Collections by Subject
The depth and uniqueness of the materials housed in Special Collections and University Archives offer vast opportunities for scholarship and support a wide range of disciplines.
The department is particularly recognized for its growing and comprehensive Long Island Collection, which includes maps, manuscripts, pamphlets, newspapers, and ephemera dating back to the seventeenth century; the Senator Jacob K. Javits Collection; and the William Butler Yeats Collection, the most extensive collection of the famed Irish poet and author’s manuscripts housed outside of Ireland.
A listing of finding aids organized alphabetically is also available. We are glad to provide guides in alternative formats upon request. Please contact us for further assistance.
Long Island
Titles in the department's extensive Long Island book and map collections can be located using SBU Libraries' discovery catalog, SEARCH.
Visit our webpage dedicated to Long Island Collections.
Digital Collections include the department's manuscripts, books, government documents, and audio-visual materials.
- American Association of University Women (AAUW) - Smithtown Area Branch (New York)
- Bayard Cutting Arboretum Horticultural Society
- Bellport, John
- Blackwell Jr., Samuel and Margaret Ann Blackwell [deed] to Samuel Vandervoort
- Brookhaven Land Deeds and Documents (Town: New York)
- Brookhaven Town, New York: Board of Trustees
- Childs, Eversley
- Citizen’s Committee for a Fire Island National Seashore
- Clarke, Peter McFerrin
- Cleveland, Moses
- Clinton, George
- Cook, Susan and Ronald
- Daniels, Jr., Norton W.
- Davis, Jonas (1744-1794)
- Davis, Jonas (1776-1812)
- Demott, John W.
- Deed from the Trustees to Ananias Carll for a Lott of Meadow on the East Neck in the Town of Huntington, New York
- Dorman, Michael
- Drewes, Fred
- Emery, Robert M.
- The Emory Payson and Jean Wilcox Tuttle Estate Collection
- Englebright, Steven
- Flatau, Adelaide
- Fletcher, Mary T.
- Fuoco, Jr., Louis A.
- Gardiner, S.L.
- Gentile, Edith
- Giese, Ferdinand J.
- Giuffreda, Senator Leon E.
- Gordon, Edith L.
- Greeley, Horace
- Greenport Driving Park Association (New York)
- Greenport Oyster Company (New York)
- Hallett family
- Hand, Josiah
- Harpur, Robert
- Hartley, Charles
- Hastings, Michael
- Herstory Writers Workshop
- Hochbrueckner, George J.
- Huntting, Jonathan
- Independent Order of Good Templars, New York (State) Samaritan Lodge, no. 782, Greenport (New York)
- Independent Order of Good Templars, New York (State) Sterling Lodge, no. 650, Greenport (New York)
- Indivisible: Stories of American Community, Doula Archive
- Islip Town Environmental Council
- Jacobs, Helen Hull
- Jamaica, Queens County, New York Collection
- Jaray, Cornell
- Kane, Muriel and Julian
- L'Hommedieu, Ezra
- LaGumina, Salvatore
- LaValle, Kenneth P.
- Lawrence, Charles Embree
- League of Women Voters
- League of Women Voters of Brookhaven South
- League of Women Voters of Nassau County
- League of Women Voters of North Brookhaven
- League of Women Voters of Riverhead/Southold
- League of Women Voters of Smithtown
- League of Women Voters of the Town of Oyster Bay
- Leasenfeld, Edna
- Legal Instruments, 1702-1864
- Like, Irving
- Linton, Floyd S.
- Long Island Archives Conference
- Long Island Cookbooks
- Long Island Ephemera
- Long Island Environmental Council
- Long Island Postcard Collection
- Long Island Land Deeds
- Long Island Legal Documents
- Long Island National Organization for Women. Nassau Chapter
- Long Island Pride Parade, Inc.
- Long Island Water and Environment
- Merrick and Jamaica Plank Road Company
- Mid-Suffolk National Organization for Women (Suffolk County
- Miller, Samuel Hopkins
- Moeller, Henry W.
- Mount Sinai Harbor Conservation League
- Mulford, Matthew
- Murphy, Robert Cushman
- Nassau-Suffolk Regional Planning Board (New York)
- New York Civil Liberties Union. Suffolk County (New York) Chapter
- Parsons and Company Collection (Queens, New York), 1774-1884
- Porcino, Jane
- Preservation Society of the East End (Suffolk County, New York)
- Rattiner, Dan
- Richards, William C.
