Title Long Island Legal Documents Collection
Collection Number SC 403
OCLC Number 1176491291
Creator Various
Provenance Special Collections purchased and acquired this collection of 18th and 19th century
documents in 2006. The papers were housed in four, one inch binders, with individual
documents placed in protective sleeves. Although many of the documents were not organized
in chronological order, there were instances where items grouped in the same sleeves
had correlations with one another, and they remained together after processing.
Extent,Scope, and Content Note The Long Island Legal Documents Collection consists of two cubic ft. of legal papers
originating from Queens County dating from May 28, 1784 to November 9, 1846. The majority
of the documents are concentrated between the years of 1784 and 1800. A significant
amount of documents are dated from 1800 and onward, yet in moving forward each year,
the mean volume of documents drops significantly. After 1811, gaps between years become
common, and after 1832 there is a fourteen-year gap until the date of the final document
in 1846.
The scope of the collection pertains to legal issues in Queens County, Long Island,
New York (which included the County of Nassau prior to 1898). Bail pleas, inn and
tavern licenses, jury duty requests, jury lists, and monthly court minutes are represented
in the collection. Notable items include: Document 161, a record of the oath of office
for county officials in 1809; Document 182, a writ seeking support for a child born
out of wedlock; and Document 160, which references a breach of promise of marriage
between said parties. Notable surnames that appear throughout the collection are Kissam,
Nicolls, Roe, Sammis, Smith, Thompson, Titus, Townsend, Van Wyck, Wickes, Willet(s),
and Wyckoff.
Arrangement and Processing Note Processed by intern Russell S. Glowatz. Finding aid updated and revised by Kristen J. Nyitray in September 2019. Last updated:
July 2020. The collection is organized by the geographic areas of Long Island and New York City
and then alphabetically within each series.
Documents that contained identifiable dates were arranged in chronological order,
as they would have been most likely filed in that manner by the county clerk at the
Court of Queens County. Each document was described in detail, including dates, names,
places, and any issues at hand, and culminated in a preliminary finding aid. Individual
pages were unfolded, placed in folders, and re-housed in legal-sized boxes. Documents
without a known date were filed at the end of the series.
The interpretation of names, dates, and context for each document was executed with
care using resources pertaining to colonial handwriting and Queens County census records
taken at the turn of the eighteenth-century. The names and statements that were not
able to be sufficiently transcribed have been noted by a "[sic]" mark in the finding
Language English
Restrictions on Access The collection is open to researchers without restriction.
Rights and Permissions Stony Brook University Libraries' consent to access as the physical owner of the collection
does not address copyright issues that may affect publication rights. It is the sole
responsibility of the user of Special Collections and University Archives materials
to investigate the copyright status of any given work and to seek and obtain permission
where needed prior to publication.
Citation [Box], [Item], Long Island Legal Documents Collection, Special Collections and University
Archives, Stony Brook University Libraries.
Historical Note Many early court records from Queens County, New York have been separated, destroyed,
or mislaid. Some incomplete collections of legal documents can be found in the offices
of town clerks within present day Nassau and Queens Counties. Up until the English
conquest in 1664, minor civil offenses were tried in local town courts without appeal;
cases of greater magnitude were appealable to the Dutch Governor of New Amsterdam.
The early establishment of what would become the civil and criminal legal system of
Queens County was set in motion in 1665 by the first British colonial Governor of
New York, Richard Nicolls, when he ordered a convention to gather in Hempstead, Long Island
and ultimately put forth "The Duke's Laws." In 1683, the General Assembly revised
and repealed some of the original laws and established: town courts that were to be
held monthly; an annual court of general sessions to be held in Jamaica; and an annual
court of oyer and terminer. In 1691, the court of common pleas and general sessions was coordinated in a more
formal manner, and the structure of the Queens County legal system as documented by
this collection took form.
For a more detailed and colorful historical analysis of the civil history of Queens
County, please visit the cited sources (see below). These websites provided the context
required to properly process the legal documents and were consulted to construct the
historical note for the collection. Many of the judges, lawyers, clerks, plaintiffs,
and defendants that are identified in this collection are referenced.
Cited Sources
Civil History of Queens County—Crimes and Penalties—The Court House—Officials. 2003.
The Brooklyn Genealogy Information Page. 20 May 2009.
Queens Information Page—Federal Census Queens County. 2003. The Brooklyn Genealogy
Information Page. 20 May 2009.
Brooklyn Information Page. 2003. The Brooklyn Genealogy Information Page. 20 May 2009.
Subjects Legal instruments -- Specimens. Legal instruments -- New York (State) -- Queens County. Bail. Licenses. Subpoena. Jury duty. Court records -- New York (State) -- Queens County. Long Island (N.Y.) Nassau County (N.Y.) Queens County (N.Y.) Suffolk County (N.Y.)
Box 1: Documents 1 - 100A (May 1784 - June 1800) Box 2: Documents 101 - 171 (June 1800 - May 1811) Box 3: Documents 172 - 225 (May 1811 - November 1846; undated documents)
Box 1
Document 1 Bail Plea - Queens County May 28, 1784 Nicholas Ludlam, John Ludlam, John Doe, Abraham Kettletas, Timothy Smith (Judge) Nicholas Ludlam delivered to bail upon the taking of his body to John Ludlam of the
same place yeoman and John Doe gentleman, at the suit of Abraham Kettletas. 1 pg. Document 2 Bail Plea - Queens County May 28, 1784 Nicholas Ludlam, John Ludlam, John Doe, Ephraim Ballis, Timothy Smith (Judge) Nicholas Ludlam delivered to bail upon the taking of his body to John Ludlam of the
same place and John Doe gentleman, at the suit of Ephraim Ballis. 1 pg.
Document 3 Bail Plea - Queens County May 28, 1784 Nicholas Ludlam, John Ludlam, John Doe, John Skidmore, Timothy Smith (Judge) Nicholas Ludlam delivered to bail upon the taking of his body to John Ludlam of the
same place and John Doe gentleman, at the suit of John Skidmore. 1 pg.
Document 4 Bail Plea - Queens County September 1784 John Kiplan, Edward Thome, John Doe, Richard Roe, William Cornwell John Kiplan and Edward Thome released on bail to John Doe and Richard Roe, at the
suit of William Cornwell. 1pg.
Document 5 Bail Plea - Queens County September 1784 John Kiplan, John Doe, William Cornwell John Kiplan released on bail to John Doe, at the suit of William Cornwell. 1pg.
Document 6 Bail Plea - Queens County January 18, 1785 John Hewlet, Townsend Hewlet, John Doe, John Syter John Hewlet released on bail to Townsend Hewlet and John Doe, at the suit of John
Syter. 1pg.
Document 7 Bail Plea - Queens County May 1785 David Jones, Herman Sellers [? Seffero], John Doe, Stephen Coles, Isaac Mott David Jones released on bail to Herman Sellers and John Doe of Oyster Bay, at the
suit of Stephen Coles [__________], partner of Isaac Mott and Stephen Coles; Taken
and acknowledged before Judge Benjamin Coe. 1pg.
Document 8 Court Agreement: The People v. James Titus - Newtown, Queens County June 20, 1785 James Titus, Daniel North, Jane Titus, Nicholas Wyckoff (Justice of Peace) James Titus and Daniel North acknowledge to owing the people of the State of New York,
the sum of one hundred dollars by James Titus, and two hundred dollars by Daniel North
levied against their estates if they default on the below agreement: That James Titus appears before the justice of the peace at the next general quarter
and answer to the misdemeanor, which shall be depicted against him by Jane Titus.
For the mean time, James Titus should not speak of this case with Jane Titus or the
people as to keep the peace. 1pg.
Document 9 Bail Plea - Queens County June Court—Acknowledged July 6, 1786 [_______] Lawrence, Caleb Valentine, Benjamin Coe (Judge) [________] Lawrence released on bail to Caleb Valentine of the township of Flushing,
at the suit of James Duane. 1 pg.
Document 10 Bail Plea - Queens County November 12, 1786 Robert Hubs, William Stiles, John Doe, Mary Gildersleve, Timothy Smith (Judge) Robert Hubs released on bail to William Stiles and Yeoman John Doe of South Hempstead,
at the suit of Mary Gildersleve. 1 pg.
Document 11 Bail Plea - Queens County November 13, 1786 White Craft, Abraham Pubasco, David Hobbes, Timothy Smith (Judge) White Craft released on bail to Abraham Pubasco and Gentleman John Doe of Oyster Bay,
at the suit of David Hobbes. 1 pg.
Document 12 Bail Plea - Queens County February 5, 1787 John Wortman, Jacob Cashow (Hashow?), John Doe, Philip Allen, Prior Townsend (Judge) John Wortman released on bail to Jacob Cashow yeoman and John Doe of Oyster Bay, at
the suit of Philip Allen. 1 pg.
Document 13 Bail Plea - Queens County February 14, 1787 Richard [Al---], Peter Burtis, William [Sackett], Benjamin Coe (Judge) Richard [Al---] released on bail to Peter Burtis of the township of Newtown, at the
suit of William Sackett. 1 pg.
Document 14 Bail Plea - Queens County February 22, 1787 William Vaughan, John Doe, Abraham Skinner Esq. (attorney for plaintiff), Dan Kissam
(attorney for defense) Bail delivered to William Vaughan of Jamaica and John Doe of the same place. 1 pg.
Document 15 Bail Plea - Queens County February 6, 1787 John Waters, Thomas Place, John Doe, Phillip Youngs, Timothy Smith (Judge) John Waters released on bail to Thomas Place, yeoman, of Oyster Bay and John Doe of
the same place, at the suit of Phillip Youngs. 1 pg.
Document 16 Bail Plea - Queens County February 14, 1787 George [Delancy], John [Delancy], John Doe, William Sackett, Benjamin Coe (Judge) George [Delancy] released on bail to John [Delancy] of the township of Newtown and
John Doe, yeoman, of the same place. 1 pg.
Document 17 Bail Plea - Queens County February 22, 1787 Daniel Whitehead, William Vaughan, John Doe, Oliver Willis, Benjamin Coe (Judge) Daniel Whitehead released on bail to William Vaughan of Jamaica Wheel Right and John
Doe, yeoman, of the same place, at the suit of Oliver Willis. 1 pg.
Document 18 Special Bail Plea - Queens County March 2, 1787 Daniel Whitehead, Oliver Willis, Edward Barden, John Doe, Abraham Skinner, Esq. (attorney
for the plaintiff), Dan Kissam (attorney for defense) Daniel Whitehead receives additional special bail. Special bail received from Edward
Barden, an Inn holder of Jamaica, and John Doe of the same place, yeoman, at the suit
of Oliver Willis. 1 pg.
Document 19 Bail Plea - Queens County June, 1787- ack. November 14, 1787 [H---] Willet, William Cornwell, John Doe, Ann [Russel], Prior Townsend (Judge) [H---] Willet released on bail to William Cornwell Esq. of South Hempstead and John
Doe, yeoman, of the same place, at the suit of Ann [Russel]. 1 pg.
Document 20 Bail Plea - Queens County June 4, 1787 Benjamin Birdsal, John Hendrickson, John Doe, Henry Waters, [--] Livingston (attorney),
Prior Townsend (Judge) Benjamin Birdsal released on bail to John Hendrickson of Queens County, farmer, and
John Doe of the same place, at the suit of Henry Waters. 1 pg.
Document 21 (same sleeve as 22) Bail Plea - Queens County June 4, 1787 Stephen Hallet, [Hendrick Hagman], John Doe, Edward Smith, Timothy Smith (Judge) Stephen Hallet released on bail to [Hendrick Hagman] and John Doe of the same place,
yeoman, at the suit of Edward Smith. 1 pg.
Document 22 (same sleeve as 21) Bail Plea - Queens County November 26, 1798 John [Rouse], Nicholas [Rouse], James [---yer]. 1 pg.
Document 23 Bail Plea - Queens County June 5, 1787 Michael [Micah] Frost, Adolph Covert, John Doe, [Zenah Cavhenter], Benjamin Coe (Judge) Michael Frost released on bail to Adolph Covert of Oysterbay, yeoman, and John Doe
of the same place, gentleman, at the suit of [Zenah Cavhenter]. 1pg. November 14, 1787—back of page Adolph Covert, Micah Frost, Prior Townsend (Judge) Judge Prior Townsend certifies the said bail of Micah Frost, financed by Adolph Covert.
Document 24 Bail Plea - Queens County June 5, 1787 Timothy Cornwell, Abraham Lott, Richard Roe, John Hendrickson, John Schenck (Judge) Timothy Cornwell is released on bail to Abraham Lott of South Hempstead, yeoman, and
Richard Roe of the same place, yeoman, at the Suit of John Hendrickson. Taken and
acknowledged on the said date by John Schneck, one of the Judges of the Court of Common
Pleas for Queens County. 1 pg.
Document 25 Bail Plea - Queens County June 5, 1787 Emery Hewlet, Daniel Toffey, Richard Roe, Newberry Davenport, John Schenck (Judge) Emery Hewlet is released on bail to Daniel Toffey of North Hempstead, yeoman, and
Richard Roe of the same place, blacksmith, at the suit of Newberry Davenport. Taken
and acknowledged by John Schenck, of the Commissioners for Taking Bail in Queens County. Reverse side—Daniel Toffey acknowledges that he owes Newberry Davenport the sum of
fifty pounds to be levied on his goods, chattel lands, and tenements in the case that
defendant Emery Hewlet shall not pay the condemnation money and/or not render himself
into custody. 1 pg.
Document 26 Bail Plea - Queens County June 21, 1787 Isaac Willets, Nehemiah Sammis, Benjamin Sammis, Anna Russel, John Schenck Isaac Willets is released on bail to Nehemiah Sammis of South Hempstead, yeoman, and
Benjamin Sammis of the same place, gentleman, at the suit of Anna Russel. 1pg.
Document 27 Bail Plea - Queens County November 1787 [---] Van Wyck, [Telulan] Doty, John Doe, Luke Fleet, Prior Townsend (Judge) [---] Van Wyck is released on bail to [Telulan] Doty of Coles Spring, yeoman, and
John Doe of the same place, yeoman, at the suit of Luke Fleet. 1pg. Document 28 Bail Plea - Queens County November 1787-ack. January 25, 1788 John Woolley, Benjamin Woolley, John Doe, Jesse Hunt, John Schenck (Judge) John Woolley is released on bail to Benjamin Woolley of North Hempstead, yeoman, and
John Doe of the same place, yeoman, at the suit of Jesse Hunt. 1pg.
Document 29 Bail Plea - Queens County November 10, 1787 Samuel Spragg, Thomas Carmen, David Ellison, Prior Townsend (Judge) Samuel Spragg is released on bail to Thomas Carmen of South Hempstead, yeoman, and
John Doe of the same place, yeoman, at the suit of David Ellison. 1pg.
