Health Sciences Bulletin


Student Health Policy

The purpose of the student health policy is to ensure that all students meet the physical examination and health history requirements of the University and that students working in clinical settings meet the requirements of University healthcare facilities and clinical affiliates, as well as the state health code. This policy also complies with Public Health Law 2165, which requires all students in post-secondary education to be immunized against mumps, measles and rubella.

NYS Public Health Law 2167 requires institutions, including colleges and universities, to distribute information about meningococcal disease and vaccination to all students whether they live on or off campus.

All students admitted to Health Sciences programs are required to submit to the Student Health Service and the credentialing service required by the program or school, as appropriate, documentation of the results of a physical examination, required laboratory tests and a record of immunizations. The completed form must be on file before a student is allowed to start their coursework. 

Health Form

The appropriate Health Form for your course of study must be completed by a licensed practitioner prior to the start of classes and returned to the address indicated on the form. Depending on the program of study, students will complete either the “Health Form–Health Sciences Center” for clinical programs or the “Health Form” for non-clinical programs.

The form has three parts: Health History, Physical Examination and Immunization History.

NYS Public Health Law 2165 requires that every student demonstrate proof of immunity against measles, mumps and rubella. Only students born before 1957 are exempt from this requirement.

In addition, as noted above, NYS Public Health Law 2167 requires institutions, including colleges and universities, to distribute information to students about meningococcal disease and vaccination to all students. Students must comply with this law by reading the required information about meningitis and completing the meningococcal vaccination response form, which will be available after being admitted. The Registrar will de-registrer students who are not in compliance.

All Health Sciences students are required to comply with the training requirements related to privacy and security provisions of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996. This information will be provided by the individual schools at orientation.


All Health Sciences School students must adhere to the COVID protocols established by the University. Please visit the Stronger Together webpage for additional information.

Required and Recommended Laboratory Test Results and Immunizations

Requirements vary by school. Students are responsible for the costs of the physical examination and immunizations.

additional requirements

Students who receive clinical training are required to provide documentation of an annual health assessment following the requirements of University healthcare facilities and other clinical affiliates. The schools will provide to their students the Health Sciences Student Annual Health Assessment Form. Students must have the assessment completed by a private practitioner or the Student Health Service. Each school is responsible for monitoring student compliance before allowing a student to begin or continue clinical education. The school will refer students to the Student Health Service or to their personal practitioner if problems are identified as a result of the assessment.

Students who do not receive clinical training are exempted from the requirement of an annual health assessment.

Students injured while on clinical assignments will be evaluated and treated in accordance with the hospital’s employee policy. Injuries must be reported to the school in writing by the student involved. In addition, the student must follow the policies and procedures concerning injuries/accidents at that institution. The schools will be responsible for recording any injuries and for monitoring student compliance with the recommendations/requirements for appropriate follow- up. Financial responsibility for emergency and follow-up care belongs to the student.

All Health Sciences students are required to comply with the training requirements related to healthcare compliance, privacy and security provisions of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996. This information will be provided by the individual schools at orientation.