- Rogers, William H.
- Sailor, Vance Lewis
- Sauer, Claire
- Seyfried, Vincent F.
- Shannon, Howard J.
- Shope, Roger. Citizen's Advisory Committee of the Long Island Sound Study of the New England River Basins Commission
- Shoreham and Three Mile Island
- Shoreham Opponents Coalition
- Skidmore, William Allen and David William
- Sleight, Anna C. Dering
- Smolker, Robert Eliot
- Soper, Oliver
- Southampton Fresh Air Home
- Southold, New York: The Grange or Patrons of Husbandry
- Squires, Edward Lewis
- Steinberg, Mildred
- Strong, George
- Suffolk County. Legislature. Committees. Minutes
- Suffolk County. Legislature. Committees. Resolutions
- Suffolk Inter-religious Coalition on Housing, Inc.
- Suffolk Scientists for Cleaner Power and Safer Environment
- Suffolk Symphonic Orchestra and Society Papers
- Tallmadge, Benjamin
- Townsend, Howard
- Townsend, Howard
- Turner, Joyce Moore
- United Farm Workers Union
- Van Liew, Barbara Ferris
- Verzyl, Kenneth H.
- Union Free School District No.5, Levittown
- Washington, George, 1779
- Washington, George, 1780
- Webb, Samuel Blachley
- Welch, Richard F.
- Williamson, John M.
- Women's International League for Peace and Freedom. Central Suffolk Branch
- Woodhull, Nathaniel
- WUSB 90.1 FM: Abbie Kearse
Literature & Arts
- Angelo, Valenti
- Atelier Project, The
- Baker-Pisano American Art History Research Collection
- Carrera Andrade, Jorge
- Chang, Diana
- Ciardi, John - Edward Cifelli
- Ciardi, John - Vince Clemente
- Daniel Thomas Moran Collection
- di Donato, Pietro
- Everett, Graham
- Fannin, James T.
- Franza, August
- Ginsberg, Allen
- Ginsberg, Allen
- Gradiva
- Greenwich Book Publishers
- Hamady, Mary Laird
- Harth, Dorothy E.
- Heudier, Emmanuel
- Heymann, C. David: Ezra Pound
- Historical and Literary Manuscripts
- Inkwell Press
- Johnson, Mary Olmsted
- Kramer, Aaron
- Lentricchia, Augusto
- Literary Broadsides
- Literary Ephemera
- Little Blue Books
- Lowry, Margerie Bonner
- Miller, Charles Henry
- Miller, Joaquin
- Moran, Daniel Thomas
- Morley, Christopher
- Morrow, Elisabeth Post
- Neruda, Pablo
- Payne, Robert
- Payne, Sheila
- Perishable Press Limited
- Ryder, Charles
- Söderberg, Eugenie
- Thomas, Isaiah
- Townsend, Captain Solomon
- Twist, John
- Ungaretti, Giuseppe
- Vetere, Richard
- White, Claire Nicolas
- Wilson, John Anthony Burgess
- Yeats, William Butler
Music & Theater
- Edwards, Michael
- Ford, "Senator" Edward Hastings
- James, Philip
- Markell, Robert J.
- Suffolk Symphonic Orchestra and Society Papers
- Theater Programs
- Turmoil Radio
New York (except Long Island)
- Adriance, Isaac Reynolds
- Atkinson, Jacob
- Baker, Anson
- Book of accounts of milk sold, from the 1st of April, 1874
- Brown, Helen A.
- Campbell, Henry L. (1855-1866)
- Campbell, Henry L. (1869-1877)
- Cornwell, George
- Dean, Mary Ann
- Gallaudet Home Grocery and Supply Ledger, 1913-1925
- Gregory, John M.
- Hawxhurst, Nathaniel and Phoebe
- Ledger of Unidentified New York Merchant, 1819-1830
- New York Galleries and Artists
- Wilcox, Phebe Almira
Politics & Public Affairs
- Brown, Sanford J.
- Chinese Political and Social Pamphlets
- Feinberg, Nettie
- Inter-American High Commission
- Javits, Jacob Koppel
- Jay, James
- Johnson, Oakley Calvin
- Kennedy, John F. and Caroline (C. David Heymann)
- Kennedy, Robert F. (C. David Heymann)
- LaValle, Kenneth P.