Document 30 Bail Plea - Queens County November 14, 1787 Benjamin Birdsall, John Hendrickson, John Doe, Roger [Pundy], Benjamin Coe (Judge) Benjamin Birdsall is released on bail to John Hendrickson of South Hempstead, yeoman,
and John Doe of the same place, gentleman, at the suit of Roger [Pundy]. 1pg.
Document 31 Bail Plea - Queens County June 26,1788 Peter Thomas, Richard Green, John Doe, Peter [----], John Schenck (Judge) Peter Thomas is released on bail to Richard Green of South Hempstead, weaver, and
John Doe of the same place, yeoman, at the suit of Peter [----]. 1pg.
Document 32 Bail Plea - Queens County November 10, 1788 Silas Balding, Daniel Wright, Richard Roe, William Valentine, John Schenck (Judge) Silas Balding is released on bail to Daniel Wright of South Hempstead, yeoman, and
Richard Roe of the same place, blacksmith, at the suit of William Valentine. 1pg.
Document 33 Bail Plea - Queens County November 24, 1788 Henry Durland Senior, Henry Durland Junior, John Doe, [Cester] Townsend Henry Durland Senior is released on bail to Henry Durland Junior, yeoman of the Township
of Oysterbay, and John Doe of the same place, yeoman, at the suit of [Cester] Townsend,
widow of the Township of Oysterbay. 1pg.
Document 33B Bail Plea - Queens County December 24, 1799 Abraham Van Wyck, Coles [Van Wyck], John Remsen, John Doe, Benjamin Coe (Judge) Abraham Van Wyck of Oyster Bay is released on bail to Coles [Van Wyck] and John Doe
of the same place, yeoman, at the suit of John Remsen. 1 pg.
Document 34 Trespassing Plea - Queens County-South Hempstead January 27, 1789 Gersham Smith, John Saydam, James Wayley [Whaley—spelled differently within same document],
Joseph Raynor, Stephen Carman Gersham Smith is the plaintiff versus John Saydam and James Wayley. Joseph Raynor
was appointed at the annual town meeting held in South Hempstead who with Stephen
Carman is authorized by said town to defend the town rights against anyone who fences
land in the town commons. Joseph Raynor pleas on behalf of the said town and justifies
the trespass allegedly committed by John Saydam and James Whaley, since where the
alleged trespass occurred was committed in the right and property of the tenets in
the common of North Hempstead and South and will defend the same and such.1pg.
Document 35 Bail Plea - Queens County February 3, 1789 Peter Thomas, James Antone, John Doe, Samuel Sealy, Prior Townsend (Judge) Peter Thomas is released on bail to James Antone of South Hempstead, carpenter, and
John Doe of the same place, gentleman, at the suit of Samuel Sealy. 1pg.
Document 36 Bail Plea - Queens County February 14, 1789 Frederick [Van], James [Van], James Wood, Benjamin Coe (Judge) Frederick [Van] is released on bail to James [Van] of the Township of South Hempstead,
at the suit of James Wood. 1pg.
Document 37 Bail Plea - Queens County February 17, 1789 John Golden, Charles Titus, John Doe, Peter Baker, Prior Townsend (Judge) John Golden of North Hempstead is released on bail to Charles Titus of North Hempstead,
yeoman, and John Doe of the same place, gentleman, at the suit of Peter Baker of South
Hempstead, tailor. 1pg.
Document 38 Bail Plea - Queens County June 2, 1789 Increase Carpenter, Jacob Carpenter, John Doe, James Lawrence, Benjamin Coe (Judge) Increase Carpenter is released on bail to Jacob Carpenter of Jamaica, yeoman, and
John Doe of the same place, yeoman, at the suit of James Lawrence. 1pg.
Document 39 Bail Plea - Queens County June 2, 1789 Jacob Carpenter, Increase Carpenter, John Doe, James Lawrence, Benjamin Coe (Judge) Jacob Carpenter is released on bail to Jacob Carpenter of Jamaica, yeoman, and John
Doe of the same place, yeoman, at the suit of James Lawrence. 1pg.
Document 40 List of Fees Due to the Judges to the Court of Common Pleas from Eliphalet Wickes - Queens County November 1789 - June 1797 Eliphalet Wickes, Esq. List of fees owed to the judges of the Court of Common Pleas of Queens County by Eliphalet
Wickes. Fees noted against each case tried deliberated over by Wickes. Plaintiff and
defendant names listed for each case with relative fee, of three dollars for each
case. The fees noted are from the November Court of 1789 to the June Court of 1797.
3pgs. (both sides)
Document 41 Bail Plea - Queens County November 12, 1789 Elijah Rainer, Joseph Rainer, John Doe, Gershan Smith, Prior Townsend (Judge) Elijah Rainer is released on bail to Joseph Rainer of South Hempstead, yeoman, and
John Doe of the same place, yeoman, at the suit of Gershon Smith. 1pg.
Document 42 Case Cost List - Queens County May 15, 1790 Dan Whitehead, Oliver Willis List of various fees surrounding suit between Dan Whitehead and Oliver Willis. 1pg.
(both sides)
Document 43 Jury Duty Request to the People of Queens County June 4, 1790 Thomas Wooley, Daniel Rapelye, Valentine Williams, George Onderdonck A suit between plaintiff Thomas Wooley, and defendants Daniel Rapelye, Valentine Williams,
and George Onderdonck, requires a jury of lawful and property owning men to come before
the inferior court of common pleas which is to be held at the courthouse in North
Hempstead on the second Monday of November 1790. This document commands that the free
and independent people of Queens County put forth twelve law abiding and property
owning men to make up the jury for the trial. 1 pg.
Document 44 Panel of Jurors Drawn for the Circuit Court of Queens County August 22, 1790 Benjamin Powell, Thomas Cornwell, Isaac Waldron, etc. Panel of jurors drawn on August 22, 1790 for the Circuit Court to be held for Queens
County. Juror’s names and occupations are listed as follows: Benjamin Powell of Oyster Bay—Yeoman Thomas Cornwell of Hempstead—Yeoman Isaac Waldron of Oysterbay—Carpenter This is a list of 24 potential jurors. 1pg.
Document 45 Bail Plea - Queens County November 8, 1790 Joseph Betts, [Mordaica Bedle] Mordecai Beedle, Absolam Blackley, Benjamin Coe (Judge) Joseph Betts is released on bail to Mordecai Beedle, yeoman, and John Doe of the same
place, gentleman, at the suit of Absolam Blackley. 1 pg.
Document 46 License for Inn or Tavern - Queens County April 8, 1793 Isaac Wooden, Justus Stores (Judge) The document asserts that Isaac Wooden, a tavern keeper of the Town of Oyster Bay,
acknowledges that if he does not keep a good and orderly tavern under permit within
the bounds of the laws of the State of New York, he owes the state the sum of 125
dollars of good and current money. 1pg.
Document 47 Bail Plea - Queens County September 1794 Thomas Betts, Joseph Betts, John Doe, [Caleb] Wheler, Benjamin Coe (Judge) Thomas Betts is released on bail to Joseph Betts of the Township of Newtown, yeoman,
and John Doe of the same place, yeoman, at the suit of Caleb Wheler. 1pg.
Document 48 License for Inn or Tavern - Queens County June 1795 Justus Stores, Esq. (one of the Justices of the Peace), Jacob Cashow (Inn-Holder) Jacob Cashow, Inn-Holder, of the Township of Oyster Bay acknowledges himself to be
indebted to the State of New York, the sum of fifty pounds, lawful money of the said
state, to be levied upon his goods and chattels if failure were made of the underwritten
condition. The condition is as such: Jacob Cashow is, by the commissioners of excise,
licensed, permitted, and allowed to keep a tavern, and sell spirits and liquor, to
be drank in his house, out house, yard, or garden, where he now dwells. Jacob Cashow
shall not during his continuance of the said license suffer any unlawful games in
his house, outhouse, yard, or garden, but shall during the said time, maintain good
and order and rule therein. Acknowledged by Justice of the Peace, Justus Stores, Esq.
Document 49 License for Inn or Tavern (2)- Queens Country March 1, 1796 Jacob Van Wicklen, Esq. (one of the Justices of the Peace), Phillip Ellis (Inn-Holder),
Peter Walters (Inn-Holder) Phillip Ellis, Inn-Holder, of the Township of Oyster Bay acknowledges himself to be
indebted to the State of New York, the sum of fifty pounds, current money of the said
state, to be levied upon his goods and chattels if failure were made of the underwritten
condition. The condition is as such: Phillip Ellis is, by the commissioner s of excise,
licensed, permitted, and allowed to keep a tavern, and sell spirits and liquor, to
be drank in the house where he now dwells. Phillip Ellis shall not during his continuance
of the said license suffer any unlawful games in his house, but shall during the said
time, maintain good and order and rule therein. Acknowledged by Justice of the Peace,
Jacob Van Wicklen, Esq. Peter Walters, Inn-Holder, of the Township of Oyster Bay acknowledges himself to be
indebted to the State of New York, the sum of fifty pounds, current money of the said
state, to be levied upon his goods and chattels if failure were made of the underwritten
condition. The condition is as such: Peter Walters is, by the commissioners of excise,
licensed, permitted, and allowed to keep a tavern, and sell spirits and liquor, to
be drank in the house where he now dwells. Peter Walters shall not during his continuance
of the said license suffer any unlawful games in his house, but shall during the said
time, maintain good and order and rule therein. Acknowledged by Justice of the Peace,
Jacob Van Wicklen, Esq. 1pg.
Document 50 License for Inn or Tavern - Queens County April 5, 1796 John Wright, Esq. (one of the Justices of the Peace), Silas Carman (Inn-Holder) Silas Carman, Inn-Holder, of the Township of Oyster Bay acknowledges himself to be
indebted to the State of New York, the sum of fifty pounds, current money of the said
state, to be levied upon his goods and chattels if failure were made of the underwritten
condition. The condition is as such: Silas Carman is, by the commissioners of excise,
licensed, permitted, and allowed to keep a tavern, and sell spirits and liquor, to
be drank in the house where he now dwells. Silas Carman shall not during his continuance
of the said license suffer any unlawful games in his house, but shall during the said
time, maintain good and order and rule therein. Acknowledged by Justice of the Peace,
Jacob Van Wicklen, Esq. 1pg.
Document 51 Subpoena to Testify before the Court of Common Pleas - Queens County June 1796 William Thorne, Uriah Mitchell (Plaintiff), George Cornwell (Defendant), Benjamin
Coe (Judge) To William Thorne: We command you, laying aside all excuses you may have, that you
and every one of you with knowledge regarding this case, appear before the Court of
Common Pleas, to be held in the Court House in North Hempstead, in your proper persons,
on Monday the sixth of June at ten o’clock in the forenoon (morning), to testify of
what you or either of you know in regards to the undetermined dispute between Uriah
Mitchell, plaintiff, and George Cornwell, defendant, in a plea of debt on part of
the defendant. This case is to be heard and deliberated over by a jury of Queens County,
and if you or any of you do not appear, you will be responsible to pay a penalty of
one hundred pounds. 1 pg.
Document 52 Precept for June Court, To the Sheriff of the County - Queens County November 10, 1795—Precept for June Court, 1796 Benjamin Coe, Esq. (First Judge of our said court) To our Sherriff of our County Queens, We command you that you do not omit by reason
or any Liberty within your Bailiwick (jurisdiction), but that you enter the same,
and cause to come before our Judges and assistant Justices of the Peace, who deliberate
over felonies, trespasses, and other misdemeanors, perpetrates and done in the said
county, at the Court House in Queens. On the first Monday in June next, the sixth
day of June come before us and determine twenty-four free and lawful men or your bailiwick
that have forty shillings a year of freehold, and also that you cause to bring another
twenty-four of free and lawful men that have forty shillings a year of lands and free
tenements to enquire of those things which then and there on behalf of the people
of the State of New York shall be enjoined them, also that you summon all Justices
of the Peace of your bailiwick, petty constables, and bailiffs of every town and liberty
within your bailiwick to do thou things which to their offices belong and that you
cause to be made and published, through your bailiwick in proper and convenient places
the aforesaid. This precept for the June Court seems to concern the annex of a new
area to Queens County; therefore the Justices of the Queens County Court appeal to
the Sherriff of this bailiwick to bring forth town officers and a list of eligible
jurors to be submitted to the Queens County Court. 1 pg.
Document 53 Precept for November Court, To the Sheriff of the County - Queens County June 6, 1796 Benjamin Coe, Esq. (First Judge of our said court) Same intention as previous document: a message to the Sherriff of a specific jurisdiction
in Queens County. It seems that this area has been recently annexed by Queens County,
and the judges seek to enquire about the holdings of a cross-section of free and lawful
property holding men (citizens), and the duties and issues faced by the officers in
the bailiwick (including Coroner, Head Constables of the Peace, Petty Constables,
Bailiffs, etcetera. The court asks that 48 free and lawful men be brought before the
court; these must be property-owning men, with their holdings being of a minimal value
of sixty pounds. 1 pg.
Document 54 License for Inn or Tavern - Queens County March 1, 1797 Justus Stores (Justice), Henry Suydam (Inn-Keeper) Henry Suydam, Innkeeper, of the Township of Oyster Bay acknowledges himself to be
indebted to the State of New York, the sum of fifty pounds, current money of the said
state, to be levied upon his goods and chattels if failure were made of the underwritten
condition. The condition is as such: Henry Suydam will not during the time that he
shall keep an Inn or Tavern, keep a disorderly Inn or Tavern, or suffer or permit
any cockfighting, gaming, or gambling with cards or dice, or keep any gaming table
or shuffle board within the Inn or Tavern. Acknowledged by Justus Stores, Justice.
1 pg.
Document 55 License for Inn or Tavern - Queens County March 1, 1797 John Skidmore (Commissioner of Excise-Justice), Abraham Ditonars (Commissioner of
Excuse-Justice, Benjamin Everit (Commissioner of Excise-Justice), [Mary (Isack) Snedica] [Mary (Isack) Snedica], of the Township of Jamaica acknowledges herself to be indebted
to the State of New York, the sum of fifty pounds, current money of the said state,
to be levied upon his goods and chattels if failure were made of the underwritten
condition. The condition is as such: [Mary (Isack) Snedica] is, by the commissioners
of excise may keep a common tavern where he now dwells. [Mary (Isack) Snedica] shall
not during his continuance of the said license suffer any unlawful games in his house,
but shall during the said time, maintain good and order and rule therein. Acknowledged
by Benjamin Everit, Justice.—Isack is crossed out and replaced with Mary in the first
two appearances of his name, but was not crossed out in the last. This change of name
seems to indicate his death, and transfer of assets to his spouse. 1 pg.
