Commuter Student Information
What You Must DoPrior to Coming to Campus
If you are coming to campus from within New York or a contiguous state, including Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Vermont, or from a level 1 country, you are required to:
- Complete the daily Campus Clear health screening app for any symptoms for 14 days prior to coming to Stony Brook.
- Self-quarantine at home for 7 days prior to coming to Stony Brook and complete this confirmation form by January 26.
- Obtain a negative COVID PCR test within 7 days prior to coming to Stony Brook. Note: If you have tested positive for COVID within the last 90 days, do not get tested; rather, obtain a note from your doctor indicating that you are free of any symptoms and upload that information to Medicat at least 2 days prior to traveling to campus.
- Upload this negative COVID PCR test to Medicat, our Student Health Services records system, within 2 daysof receiving your result.
- Complete the New York State Traveler Health Form if you traveled to Stony Brook from any state other than New York.
If you are coming to New York from a non-contiguous state or from a level 2 or higher country, you are required to:
- Complete the daily Campus Clear health screening app for any symptoms for 14 days prior to coming to Stony Brook.
- Self-quarantine at home for 7 days prior to coming to Stony Brook and complete this confirmation form by January 26.
- Obtain a negative COVID PCR test within 3 days prior to traveling to New York and upload this test result to Medicat, our Student Health Services records system. Note: If you do not obtain a COVID test prior to arriving in New York, you must quarantine at your off-campus residence for 10 days and be free of any symptoms. If you have tested positive for COVID within the last 90 days, do not get tested; rather, obtain a note from your doctor indicating that you are free of any symptoms and upload that information to Medicat at least 2 days prior to traveling to campus.
- Complete the New York State Traveler Health Form.
- Remain in precautionary quarantine housing off-campus for 3 days and obtain a COVID test on day 4. Please upload this test result to Medicat, our Student Health Services records system, as soon as it is available. Upon receipt of the results and confirmation of both COVID tests being negative, you are permitted to come to Stony Brook’s campus. Note:If you have tested positive for COVID within the last 90 days, do not get tested.
What You Must Do During the Spring Semester
If you visit campus for any reason, including in-person classes, working in an on-campus job or internship, conducting research, or visiting the library, academic buildings or any campus locations, please follow these two requirements:
- Complete the daily Campus Clear health screening app to monitor your temperature and any symptoms.
- Complete a required, free COVID saliva pool test once a week from February 1 - May 21. This testing program helps to quickly identify students who test positive, reduce the spread of COVID, and keep you and our campus community safe. Three testing locations are available: Student Activities Center (SAC) Ballroom A on West Campus, Health Sciences Center (HSC) Galleria - Level 3 on East Campus, and Student Center at Stony Brook Southampton. Please visit this website for location hours. Use this scheduler to select an appointment date, time, and location.
Health & Safety Reminders
Given the serious public health issue posed by COVID, please continue to follow Stony Brook, local, state, and CDC guidelines to reduce the risk of transmission of COVID. If you see a friend or peer not following the expectations noted below, please politely remind them of the importance of everyone doing their part.
- Gather only in very small groups. Do not gather in large groups, including on or off-campus parties or other events where physical distancing and wearing a face mask are not followed. These events are known to be COVID super-spreaders, so please do not host or attend any large gatherings.
- Wear your face mask/covering that covers your nose and mouth in all indoor public spaces, including classrooms, dining halls, libraries, and public areas, or outdoor spaces when you cannot maintain at least 6 feet of distance.
- Stay home if you are sick or have been potentially exposed to COVID.
- Keep at least 6 feet of physical distance from others anytime you are outside of your home.
- Wash your hands regularly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Carry and use hand sanitizer when you don’t have access to soap and water.
- Stay informed by checking the Stony Brook COVID dashboardto see the number of tests performed and infection rate as well as the percent of online and in-person classes.
If You Have any COVID Symptoms as Indicated on the Campus Clear Health Screener
If you have any COVID symptoms, contact Student Health Services promptly at (631) 632-6740. Do not leave your off-campus housing location until you speak with Student Health Services or another medical professional and receive guidance on steps to take.
If You Test Positive for COVID or Have Been Exposed to Someone Who Tested Positive
If you test positive for COVID, have been exposed to individuals who tested positive for COVID, or are informed by a state or local health department, or medical or campus official that you are “at risk” for having COVID, you may be required to quarantine or isolate at an off-campus location for at least 10 days. This may require taking classes remotely, and not entering any campus facilities. Please follow the instructions in the Campus Clear app to contact Student Health Services if the above circumstances apply to you.
Take Care of Yourself – Physically and Mentally
We understand that this is an exceptionally challenging time. SUNY and Stony Brook have resources to help you get the support you need.
- Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS):
- Center for Prevention and Outreach (CPO):
- Student Health Services:
- Recreation and Wellness:
- ReachOut SUNY:
- New York State Office of Mental Health Crisis Text Line: Text GOT5 to 741741.
Request Accommodations for Disabilities
If you wish to disclose covered disabilities and receive reasonable accommodations for disabilities, please contact the Student Accessibility Support Center (SASC) at (631) 632-6748 or
If We Have to PAUSE, Follow These Rules
If Stony Brook reaches at least 100 COVID positive cases within a defined two-week period, we are required to switch to a two-week (or longer) pause. This means that all classes will move remotely and in-person campus meetings and activities will be cancelled. Please do your part to ensure we stay well below this threshold.
Please Follow the Rules or Face Disciplinary Action
We expect students to be familiar with and follow our campus Code of Student Responsibility. When we learn of a violation of the rules associated with COVID safety, students may lose access to campus facilities. Other disciplinary action may be taken by the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards. Minimum sanctions are outlined in SUNY’sUniform Sanctioning in Response to COVID-19 Student Violations. Consistent with SUNY policy, students who are suspended or expelled from Stony Brook due to a violation are not eligible for refunds.
Stay Informed about Campus Updates
The ongoing COVID pandemic creates a fluid situation that may require unexpected changes in our response. Updates to scientific knowledge, public health guidance, or laws and regulations may mean SUNY and Stony Brook have to make changes to our standards and rules, including those indicated above. Please visit these FAQs for regularly updated information about campus services.