- League for Industrial Democracy
- Millenson, Roy
- Movements Ephemera
- Political Buttons Collection (A)
- Political Buttons Collection (B)
- Porcino, Jane
- Radical Education Project
- Sayvetz, Joel
- Social Movements
- Steinberg, Rafael
- Tarifán, Vicente Tomás, compiler
- United Farm Workers Union Controversy
- United States Pamphlets
- Womens History Ephemera
- World War I Collection
Science & Technology
- Ammann, Othmar, H.
- The Automatic Identification and Data Capture (AIDC) 100 Archive - Advanstar Communications, Inc. Collection
- The Automatic Identification and Data Capture (AIDC) 100 Archive - AIDC 100 Collection
- The Automatic Identification and Data Capture (AIDC) 100 Archive - AIM USA Collection
- The Automatic Identification and Data Capture (AIDC) 100 Archive - David C. Allais Collection
- The Automatic Identification and Data Capture (AIDC) 100 Archive - Chet Benoit Collection
- The Automatic Identification and Data Capture (AIDC) 100 Archive - Paul Bergé Collection
- The Automatic Identification and Data Capture (AIDC) 100 Archive - Kevin Berisso Collection
- The Automatic Identification and Data Capture (AIDC) 100 Archive - Center for AutoID at Ohio University Collection
- The Automatic Identification and Data Capture (AIDC) 100 Archive - George Goldberg Collection
- The Automatic Identification and Data Capture (AIDC) 100 Archive - GS1 US, OCR-B Collection
- The Automatic Identification and Data Capture (AIDC) 100 Archive - Bill Hakanson Collection
- The Automatic Identification and Data Capture (AIDC) 100 Archive - Robert La Moreaux Collection
- The Automatic Identification and Date Capture (AIDC) 100 Archive - Andrew Longacre Collection
- The Automatic Identification and Data Capture (AIDC) 100 Archive - Richard Meyers Collection
- The Automatic Identification and Data Capture (AIDC) 100 Archive - Jud Miner Collection
- The Automatic Identification and Data Capture (AIDC) 100 Archive - Benjamin Nelson Collection
- Cooley, Arthur P. (Environmental Defense Fund)
- Derickson, John B.
- Environmental Defense Fund
- Gosse, Philip Henry
- Habicht, Jr. Ernest R. (Environmental Defense Fund)
- Hansell, Clarence Weston
- Murphy, Robert Cushman
- Tratado 6º de la cosmosgrafia y descripcion del universo
- Wurster, Charles F. (Environmental Defense Fund)
Albums, photographs, Scrapbooks & More
- Ancient Mycenae and Tiryns Photograph Album
- Button Collection
- Echevarria Alvares, Luis
- Emery, Robert M.
- Ford, Edward Hastings
- Fotografias de Mexico
- Gitlin, Samuel Zachary
- Keppler, Joseph Ferdinand and Pauline
- Perkins, Jane Howard
- Pocket Maps
- Portraits and Pictures
- Scrapbook Collection
- Tintypes and Portraits Collection
Women and LGBTQ Rights, Feminism
- American Association of University Women (AAUW) - Smithtown Area Branch (New York)
- Bayard Cutting Arboretum Horticultural Society
- Fletcher, Mary T.
- Fotografias de Mexico (thumbnail image)
- Gentile, Edith
- Gordon, Edith L.
- Herstory Writers Workshop
- Indivisible: Stories of American Community, Doula Archive
- Jacobs, Helen Hull
- Javits, Jacob Koppel
- Johnson, Mary Olmsted
- League of Women Voters of Brookhaven South
- League of Women Voters of Nassau County
- League of Women Voters of North Brookhaven
- League of Women Voters of Riverhead/Southold
- League of Women Voters of Smithtown
- League of Women Voters of the Town of Oyster Bay
- Leasenfeld, Edna
- Long Island National Organization for Women. Nassau Chapter
- Long Island Pride Parade, Inc.
- Mid-Suffolk National Organization for Women (Suffolk County)
- Porcino, Jane
- Social Movements
- Söderberg, Eugenie
- Van Liew, Barbara Ferris
- Womens History Ephemera
- Women's International League for Peace and Freedom. Central Suffolk Branch
Literature & Book Arts • Long Island • Music & Theater • New York
Politics & Public Affairs • Science • Women •Albums • Global