Document 56 Precept for November Court - Queens County June 5, 1797 Daniel Kissam (County Clerk) A message to the Sherriff of a specific jurisdiction in Queens County. It seems that
this area has been recently annexed by Queens County, and the judges seek to enquire
about the holdings of a cross-section of free and lawful property holding men (citizens),
and the duties and issues faced by the officers in the bailiwick (including Coroner,
Head Constables of the Peace, Petty Constables, Bailiffs, etcetera. The court asks
that 48 free and lawful men be brought before the court; these must be property-owning
men, with their holdings being of a minimal value of sixty pounds. 1 pg.
Document 57 Correspondence Regarding Enclosed Legal Records - Queens County July 7, 1797 Eliphalet Wickes, Daniel Kissam Esq., James Herriman, Jacob Bedell, [Lyse] Wright Eliphalet Wickes provided this letter as a cover letter to legal documents he sent
along with it. Noted are two cases, first that of James Herriman vs. Jacob Bedell,
then of James Herriman vs. [Lyse] Wright. For the second case Eliphalet Wickes does
not want an execution of the case as of yet. 1 pg.
Document 58 Jury Duty Request to be Enforced by Sheriff - Queens County November 6, 1797 Edmund Smith (plaintiff), Stephen Baldwin (Defendant), Benjamin Coe, Esq. (First Judge),
Daniel Kissam (County Clerk) The Sheriff of Queens County is commanded to bring forth a jury of twelve lawful,
trustful, and property owning men to the Court of Common Pleas, to be held in the
Court House in North Hempstead on the second Monday in November, which it the thirteenth.
The Sheriff is to make certain that none of the jurors have any kin or relation to
the said parties involved in this case. The document asserts that there is a point
of contention between the two parties, but that contention is not noted. 1 pg.
Document 59 Bail Plea - Queens County November 1797 John Skidmore, John Hendrickson, John Doe, Anna Higbie, Benjamin Coe (Judge) John [---] is released on bail to John Hendrickson of South [Hempstead] and John Doe
of the same place, at the suit of [--- Kirby]. 1 pg.
Document 60 List of Grand Jurors for November 1797 - Queens County November 1797 Signed by John Fleet (Sheriff) The list of names, towns, and occupations is listed as follows: John W. Seaman (yeoman)
of North Hempstead, Charles Thorn of Oyster Bay (yeoman), Abraham Birdsall of Hempstead
(Inn Keeper), Isaac Van [North---] of Oyster Bay (yeoman), Thomas Lawrence of Flushing
(yeoman), William Skidmore of Flushing (yeoman), Thomas C. Thorn of North Hempstead
(yeoman), Thomas Wooley of North Hempstead (yeoman), [---] Walters of Oyster Bay (yeoman),
Jackson Mott of Oyster Bay (yeoman), Samuel Birdsall of Hempstead (yeoman), Leonard
Seaman of North Hempstead (yeoman), Abraham Franklin of Flushing (yeoman), David [R.F.]
Jones of Oyster Bay (yeoman), Jacob Foster of Jamaica (yeoman), Jacob [S.] Jackson
of Hempstead (yeoman), John Hendrickson of Hempstead (yeoman), Hendrick Hagner of
North Hempstead (yeoman), Richard Townsend of North Hempstead (yeoman), Edward Levinich
of Newtown (yeoman), [---] Vandervoort of Newtown (yeoman), James Bonny of Newtown
(yeoman), Barnaby Coffee of Newtown (yeoman). 1 pg.
Document 61 License for Tavern of Common Ale House - Queens County March 1, 1798 John Skidmore (Commissioner of Excise-Judge), Abraham Ditmas (Commissioner of Excise-Judge),
Benjamin Everit (Commissioner of Excise-Judge), Richard Higgins (of Jamaica Township) Richard Higgins, of the Township of Jamaica, acknowledges himself to be indebted to
the State of New York, the sum of fifty pounds, current money of the said state, to
be levied upon his goods and chattels if failure were made of the underwritten condition.
The condition is as such: Richard Higgins, ruled by the commissioners of excise may
keep a Common Ale House or Tavern where he now dwells. Richard Higgins shall not during
his continuance of the said license suffer any unlawful games in his house, which
is the law of the state, but shall during the said time keep beds and hay for lour
horses, and maintain good order and rule therein. Acknowledged by Justice Benjamin
Everit. 1 pg.
Document 62 License for Inn or Tavern - Queens County April 20, 1798 Abraham Ditmas (Justice), Caleb Mills Caleb Mills, of the Township of Jamaica, acknowledges himself to be indebted to the
State of New York, the sum of fifty pounds, current money of the said state, to be
levied upon his goods and chattels, lands and tenements, if failure were made of the
underwritten condition. The condition is as such: Caleb Mills, ruled by the commissioners
of excise may keep an Inn or Tavern where he now dwells. Caleb Mills shall not during
his continuance of the said license suffer any unlawful gaming in his house, which
is the law of the state, such as cockfighting, playing with cards or dice, or to keep
any billiard table, or shuffle board on his property, but shall during the said time
maintain good order and rule as the law directs. Acknowledged by Justice Abraham Ditmas.
1 pg.
Document 63 License for Inn or Tavern - Queens County April 20, 1798 Abraham Ditmas (Justice), Garret Dorland Garret Dorland, of the Township of Jamaica, acknowledges himself to be indebted to
the State of New York, the sum of fifty pounds, current money of the said state, to
be levied upon his goods and chattels if failure were made of the underwritten condition.
The condition is as such: Garret Dorland, ruled by the commissioners of excise may
keep an Inn or Tavern where he now dwells. Garret Dorland shall not during his continuance
of the said license suffer any unlawful games in his house, which is the law of the
state, such as cockfighting, playing with cards or dice, or to keep any billiard table,
or shuffle board on his property, but shall during the said time maintain good order
and rule as the law directs. Acknowledged by Justice Abraham Ditmas. 1 pg.
Document 64 License for Inn or Tavern - Queens County May 3, 1798 Abraham Ditmas (Justice), [A]Elexander Jones Elexander Jones, of the Township of Jamaica, acknowledges himself to be indebted to
the State of New York, the sum of fifty pounds, current money of the said state, to
be levied upon his goods and chattels if failure were made of the underwritten condition.
The condition is as such: Elexander Jones, ruled by the commissioners of excise may
keep a Common Ale House or Tavern where he now dwells. Elexander Jones shall not during
his continuance of the said license suffer any unlawful games in his house, which
is the law of the state, such as cockfighting, playing with cards or dice, or to keep
any billiard table, or any other gaming device on his property, but shall during the
said time maintain good order and rule as the law directs. Acknowledged by Justice
Abraham Ditmas. 1 pg.
Document 65 Jury Duty Request to be Enforced by Sheriff - Queens County June 4, 1798 Samuel Denton (Plaintiff), Luke Cornwash (Defendant), Benjamin Coe Esq. (First Judge),
Daniel Kilsam (County Clerk) The Sheriff of Queens County is commanded to bring forth a jury of twelve lawful,
trustful, and property owning men to the inferior Court of Common Pleas, to be held
in the Court House in North Hempstead on the second Monday in November. The Sheriff
is to make certain that none of the jurors have any kin or relation to the said parties
involved in this case. The document asserts that there is a point of contention between
the two parties, but that contention is not noted. 1 pg.
Document 66 Minutes from the June Court of Common Pleas - Queens County June 4, 1798 Names throughout the court minutes include judges, plaintiffs, defendants, and jurors—Many
names that are present appear in several other documents in this series. Minutes of the June Court of Common Pleas for Queens County, held in Court House in
North Hempstead. Defendants and Plaintiffs are listed for various cases, and some
context is provided to the specificity of those cases, but is not all-inclusive. 4
pgs. (both sides)
Document 67 Jury Duty Request to be Enforced by Sheriff - Queens County June 4, 1798 James Jackson (Plaintiff), Zebadiah Story (Defendant), Benjamin Coe Esq. (First Judge),
Daniel Kilsam (County Clerk) The Sheriff of Queens County is commanded to bring forth a jury of twelve lawful,
trustful, and property owning men to the inferior Court of Common Pleas, to be held
in the Court House in North Hempstead on the second Monday in November. The Sheriff
is to make certain that none of the jurors have any kin or relation to the said parties
involved in this case. The document asserts that there is a point of contention between
the two parties, noted in a plea of “trespass and ejectment” of farm. 1 pg.
Document 68 Bail Plea - Queens County June 30, 1798 John Fowler Junior, Roe Haviland (yeoman), William Prince, Lawrence Roe, Benjamin
Coe (Judge) John Fowler junior is released on bail to Roe Haviland of Flushing, yeoman, at the
suit of William Prince and Lawrence Roe. 1 pg.
Document 69 Order of the Judges—Adjustment of the Goal - Queens County November 14, 1798 Benjamin Cheesman (Inn Keeper), Benjamin Coe (Judge), Prior Townsend (Judge), John
Schenck (Judge) Judges of the Queens Court of Common Pleas lay out a new edict regarding the property
lines of the Court House and surrounding properties?!? The new courthouse fence line
is noted to be East of the Cheesman House. 1 pg. Document 70 Pregnancy Out of Wedlock - Queens County November 22, 1798 Nicholas Lamberson Weaver (of Hempstead), John Watts (of Hempstead), Isaac Covert
(of Jamaica), William Ludlam (Judge), Susannah Lacy (of Jamaica) Nicholas Lamberson Weaver of the township of Jamaica owes the State of New York 200$
Dollars and the aforesaid John Watts of the same place, and Isaac Covert of Jamaica
Township, 100$ dollars if Nicholas Lamberson be deficient or make default in the performance
of the condition underwritten: Nicholas Lamberson Weaver is charged by Susannah Lacy of Jamaica, single woman, that
he had carnal knowledge of her body several times, and now is with Child by Nicholas
Lamberson, which when born will be a bastard. Nicholas Lamberson will be called to
appear before the next general session of the justices of the peace. For now, Nicholas
Lamberson should remain in good behavior. 1 pg.
Document 71 Writ to Jurors for Witnessing Object of Contention – Trespass - Queens County June 5, 1799 Samuel Denton (Plaintiff), Luke Covert (Defendant), [Oluenis] Smith, [Alicajah Raynor],
Benjamin Coe (Judge) In a case of trespass between Samuel Denton (Plaintiff) and Luke Covert (Defendant),
the court files a writ for six of the first twelve jurors to visit the place in question
on the fifth day of the November next, and in the presence of [Oluenis] Smith, [Alicajah
Raynor], and on behalf of the plaintiff to view the plow in question, whereupon returning
to the court house. 1 pg.
Document 72 License for Inn or Tavern - Queens County March 1, 1799 Justice Stores (Judge), Silas Carman (Innkeeper) Silas Carman, of the Town of Oyster Bay, acknowledges himself to be indebted to the
State of New York, the sum of one hundred and twenty-five dollars, current money of
the said state, to be levied upon his goods and chattels if failure were made of the
underwritten condition. The condition is as such: Silas Carman may keep an inn or
tavern, as long as it remains in good and orderly fashion as prescribed by law. 1
Document 73 License for Inn or Tavern - Queens County March 1, 1799 Justice Stores (Judge), [Suluanus] Smith (Innkeeper) [Suluanus] Smith, Innkeeper of the Town of Oyster Bay, acknowledges himself to be
indebted to the State of New York, the sum of one hundred and twenty-five dollars,
and current money of the said state, to be levied upon his goods and chattels if failure
were made of the underwritten condition. The condition is as such: [Suluanus] Smith
may keep an inn or tavern, as long as it remains in good and orderly fashion as prescribed
by law. 1 pg.
Document 74 License for Inn or Tavern - Queens County March 1, 1799 Justice Stores (Judge), Jacob [Cashow] (Innkeeper) Jacob [Hashow], Innkeeper of the Town of Oyster Bay, acknowledges himself to be indebted
to the State of New York, the sum of one hundred and twenty-five dollars, current
money of the said state, to be levied upon his goods and chattels if failure were
made of the underwritten condition. The condition is as such: Jacob [Cashow] may keep
an inn or tavern, as long as it remains in good and orderly fashion as prescribed
by law. 1 pg.
Document 75 License for Inn or Tavern - Queens County March 1, 1799 Justice Stores (Judge), John Hyde (Innkeeper) John Hyde, Innkeeper of the Town of Oyster Bay, acknowledges himself to be indebted
to the State of New York, the sum of one hundred and twenty-five dollars, and current
money of the said state, to be levied upon his goods and chattels if failure were
made of the underwritten condition. The condition is as such: John Hyde may keep an
inn or tavern, as long as it remains in good and orderly fashion as prescribed by
law. 1 pg.
Document 76 License for Inn or Tavern - Queens County March 1, 1799 Justice Stores (Judge), Henry Sydam (Innkeeper) Henry Sydam, Innkeeper of the Town of Oyster Bay, acknowledges himself to be indebted
to the State of New York, the sum of one hundred and twenty-five dollars, and current
money of the said state, to be levied upon his goods and chattels if failure were
made of the underwritten condition. The condition is as such: Henry Sydam may keep
an inn or tavern, as long as it remains in good and orderly fashion as prescribed
by law. 1 pg.
Document 77 License for Inn or Tavern - Queens County March 1, 1799 Justice Stores (Judge), Philip Ellis (Innkeeper) Phillip Ellis, Innkeeper of the Town of Oyster Bay, acknowledges himself to be indebted
to the State of New York, the sum of one hundred and twenty-five dollars, and current
money of the said state, to be levied upon his goods and chattels if failure were
made of the underwritten condition. The condition is as such: Phillip Ellis may keep
an inn or tavern, as long as it remains in good and orderly fashion as prescribed
by law. 1 pg.
Document 78 License for Inn or Tavern - Queens County March 1, 1799 Justice Stores (Judge), William H. Stewart (Innkeeper) William H. Stewart, Innkeeper of the Town of Oyster Bay, acknowledges himself to be
indebted to the State of New York, the sum of one hundred and twenty-five dollars,
and current money of the said state, to be levied upon his goods and chattels if failure
were made of the underwritten condition. The condition is as such: William H. Stewart
may keep an inn or tavern, as long as it remains in good and orderly fashion as prescribed
by law. 1 pg.
Document 79 License for Inn or Tavern - Queens County March 26, 1799 Justice Stores (Judge), Peter Walters (Innkeeper) Peter Walters, Innkeeper of the Town of Oyster Bay, acknowledges himself to be indebted
to the State of New York, the sum of one hundred and twenty-five dollars, and current
money of the said state, to be levied upon his goods and chattels if failure were
made of the underwritten condition. The condition is as such: Peter Walters may keep
an inn or tavern, as long as it remains in good and orderly fashion as prescribed
by law. 1 pg.
Document 80 License for Inn or Tavern - Queens County March 26, 1799 Justice Stores (Judge), Jacob Hatt (Innkeeper) Jacob Hatt, Innkeeper of the Town of Oyster Bay, acknowledges himself to be indebted
to the State of New York, the sum of one hundred and twenty-five dollars, and current
money of the said state, to be levied upon his goods and chattels if failure were
made of the underwritten condition. The condition is as such: Jacob Hatt may keep
an inn or tavern, as long as it remains in good and orderly fashion as prescribed
by law. 1 pg.
