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Senator Jacob K. Javits Collection                     

Collection Number
SC 285

Series 16: Cartoons

Box 1

  • Item 6: Rosen, Hy (Hyman J.), 1923- "Won't Stick." Albany Times-Union. Cartoon; Photo reproduction. 11" x 13" Description: D'Amato slinging mud at a statue of Javits, and the mud balls won't stick. Historical Note: Alfonse D'Amato, Hempstead town supervisor, received Republican party endorsement in the September 1980 Republican primary. Much of his campaign advertising focused on Javits' age and state of health., 1980 September 7. Inscribed and signed by Rosen.
  • Item 7: Crook, Ken. "I'm after bigger game.." Newsday. Cartoon; 14" x 11" Description: Javits chases after a large elephant labeled "'68 Presidential Ticket," while Rockefeller stands by with a smaller elephant on a leash labeled "'66 Race for Governor." Historical Note: Rockefeller had won re-election as governor of New York in 1966. At the time, Javits was seen as a viable running mate for a possible bid by George Romney for the presidency in 1968., 1966 May 3. Inscribed and signed by Crook.
  • Item 10: Rosen, Hy (Hyman J.), 1923- "Our boys will be boys." Albany Times-Union. Cartoon; 14" x 11" Description: Javits and Buckley as naughty boys collections each other a hot foot. Historical Note: Javits was an important target of New York conservatives in the 1968 and 1974 election campaigns. He was on the opposite end of the political spectrum from his junior senatorial colleague, James R. Buckley (1971-1977)., 1974. Column title: As Hy Rosen Sees It. Inscribed and signed by Rosen.
  • Item 26: Crook, Ken. "I'm sure you can manage it.." Publication unknown. Cartoon; 13" x 11" Description: Javits running a race carrying a large elephant labeled "Rocky's Campaign," atop which sits Rockefeller. Historical Note: Javits had worked as campaign manager in Governor Rockefeller's re- election campaign of 1966. The polls had signaled that Rockefeller had not been doing well in the early days of the campaign., 1966? Inscribed and signed by Crook.
  • Item 31: Postello, Jerry. "GOP Strategy." Publication unknown. Cartoon; 14" x 11" Description: Javits, Eisenhower and Nixon as baseball players in a huddle di cussing GOP strategy, while Goldwater rants and raves. Historical Note: Drawing includes Javits, Richard M. Nixon, Dwight D. Eisenhower and Barry Goldwater., Undated.
  • Item 38: Ficklen, Herc (Jack Howells), 1911- "Leaving the Ship.." Dallas Morning News. Cartoon; 11" x 13" Description: In a stormy sea, Kennedy is in a boat labeled "Tax Reform," which appears to be sinking, while Javits is swimming away. Historical Note: Javits had voiced opposition to President Kennedy's tax reform plan that was under increasing congressional criticism., 1963 March 1. Inscribed by Ficklen.

