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PhD Students


Miriam Ambrosino

M Ambrosino

PhD, Philosophy, Stony Brook University; Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Certificate, 2021-
Lilly Graduate Fellow at Valparaiso University 2021-2024
M.A., NYU Gallatin School of Individualized Study, 2021
B.A, Philosophy and Bioethics, Fordham University, 2017

Areas of interest: Classical and Contemporary phenomenology; Existentialism; Feminist Philosophy; Pragmatism (especially the work of William James); Philosophy of Emotions; Affect-theory; Embodiment/ body memory; Contemporary French Philosophy; Philosophy of Mystical Experience; the later philosophy of Foucault, especially his writings on the cares of the self; Philosophy of Medicine; Trauma Studies; Social and Political Philosophy; Philosophy and Literature


Juan Pablo Arteaga

J Arteaga

PhD, Philosophy, Stony Brook University, 2020-
JD, Los Andes University Law School, 2010-2014
MA, Philosophy, Los Andes University, 2011-2012
BA, Philosophy, Los Andes University (Bogotá, Colombia) 2006-2009

Areas of interest: Political philosophy, ethics, and French contemporary philosophy.

He worked as a lawyer at the Office of the Colombian Attorney General and at the Colombian Special Jurisdiction for Peace.

Selected publications
“Beyond Sovereignty: Democracy to Come and Voyoucracy”. Philosophy Today (accepted: August 2023; forthcoming: winter 2025).
Toward an Ethics in the Era of Biopower: Resistances in Michel Foucault’s Thought. Bogotá: Los Andes University Press, 2019. 


Michael Barr

M Barr

PhD, Philosophy, Stony Brook University, 2023-
MA, Philosophy & the Arts, Stony Brook University 2021-2022
MA, English, University of Buffalo, 2018-2019
BA, English, Ohio Wesleyan University, 2018

Areas of interest: Artificial-General Intelligence, Philosophy of Mathematics, Early Analytic Philosophy, History of Continental Philosophy, Continental-Analytic Divide, Zermelo-Fraenkel Set Theory, Psychoanalysis, Comparative Literature, The Pittsburgh Hegelians, Existential Risk. 


Maxaie Belmont

M Belmont

Ph.D., Stony Brook University, 2023 -
M.A., Philosophy, CUNY Graduate Center, 2022-2023
M.A., Liberal Studies, CUNY Graduate Center, 2019-2022 
B.S., Marketing, Saint John's University, 2011-2016 

Areas of interest: Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Race.

Dr. W. Burghardt Fellow. Research focuses on play theory and the pragmatic tradition. Concerned with how play theory explains the function of beliefs on one hand, and culture, specifically cultural formation, expression, and relations, on the other.


Guillermo Camacho

G Camacho

PhD, Philosophy, Stony Brook University, 2020-
BA, Philosophy, Northern Arizona University, 2020

Areas of interest: Ancient Greek Philosophy (Esp. Plato and Aristotle), German Idealism (Esp. Kant), and Phenomenology. 


Maggie Castor

R cormier

PhD, Philosophy, Stony Brook University, 2019-
MA, Ethics and Applied Philosophy, UNC-Charlotte, 2017-2019
MLIS, Library and Information Studies, University of British Columbia, 2013-2015
BA, Philosophy, Elon University, 2008-2012

Areas of interest: I am interested in understanding white settler temporalities and how such temporalities contribute to ongoing anti-black and settler colonial violence. I am also interested in generative temporal interventions that have the potential to disrupt and unsettle white settler colonial ways of being and knowing.



Sondra Charbadze


PhD, Philosophy, Stony Brook University, 2022-
Media Art Culture Technology (MACT) Certificate, 2023-
BA, Brigham Young University, 2011-2018

Areas of Interest: Classical and contemporary phenomenology, philosophy of technology, hermeneutics, philosophy of science, French contemporary philosophy, phenomenology of religion, philosophy as a way of life, alternative pedagogies, phenomenology of performance.