Document 81 License for Inn or Tavern - Queens County May 2, 1799 Stephen Frost (Justice), Joseph Bard Joseph Bard acknowledges himself to be indebted to the State of New York, the sum
of fifty pounds, current money of the said state, to be levied upon his goods and
chattels if failure were made of the underwritten condition. The condition is as such:
Joseph Bard may keep a Tavern where he now dwells. Joseph Bard shall not during his
continuance of the said license suffer any unlawful gaming in his house, which is
the law of the state, such as cockfighting, playing with cards or dice, or to keep
any billiard table, shuffle board, or any other gaming device on his property, but
shall during the said time maintain good order and rule as the law directs. 1 pg.
Document 82 License for Inn or Tavern - Queens County May 7, 1799 Benjamin Everit (Justice), Samuel Carpenter Samuel Carpenter, of the Township of Jamaica, acknowledges himself to be indebted
to the State of New York, the sum of fifty pounds, current money of the said state,
to be levied upon his goods and chattels if failure were made of the underwritten
condition. The condition is as such: Samuel Carpenter may keep a Common Ale House
or Tavern where he now dwells. He shall not during his continuance of the said license
suffer any unlawful gaming in his house or on his property, which is the law of the
state, but shall during the said time maintain good order and rule as the law directs.
1 pg.
Document 83 License for Inn or Tavern - Queens County May 7, 1799 Benjamin Everit (Justice), [Barnaudos] Lambertson [Barnaudos] Lambertson, of the Township of Jamaica, acknowledges himself to be indebted
to the State of New York, the sum of fifty pounds, current money of the said state,
to be levied upon his goods and chattels if failure were made of the underwritten
condition. The condition is as such: [Barnaudos] Lambertson may keep a Common Ale
House or Tavern where he now dwells. He shall not during his continuance of the said
license suffer any unlawful gaming in his house or on his property, which is the law
of the state, but shall during the said time maintain good order and rule as the law
directs. 1 pg.
Document 84 License for Inn or Tavern - Queens County May 7, 1799 Benjamin Everit (Justice), Nathaniel Rider Nathaniel Rider, of the Township of Jamaica, acknowledges himself to be indebted to
the State of New York, the sum of fifty pounds, current money of the said state, to
be levied upon his goods and chattels if failure were made of the underwritten condition.
The condition is as such: Nathaniel Rider may keep a Common Ale House or Tavern where
he now dwells. He shall not during his continuance of the said license suffer any
unlawful gaming in his house or on his property, which is the law of the state, but
shall during the said time maintain good order and rule as the law directs. 1 pg.
Document 85 License for Inn or Tavern - Queens County May 7, 1799 Benjamin Everit (Justice), Henry Higgins Henry Higgins, of the Township of Jamaica, acknowledges himself to be indebted to
the State of New York, the sum of fifty pounds, current money of the said state, to
be levied upon his goods and chattels if failure were made of the underwritten condition.
The condition is as such: Henry Higgins may keep a Common Ale House or Tavern where
he now dwells. He shall not during his continuance of the said license suffer any
unlawful gaming in his house or on his property, which is the law of the state, but
shall during the said time maintain good order and rule as the law directs. 1 pg.
Document 86 Receipt of Court Proceedings in Trespass Case for Dan Kissam - Queens County May 19, 1799 Thomas Young Junior (Plaintiff), John Hendrickson (Defendant), S. Jones (attorney),
Dan Kilsam Esq. (attorney) The document consists of dates of court appearances and proceedings regarding a suit
of trespass between Thomas Young Junior and John Hendrickson. A small note to Mr.
Dan Kissam is listed on bottom, stating that this document should end up in his hands. Watermark for Onderdonk Paper Mill can be clearly seen at center of paper. 1 pg.
Document 87 Order to Rectify Debt - Queens County June 1799 Samuel Wood (Plaintiff), James Lewis (Defendant), John Doe, Rich Roe Samuel Wood files a suit that James Lewis rightfully owes him fourteen pounds, thirteen
shillings, and six pence, which is an equivalent to thirty-six dollars and sixty-eight
cents. The court rules in favor of the plaintiff. 1 pg.
Document 88 Precept for June Court, To the Sheriff of the County - Queens County June 5, 1799—Precept for November Court, 1799 Benjamin Coe Esq. (First Judge of our said court), Daniel Kissam (attorney) To our Sherriff of our County Queens, We command you that you do not omit by reason
or any Liberty within your Bailiwick (jurisdiction), but that you enter the same,
and cause to come before our Judges and assistant Justices of the Peace, who deliberate
over felonies, trespasses, and other misdemeanors, perpetrates and done in the said
county, at the Court House in Queens. On the first Tuesday in November next, the sixth
day of June come before us and determine twenty-four free and lawful men or your bailiwick
that have forty shillings a year of freehold, and also that you cause to bring another
thirty-six free and lawful men that have a value of sixty pounds in lands and holdings
to enquire of those things which then and there on behalf of the people of the State
of New York shall be enjoined them, also that you summon all Justices of the Peace
of your bailiwick, petty constables, and bailiffs of every town and liberty within
your bailiwick to do thou things which to their offices belong and that you cause
to be made and published, through your bailiwick in proper and convenient places the
aforesaid. This precept for the calls that the Justices of the Queens County Court
appeal to the Sherriff of this bailiwick to bring forth town officers and a list of
eligible jurors to be submitted to the Queens County Court. 1 pg.
Document 89 Additional Limits of the Goal - Queens County June 7, 1799 Plotting boundaries along the highway east of Wright Nicholls house, until the highway
turns in the range of three cherry trees, and so forth. 1 pg.
Document 90 Subpoena to Appear Before Court to Bear Witness - Queens County July 15, 1799 Jonah Powel, Thomas Powel, Hendrickson Walters, Jacob Concklin, Stephen Frost (Justice) The court will fine Jonah Powel the sum of fifty dollars and Thomas Powel the sum
of thirty dollars if they fail to appear at the next court of sessions on behalf of
the people of the State to give evidence against Hendrickson Walters and Jacob Concklin.
1 pg.
Document 91 Jury Duty Request for the Circuit Court of New York City- Queens County August 11, 1799 James Jackson (Plaintiff), William H. Coon (Defendant), John Lansing, Esquire (Chief
Justice at the City Hall of New York City) A jury of twelve lawful and property owning men from Queens County are summoned to
appear before the justices of the circuit court of New York City as James Jackson
and William H. Coon resolve a point of contention and have thrown their fate at the
discretion of the jury. Anyone attuned to the dealings of the parties in contention
should not be brought forth in the jury. 1 pg.
Document 92 Subpoena to Appear Before Next Court of Sessions - Queens County October 14, 1799 Jesse Allen (North Hempstead), Thomas Smith (Hempstead), Stephen Carman (Justice) Jesse Allen and Thomas Smith will both be indebted to the State of fifty dollars each
to be levied upon their goods, chattels, lands, and tenements if Jesse Allen does
not adhere to the conditions below: Jesse Allen shall appear before the next general session to answer any questions and
matters that shall be weighed against him. He is not to leave the jurisdiction of
the court until the debt is paid, or he duly appears as long as the justices see fit.
1 pg.
Document 93 Panel of Jurors in the Case of Samuel Denton vs. Luke Covert - Queens County October 25, 1799 19 Names appear on the Juror list, and Daniel Kissam processed the list Names appear alongside the towns they reside: Oysterbay, North Hempstead, Jamaica,
Flushing, New Town. 1 pg.
Document 94 Panel of Grand Jurors for November Term 1799 - Queens County November 1799 20 names appear on the Grand Juror list, and the list was signed by the Sheriff, [----
Hill] Names appear alongside the towns the jurors reside: Flushing, Jamaica, Newtown, Hempstead,
North Hempstead, Oyster Bay. 1 pg.
Document 95 Subpoena to Appear Before Next Court of General Sessions - Queens County November 11, 1799 Stephen Walters (Oysterbay), Ruliff Duryea (Hempstead), Stephen Carman (Justice) Stephen Walters and Ruliff Duryea will both be indebted to the State of fifty dollars
each to be levied upon their goods, chattels, lands, and tenements if Stephen Walters
does not adhere to the conditions below: Stephen Walters shall appear before the next general session to answer any questions
and matters that shall be weighed against him. He is not to leave the jurisdiction
of the court until the debt is paid, or he duly appears as long as the justices see
fit. 1 pg.
Document 96 Jury Duty Request for the Court of Common Pleas - Queens County November 12, 1799 Thomas Youngs (Plaintiff), John Hendrickson (Defendant), Benjamin Coe, Esq. (Judge),
Sam Jones (attorney-plaintiff), Daniel Kissam A jury of twelve lawful and property owning men from Queens County are summoned to
appear before the justices of the Court of Common Pleas, to be held at the court house
in North Hempstead, as Thomas Youngs and John Hendrickson resolve a point of contention
and have thrown their fate at the discretion of the jury. Anyone attuned to the dealings
of the parties in contention should not be brought forth in the jury. 1 pg.
Document 97 Subpoena to Appear Before Next Court of General Sessions - Queens County December 6, 1799 Elijah Abraham, Isaac Denton, Samuel Willet (Plaintiff) Stephen Carman (Justice) Elijah Abraham and Isaac Denton will both be indebted to the State of fifty dollars
each to be levied upon their goods, chattels, lands, and tenements if Elijah Abraham
does not adhere to the conditions below: Elijah Abraham shall appear before the next general session to answer any questions
and matters that shall be weighed against him. He is not to leave the jurisdiction
of the court until the debt is paid, or he duly appears as long as the justices see
fit. In the meantime he should keep the peace towards all of the people involved in
the affair. 1 pg.
Document 98 Subpoena to Appear Before Next Court of General Sessions - Queens County December 6, 1799 Elijah Abraham, Isaac Denton, Samuel Willet (Plaintiff) Stephen Carman (Justice) Elijah Abraham and Isaac Denton will both be indebted to the State twenty-five dollars
each to be levied upon their goods, chattels, lands, and tenements if Elijah Abraham
does not adhere to the conditions below: Elijah Abraham shall appear before the next general session to answer any questions
and matters that shall be weighed against him by Samuel Willet. In the meantime he
should keep the peace towards all of the people involved in the affair. 1 pg.
Document 99 Subpoena to Appear Before Next Court of General Sessions - Queens County December 6, 1799 Elijah Abraham, Samuel Willet (Plaintiff) Stephen Carman (Justice) Samuel Willet will be indebted to the State the sum of twenty-five dollars to be levied
upon his goods, chattels, lands, and tenements if Samuel Willet does not adhere to
the conditions below: Samuel Willet shall appear before the next general session to provide evidence regarding
the suit he filed against Elijah Abraham for assault and battery. 1 pg.
Document 100 Subpoena to Appear Before Next Session of the Peace - Queens County February 15, 1800 Samuel [Walton], Silus [Walton], Elizabeth [Walton], Stephen Carman (Justice) Samuel [Walton] of Oyster Bay and Silus [Walton] of the same place are indebted to
the State the sum of two hundred fifty dollars if default is made on the underwritten
condition: Samuel [Walton] shall personally appear before the next session of the
peace to answer to what shall be objected against him by the court, for touching a
battered child begotten by him and the body of Elizabeth [Walton].
Document 100A List of Grand Jurors for June Session - Queens County June 1800 24 yeomen listed as potential grand jurors, singed by the Sheriff, John Micks Names appear alongside the towns they reside: Flushing, Jamaica, Hempstead, and North
Hempstead. 1pg.
Box 2
Document 101 Writ to Jurors for Witnessing Object of Contention – Trespass - Queens County June 4, 1800 Thomas Jackson (Plaintiff), Townsend Jackson (Plaintiff), Henry Prior (Defendant),
Walter Jones (Attorney for the Plaintiff), John Fleet (Attorney for the Defense),
Benjamin Coe (Judge) In a case of trespass between Thomas Jackson and Townsend Jackson (Plaintiffs) and
Henry Prior (Defendant), the court files a writ for six or more of the first twelve
jurors to visit the place in question on the fifth day of October next, in the presence
of Walter Jones Esquire, on behalf of the Plaintiff, and John Fleet Esquire, on the
part of the Defendant. 1 pg.
Document 102 Jury Duty Request for the Court of Common Pleas - Queens County June 12, 1800 Thomas Wooley (Plaintiff), Joseph L. Hewlett (Defendant), Benjamin Coe, Esq. (Judge),
[Corn] Bogert (Attorney), Daniel Kissam (Clerk) A jury of twelve lawful and property owning men from Queens County are summoned to
appear before the justices of the Court of Common Pleas, to be held at the court house
in North Hempstead, as Thomas Wooley and Joseph L. Hewlett resolve a point of contention
and have thrown their fate at the discretion of the jury. Anyone attuned to the dealings
of the parties in contention should not be brought forth in the jury. 1 pg.
Document 103 Minutes of the November Court, 1800 - Queens County November 1800 Parties of contention listed, witnesses names provided per each case Cases listed that were deliberated over in the November Court of 1800. The Court minutes
provide details of cases, parties involved, with witnesses that appeared before the
court for each side of various cases, and subsequent rulings by the court. 3 pgs.
(both sides)
Document 104 Jury Duty Request for the Court of Common Pleas - Queens County November 12, 1800 Gilbert Woodard (Plaintiff), Daniel Farrington (Defendant), Benjamin Coe, Esq. (Judge),
Wickes (Attorney), Daniel Kissam (Clerk) A jury of twelve lawful and property owning men from Queens County are summoned to
appear before the justices of the Court of Common Pleas, to be held at the court house
in North Hempstead, as Gilbert Woodard and Daniel Farrington resolve a point of contention
and have thrown their fate at the discretion of the jury. Anyone attuned to the dealings
of the parties in contention should not be brought forth in the jury. 1 pg.
Document 105 Subpoena to Testify Regarding a Death - Queens County December 4, 1800 Joseph Smith, Benjamin Fish (Deceased), Daniel Kissam (Coroner) Joseph Smith of Hempstead is indebted to the State of New York one hundred dollars
to be levied upon his goods, chattels, lands and tenements if he does not adhere to
the following conditions: That he appear before the justices of assizes and goal delivery
at the next session to be held in North Hempstead. He is to deliver and set forth
his knowledge regarding the death of Benjamin Fish, and not to depart without leave
from the said court. 1 pg.
Document 106 Subpoena to Testify Regarding a Death - Queens County December 4, 1800 John B. Walling (Jamaica), Benjamin Fish (Deceased), Daniel Kissam (Coroner) John B. Walling of Jamaica is indebted to the State of New York one hundred dollars
to be levied upon his goods, chattels, lands and tenements if he does not adhere to
the following conditions: That he appear before the justices of assizes and goal delivery
at the next session to be held in North Hempstead. He is to deliver and set forth
his knowledge regarding the death of Benjamin Fish, and not to depart without leave
from the said court. 1 pg.