Box 2

  • Item 9: Toles, Tom. "Not Quite so fast Sonny.." Buffalo Courier Express. Cartoon; 12 1/2" x 11" Description: Kemp approaches a senate seat, looks around warily, then sits down. Javits is hiding underneath and pokes him with a cane. Historical Note: Jack Kemp had contemplated opposing Javits in a Republican primary race in 1980. He eventually backed down and announced that he would not run against Javits., 1980 March 1.
  • Item 14: Goldberg, Rube (Reuben Lucius), 1883-1970. "Where's your ticket?." Publication unknown. Cartoon; Photo reproduction. 12 1/2" x 11 1/2" Description: Conductor on a train questions a donkey, while a seated elephant wears a hat labeled "Rocky/Javits." Historical Note: This cartoons concerns the 1962 election when both Javits and Rockefeller were running for re-election to office on the Republican ticket. The cartoon also suggests that the Democratic party was unprepared for this election campaign. This cartoon is a copy of the original with Rube Goldberg's original autograph on it., 1962 September. Inscribed and signed by Goldberg.
  • Item 15: Gray, Chuck. "Untitled." Publication unknown. Cartoon; 11" x 13" Description: Johnston, Eastland, Keating, and Javits in a courtroom tug-of-war over Marshall, while Kennedy covers his eyes. Historical Note: A `tug of war' over Thurgood Marshall's appointment by John F. Kennedy to the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals. Dixiecrats tried to stall it in committee. When this failed, they unsuccessfully tried to prevent the appointment in the full senate. Johnston, Eastland, John Kennedy, Marshall, Keating and Javits are shown in this cartoon., 1962.
  • Item 30: Manning, Reg (Reginald West), 1905- "A western roundup? How Uncouth! We won't go along unless you change it to a fox hunt.." Jamestown Post Journal, McNaught Syndicate. Cartoon; 13 1/2" x 11" Description: Javits and Keating dressed in English riding clothes, refusing to ride with Goldwater, an elephant and Miller as cowboys. Historical Note: Both Javits and Kenneth Keating, New York's senators, rejected Barry Goldwater's western conservatism and did not support his candidacy in 1964. The cartoon suggests that the New York senators felt out of place with Goldwater's brand of Republicanism. Miller was the vice presidential candidate., 1964 July 30. Inscsribed and signed by Manning, August 26, 1964.
  • Item 34: Robinson, Jerry. "Still Life {Column title}." Chicago Tribune, New York News Syndication Inc. Cartoon; 13 1/2" x 10" Description: A baseball glove talking to a baseball. Historical Note: Baseball glove and ball by author., 1968 May? Inscribed and signed by cartoonist.
  • Item 40: Crook, Ken. "Pike's Peak?." Newsday. Cartoon; 14" x 11" Description: Javits' head depicted as a mountain, Pike preparing to climb. Historical Note: Otis Pike, Democratic congressman from eastern Long Island, had sought to oppose Javits in 1968. Pike was rejected by state Democratic leaders., 1968 January 31. Inscribed and signed by Crook.

Box 3

  • Item 1: Rosen, Hy (Hyman J.), 1923- "I think he is trying to tell me something.." Buffalo Courier Express. Cartoon; 19" x 14" Description: Rocky and an elephant outside the Governor's mansion are talking about a yawning, pajama-clad Javits, who is carrying a candle and a tire. Historical Note: Javits and Rockefeller both ran for re-election in 1962. Javits won re-election as senator by more than one million votes. Rockefeller won the governorship by only half that number. The Javits and Rockefeller political friendship was fraught with disagreements and difficulties, despite their political affinity and their personal friendship., 1965 July 24. Inscribed and signed by Rosen.
  • Item 23: Block, Herb (Herbert Lawrence), 1909- "A model like this would be much safer.." Washington Post. Cartoon; 18" x 15" Description: Rockefeller trying to sell a new car labeled "'68 Romney-Javits" to an elephant who has been in a car accident labeled "Goldwater and What's-His-Name '64." Historical Note: Nelson Rockefeller expressed interest in supporting a Romney-Javits ticket for the 1968 presidential race as a dependable, electable Republican alternative to the 1964 Goldwater debacle., 1966 May 27, 1966 June 2. Inscribed and signed by Block.

Box 4

  • Item 3: Roche, Leo J. "Reluctant Suitors." Buffalo Courier Express. Cartoon; 17 1/2" x 22 1/2" Description: Ives, Dewey, and a woman on a park bench, with Ives pushing Dewey closer to the woman labeled "NY State Governorship." Historical Note: Senator Irving Ives of New York urged Governor Thomas Dewey to run for re-election in 1954. Ultimately, when Dewey declined to run, Ives was nominated instead, and he lost to Averell Harriman by only 11,000 votes. (This cartoon apparently belonged to Senator Ives.), 1954 February 2.
  • Item 4: King, Warren (Warren Thomas), 1916- ""Let's you and him fight."." Publication unknown. Cartoon; 24" x 18" Description: Javits as a referee in a boxing match between Wagner and "Some Fusion Candidate." Historical Note: Javits had declined to run against the incumbent mayor of New York, Robert Wagner. John V. Lindsay, another liberal Republican, ran and won., 1964 December 8. Inscribed and signed by King.