William Conway

W Conway

PhD, Philosophy, Stony Brook University, 2022-
MA, Philosophy, Duquesne University, 2020-2022
BA, Political Science, Lynn University, 2015-2019

Areas of Interest: Foucault, biopolitics, philosophy and history of disability, Hobbes, Deleuze, crip theory, Agamben, Benjamin, autonomia, subjectivation, desubjectivation, queer theory, political ontology, anarchy



James Corrigan

J Corrigan

PhD, Philosophy, Stony Brook University
MA, Philosophy, Stony Brook University, 2009
BA, Philosophy, Stony Brook University, 2005, Summa Cum Laude with Department Honors 

Areas of Interest: Consciousness, Metaphysics, Pre-Socratic Greek Philosophy, Contemplative Traditions and Augmented Intelligence (AI), Phenomenology of Advanced Meditation Events and Spiritual Awakenings, Philosophy of Nature, Environmental Philosophy and Ethics, Animal Ethics.

My work is focused on a novel paradigm for understanding ourselves and our world, which is called Responsive Naturing. The genesis of this paradigm developed out a phenomenological study of my lifelong meditative practice using a singular technique called Great Responsiveness Meditation, which I also write about.

Devon Coutts

D CouttsPhD, Philosophy, Stony Brook University 2018 -
MA, Philosophy,  Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, 2017 - 2018
MA, Popular Culture,  Brock University, 2016 - 2017
MA, Philosophy, Brock University, 2015 - 2016
BA, University of King’s College 2011-2015

Areas of Interest: Environmental Philosophy and Ethics, Animal Ethics, Philosophy of Technology, Philosophy of Nature, Philosophical Anthropology

Charles Driker-Ohren

C Driker OhrenPhD, Stony Brook University, 2018-
BA, Hampshire College, 2012-2016

Areas of Interest: Phenomenology, Contemporary French and German philosophy, Kant and 19th century German philosophy, psychoanalysis, Jewish philosophy.

I conduct research at the intersection of ethics, time, and memory, with a special focus on the philosophy of Emmanuel Levinas. My dissertation project explores the ethical dimension of our experience of the past and how we respond to past atrocities through the pursuit of justice in the present. 


Andrew Dobbyn

Andrew DobbynPhD, Stony Brook University, 2014-
MA, Philosophy, University of New Mexico, 2011- 2013
BA, Political Science, American University, 2006-2010

Areas of Interest: I work in Social/Political Philosophy, German Idealism, Pragmatism, and Psychoanalysis. I’m especially interested in the intersection between economics and philosophy.  My research clusters around questions of value, recognition, and power, but always within a materialist context. 


Gino Elia

PhD, Philosophy, Stony Brook University,  2020-G Elia
MAT, Secondary Education (Mathematics), Piedmont College, 2016–2017
BS, Philosophy and Physics, Emory University, 2012–2016

Areas of interest: pragmatism (William James and John Dewey), neopragmatism, philosophy of science, scientific epistemology, phenomenology (Merleau-Ponty and Husserl), existentialism



Adam Fishman

Adam FishmanPhD, Philosophy, Stony Brook University, 2018-
BA, College of Letters, Wesleyan University, 2005-2009

Areas of Interest: Phenomenology in general and phenomenological psychopathology in particular; (philosophy of) cognitive science; consciousness; intelligence; mood; embodiment; Nietzsche

Before coming to Stony Brook, I spent several years studying, researching, and teaching psychology, focusing particularly on psychopathology and cognition. Accordingly, nearly all of the regions of most intense intellectual interest to me can be located somewhere within the intersection of philosophy and psychology.


Alexander Forsberg 

A forsbergPhD, Philosophy, Stony Brook University, 2018-
BA, Philosophy, University of New Mexico, Summa Cum Laude, 2015-2016
(Previous undergraduate work at University of Nevada, Las Vegas)

Areas of Interest: Phenomenology (esp. the early tradition); Hermeneutic Philosophy (esp. Phenomenological Hermeneutics); German Idealism; Intellectual traditions of Japan (esp. those pertaining to Zen Buddhism); Ancient Greek Philosophy (esp. Plato and Neoplatonism); Political Philosophy (esp. 20th Century); Philosophy of History; Philosophy of Religion

I have become particularly interested in excavating the influence of Kantian and Post-Kantian German philosophy on the early Phenomenological tradition, as well as distilling the latter’s influence on subsequent European thought. I am also becoming increasingly convinced of the unique capacity of Phenomenology to sustain particularly fruitful dialogues with non-Western intellectual traditions, dialogues which have already been immensely impactful on my own philosophical formation. With all of this, I hope to discern the potential depths and limitations of phenomenological inquiry and, along the way, to refine (and to undermine) conventional distinctions drawn between political, aesthetic and religious experience.   