Document 106a Minutes of the Circuit Court of June - Queens County June 16, 1801 Minutes include case descriptions, rulings, plaintiffs, defendants, jurors, and all
parties involved. 6 pgs.
Document 107 Minutes of June Court, 1802 June 1802 Names of parties involved in cases, witnesses, and attorneys are listed Cases, defendants, plaintiffs, and outcomes of cases and pleas are listed for the
month of June in 1802. 4 pgs. (both sides)
Document 108 License for Inn or Tavern - Queens County May 4, 1802 Justus Stores (Justice), [Elhanah] Lewis [Elhanah] Lewis, of the Town of Oysterbay, acknowledges himself to be indebted to
the State of New York, the sum of one hundred and twenty-five dollars, current money
of the said state, to be levied upon his goods and chattels, lands and tenements,
if failure were made of the underwritten condition. The condition is as such: [Elhanah]
Lewis may keep a Tavern where he now dwells. He shall not during his continuance of
the said license suffer any unlawful gaming in his house or on his property, which
is the law of the state, but shall during the said time maintain good order and rule
as the law directs. 1 pg.
Document 109 License for Inn or Tavern - Queens County May 4, 1802 Justus Stores (Justice), Henry Suydam (Innkeeper) Henry Suydam, Innkeeper of the Town of Oysterbay, acknowledges himself to be indebted
to the State of New York, the sum of one hundred and twenty-five dollars, current
money of the said state, to be levied upon his goods and chattels, lands and tenements,
if failure were made of the underwritten condition. The condition is as such: Henry
Suydam may keep a Tavern where he now dwells. He shall not during his continuance
of the said license suffer any unlawful gaming in his house or on his property, which
is the law of the state, but shall during the said time maintain good order and rule
as the law directs. 1 pg.
Document 110 License for Inn or Tavern - Queens County May 4, 1802 Justus Stores (Justice), Jacob Haff Jacob Haff of the Town of Oysterbay acknowledges himself to be indebted to the State
of New York, the sum of one hundred and twenty-five dollars, current money of the
said state, to be levied upon his goods and chattels, lands and tenements, if failure
were made of the underwritten condition. The condition is as such: Jacob Haff may
keep a Tavern where he now dwells. He shall not during his continuance of the said
license suffer any unlawful gaming in his house or on his property, which is the law
of the state, but shall during the said time maintain good order and rule as the law
directs. 1 pg.
Document 111 Subpoena to Appear Before the Court of General Sessions - Queens County May 5, 1802 Solomon Wooden (Justice), John Noorstrand, David Noorstrand, William Davis John Noorstrand acknowledges that he will be indebted to the state for the sum of
one hundred dollars, and David Noorstrand fifty dollars to be levied on their goods
and chattels, lands and tenements if they default upon the conditions underwritten: John Noorstrand shall appear before the Court of General Sessions of the Peace to
be holden in the June next, to answer unto what shall be then objected to him by William
Davis on behalf of the People of the State. 1 pg.
Document 112 Case notes involving Trespass, Assault and Battery - Queens County June 27, 1802 Joseph Sealy, Theodosius Hunt, Daniel Kissam, Esquire (Clerk of Queens County) Defendant admits a plea of not guilty involving the charges of trespass, assault,
and battery. The above case is noted and will be held for the next Circuit Court in
Queens County on the 11th of July. 1 pg.
Document 113 Writ to Expedite Case - Queens County August 29, 1802 Robert Gilchrist, Thomas Mason, [---] Bogert (attorney), Daniel Kissam Esquire (Clerk
of Queens County) Attorney for the Plaintiff requests the issue of a writ in the above cause and direct
the Sheriff to serve the same with all exception as the defendant will shortly leave
this country—he lives at Lax’s, on Lawrence’s Neck, opposite Throgs Neck. 1 pg.
Document 114 Notice of Trial - Queens County August 31, 1802 James Martin, Edmond Charles [Gener--], S. Jones Junior (attorney for the Plaintiff),
George Clinton Junior Esquire (attorney for the Defendant) The case of James Martin v. Edmond Charles [Gener--] will be brought to Trial at a
Circuit Court appointed to be holden for Queens County at the courthouse on the tenth
day of September next, at ten o’clock of the forenoon of the same day. The defendant is being tried on: Declaration of Trespass—two counts, each for breaking
and entering onto Plaintiffs property in the Town of Jamaica on the 5th of July, 1800.
Pleas of not guilty from the defense. 1 pg.
Document 115 Plea of Trespass - Queens County November 1802 Morris [Fosdich], John Cornage, John C. Mott, Samuel Martin, Henry Mott, John C [Sostrand],
Timothy Cornwell, Smith Cornwell, Francis Cornwell, Benjamin Cornwell Plea of Trespass—damages of $250. Listed November of 1802, Returnable the first Tuesday
of June 1803. 1 pg.
Document 116 Minutes of November Court of Common Pleas and General Sessions- Queens County November 9, 1802 List of defendants and plaintiffs in cases deliberated at the November Courts of Common
Pleas and General Sessions for Queens County. Jurors listed in specific cases. Case
descriptions as well. 5 pgs.
Document 117 Certificated of Trial at Circuit Court - New York County November 20, 1802 Brockholm Livingston Esq. (Justice of Supreme Court), Sarah Shaw, James Hallitt Jr.,
J. Strong (Atty. For Plaintiff), Elizabeth P. Miller, Jury names also listed The defendant, James Hallitt, Jr., has not shown up in court for three times prior,
and now in contempt charges will be taken by default. The Jury finds for the Plaintiff,
Sarah Shaw, six counts damages and six other counts. 1 pg.
Document 118 Subpoena to Appear Before the Court of General Sessions - Queens County February 3,1803 William Ludlam (justice), Josepth Skidmore (Jamaica), Abiather Skidmore (Jamaica),
John Norstrant Jr. (Hempstead) Josepth Skidmore of Jamaica Township is indebted to the state for the sum of five
hundred dollars, and Abiather Skidmore, of the same place, the sum of fifty dollars
of lawful money of the United States to be levied on their goods and chattels, lands
and tenements if they default upon the conditions underwritten: Josepth Skidmore shall appear before the next Court of General Sessions of the Peace
to answer unto what shall be then objected to him by John Norstrant Jr., of the Township
of Hempstead, concerning the keeping of an Inn or Tavern. In the meantime, Josepth
Skidmore will not allow any cockfighting, card playing, or gaming by lot or chance
whatsoever, and that he will keep an Inn or Tavern as the law directs and that he
will appear at the next General Session of the Peace for Queens County. 1 pg.
Document 119 Subpoena to Appear Before the Court of General Sessions - Queens County February 22, 1803 William Ludlam (justice), John Norstrant Jr. (Hempstead), John Norstrant the Elder
(Hempstead), Richard Holland (Hempstead) John Norstrant Jr. acknowledges that he will be indebted to the state for the sum
of one hundred dollars, and John Norstrant the Elder, the sum of fifty dollars of
lawful money of the United States to be levied on their goods and chattels, lands
and tenements if they default upon the conditions underwritten: John Norstrant Jr. shall appear before the next Court of General Sessions of the Peace
to answer unto what shall be then objected to him by Richard Holland of the Township
of Hempstead. 1 pg.
Document 120 Subpoena to appear before the next Court of General Sessions - Queens County March 7, 1803 Richard Valentine (Judge), John Tommas (Oysterbay), Abraham Tuttel John Tommas acknowledges himself to be indebted to the State of New York the sum of
fifty dollars to be levied upon his goods and chattels, and lands and tenements if
he does not adhere to the underwritten condition: John Tommas shall personally appear at the next general sessions of the peace to be
held in Queens County at the Court House in North Hempstead on the first Tuesday in
June. He is to divulge such evidence he knows regarding a felony committed by Abraham
Tuttel, and not to depart without leave of the court. 1 pg.
Document 121 Subpoena to appear before the next Court of General Sessions of the Peace - Newtown
- Queens County April 8, 1803 Peter Vandervoort (Justice of the Peace), Thomas Devine, Thomas Folk, Simon Denton,
Charles Way Thomas Devine and Thomas Folk are respectively indebted to the State of New York the
sum of forty dollars, to be levied upon their goods and chattels, lands and tenements,
if they do not adhere to the underwritten condition: Thomas Devine and Thomas Folk shall personally appear before the next court of general
sessions of the peace for Queens County to abide and do what shall be enjoined by
the said court, and in the mean time keep the peace, especially with Simon Denton.
1 pg.
Document 122 Subpoena to appear before the next General Session - Queens County April 30, 1803 Solomon Wooden (Justice of Peace), John Laton, David Laton senior John Laton acknowledges himself to be indebted to the State of New York the sum of
one hundred dollars and David Laton senior the sum of fifty dollars to be levied upon
their goods and chattels, and lands and tenements if the underwritten condition is
not adhered to: John Laton shall appear before the next Court of General Sessions of the Peace to
be held at the Court House in and for the County of Queens and abide by such orders
the court may make in regards to the charge alleged against him for breaking the peace
at the Annual Town Meeting of Oysterbay held on the first Tuesday of this instant
and shall in the mean time keep the peace of the people. 1 pg.
Document 123 License for Inn or Tavern - Queens County May 5, 1803 James Hegeman (Justice), Jacob [Herfhow] Jacob [Herfhow] acknowledges himself to be indebted to the State of New York, the
sum of one hundred and twenty-five dollars to be levied upon his goods and chattels,
lands and tenements, if failure were made of the underwritten condition. The condition
is as such: Jacob [Herfhow] during the time of keeping an in or tavern will not keep
a disorderly inn or tavern or suffer or permit any cockfighting, gaming, table or
shuffle board, within the Inn or Tavern by him to be kept or within any outhouse yard
or garden thereunto belonging. 1 pg.
Document 124 Cases to be brought to trial at the next Court of Common Pleas - Queens County May 16, 1803 Plaintiffs, Defendants, and Attorneys names listed Two cases to be brought up for trial at the next session of the Court of Common Pleas
to be held on the first Tuesday of June next. 1 pg.
Document 125 Subpoena to appear before the next General Sessions- Queens County May 25, 1803
Isaac Denton (Justice of the Peace), Uriah Hendrickson (Yeoman—Hempstead), James Hendrickson
(Carpenter—Hempstead), Joseph Sealy (Hempstead) Uriah Hendrickson acknowledges himself to be indebted to the State of New York the
sum of one hundred dollars and James Hendrickson the sum of fifty dollars to be levied
upon their goods and chattels, and lands and tenements if the underwritten condition
is not adhered to: Uriah Hendrickson shall appear before the next Court of General Sessions of the Peace
to be held at the Court House in and for the County of Queens and abide by such orders
the court may make and shall in the mean time keep the peace, especially with Joseph
Sealy. 1 pg.
Document 126 Subpoena to appear before the next General Sessions - Queens County May 25, 1803 Isaac Denton (Justice of the Peace), [Hauer] Hendrickson (Yeoman—Hempstead), James
Hendrickson (Carpenter—Hempstead), Joseph Sealy (Hempstead) [Hauer] Hendrickson acknowledges himself to be indebted to the State of New York the
sum of one hundred dollars and James Hendrickson the sum of fifty dollars to be levied
upon their goods and chattels, and lands and tenements if the underwritten condition
is not adhered to: [Hauer] Hendrickson shall appear before the next Court of General Sessions of the
Peace to be held at the Court House in and for the County of Queens and abide by such
orders the court may make and shall in the mean time keep the peace, especially with
Joseph Sealy. 1 pg. (Watermark on paper---1797)
Document 127 Subpoena to appear before the next General Sessions - Queens County May 25, 1803 Isaac Denton (Justice of the Peace), Samuel Hendrickson (Yeoman—Jamaica), James Hendrickson
(Carpenter—Hempstead), Joseph Sealy (Hempstead) Samuel Hendrickson acknowledges himself to be indebted to the State of New York the
sum of one hundred dollars and James Hendrickson the sum of fifty dollars to be levied
upon their goods and chattels, and lands and tenements if the underwritten condition
is not adhered to: Samuel Hendrickson shall appear before the next Court of General Sessions of the Peace
to be held at the Court House in and for the County of Queens and abide by such orders
the court may make and shall in the mean time keep the peace, especially with Joseph
Sealy. 1 pg.
Document 128 Subpoena to appear at the next General Session of the Peace - Queens County June 4, 1803 William Ludlam (Justice), John Norstrant, Jr., Josepth Skidmore John Norstrant Jr. acknowledges that he is indebted to the State of New York the sum
of one hundred twenty five dollars to be levied upon his goods and chattels, lands
and tenements if the aforesaid John Norstrant Jr. does not appear before the next
General Session of the Peace to give evidence on behalf of the people of the State
of New York against Josepth Skidmore, Innkeeper of the Township of Jamaica, for keeping
an disorderly house and allowing gaming in his house contrary to the law of the State
of New York. 1 pg.
Document 129 Subpoena to appear at the next General Session of the Peace - Queens County August 17, 1803 Joseph Durson (Hempstead), Miller Mott, Henry Mott (Constable of the Town of Hempstead),
Joseph [Cloves] [Wm] Mott (Justice) Joseph Durson of Hempstead and Miller and Henry Mott, Constable of the Town of Hempstead,
personally came before Judge [Wm] Mott acknowledging themselves to owe the people
of the State of New York the sum of two hundred dollars each to be levied upon their
goods and chattels, lands and tenements, if Joseph Durson does not perform the following
conditions: Joseph Durson shall personally appear at the next General Sessions of the Peace and
shall not depart without leave and abide and perform such penalty as the said sessions
shall confirm for committing assault and battery against Joseph [Cloves]. 1 pg.
Document 130 Minutes of the Court of Oyer and Terminer and Goal and Delivery held at the Court
House in North Hempstead - Queens County September 9, 1803 Daniel Kissam (County Clerk) Minutes of the court, descriptions of cases, with plaintiffs and defendants listed.
Jury lists also included, grand juries as well. As a notable name to one case—the
People v. James Baldwin. 2 pgs. (both sides)
Document 131 Subpoena to appear before the next General Sessions - Queens County September 24, 1803 Jesse Leverich (Justice), Samuel Denman Samuel Denman acknowledges himself to be indebted to the state of New York the sum
of one hundred dollars to be levied upon his goods and chattels, lands and tenements,
if he shall fail to appear before the next General Sessions of the Peace and shall
receive what shall then and there be enjoined by the court and in the mean time shall
keep the peace, especially with Samuel Renne of Newtown. 1 pg.
Document 132 Minutes from November Court of Common Pleas - Queens County November 1803 Minutes include case descriptions, rulings, plaintiffs, defendants, jurors, and all
parties involved. 4 pgs.
