On Campus -Alcohol and Other Drugs
The following resources are a compilation of on-campus departments and groups that serve students facing issues related to alcohol, drugs, and other high-risk behaviors.
CPO - Center for Prevention & Outreach
Education, referral services for counseling for students struggling with substance
use, abuse, and dependence
CAPS - Counseling and Psychological Services
Education, referral services for counseling for students struggling with substance
use, abuse, and dependence
Student Health Services
Providing students with quality medical care, and the services necessary to optimize
preventative health and wellness
University Police
333 using an on-campus phone
631-632-3333 from off-campus or cell phone
Preserving life, maintaining human rights, protecting property, and promoting individual
responsibility and community commitment
The following resources are a compilation of off-campus organizations and groups that serve anyone faced with issues related to alcohol, drugs, and other high-risk behaviors.
Long Island Addiction Resource Center (LIARC)
LIARC provides easy-to-use access to invaluable information about providers of education,
prevention, treatment, recovery and peer services in Nassau and Suffolk counties.
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
A fellowship of men and women from all walks of life who meet together to attain and
maintain sobriety
For friends and family members of alcohol-addicted people
Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACOA)
A recovery program for adults whose lives were affected as a result of being raised
in an alcoholic or other dysfunctional family
Narcotics Anonymous (NA)
An international, community-based association of people with substance use disorders
Nicotine Anonymous
Help to cease using tobacco and nicotine products in any form
LI Problem Gambling Resource Center
516-226-8342 //
Confidential resources and services for individuals and family members impacted by
problem gambling, including assistance in covering the costs of treatment, if needed
Gamblers Anonymous (GA)
A fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope to help
each other recover from a gambling problem
L.I. Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence
Suffolk-631-979-1700 | Nassau-516-747-2606
Referral information for alcohol and other drug abuse on Long Island
Response Hotline
24 hour crisis intervention hotline and
ONLINE crisis counseling service
Mon-Fri 3pm-9pm
NYS OASAS - NYS Office of Addiction Services and Supports
Mental Health
On Campus Resources
- Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) 631-632-6720 - Psychological and psychiatric services for Stony Brook University students
- CPO – Depression/Suicide Prevention and Outreach 631-632-2748 - Providing education with an emphasis on prevention and early intervention of depression and suicide
- University Police 911 using an on-campus phone or 631-632-3333 from off-campus or cell phone - Preserving life, maintaining human rights, protecting property, and promoting individual responsibility and community commitment
Off-Campus Resources
Local Helplines and Centers:
- DASH - Diagnostic, Assessment, Stabilization Hub 631-952-3333- 24/7 voluntary program for individuals in crisis
- Response Crisis Center 631-751-7500 - 24 hour crisis intervention hotline and crisis counseling services
- NY Project Hope Call 1-844-863-9314 or visit
National Helplines:
- National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Call or Text 988 - 24 hour crisis intervention & support hotline
- The Trevor Project 866-4-U-TREVOR (866-488-7386)
- American Foundation for Suicide Prevention 1-888-333-AFSP (2377)
- Crisis Text LineText HOME to 741741 to connect with a Crisis Counselor
- SAMHSA 1-800-662-HELP (4357)
- Veterans Crisis LineCall 1-800-273-8255 and Press 1 Text 838255
- Covenant House: 1-800-999-9999
Physical Health
On Campus Resources
Student Health Services
Call Student Health Services to schedule a flu vaccine!
Stony Brook Children's Hospital
- Adolescent Medicine Primary Care and Sexual Health Services
- Direct referrals to Pediatric Endocrinology for hormone replacement
- Sexual Healthcare Services (HIV, STI, & Hepatitis Testing, Health education, Immunizations- HPV, Hepatitis A & B, Meningitis)
On-campus Dieticians
AnneMarie Ng, MS, RD, CDCES, CDN
Please call 631-632-6740 to make an appointment
Laura Martorano, MS, RD, CDN
Please call Office: 631-632-9979, Cell: 631-372-1293
Off-Campus Resources
General and Specialist Healthcare Providers:
The Edie Windsor Healthcare Center
182 W. Montauk Hwy. Bldg. B, Suite D
Hampton Bays, NY 11946
Stony Brook Medicine Specialist Providers
Select healthcare providers here at Stony Brook have self-identified as having experience
working with pediatric, adolescent and adult LGBTQ* individuals to meet their specific
healthcare needs
Sexual Health:
American Sexual Health Association’s STD Hotline
Planned Parenthood National Sexual Health Hotline
NYS Dept. of Health HIV/AIDS site
Anonymous HIV Testing
Disease Control and Prevention:
Centers for Disease Control & Prevention
Visit the CDC to find updated information on the flu here.
Sexual and Domestic Violence Prevention, and Survivor Support Resources
On Campus Resources
Center for Prevention and Outreach (CPO)
Violence prevention education, bystander intervention training, survivor support events
as well as survivor advocacy services and drop-in spaces. For more information, visit
To contact the Survivor Advocate, call 631-457-9981 or email
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
Group and individual counseling, care management and referral services. For more information,
visit Students experiencing emotional crisis can call the CAPS
Crisis Line:to speak to a live counselor 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at (631) 632-6720,
choose option 2 or (855) 509-5742
SANE (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner) Center
Emergency response and medical care within 120 hours of the incident. SANE centers
are located throughout Suffolk County. For more information or coordination of transportation
to the SBU SANE Center through the Medical Center ER, please contact the Survivor Advocate.
Title IX
Reporting and support with institutional response. For more information, visit or call 631-632-6280
University Police Department
Emergency Response and reporting. Call (631) 632-3333 from a cell phone, or 333 from
a campus phone
Off-Campus Resources
Hotline: (631) 360-3606
Long Island Against Domestic Violence (LIADV)
Hotline: (631) 666-8833
National Sexual Assault Hotline
Hotline: 800-656-HOPE (4673)
National Domestic Violence Hotline
Hotline: 1-800-799-7233