Jake Hook

Jake HookPhD, Philosophy, Stony Brook University, 2019–
MA, Philosophy, Loyola Marymount University, 2017 - 2019
BA, Philosophy, University of California, Los Angeles, 2012-2014

Areas of interest: Indigenous philosophies of the Americas, Marxism, epistemology, mysticism, environmental philosophy, mental illness and philosophy, non-philosophy 

The common themes that unite my academic work are a) an interest in the creative philosophical practices of people who are not able or otherwise inclined to practice philosophy in an academic setting, and b) philosophy’s outermost limits, in the vein of works by Derrida, Deleuze, and Laruelle.


Alexander Hufford

Adam IsraelPhD, Philosophy, Stony Brook University, 2022–
MA, Classics, University of Wales, Trinity St. David, 2020-2022

BA, History, University of Virginia, 2006-2009

Areas of Interest: Hegel, Marxism and the Frankfurt school, Neo-Platonism


Timothy Jaeger

T JaegerPh.D., Stony Brook University, 2024
MA, Philosophy, Boston College, 2022-2024
BA, Philosophy, BA, Political Science, Salve Regina University, 2017-2021

Areas of interest: Classical Phenomenology, the Realist Phenomenology of the Munich and Göttingen Schools (esp. Max Scheler, Adolf Reinach, Dietrich von Hildebrand, Edith Stein, and Hedwig Conrad-Martius), Personalism, Phenomenology of Values, Phenomenology of Religion, Phenomenological Ontology, Existentialism, Early Modern and Contemporary Political Philosophy (esp. Hannah Arendt), Aesthetics.

I am incredibly excited to begin my PhD at Stony Brook! I look forward to continuing my studies in phenomenology with some of the most renowned phenomenologists in America and honing my teaching skills along the way. Besides being obsessed with the niche world of early phenomenology, I am also an avid hiker, and I love all things music! It's not uncommon for me to relax at the end of the day by playing my bass guitar.

Baxter Jephcott

B JephcottPhD, Philosophy, Stony Brook University, 2018-
MA (Master 2), Economics, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, 2015-2016
MA (Master 1 & 2), Philosophy, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, 2014-2016
BA, Philosophy, University of Warwick, 2010-2013

My dissertation is about the relationship between metaphysics and science in the works of Alfred N. Whitehead and Gilbert Simondon. In it I explore the way in which their philosophies of becoming harness 19th and 20th century scientific developments in order formulate a critique of subjectivism in modern philosophy, and lay the foundation for a renewal of speculative metaphysics.


Delicia Kamins

Delícia KaminsPhD, Philosophy, Stony Brook University,  2016-  
MA, Philosophy, San Francisco State University, 2013-2016
MA, Broadcast and Electronic Communications, San Francisco State University, 1997-1999
BA, French; International Relations, University of California, Davis, 1987-1992

Areas of interest: German Idealism, Phenomenology and Existentialism – particularly Hegel and Heidegger; Metaphysics, Ontology and Epistemology;  Consciousness and the Mind-body Problem;  Bioethics and Physics/Quantum Mechanics.

My research focuses on the relation between motion and epistemic possibilities, particularly as viewed from Aristotle's and Hegel's philosophic systems, as well as explanations offered by quantum mechanics.  

Mahdi Malik

M MalikPhD, Philosophy, Stony Brook University, 2021-
MA, Philosophy, Birkbeck, University of London 2018-2020
MSc, Cognitive and Decision Sciences, UCL 2013-2014
BA, Philosophy and Theology, University of Oxford, 2009-2012

Areas of interest: Plato, Spinoza, Kant, Idealism, metaphysics, post-analytic philosophy and Nietzsche.