Document 133 Cases to be heard before the Supreme Court - Queens County April 4, 1804 William Leverich, Nathaniel Moore, George Godwise Junior, James Reed, Caleb C. Tunis,
Jane Reed, Abraham Springsteen, Willet Leaycraft, David Springsteen Junior, James
Willet, S. Riker, E. Wickes, S. Price, D.S. Jones Five Supreme Court Cases listed with respective counts for each case.
- William Leverich and Nathaniel Moore, overseers of the poor of the Town of New Town
vs. George Godwise Junior
- S. Riker Junior attorney for Plaintiffs
- E. Wickes attorney for defense
- James Reed vs. Caleb C. Tunis
- S. Riker Junior attorney for plaintiff
- S. Price attorney for defense
- Jane Reed an infant under the age of twenty one years by Abraham Springsteen her Guardian
vs. Caleb C. Tunis
- S. Riker Junior attorney for Plaintiff
- S. Price attorney for defense
- James Reed vs. Willet Leaycraft
- S. Riker Junior attorney for plaintiff
- D.S. Jones attorney for defense
- David Springsteen Junior vs. Willet Leaycraft and James Willet
- S. Riker Junior attorney for plaintiff
- D.S. Jones attorney for defense
Document 134 Minutes from June Court of Common Pleas - Queens County June 5, 1804 Minutes include case descriptions, rulings, plaintiffs, defendants, jurors, and all
parties involved. 4 pgs.
Document 135 Plea of Not Guilty - September Court - Queens County July 11, 1804 Daniel Fanning (plaintiff), Samuel [Renne] (defendant) In a case of trespass for taking away goods, Samuel Renne issues a plea of not guilty.
1 pg.
Document 136 Subpoena to appear before next Session of the Peace - Queens County July 1804 Austin Betts, Richard Holland, John Norstrant Jr. Austin Betts acknowledges that he will be indebted to the state for the sum of fifty
dollars of lawful money to be levied upon his goods and chattels, lands and tenements
if he defaults upon the conditions underwritten: John Norstrant Jr. shall appear before the next Sessions of the Peace to give evidence
against Richard Holland. 1 pg.
Document 137 Plea of Not Guilty - Queens County July 11,1804 Daniel Farrington (plaintiff), Samuel [Renne] (defendant), R. Strong (attorney) Defendant is charged with trespass for taking goods and submits a plea of not guilty.
1 pg.
Document 138 Docket of Cases - Queens Circuit 1805 List of plaintiffs and defendants for circuit court cases held in: November 1803, June 1804, November 1805. 1 pg.
Document 139 Subpoena to appear next session of the Court - Queens County January 15, 1805 William Ludlam (Justice), Daniel Kissam (Justice), Lawrence Roe (of Flushing), John
Skidmore Lawrence Roe of Flushing is indebted to the people of the State of New York the sum
of fifty dollars, to be levied upon his goods and chattels, lands and tenements, if
he defaults on the underwritten condition: Lawrence Roe must appear before the next court of said county to answer what then
shall be objected to him regarding the issue of “Peter the slave” owned by Roe, who
burned down the outhouse of John Skidmore, and now resides in the Queens County Prison.
1 pg.
Document 140 Subpoena to appear before the next General Sessions of the Peace - Queens County November 1, 1805 William Ludlam (Justice), William Barry, Jeremiah Skidmore, William Rodgers William Barry of the City of New York and Jeremiah Skidmore of Jamaica acknowledge
themselves to be indebted to the State of New York for the sums of fifty dollars and
twenty five dollars respectively, if William Barry defaults on the underwritten condition: The above bonder, William Barry will personally appear before the judges of the next
General Sessions of the Peace, to answer what William Rodgers, on the part and behalf
of the people , will object against him , and in the meantime keep the peace. 1 pg.
Document 141 Minutes of November Court of 1805 -Hempstead Courthouse - Queens County November 12, 1805 Names of defendants, plaintiffs, attorneys, and jurors appear on the court minutes Minutes include case descriptions, rulings, plaintiffs, defendants, jurors, and all
parties involved. 6 pgs.
Document 142 Minutes of June Court of 1806 - Queens County June 3, 1806 Names of defendants, plaintiffs, attorneys, and jurors appear on the court minutes Minutes include case descriptions, rulings, plaintiffs, defendants, jurors, and all
parties involved. 7 pgs.
Document 143 Minutes of the Circuit Court June 23, 1806 Names of defendants, plaintiffs, attorneys, and jurors appear on the court minutes Minutes include case descriptions, rulings, plaintiffs, defendants, jurors, and all
parties involved. 5 pgs.
Document 144 Subpoena to appear before the next court of Sessions of the Peace - Queens County September 9, 1806 Edward Jackson, Daniel Kissam, Esq. (of Flushing), James Mitchell, [Siluanus/Silas]
Smith (Justice) Edward Jackson and Daniel Kissam, Esq. of Flushing both acknowledge themselves to
owe to the people of the State of New York the sum of fifty dollars each to be levied
upon their goods and chattels, lands and tenements, if the said Edward Jackson shall
default on the underwritten condition: Edward Jackson shall personally appear before
the next Court of Sessions of the Peace to be held in Queens County, and then to abide
by whatever the courts have enjoined and ordered, and in the meantime keep the peace
towards the people of the said state and especially James Mitchell. 1 pg.
Document 145 Minutes of November Court of 1806 - Queens County November 11, 1806 Names of defendants, plaintiffs, attorneys, and jurors appear on the court minutes Minutes include case descriptions, rulings, plaintiffs, defendants, jurors, and all
parties involved. 6 pgs.
Document 146 Subpoena to appear before next court of General Sessions of the Peace - Queens County Using Court forms designated for the City of New York February 22, 1807 John C. Ryan, John Dowling, Catherine [Ship], [Junus] W. Canib, Aquila Giles (Judge) John C. Ryan is indebted to the State of New York to the sum of three hundred dollars,
and the said John Dowling to the sum of three hundred dollars, each, to be levied
and made of their respective goods and chattels, lands and tenements, if the aforesaid
shall fail to meet the underwritten conditions: John C. Ryan shall personally appear at the next court of General Sessions of the
Peace, to be holden in the County of Queens, and answer upon such matters that may
be objected against him, and in the meantime keep the peace, especially with [Junus
W. Canib]. 1 pg.
Document 147 Minutes of June Court of 1807 June 1807 Names of defendants, plaintiffs, attorneys, and jurors appear on the court minutes Minutes include case descriptions, rulings, plaintiffs, defendants, jurors, and all
parties involved: the People vs. Jacob a Black Man. 4 pgs.
Document 148 List of Seven Cases from the Nov. Court of 1796 to June Court of 1807 - Queens County June 1807 Names of Plaintiffs and Defendants with brief description and case fees. 1 pg,
Document 149 Minutes of Circuit Court of 1807 - Queens County June 25, 1807 Names of defendants, plaintiffs, attorneys, and jurors appear on the court minutes Minutes include case descriptions, rulings, plaintiffs, defendants, jurors, and all
parties involved. 6 pgs.
Document 150 License for Inn or Tavern May 18, 1808 Daniel Ludlum (Justice of the Peace), Josepth Roe, Cornelius Eldred, [Don Deyear],
Nicholas Ludlum, Isaac Plant, [Calefit] Mills, William Smith, [Eyakel] Smith, Richard
Wiggins, George Carpenter, John Oakley The above listed (other than Daniel Ludlum) acknowledge that they are indebted to
the people of the State of New York for the sum of one hundred and twenty five dollars
each if they fail to adhere to the underwritten condition: That each of them may keep
an Inn or Tavern where they now live and that they would not allow cockfighting, card
playing, dice, shuffle board, or any gaming by luck or chance to thrive in their dwelling
house or outhouse, or else pay the above penalty in full. 1 pg,
Document 151 Subpoena to appear before the next session of the Court of Oyer and Terminer - Queens
County May 31, 1808 William Mott Esq. (Justice), Henry D. Seaman Esq., Samuel Nicoll, [Jurdon] Seaman
Junior, Benjamin Seaman ("Black Man") Henry D. Seaman, Esq., Samuel Nicoll, and [Jurdon] Seaman Junior appeared before the
Justice of the Peace of Queens County and acknowledged themselves to be indebted to
the people of the State of New York for the sum of two hundred dollars each if they
fail to abide by the underwritten condition: The aforesaid must all personally appear before the next court of "Oyer and Terminer"
and not depart the said court without leave and then and there give evidence if required
between the people of New York State and Benjamin Seamen, a Black man who stands committed
on suspicion of felony. 1 pg.
Document 152 Two Documents: One List of Potential Jurors; One calling for a jury for a specific
Trial June 7, 1808. 2 pgs.
Document 153 Minutes for June Court of 1808 June 7, 1808 Names of defendants, plaintiffs, attorneys, and jurors appear on the court minutes Minutes include case descriptions, rulings, plaintiffs, defendants, jurors, and all
parties involved. 4 pgs.
Document 154 Subpoena to appear before next session of Supreme Court - Queens County June 9, 1808 Richard Bedell (Justice), Samuel Seaman (Yeoman—Hempstead), Garrit Norstrand (Diseased) Samuel Seaman acknowledged himself to be indebted unto the people of the State of
New York for fifty dollars current money of said State to be levied upon his goods
and chattels, lands and tenements to the use of the people of said State in case of
default on the underwritten condition: Samuel Seaman shall appear before the next session of the Supreme Court to deliver
and set forth his knowledge touching the death of Garrit Norstrand. 1 pg.
Document 155 Minutes of Circuit Court of Queens County for June 23rd June 23, 1808 Names of defendants, plaintiffs, attorneys, and jurors appear on the court minutes Minutes include case descriptions, pleas, plaintiffs, defendants, jurors, and all
parties involved. 4 pgs. (both sides)
Document 156 Affidavit of Simon Searing in Case of Breach of Promise of Marriage- Queens County June 24, 1808 Simon Searing (Defendant), Rhoda Seaman, Benjamin Bailey (Material Witness for Defense).
1 pg.
Document 156A Affidavit of Simon Searing in Case of Breach of Promise of Marriage - Queens County June 25, 1808 Simon Searing (Defendant), Rhoda Seaman, Benjamin Bailey (Material Witness for Defense),
Richard Valentine (Justice). 1 pg. (both sides)
Document 157 Capias in the Case of Trespass - Queens County 1809 Nicholas Wyckoff, Esq. (Sherriff of Queens County-Jamaica), et. Al. Sheriff Nicholas Wyckoff requests the writs in the cases listed to be brought to him
at the first opportunity, and he will pay for them. 1 pg.
Document 158 License for Inn or Tavern May 5, 1809 James Denton (Justice), Nicholas Ludlum, Richard Wiggins, George Carpenter, John Bennit,
Bernadus Lamberson, John Shute, Hannah Smith The above named acknowledge to owe to the people of the State of New York the sum
of one hundred twenty five dollars to be levied upon their respective goods and chattels,
lands and tenements if default shall be made on the underwritten condition: That each of them may keep an Inn or Tavern where they now live and that they would
not allow cockfighting, card playing, dice, shuffle board, or any gaming by luck or
chance to thrive in their dwelling house or outhouse, or else pay the above penalty
in full. 1 pg.
Document 159 Precept for November Court, To the Sheriff of Queens County June 6, 1809 [Cory] Dunn Junior Esquire (First Judge of Court at North Hempstead), Nicholas Wyckoff
(Sheriff) To our Sherriff of our County Queens, We command you that you do not omit by reason
or any Liberty within your Bailiwick (jurisdiction), but that you enter the same,
and cause to come before our Judges and assistant Justices of the Peace, who deliberate
over felonies, trespasses, and other misdemeanors, perpetrates and done in the said
county, at the Court House in Queens. By the Second Tuesday in November next, determine
twenty-four free and lawful men of your bailiwick and also thirty-six free and lawful
men of the bailiwick that have a value of one hundred fifty dollars in their holdings,
lands or tenements, to enquire of those things which then and there on behalf of the
people of the State of New York shall be enjoined them, also that you summon all Justices
of the Peace of your bailiwick, head constables, petty constables, bailiffs, and all
coroners of every town and liberty within your bailiwick to do thou things which to
their offices belong and that you cause to be made and published, through your bailiwick
in proper and convenient places the aforesaid. 1 pg.
Document 160 Two Case Pleas for Breach of Promise of Marriage - Queens County June 15, 1809 Rhoda Seaman (Plaintiff), Simon Searing (Defendant), Mary Williams (Plaintiff), James
Seaman (Defendant) Notice of two trials, involving a breach of promise of marriage, to be held at circuit
court in the next week. 1 pg.
Document 161 Oath of Office for Various County Officials, List of Positions - County of Queens,
Kings, Richmond July 25, 1809 Daniel Kissam (County Clerk), James Hendrickson, [Elmore Luvilswort], Daniel Bedeth,
William Nichols, Stephen Powell, Samuel [Denett], John Hewlett, Richard Carman, Samuel
Valentine, Timothy Carman, George [Dunyer], [Mieajah] Townsend Roll of officers and positions thereof, to be sworn in. The Oath that was taken by
each individual is written: Swearing to renounce any foreign allegiance, allegiance
to the State of New York, to uphold office to best of ability, and to protect and
defend the Constitution of the United States. 1 pg. (scroll length)
Document 162 Subpoena to appear before the next General Sessions of the Peace - Queens County November 15, 1809 Samuel Golden (of Hempstead), John Golden (of Hempstead), Joseph Pettit (Justice) Samuel Golden of Hempstead and John Golden of the same place acknowledge themselves
to be indebted to the State of New York for the sum of fifty dollars each if Samuel
Golden defaults on the underwritten condition: The above bonder, Samuel Golden will personally appear before the judges of the next
General Sessions of the Peace, to do and receive what shall be enjoined upon him by
the Court, and in the meantime shall keep the peace towards the people of the State
of New York. 1 pg.
Document 163 Subpoena to appear before the next General Sessions of the Peace - Queens County November 15, 1809 Elias Matthews (Innkeeper of Hempstead), Henry Mott (Constable of Hempstead), Joseph
Pettit (Justice) Elias Matthews Innkeeper of Hempstead and Henry Mott, Constable of the same place,
acknowledge themselves to be indebted to the State of New York for the sum of fifty
dollars each if Elias Matthews defaults on the underwritten condition: The above bonder, Elias Matthews will personally appear before the judges of the next
General Sessions of the Peace, to do and receive what shall be enjoined upon him by
the Court, and in the meantime shall keep the peace towards the people of the State
of New York. 1 pg.