Box 5

  • Item 25: Fischetti, John (Giovanni), 1916- "I just can't understand Senator Javits's left wing obsession with democracy.." New York Herald Tribune. Cartoon; 13" x 8 1/2" Description: Four men in a Washington office angrily discussing papers labeled "Filibuster Plans." Historical Note: Javits was at the forefront of the liberal effort to pass civil rights legislation. Senate liberals had to contend with the well-organized Southern filibusters., 1963. Inscribed and signed by Fischetti.
  • Item 37: Rosen, Hy (Hyman J.), 1923- "Senator in Pygmyland.." Albany Times-Union. Cartoon; Photo reproduction. 11" x 11 1/2" Description: Elizabeth Holtzman, holding a slingshot, and Alfonse D'Amato, with a spear, depicted as Pygmies. Javits holding a paper labeled "Seniority." Historical Note: The 1980 senatorial election was a three-way race between Republican candidate Alfonse D'Amato, the Democratic candidate Elizabeth Holtzman, and Javits, who ran on the Liberal Party line., 1980 October 26. Inscribed and signed by Rosen.
  • Item 41: Rose, Sol? Stu? "No caption." Publication unknown. Cartoon; 10 x 11 1/2" Description: Filibuster in progress. A speaker, larger-than-life, is reading from an assortment of books and using anti-sleep preparations, while others are in various stages of boredom. Historical Note: A caricature of the Southern senators who tried to use the filibuster in the Senate to prevent the passage of liberal civil rights legislation., 1958? August 3 (Undated)

Box 6

  • Item 5: Cantone, Vic, 1933- "Senator Jacob Javits." New York Daily News. Cartoon; 11" x 8 1/2" Description: Caricature of Javits in a thumbs-up pose. Historical Note: A caricature of Javits sketched during the New York Press Club's senatorial debate, which was broadcast on the same date. Javits was running on the Liberal Party line. The other guest speakers were Alfonse D'Amato, the Republican candidate, and Elizabeth Holtzman, the Democratic candidate, who were also sketched., 1980 September 25 (Undated)
  • Item 17: Rosen, Hy (Hyman J.), 1923- "Critic's Choice." Albany Times Union. Cartoon; Newspaper clipping. 5 1/2" x 8" Description: Nelson Rockefeller, Javits, Arthur Levitt, and Sam Stratton starring in four movies, with critics' comments. Historical Note: A "movie critic's" evaluation of four New York politicians: Nelson Rockefeller, Javits, Arthur Levitt and Sam Stratton., 1962 November 11.
  • Item 21: Stark, Bruce. "Sen. Jacob Javits." Sketch, 5" x 10" Historical Note: Javits, Jacob K. Head and shoulders portrait of Javits. Inscribed in blue ink, "With all best wishes to you, Senator, Bruce Stark, 2/1/73," 1973 February 1.

Box 7

  • Item 13: McLeod, Jack. "He's promised to slow down by February to tell us if he's running.." Buffalo Evening News. Cartoon; 13" x 17" Description: Two elephants depicted as a man and a woman walking past Javits as he quickly runs to and fro reading "Javits Busy Schedule." Historical Note: Javits promised to announce by Lincoln's birthday whether he would run again for re-election in 1980., 1979 December 16.
  • Item 19: Rosen, Hy (Hyman J.), 1923- "And as for my worthy opponent...." Publication unknown. Cartoon; 18" x 14 1/4" Description: Javits at a podium, gesturing toward a larger-than-life figure of a man made entirely out of actual newspaper clippings of the Donovan-Castro meeting, and who is rising up from a pile of newspapers. Historical Note: James B. Donovan was Javits' Democratic-Liberal opponent in the 1962 senatorial race. He played a central role in arranging a spy exchange for Gary Powers who was being held by the Soviet authorities. Donovan had also helped to arrange the release of those captured in the Bay of Pigs fiasco., 1962. Inscribed and signed by Rosen.
  • Item 20: Block, Herb (Herbert Lawrence), 1909- "Great Debate." Washington Post. Cartoon; Photo reproduction. 18" x 15" Description: Kuchel and Javits trying to talk the elephant (Future of the Republican Party) out of jumping off the ledge of a building. Historical Note: Both Javits and Thomas Kuchel, liberal Republican senator from California, refused to support the presidential campaign of Barry Goldwater in 1964., 1964 May 12. Inscribed and signed by Block. Photograph laid in.