Giada Mangiameli

Giada MangiameliPhD, Philosophy, Stony Brook University, 2016-
MA (or Maîtrise), French Literature, Université de Paris VIII, 2006
BA, Philosophy, Università di Roma La Sapienza, 2005

Areas of interest: Philosophy and Literature, Aesthetics, Poetics, French Theory, Derrida, Cavell, Deleuze, Arendt, Benjamin. 



Horacio Martinez

Horacio MartinezPhD, Philosophy, Stony Brook University, 2017-
MA, Philosophy, Boston College, 2015-2017
BA, Philosophy, Marquette University, 2011-2015

Area of interest: 19th and 20th century German Philosophy, Neo-Kantianism, Phenomenology (esp. Husserl), Heidegger, Philosophy of Science, Kierkegaard, Philosophy of Race, Philosophy of History, History of Philosophy, Hegel.

Currently interested in the transcendental constitution of all human experience. 

Tara Mastrelli 

T Mastrelli

PhD, Philosophy, Stony Brook University, 2023-
MA, Philosophy, New School for Social Research, 2023
Certificate, Gender & Sexuality Studies, New School for Social Research, 2022 
BS, Journalism (Minors in Business and Classics), University of Florida, 2000 

Areas of Interest: Social and political philosophy, feminism, critical epistemology, pragmatism, and phenomenology.

Broadly speaking, I am interested in examining the ways in which lived experience can make visible structures of meaning, and how this understanding can shape our actions in the world. Specifically, my research is concerned with questions of social visibility, the limits of deliberative democracy, and the interaction between the social imagination and identity formation. 

Willow Mindich

E MindinchPhD, Philosophy, Stony Brook University, 2019-
MA, Humanities, University of Colorado Denver, 2017-2019
BA, Philosophy, Colorado College, 2012-2016

Areas of Interest: Social Epistemology, Hermeneutics, Social and Political Philosophy, Philosophy of History, Memory Studies, Genealogy, Politics and Ontology.

My recent research has explored the epistemic limitations of memory, both autobiographical and social; reconstructive memory and historical revisionism; misinformation and misrepresentation; the social and political consequences of epistemic manipulation in public discourse, especially as they pertain to the imbalanced portrayals of victimhood in public discourse; the qualifications of victimhood in public discourse; ontological hierarchies of victimhood; differential grievability; the epistemic, political, ethical and ontologically restorative capacities of equally-distributed public mourning. 

Anna Moentmann

Anna MoentmannPhD, Philosophy, Stony Brook University, 2016-
MA, Political Theory, Goethe University Frankfurt & TU Darmstadt, 2013-2016
BA, Politics and International Studies, University of Exeter, 2010-2013

Areas of interest: the intersection of metaphysics and epistemology, feminism, postcolonial theory, Aristotle, medieval philosophy


Eleanor Morrison

E MorrisonPhD, Philosophy, Stony Brook University, 2022-
BA, Philosophy, SUNY Purchase, 2017 - 2021

Areas of interest: Ancient Greek thought and 20th century continental philosophy. Especially Plato, tragedy, phenomenology, deconstruction, psychoanalysis, feminism, and political theory. 


Asad Naqvi

PhotoPhD, Philosophy, Stony Brook University, 2017-
MA, Philosophy, Boston College, 2009-2013
BA, Philosophy, Stony Brook University, 2004-2009

Areas of interest: Intersections of ontology and epistemology, aesthetics, phenomenology, philosophy of the emotions, philosophy of nature, science, biology, and physics. History of philosophy, pragmatism, feminism, deconstruction, and genealogy. Questions regarding perception, style, expression, technology, race, power, animality, geography, and the idea of place. Education theory and youth development organizations. Painting, poetry, and sculpture.     


Raymond O'Donnell

R O'DonnellPhD, Philosophy, Stony Brook University, 2024-
BA, Liberal Arts, St. John's College, 2016 - 2020

Areas of interest: Classical Philosophy and German idealism with a particular focus on metaphysics and epistemology.