Document 164 Subpoena to appear at the Next Session of the Peace - Queens County April 9, 1810 David Jarvis, Richard Miller, John Burtis (Merchant), Singleton Mitchell (Justice) David Jarvis and Richard Miller acknowledge themselves to be indebted to the State
of New York for the sum of fifty dollars each if default shall be made on the underwritten
condition: David Jarvis and Richard Miller will personally appear before the judges of the next
Sessions of the Peace, to answer what shall then and there be objected to them by
John Burtis, on behalf of the People, and shall in the meantime keep the peace towards
John Burtis, and the People. Listed on the back of the subpoena is a list of costs
incurred for the said case. 1 pg.
Document 165 Subpoena to appear at the Next Session of the Peace- Queens County April 9, 1810 Elias Jarvis, David Jarvis, John Burtis (Merchant), Singleton Mitchell (Justice) Elias Jarvis and David Jarvis acknowledge themselves to be indebted to the State of
New York for the sum of fifty dollars each if default shall be made on the underwritten
condition: Elias Jarvis will personally appear before the judges of the next Sessions of the
Peace, to answer what shall then and there be objected to them by John Burtis, on
behalf of the People, and shall in the meantime keep the peace towards John Burtis,
and the People. Listed on the back of the subpoena is a list of costs incurred for
the said case. 1 pg.
Document 166 Proclamations of the Court for (5) Separate Cases - Queens County June 1810 Jacob Hendrickson, John Nostrand Junior, David Jarvis, Elias Jarvis, Richard Miller,
Jarod Norton, Elias Matthews
- The People v. Jacob Hendrickson: The court having considered the nature of the offense
ordered that the prisoner be publicly whipped; thirty nine lashes on his bare back
- The People v. John Nostrand Jr.: The court having considered the offense ordered that
he stand committed to the Goal of this County-for this calendar monthly
- David Jarvis, Elias Jarvis, and Richard Miller discharged by proclamation
- The People v. Elias Matthews; Discharged on count of assault
1 pg.
Document 166A Minutes of the Court of Common Pleas - Queens County June Court 1810 Names of defendants, plaintiffs, attorneys, jurors and judges appear on the court
minutes Minutes include case descriptions, pleas, plaintiffs, defendants, jurors, and all
parties involved. 2pgs. Bound (text both sides).
Document 166B Minutes of the Court of Common Pleas - Queens County June Court 1810 Names of defendants, plaintiffs, attorneys, jurors and judges appear on the court
minutes Minutes include case descriptions, pleas, plaintiffs, defendants, jurors, and all
parties involved. 2 pgs. (both sides)
Document 167 Minutes of the Court of Common Pleas - Queens County November 13, 1810 Names of defendants, plaintiffs, attorneys, jurors and judges appear on the court
minutes Minutes include case descriptions, pleas, plaintiffs, defendants, jurors, and all
parties involved. 5pgs. (both sides)
Document 168 Deponent regarding Debt - Queens County December 11, 1810 Philetus Fleet (Township of Jamaica), Melankton Fleet (Township of Jamaica) Philetus Fleet takes responsibility as a petitioning creditor for the debt incurred
by Melankton Fleet to the sum of $4,148.92. 1 pg.
Document 169 Petition for Debts to be Dispersed Amongst Creditors - Queens County December 11, 1810 Melankton Fleet (Township of Jamaica) Melankton Fleet has become insolvent and utterly incompetent to the payment of his
debts. He and his other Petitioners desire that the said Insolvent’s estate should
be distributed amongst his Creditors in discharge of their debts. And further, that
the said Insolvent may be discharged of his debt obligations, agreeable to the direction
of an Act of the Legislature. 3 pgs.
Document 170 Panel of Grand Jurors Summoned for [June] Court - Queens County [June] 1810: Page is torn and month is not fully visible, but could be the month of
June Isaac Lefferts, Jacob Rapelyea, Joseph Satten, Benjamin Prince, Peter Bajer, Valentine
Williams, George Downing, Samuel Valentine, Zebulon Seaman, Jordan Wright, Benjamin
Smith, John W. Messinger, Thomas Wilson, Samuel Wickes, Thomas Boroughs, Lininton
Dorland, Roe Heaviland, Jacob Field Junior, Johannas S. Scott, Samuel Nichols, George
Hewlett, John Waters, James Coles, George Townsend Panel of Grand Jurors summoned for the [June] Court of 1810. Towns of residence and
occupations are listed next to the names of each individual. 1 pg.
Document 171 Writ of Inquiry—List of Jurors - Queens County May 13, 1811 Eliphalet Wickes (Justice), Isaac Bogart, Helmus Bogart, Isaac Powell Writ of Inquiry regarding case of Isaac Bogart and Helmus Bogart v. Isaac Powell.
Also, a list of what seems to be potential jurors for the said case, but is not notated
specifically. 2 pgs.
Box 3
Document 172 Two Writs of Inquiry May 13, 1811—October 29, 1811. 2 pgs.
Document 172A Minutes of the Circuit Court - Queens County June 1811 Names of plaintiffs, defendants, judges, jurors and witnesses listed. The court minutes provide case descriptions, witnesses called by plaintiffs and defendants
for each case. 8 pgs.
Document 173 Minutes for Court of Common Pleas - Queens County November Court 1811 Names of defendants, plaintiffs, attorneys, jurors and judges appear on the court
minutes Minutes include case descriptions, pleas, plaintiffs, defendants, jurors, and all
parties involved. 11 pgs. (both sides)
Document 174 Land Deed—Involving Land Acquisition in Huntington, Suffolk County March 14, 1814 Stephen Hendrickson, Hewlett Valentine, Selah Platt, [Freelove] Platt, Divine Hewlett
(Judge) Land Deed involving the acquisition of land in Huntington, New York by residents of
Queen County. The land boundaries are provided in detail with the agreements of all
parties involved. Proceedings held at the house of Joseph Roe. 2 pgs.
Document 175 Liquidation of Insolvents Estate - Queens County April 15, 1816 Stephen Hicks Junior (Hempstead), Joseph Roe (Innkeeper-Jamaica), John Cornell, Cary
Dunn Junior (First Judge of the Court of Common Pleas) Document pertains to the liquidation of one Stephen Hicks Junior who is indebted to
others that have come before the court. The Insolvents Estate will be liquidated to
compensate for said debt. Proceedings held at the house of Joseph Roe. 1 pg. (both
Document 176 Notice to Creditors of the Insolvent, Stephen Hicks Jr. - Queens County April 15, 1816 Stephen Hicks Junior (Hempstead), Joseph Roe (Innkeeper-Jamaica), Cary Dunn Junior
(First Judge of the Court of Common Pleas) Notice is sent to all creditors of Stephen Hicks Junior to show cause against the
insolvent for said debts. Proceedings held at the house of Joseph Roe. 1 pg.
Document 177 Notice to Creditors of the Insolvent, Henry Nicolls - Queens County January 22, 1817 Henry Nicolls (Hempstead), Joseph Roe (Innkeeper-Jamaica), Cary Dunn Junior (First
Judge of the Court of Common Pleas) Notice is given for the newspapers, “The Long Island Star,” and the “Columbia,” to
print a notice to all the creditors of Henry Nicolls, an insolvent debtor, that they
show cause if any, before Judge Dunn at the house of Joseph Roe. 1 pg.
Document 178 Petition to Discharge Insolvent Henry Nicolls - Queens County April 4, 1817 Henry Nicolls (Hempstead), Cary Dunn Junior (First Judge of the Court of Common Pleas) The petitioner having produced the Certificate of the Assignce, is discharged pursuant
to the prayer of his petition. 1 pg.
Document 179 Execution of Mortgage Deed - Queens County September 9, 1820 Jack [Creep], Leonard Sapper, Samuel Sherman (County Clerk) Deliberations and agreement over mortgage deed between Jack [Creep], an African American,
and Leonard Sapper. 2 pgs. (both sides)
Document 180 A Calendar of Causes Noticed for Trial in Circuit Court - Queens County May 31, 1822 Plaintiffs and Defendants noted for four separate cases. A list of jurors is also
provided. The calendar of cases set for trial involves trespass cases, with subsequent pleas
and attorneys set to represent the plaintiffs or defendants. 1 pg.
Document 181 Minutes of the Court of Common Pleas - Queens County June Court 1823 Names of defendants, plaintiffs, attorneys, jurors and judges appear on the court
minutes Minutes include case descriptions, pleas, plaintiffs, defendants, jurors, and all
parties involved. 5 pgs. (both sides) Document 182 Oath of Office for Various County Officials - Writ to Support "Bastard Child" - Queens
County November 11, 1823 Names of those to be sworn in listed with their subsequent signatures at the end of
the document Roll of officers and positions thereof, to be sworn in. The Oath that was taken by
each individual is written: Swearing to renounce any foreign allegiance, allegiance
to the State of New York, to uphold office to best of ability, and to protect and
defend the Constitution of the United States. On the back of the last page of the
document appears a case between the Overseers of the Town of Hempstead v. John Thurston
regarding the support of a “male bastard child” of Sarah Powell. 3 pgs.
Document 183 Case of Trespass - Queens County 2nd Tuesday of November 1823 Elizabeth Baldwin (plaintiff), Solomon Place (defendant), James Lent, Samuel Sherman,
B. F. Thompson It is requested that the Sheriff of the said Bailiwick take Solomon Place into his
custody and keep him safe, so that he may appear at the Court of Common Pleas, to
be held at the Court House in North Hempstead, to answer unto Elizabeth Baldwin and
the plea of trespass on the case to damages of five hundred dollars. 1 pg.
Document 184 Minutes for Court of Common Pleas - Queens County November Court 1824 Names of defendants, plaintiffs, attorneys, jurors and judges appear on the court
minutes Minutes include case descriptions, pleas, plaintiffs, defendants, jurors, and all
parties involved. 6 pgs. (both sides)
Document 185 Case of Petty Larceny - Queens County November 1, 1824 Isaac Seaman (Defendant) The People v. Isaac Seaman ("a colored man")—Isaac Seaman is accused of stealing articles
of clothing including shirts and a waistcoat, with the value of eight dollars. He
later pleads guilty. 1 pg.
Document 186 Subpoena to Appear Before Court of Common Pleas - Queens County 1st Tuesday of June 1825 James Lent (First Judge), [M. Gown] (District Attorney) Typed template for subpoena to appear before the Court of Common Pleas regarding,
and also to determine, cases of divers felonies, trespasses, and other misdemeanors
committed within Queens County. The document does not address who this subpoena is
directed towards—no names indicted appear on the document. 1 pg.
Document 187 Subpoena to Appear Before Court of Common Pleas - Queens County 1st Tuesday of June 1825 James Lent (First Judge), [M. Gown] (District Attorney) Typed template for subpoena to appear before the Court of Common Pleas regarding,
and also to determine, cases of divers felonies, trespasses, and other misdemeanors
committed within Queens County. The document does not address who this subpoena is
directed towards—no names indicted appear on the document. 1 pg.
Document 188 Case of Trespass - Queens County 2nd Tuesday of November 1825 Thomas Cornwell (plaintiff), Morris Covert (defendant), James Lent, Samuel Sherman,
B. H. Thompson It is requested that the Sheriff of the said Bailiwick take Morris Covert into his
custody and keep him safe, so that he may appear at the Court of Common Pleas, to
be held at the Court House in North Hempstead, to answer unto Thomas Cornwell and
the plea of trespass on the case to damages of fifty dollars. 1 pg.
Document 189 Case of Trespass - Queens County 2nd Tuesday of November 1825 Thomas Cornwell (plaintiff), Luke Covert (defendant), James Lent, Samuel Sherman,
B. H. Thompson It is requested that the Sheriff of the said Bailiwick take Luke Covert into his custody
and keep him safe, so that he may appear at the Court of Common Pleas, to be held
at the Court House in North Hempstead, to answer unto Thomas Cornwell and the plea
of trespass on the case to damages of fifty dollars. 1 pg.
Document 190 List of Civil Officers of Queens County December 24, 1825 Oliver Hewlett, John L. Lott, Shas Hewlett, Daniel Mott, John Simonson, Micah Own,
Siluanus Titus, David R. Floyd Jones, Jacob J. Jackson, Silas Tutus, John Seaman List of civil officers with their specific occupation and their dates of qualification.
1 pg.
Document 191 Testimony Pertaining to Member the Company of Horse Artillery March 12, 1827 William Philips, Edward Philips (Captain), Nathaniel Arnold (Colonel), Jacob M. Patterson
(Captain) Document acknowledges members of the Company of Horse Artillery. The first part of
the document is missing, so to what it specifically pertains to, it is not known.
1 pg. Document 192 Case of [----] Queens County February 19, 1828 The Overseers of the Poor of the Town of Hempstead (plaintiff), [Millet] Bond (defendant),
James Lent, Samuel Sherman, B. F. Thompson It is requested that the Sheriff of the said Bailiwick take [Millet] Bond into his
custody and keep him safe, so that he may appear at the Court of Common Pleas, to
be held at the Court House in North Hempstead, to answer unto the Overseers of the
Poor and the plea that they bring forth. 1 pg.
Document 193—in same sleeve as Document 192 Jury Duty Request to the People of Queens County [---------] James Jackson (plaintiff), William M. Coon (defendant) A suit between plaintiff James Jackson, and defendant William M. Coon requires a jury
of lawful and property owning men to come before the inferior court of common pleas
which is to be held at the courthouse in North Hempstead. This document commands that
the free and independent people of Queens County put forth twelve law abiding and
property owning men, that are not kin to the said parties, to make up the jury for
the trial. 1 pg.
Document 194 Proclamation of the Sheriff - Queens County February 19, 1828 Joseph Pettit, James Hegeman, David Lamberson, James C. Townsend, Charles Seaman,
[Inding] Seaman Proclamation by the Sheriff returning writs and precepts to the court involving a
case between James C. Townsend and Charles Seaman. 1 pg.
Document 195 Case of Covenant Broken - Queens County 3rd Tuesday of February 1828 John Van [Levu], Nicholas Wyckoff, James Lent, Samuel Sherman, B. F. Thompson It is requested that the Sheriff of the said Bailiwick take John Van [Levu] into his
custody and keep him safe, so that he may appear at the Court of Common Pleas, to
be held at the Court House in North Hempstead, to answer unto Nicholas Wyckoff in
a plea of covenant broken to the damage of two hundred dollars. 1 pg.
Document 196 Case of Trespass - Queens County 3rd Tuesday of February 1828 Timothy Rhoades (plaintiff), Richard Past (defendant), James Lent, Samuel Sherman,
B. F. Thompson It is requested that the Sheriff of the said Bailiwick take Richard Past into his
custody and keep him safe, so that he may appear at the Court of Common Pleas, to
be held at the Court House in North Hempstead, to answer unto Timothy Rhoades and
the plea of Trespass to the damage of Two Hundred and Thirty Dollars. 1 pg.
Document 197 Case of Debt - Queens County 3rd Tuesday of February 1828 Samuel Mott (plaintiff), Stephen Wood (defendant), James Lent, Samuel Sherman, B.
