Workplace Violence Prevention Program
I. Rules and Responsibility
⇒It is the responsibility of all employees to work to create and maintain a workplace free from threats and acts of violence. An individual who observes violence taking place or feels there may be an immediate threat to someone's safety should call 911 for University Police assistance from any Campus phone or (631) 632-3333 from an off-campus or cellular phone. Any employee who becomes aware of a display of violent, abusive or threatening behavior, or a threat by another employee, must also report such behavior to his/her supervisor.
⇒In other than an emergency, any employee should contact Human Resource Services or University Police for consultation or assistance if they believe there is an emerging potential threat to someone's safety or to property. Callers needing advice after University offices are closed should call 911 for University Police assistance from any Campus Phone or (631) 632-3333 from an off campus or cellular Phone.
⇒All employees (faculty and staff) are encouraged to report any violation of the Workplace Violence (WPV) Policyto a supervisor and should complete a Workplace Violence Incident Report. Supervisors are required to report any violations. The employee may be requested to document their experience and observations in order to facilitate the handling or resolution of the situation.
⇒If a workplace violence incident has occurred, University Police will consult with the victimized employee and may consult with the immediate supervisor to develop and implement individualized workplace safety plans, which may include, when necessary and appropriate, advising co-workers of the situation; setting up procedures for alerting security and/or University Police; reassignment of parking space; escort for entry to and exit from the building; addressing telephone, fax, e-mail or mail harassment; keeping a photograph of the abuser and/or a copy of any existing court orders in a confidential on-site location and providing copies to security personnel and other staff where it is appropriate and necessary to do so as determined by University Police; working with Human Resource Services to temporarily relocate the victim to a secure area or voluntary transfer or permanent relocation to a new work site, if appropriate; working with Human Resource Services in implementing further administrative/personnel measures as appropriate.
⇒An Incident Review Team, comprised of representatives from Human Resource Services, Labor Relations, University Police and other departments as appropriate, shall be convened as necessary to review specific reports of workplace violence.
II. Accountability for Employees Who Are Offenders
- Corrective or disciplinary action, in accordance with existing collective bargaining agreements, statutes and regulations may be taken against an employee, or other member of the University community, who is found to have threatened, harassed, or abused any individual at the workplace, from the workplace, or on state business using any workplace resources such as work time, workplace phones, computers, FAX machines, mail, e-mail, or other means.
- Reports of incidents of workplace violence will be taken seriously and dealt with appropriately. Individuals who commit acts of workplace violence may be removed from the premises by University Police and/or may be subject to disciplinary action, criminal penalties, or both.
III. Weapons
- Pursuant to New York State law, only Law Enforcement personnel, as defined in the penal code, may carry firearms on State University Property.
- Employees are required to immediately report to University Police any knowledge of, or information regarding, any possession of a weapon in the workplace.
IV. Training and Communication
- Training on workplace violence and its impact on the workplace is required of all employees at New Employee Orientation.
- Existing employees are provided training on an annual basis.
- Mandatory training for new supervisors includes a module regarding workplace violence.
- Training curricula is developed and provided by appropriate University units including Human Resource Services, Employee Assistance Program, and University Police. The purpose of training is to prepare staff to identify possible cues and indicators of victimization, make appropriate referrals, work with professionals to assist identified victims in safety planning, and develop appropriate individualized responses.
- Workplace Violence Prevention Program Posters will be posted in common areas.
V. Management and Supervisory Responsibility
- Managers and supervisors are to set a tone communicating that workplace violence is behavior that is not tolerated and that the University provides information and support to employees who are victims of such abuse.
- Managers and supervisors are to follow the policy and procedures set forth in this Program.
- Human Resources will be responsible for disseminating the University's Workplace Violence Prevention Program to all new employees.
- University Police are responsible for responding to, intervening, investigating and documenting all incidents of violence in the workplace reported or referred to them. Interviews with outside law enforcement or regulatory agencies will be arranged through University Police.
VI. Incident Reporting and Investigation
- All incidents, including potential incidents, of workplace violence (WPV) should be reported within 24 hours or as soon as possible following the occurrence.
- A Workplace Violence Incident Report Form must be completed by the victim or the victim's supervisor if the victim is unavailable for all incidents.
- The supervisor is to ensure that the employee completes other reports, such as a worker's compensation claim if applicable.
- The completed Workplace Violence Incident Report Formshould be sent to by the employee or supervisor to Human Resource Services for all incidents occurring on West Campus, Health Science Center, SB Manhattan, and SB Southampton; and the respective Human Resource Services office for all incidents occurring at the University Hospital and the Veteran's Home.
- Human Resource Services shall coordinate review of incidents with the Incident Review Team.
- Where there is a reasonable basis to believe that an employee involved with a workplace incident may be the subject of disciplinary action, a copy of the Incident Report will be provided to Labor Relations.
- After review, the incident report may be provided to the Workplace Violence Prevention Team, which is charged with evaluating incidents referred to them and if appropriate, make recommendations to prevent future similar occurrences.
VII. Recordkeeping
Accurate records of all workplace violence incidents will be maintained by Human Resource Services and the University Police Department. All incident report forms will be kept in accordance with State record retention guidelines.
Reports of injuries shall be maintained in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, including New York State Department of Labor and Federal OSHA laws and regulations.
VIII. Workplace Violence Prevention Team
A Workplace Violence Prevention Team, which includes representatives from the Environmental Health and Safety Department, University Police, Human Resource Services, Labor Relations, and employee Unions, is established for the following purposes:
- Establish and implement the Workplace Violence Prevention Program;
- Identify factors present in the workplace that might place employees at risk of workplace violence, and make recommendations for improved safety if appropriate;
- Follow hierarchy of control measures by eliminating or reducing any hazard first through substitution or design, then by administrative controls, or then by personal protective equipment, as applicable.
- Review incidents of workplace violence to identify areas of concern;
- Review the Workplace Violence Prevention Program annually and update if appropriate
IX. Risk Evaluation and Assessment
⇒The University has identified the following occupations on the Campus as potentially high risk for workplace violence:
- Working in areas that are open to the public;
- Working late night or early morning hours;
- Handling the exchange of money with the public;
- Working alone or in small groups;
- Uncontrolled access to the workplace; and
- Areas of previous security problems
⇒The Workplace Violence Prevention Team will annually review previous incidents of violence and conduct assessments within specific units/departments.
⇒Existing records, including survey results, will be reviewed and analyzed to identify patterns and factors that may indicate the causes and severity of workplace assaults and homicides that may place employees at risk.
⇒Records may include but are not limited to the following:
- Employee Injury Reports
- Workplace Violence Incident Report
- University Police Reports
- Domestic Violence Reports
- Grievance Actions
⇒The Workplace Violence Prevention Team shall evaluate work locations of employees to determine the presence of hazards which could place employees at risk of occupational assaults and institute hazard control measures when indicated.
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