Doğa Öner

PhotoPhD, Philosophy, Stony Brook University, 2019-
BA, Philosophy, Vassar College, 2015-2019

Areas of interest: Marx, Hegel, Critical Theory, Marcuse, Philosophy of Race, Feminism, Philosophy of History and Philosophy of Art



William Perez-Porras

W Perez PorrasPhD, Philosophy, Stony Brook University, 2023-
MA, Philosophy, University of Costa Rica, 2020
BA, Philosophy, University of Costa Rica, 2015
BS, Construction Engineering, Costa Rican Institute of Technology, 2012

Areas of interest: Philosophy of technics and technology, Philosophy of Nature, Philosophy of Images, Visual Studies and Continental Philosophy.

Before coming to Stony Brook, I worked as both a philosophy and physics instructor in my home country. In my master's thesis on Husserl's image consciousness notion, I conducted research on the intersection of phenomenology and visual studies. Now I am interested in Simondon's work, particularly in his philosophy of technology qua continuation of an individuation theory. 


Ali Pharaa

PhotoPhD, Philosophy, Stony Brook University, 2014-
MA, Philosophy, Stony Brook University, 2012-2014
MA, Political Science, New York University, 2012-2013
MS, International Relations Theory, London School of Economics. 2011
BA, Computer Science, Economics, and International Affairs, 
University of Colorado at Boulder, 2010

Areas of interest: Revolutionary movements and international law. Sufism and Islamic Philosophy (Ibn Arabi, Henry Corbin, Mulla Sadra). Phenomenology of aesthetics, imagination, and emotions (Bergson, Husserl, Collingwood, and Merleau-Ponty...), ontology of beauty (Heidegger, Gadamer, Dietrich von Hildebrand), neuroscience of emotions, logic and computer science, Spinozian ethics, and ethics from an aesthetic perspective (Schiller, Nietzsche, Nancy).


West Poindexter

PhotoPhD, Philosophy, Stony Brook University, 2020 - 
MA, Philosophy, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Cum Laude, 2019 – 2020
BA, Philosophy, University of West Georgia, 2014 – 2018
BS, Psychology, University of West Georgia, 2009 - 2010, 2014 – 2018

Areas of Interest: Broadly constructed, my interests are experience and relation. This finds expression in questions of intra/interpersonal relations with a general focus on the relation between the individual and the community, the self and the other(s). 


Andres Roa

A RoaPhD, Philosophy, Stony Brook University, 2024-
MPhil, Philosophy, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Magna Cum Laude, 2023
MA, Philosophy, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Magna Cum Laude, 2021
BA, Philosophy, Los Andes University, 2018
BA, Law, Los Andes University (Bogotá, Colombia), 2018

Areas of Interest: Phenomenology (esp. Husserl), 20th century Continental Philosophy, Kant, Philosophy of Science.



Viviane Ribeiro

V RibeiroPhD, Philosophy, Stony Brook University, 2023 - 
PhD, Theory of State and Constitutional Law (PUC-Rio), 2015-2019
MA, Theory of State and Constitutional Law (PUC-Rio), 2012- 2014
MA, History (FGV-CPDOC), 2012-2014
BA, Law (PUC-Rio), 2006-2011

Areas of Interest: Political philosophy, the history of philosophy, Baruch Spinoza and contemporary Spinoza scholars, early modern philosophy, and materialism


Emila Russo

PhotoPhD, Philosophy, Stony Brook University, 2019 - 
MA, Philosophy, Stony Brook University, 2010-2012
BA, Philosophy, St. John's University, 2005-2010

Areas of Interest: Phenomenology (Husserl, Scheler, and Merleau-Ponty), Foucault, Nietzsche, Ancient Philosophy (Plato, Aristotle, Stoicism, Epicureanism), historicity and affect, queer theory, virtue ethics

The question that brought me to philosophy was: “How have we come to be who we are?” I am interested in phenomenology, critical theory, and ethical theories as attempts at answering this question which vary in the emphasis they place on affective and cognitive drives, history, and freedom. Fundamentally, I think they all concern the same subject and have much to learn from their respective methods and findings. I hope to work at the intersection of these modes of philosophizing, to discover novel ways of synthesizing them. 

Mohsen Saber

M SaberPhD, Philosophy, Stony Brook University, 2019-
PhD, Philosophy, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, 2018-2019
MA, Philosophy, University of Tehran, 2013-2016
B.Sc, Civil Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, 2008-2013

Areas of Interest: Phenomenology, metaphysics, Philosophy of Religion, Islamic Philosophy and Mysticism, Husserl, Kant, Avicenna.