F. Thompson It is requested that the Sheriff of the said Bailiwick take Stephen Wood into his
custody and keep him safe, so that he may appear at the Court of Common Pleas, to
be held at the Court House in North Hempstead, to answer unto Samuel Mott and the
plea of Debt for Six Hundred and Sixty Dollars. 1 pg.
Document 198 Case of Trespass - Queens County 3rd Tuesday of February 1828 Thomas Jones (plaintiff), Jacob Totten (defendant), James Lent, Samuel Sherman, B.
F. Thompson It is requested that the Sheriff of the said Bailiwick take Jacob Totten into his
custody and keep him safe, so that he may appear at the Court of Common Pleas, to
be held at the Court House in North Hempstead, to answer unto Thomas Jones and the
plea of Trespass to the damage of One Hundred Forty Dollars. 1 pg.
Document 199 Case of Trespass - Queens County June 7, 1828 David Davison (plaintiff), Edward A. Clowes (defendant), John Clowes (defendant) James
Lent, Samuel Sherman (county clerk), B. F. Thompson It is requested that the Sheriff of the said Bailiwick take David Davison into his
custody and keep him safe, so that he may appear at the Court of Common Pleas, to
be held at the Court House in North Hempstead, to answer unto Edward A. Clowes and
John Clowes and the plea of Trespass to the damage of Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars.
1 pg.
Document 200 Case of Covenant Broken - Queens County June 7, 1828 John W. Messenger (plaintiff), William Holmes (defendant), Mary Holmes (defendant),
James Lent, Samuel Sherman (county clerk), B. H. Thompson It is requested that the Sheriff of the said Bailiwick take William Holmes and Mary
Holmes into his custody and keep them safe, so that they may appear at the Court of
Common Pleas, to be held at the Court House in North Hempstead, to answer unto John
W. Messenger and the plea of Covenant Broken to the damage of three thousand dollars.
1 pg.
Document 201 Case of Covenant Broken - Queens County November 15, 1828 George Monfort, Selanus Smith, Thomas Powell, Abigal Carpenter, Samuel Sherman (county
clerk), B. F. Thompson (attorney), James Lent (Witness), Samuel Mott (sheriff) It is requested that the Sheriff of the said Bailiwick take George Monfort into his
custody and keep him safe, so that he may appear at the Court of Common Pleas, to
be held at the Court House in North Hempstead, to answer unto Selanus Smith, Thomas
Powell, and Abigal Carpenter to the plea of Covenant Broken for the damage of five
hundred thirty dollars. 1pg.
Document 202 Case of Trespass - Queens County November 15, 1828 Royal Aldrich, Benjamin [Lawrence], B. F. Thompson (attorney), James Lent (witness),
John Simonson (Sheriff), Samuel Sherman (county clerk) It is requested that the Sheriff of the said Bailiwick take Royal Aldrich into his
custody and keep him safe, so that he may appear at the next session of the Court
of Common Pleas, to be held at the Court House in North Hempstead, to answer unto
Benjamin [Lawrence] and a plea of Trespass to the damage of two thousand dollars.
Document 203 Case of Trespass - Queens County November 15, 1828 John Townsend, Absalom Wooden, James Lent (witness), B. F. Thompson (attorney), John
Simonson (sheriff), Samuel Sherman (county clerk) It is requested that the Sheriff of the said Bailiwick take John Townsend into his
custody and keep him safe, so that he may appear at the next session of the Court
of Common Pleas, to be held at the Court House in North Hempstead, to answer unto
Absalom Wooden and a plea of Trespass to the damage of two hundred and fifty dollars.
1 pg.
Document 204 Juror Request for Case of Trespass - Queens County 3rd Tuesday of February 1829 Gold Silliman (appellant), Abraham Simonson (appellee), James Hegeman (Senior Justice,
witness), Samuel Sherman (clerk), Samuel Mott (Sheriff) The command is made that on the first Tuesday of June next, twelve free and lawful
men of your County, each of whom shall have, in his own name or right, or in trust
for him, or in his wife’s right, a freehold, in lands, misusages, or tenements, or
of rents in fee or for life, of the value of one hundred and fifty dollars, free from
all reprises, debts, demands, or encumbrance whatsoever, by whom the truth of the
matter may be better known, and who are in no wise of kin wither to Gold Silliman
or Abraham Simonson, to make a certain jury of the County between the parties aforesaid,
in a plea of Trespass because the parties between whom the controversy is, have put
themselves upon that jury. It is requested that the names of the jurors and this writ
be brought forth.
Document 204a Juror List for Case Listed Above - Queens County Samuel Mott (Sheriff), List of Potential Jurors Juror’s names, towns, and occupations are listed on this document. Although there
are no markings (other than the name of Samuel Mott) connecting this document to the
case in Document 204, it was housed with the said Jurors Request and seems to belong
together based on provenance. 1 pg.
Document 205 Bond on Appeal July 18, 1829 Stephen Pine, William Prince, David C. Jarvis, Samuel Willet (Justice) In a decision rendered by Justice of the Peace Samuel Willet, in a case between the
Plaintiff, David C. Jarvis, and Defendant, Stephen Pine, it was ordered against Stephen
Pine that he owes David C. Jarvis to the sum of twenty-one dollars and six cents.
Stephen Pine and William Prince, both of Flushing, have now submitted an appeal on
behalf of the said defendant, and are bound to owe David C. Jarvis to the sum of forty
two dollars and twelve cents if the ruling goes in favor of David C. Jarvis, or the
appellants fail to properly execute the appeal process. 1 pg.
Document 206 Plea of Trespass, Assault and Battery - Queens County November 14, 1829 John Nostrand, Isaac Nostrand, Samuel Armstrong, Singleton Mitchell (Justice, witness),
Samuel Sherman (clerk), B. F. Thompson (attorney) It is requested that the Sheriff of the said Bailiwick take John Nostrand, and Isaac
Nostrand, into his custody and keep them safe, so that they may appear at the next
session of the Court of Common Pleas, to be held at the Court House in North Hempstead,
to answer unto Samuel Armstrong and a plea of Trespass, Assault and Battery to the
damage of one thousand dollars. 1 pg.
Document 207 Calendar of Civil Cases - Queens County November 1829 Names of Apelles, appellants, and lawyers listed for each of the eight cases listed. Calendar of civil causes noticed for trial at the Court of Common Pleas to be held
at the Court House in the town of North Hempstead in and for the County of Queens,
before the Judges of the same court on the second Tuesday of November 1829. 1 pg.
Document 208 Plea to File - Queens County February 8, 1830 Jesse Ryerson, Willet Mott, Oliver Denton, [Alden] Spooner (attorney), Samuel Sherman
(clerk) Plea by attorney of Jesse Ryerson regarding conduct and agreements in prosecuting
the case. 1 pg.
Document 209 List of Constables - Queens County April 1830 Jeremiah Waldron (Oysterbay), George Van Colt (Oysterbay), Henry Mott (Hempstead),
Thomas Clowes (Hempstead), Barnadus Hendrickson (Hempstead), Richard Seaman (Hempstead),
Thomas Fowler (North Hempstead), Alexander Rogers (Jamaica), Peter Nostrand (Jamaica),
Henry Simonson (Jamaica), David Whaley (Jamaica), Marsh Anderson (Flushing), William
B. Smith (Flushing), James H. Kalyer (Newtown) Names and towns of constables listed. 1 pg.
Document 210 Order for Seal To Be Procured - Queens County Order is made that a seal be procured for this circuit and that the words "Queens
County Oyer and Terminer" be included in the insignia. Document originally housed
with Document 209. 1 pg.
Document 211 Plea of Trespass - Queens County 1st Tuesday of June 1830 James Herriman, Stephen W Williamson, Singleton Mitchell Esquire (First Judge, witness),
John A Sott (attorney), Samuel Sherman (clerk) It is requested that the Sheriff of the said Bailiwick take James Herriman into his
custody and keep him safe, so that he may appear at the next session of the Court
of Common Pleas, to be held at the Court House in North Hempstead, to answer unto
Stephen W Williamson in a plea of Trespass to the damage of five hundred dollars.
1 pg.
Document 212 Resolution of the Board of Supervisors - Ruling to Pay Jurors - Queens County November 9, 1830 Samuel Sherman Esquire, Joseph Dodge (clerk) The board has resolved that beginning on the first day of January, all grand and petit
jurors of this county shall be allowed and paid for their actual attendance at Court
to the sum of fifty cents per day and three cents per mile for all necessary traveling
to and from the court. 1 pg. Document 212a Resolution of the Board of Supervisors - Ruling to Pay Jurors - Queens County November 13, 1830 Samuel Sherman Esquire, Joseph Dodge (clerk) An exact copy (see Document 212) of the resolution regarding jurors pay is presented,
although one difference noted is that traveling pay will be two cents per mile for
jurors traveling to and from the court house. It is noted that this copy was to be
sent to the Treasurer. 1 pg.
Document 213 Judge Edwards Order for Circuit Courts - Queens County December 24, 1830 Judge Edwards A proclamation fixing and appointing the times and places of holding for the several
Circuit Courts and Courts of Oyer and Terminer to be held within the several Counties
of the First Circuit of the State of New York for the years of 1831 and 1832. Counties
listed are: The City and County of New York, Richmond, Kings, Queens, and Suffolk.
1 pg.
Document 214 Bond for Certiorari - Queens County March 17, 1832 William Prince (Flushing), William R. Prince (Flushing), Alfred Prince (Flushing),
Henry Knight, Samuel Willet (Justice) Previous judgment made in favor of the Plaintiff for the defendants to pay to the
sum of thirteen dollars is appealed for writ of certiorari. If the initial judgment
is affirmed, the said William Prince, William R. Prince, and Alfred Prince will pay
the same, together with all such costs incurred in pursuing the writ of certiorari.
1 pg.
Document 215 Plea of Confession of Debts - Queens County November 9, 1846 Peter J. Hewlett, Mary Hewlett, Alexander Davidson, Amelia Davidson, Thomas D. Carman,
Ann Carman, [Phibe] Denton, Oliver S. Denton Plea of Confession on the part of Peter J. Hewlett, Mary Hewlett, Alexander Davidson,
Amelia Davidson, Thomas D. Carman, Ann Carman regarding a petition filed by [Phibe]
Denton, and Oliver S. Denton. 1 pg.
Unknown Dates
Document 216 Ruling on Land Dispute - Queens County Date Unknown Peter Titus, Jonas Denton, Joseph Denton, Lawrence Denton In the land dispute between Peter Titus vs. Jonas Denton and others, the said parties
have brought forth their issues before the court to referee the final decision regarding
a certain piece of upland of about a half an acre situated on Washburns Neck in the
Town of Hempstead. 5 pgs. (both sides)
Document 217 List of Grand Jurors - Queens County Date Unknown Richard Thorne, Philip Allen, Benjamin Woolley, Stephen Hewlett, Joseph Clowes, Israel
Smith, Jacob Van Nostrand, John Van Nostrand, Stephen Lawrence, John Houlhride, John
Remson, Ram Hardenberg, Siluenus Townsend, David Valentine, Jacob Kashow, Joseph Satter,
John Walters, Philip Youngs, Isaac Latter, Cornelius Remson, David Jones, James Denton,
Derick Covert, Benjamin Treadwell Names, towns, and occupations of Grand Jurors listed for Courthouse in North Hempstead.
1 pg.
Document 218 Special Bail - Queens County Date Unknown David Sammis, [----] Roe, John Mott, Prior Townsend John Mott of Hempstead in Queens—Special Bail—and John Doe of the same place. The
document seems to be a partial of a larger issue. 1 pg.
Document 219 Letter Regarding Case Between William Smith v. [Ernest] Hicks - Queens County Date Unknown A. Skinner, William Smith, [Ernest] Hicks, Samuel Sherman Esquire (clerk) Letter written by A. Skinner regarding case. On back of the document is a correction
made by Samuel Sherman noting that the case was listed in May Court instead of June
Court and that a correction has been made. 1 pg.
Document 220 Minutes of Testimony - Queens County Date Unknown Robert Davison, Richard Hendrickson, Thomas C. Pinkney (arbitrator), B. F. Thompson
(arbitrator), John Foster, Uriah Hendrickson, Hendrick Burtis, Abraham Burtis, Peter
Hendrickson, John Burtis, Benjamin Rhodes, John Van Nostrand, Peter Remson, Oliver
Hendrickson In the matter of arbitration between Robert Davison and Richard Hendrickson: Individuals
provide written testimony regarding the issue of contention, which involves a fence
line. Small snippet of paper is attached with the minutes of testimony regarding the
amount of damages in question. 2 pgs. (both sides)
Document 221 A List of the Names of the Judges and Justices Qualified to Their Respective Offices
- Queens County Date Unknown Benjamin Coe, John Schenck, Samuel Clouse, Prior Townsend, Abraham Ditmas, Richard
Valentine, Siluenus Bedell, Stephen Frost, Charles Roach, Benjamin Everit, William
Ludlum, Jonah Hallet, John H. Smith, Elbert Hegeman, John M. Smith, William Mott,
Richard Jackson, Samuel [Pelletreau], Stephen Carman, John Mott, Justus Stores—Coroners:
Whitehead Cornell, James Lefferts, Thomas Thorne [Sele] List of Judges, Associate Justices, and Coroners. 1 pg.
Document 222 List of Fees for Court Case - Queens County Date Unknown. 1 pg.
Document 223 Copy of Panel of Jurors - Queens County Date Unknown Thomas Jackson (plaintiff), Townsend Jackson (plaintiff), Henry Prior (defendant),
Daniel Lawrence, Nathaniel Moore, David Titus, Robert Furman, John Rushmore, Samuel
Carman, John B. Hicks, William Titus, Siluenus Smith, David Allen, George Hewlett,
Thomas Tredwell, John Kissam, Obadiah Townsend, Walker Lyon, Oliver Hewlett, Jacob
Rapeleye In the case of Thomas Jackson and Townsend Jackson vs. Henry Prior, a list of potential
jurors is provided. Names, towns of residence, and occupation listed for each juror.
1 pg.
Document 224 List of Grand Jurors - Queens County Date Unknown David H. Jones, John Schenck, Samuel Williams, Obediah Townsend, John Robins, William
H. Jones, Andres Bogart, Samuel Willet, Benahmin W. Stongs, Curtis Peck, John Silby,
William Lawrence, Isack Rapylea Junior, George Kowenhaven, Samuel Penfold, Nathaniel
Seaman, Tredwell Seaman, William Pine, Daniel Bedell, Richard Hendrickson, Daniel
Smith, Luke Covert, George Johnson, Samuel Mott (Sheriff) List of grand jurors signed by Sheriff Samuel Mott. 1 pg.
Document 225 Partition of Land - Queens County Date Unknown Israel Abrams, Daniel Abrams, Samuel Abrams, Daniel Abrams, David Abrams, Moses Abrams Land Partition/Dispute between members of the Abrams family. 1 pg.