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West Campus, Health Sciences, and School of Medicine



Create an efficient and effective advertising plan to help target a diverse pool of candidates. 



Advertising Agency

Job Elephant Services

Job Elephant is a highly specialized job advertisement agency that can provide departments with recommendations for appropriate posting platforms based on real time analytics. These recommendations are tailored to the position and will also provide recommendations for publications that will enhance departmental diversity and inclusion efforts. Each posting includes analytics which will indicate the return on investment (ROI) of your advertising. 

Job Portal

With Job Elephant, departments can access invoices and campaigns online, see which media outlets offer the best return on investment, and get outreach recommendations catered to their position descriptions, all while having the majority of the advertising process automated. 

Best Practices for Advertising

Advertising Plan

Creating an efficient and effective advertising plan will help target a diverse pool of candidates. Advertising may take on many forms, including free advertising through the Stony Brook Jobs page and individual LinkedIn accounts, or paid advertising through Job Elephant. 

  1. Make sure you utilize the correct job boards - it will broadens your applicant pool by giving your position higher visibility; it can also help target specific fields of interest for highly specialized positions.
  2. Post your position in a variety of areas to increase the diversity of your applicant pool! Candidates from varied backgrounds are more likely to see the postings.
  3. Positions are automatically placed on the Stony Brook Jobs page, HERC and free of charge - take advantage of free advertising opportunities by posting links to positions from the SBU Jobs page on your personal LinkedIn page!

The Advertisement Process

Advertising Request Form

1. After a job requisition is created, the departmental contact fills out the Ad Request Formand communicates that they want advertising (or that they would like advertising quotes) for a requisition to the VPC. If a department is only looking for quotes and is not ready to move forward with advertising, this must be indicated on the email.

2. The VPC approves the Ad Request Formand sends it to

3. CJO reviews the form and forwards it to the advertising firm with the departmental contact.

4. The advertising firm replies to the departmental contact (cc’ing CJO) with the quotes from requested websites, along with quotes and recommendations for other websites that may attract candidates specific to the PD. These quotes are listed in order of ROI/value based on tracking data.

5. The departmental contact looks over the quotes and decides what advertising is appropriate.

6. Once a decision is made, the departmental contact approves the quotes for theJob Campaign(s) online in the Job Portal. Campaigns must be approved for them to be posted. 

  • For state funded advertising only — the department does not have to approve the invoices in the system, this is for record-keeping purposes only.
  • All non-state funded invoices, including RF, CPMP, and SBF — will be billed directly to the corresponding department and account listed on the Ad Request Form.The department will be responsible for paying the invoice in the system. The account number listed on the form must be the account used for payment or the process will be delayed.

7. The advertisement agency sends the departmental contact an email with an attached data snapshot (including the tear sheets and live links) confirming campaign start and end dates, recruiters will update the position posting accordingly to match.


Record Keeping

For record keeping purposes, the department may look up invoicing information and access tear sheets in the job portal as well.

Job Portal


The Invoicing Process

Job Elephant will receive an ad request form indicating the funding source, account number, contract number, and PO number (if applicable) corresponding to the ad request. Depending on the funding source, departments will be billed as follows:

For State-Funded Requisitions:
Invoices will be emailed to

The account number listed for state funds must be 8 digits in total, with no lines or slashes. If the account number provided is 6 digits, please add two zeros to the end of the number for 8 digits in total.

For RF-Funded Requisitions:
Invoices will be emailed to
RF funded advertising must be billed individually for each request to the corresponding account number listed on the advertising form.

For SBF-Funded Requisitions:
Invoices will be emailed to

For CPMP-Funded Requisitions:
Invoices will be emailed to