks assigned. |
Effective - E |
The employee' s performance is at an acceptable level; how ever there may be need
for improvement in one or more areas of the employee's performance. In some cases employees rated in this category
are either recent appointees, trainees, or appointed to a position having new responsibilities. |
Needs Improvement - NI |
The employee's performance clearly does not meet minimally acceptable standards. There
is need for immediate and significant improvement in performance. |