Damion Scott

PhotoPhD, Philosophy, SUNY Stony Brook, 2016-
MA, African-American Studies, Columbia University, 2016-2018
MA, Philosophy, University of London, Birkbeck College, 1999-2001
BA, Philosophy, New York University, 1993-1998

Areas of Interest:  History of Modern Philosophy, Aesthetics, Metaphysics, Africana Philosophy, Japanese Philosophy, Pragmatism, Phenomenology, Philosophy of Psychiatry, Martin Delany, Schopenhauer and Nietzsche  

Dilara Sengul

D SengulPh.D., Stony Brook University, 2024 -
BA, Boğaziçi University 2018-2024

Areas of interest:  (critical) phenomenology, Black and PoC subjectivity, Africana and Latinx philosophies, de-colonialist and feminist writings in social & political philosophy and epistemology, epistemic injustice, and Jewish  Philosophy.

I am currently interested in the concepts of 'otherness' and 'self-otherness' in colonized or marginalized communities, and the ways of de-colonizing theory.

Originally from Istanbul and holding a bachelor’s degree in philosophy from Boğaziçi University, I have developed a deep interest in critical phenomenology, as well as the philosophies of race and gender. My background as a Circassian woman and my passion for Caribbean literature have profoundly shaped my perspective on intersectionality. I am excited to join the PhD program at SBU, where I look forward to engaging with the distinguished faculty and vibrant community. I am enthusiastic about contributing to and growing within this stimulating environment, collaborating with philosophers who share my dedication to these areas of inquiry. 

Jonathan Sinnreich

PhotoPhD., Philosophy, Stony Brook University, 2017-
J.D., University of Virginia, 1974
B.A., Liberal Arts, St. John’s College, 1968

Practicing Attorney: 1974 – 2016

Areas of interest:  Plato; materialism (Epicureanism); meta-ethics, 19th century American Philosophy; and the intersection of philosophy and literature.

My dissertation asserts that Walt Whitman’s poem “Song of Myself” (1855) should be read as a deliberate work of exclusively American ontological, ethical and political philosophy, rejecting Emerson’s idealism, and adopting instead a radical materialism and egalitarianism  highly influenced by Epicurean philosophy, particularly Lucretius’ didactic Epicurean poem, De Rerum Natura, and the Epicurean novel written by the early American radical feminist and abolitionist, Fanny Wright, entitled Three Days in Athens (1819).

"Men and women and the earth and all upon it are simply to be taken as they are….for the eternal tendencies of all towards happiness make the only point of sane philosophy.”  Walt Whitman, Preface to 1855 edition of Leaves of Grass 

Stephanie Struble

strublePhD, Philosophy, Stony Brook University, 2018 -
MA, Philosophy and Aesthetics, Stony Brook University, 2015-2018
BA, Philosophy (Minor: Literature), Pacific University, Forest Grove, OR, 2008-2012

Areas of Interest: History of Philosophy: Hegel, Marx, Psychoanalysis, Frankfurt School, Hans Jonas; Aesthetics, Japanese Philosophy (esp. the Kyoto School), Phenomenology, relational ontology, moral emotion, CARE and responsibility, environmental philosophy, and animals.

The problems that interest me as a philosopher primarily focus on the Other: who the other is, how we relate to them, and what that entails.

James Wheeler

PhotoPhD, Philosophy, Stony Brook University, 2018-
MA, Philosophy, The New School for Social Research, 2014-2017
BA, Philosophy, University of New Mexico, 2009-2013

Areas of Interest: Phenomenology, embodiment, nature and ecology, philosophy of biology, animals, philosophy of disability, philosophy of technology, materialism. 




Hojung You 

H You PhotoPhD, Philosophy, Stony Brook University, 2021-
MA, Philosophy , Yonsei University , 2018-2021
BA, Comparative Literature and Culture, Yonsei University , 2014-2018

Areas of Interest: Kant, 19th and 20th Century German Philosophy, History of Philosophy (esp. Modern Philosophy), History of Political and Economic Thought