Box 8

  • Item 11: Parrish, Joe (Joseph Lee), 1905- "The Demonstrator." Chicago Tribune. Cartoon, watercolor highlighted. 16" x 14" Description: Javits sits on the ground in protest with a sign labeled, "If Goldwater wins I may sit out the campaign," while Rockefeller applauds. Historical Note: Nelson Rockefeller had made an unsuccessful bid for the 1964 Republican presidential nomination. One week after Barry Goldwater received the nomination, Javits announced that he would not support his candidacy., 1964. Inscribed and signed by Parrish.
  • Item 24: Canfield, Bill (William Newton), 1920- "Of course you could knock him out of the box now...." Newark News. Cartoon; 16" x 14" Description: Playing baseball, Rockefeller pitches to catcher Javits; meanwhile, in the dugout, Kennedy says the caption line to a player representing the 1962 Democratic leaders. Historical Note: Democrats were looking for a viable candidate to oppose Javits in the Senate race of 1962. James B. Donovan was drafted, ran against Javits and lost. The cartoon alludes to the fact that Javits is perceived as a rising star, and as a potentially serious adversary for the Democrats in the 1964 election year., 1962. Inscribed.
  • Item 42: Crockett, Gib (Gibson Milton), 1912- "Third Term." Washington Star. Cartoon; 15" x 13" Description: Javits and Lindsay sit dejectedly in a large glass bottle labeled "3rd Term," sealed with a stopper in the shape of Rockefeller's head. Historical Note: Cartoon of Javits, John V. Lindsay and Governor Nelson Rockefeller., 1965 May 7.

Box 9

  • Item 12: Rosen, Hy (Hyman J.), 1923- "Somebody call for an owl?." Publication unknown. Cartoon; 16 x 13 1/2" Description: Javits as an owl, carrying a scroll labeled, "Hawk-Dove Debate on Vietnam," on a perch shaped as Lyndon Johnson's ear, with a hawk and dove fighting above the Capitol building in the background. Historical Note: During the years of massive United States involvement in Vietnam, Javits was able to avoid both the label of dove and hawk. (Although in the early years of Lyndon Baynes Johnson's administration, Javits basically had supported administration policy.), Undated. Inscribed and signed (very badly faded). Photograph of cartoon laid in. See slide no. 118.
  • Item 18: Valtman, Ed (Edmund Siegfried), 1914- "I'm against segregation but I just couldn't stand it.." Hartford Times. Cartoon; 11" x 14" Description: Javits and Keating as Indians in camp, setting up their "independent campaign" tepee away from the "Goldwater campaign" tepee, where Goldwater is doing a noisy war dance. Historical Note: Both Javits and Keating divorced themselves from Barry Goldwater's presidential campaign in 1964., 1964 July 24. Inscribed and signed by Valtman, August 5, 1964.
  • Item 29: Rosen, Hy (Hyman J.), 1923- "Keep your eye on der ball.." Albany Times Union. Cartoon; Photo reproduction. 10" x 14 1/2" Description: Javits in tennis clothes with a racket labeled "Retirement," swatting at a large tennis ball shaped like Kissinger's head, which is labeled "Kissinger thinks about Senate Seat." Historical Note: There were wide-spread rumors in 1978 and 1979 that Henry Kissinger was considering a run for Javits' Senate seat in 1980. The cartoon suggests that Javits, a tennis player, should decide whether he is in the "game" of running for re-election., 1978 September 26. Inscribed and signed by Rosen.
  • Item 33: Artist's signature illegible. "Senator Javits Addressing the 1967 New York State Constitutional Convention.." Published? Sketch; Photo reproduction. 14" x 14" Description: An artist's rendering of Javits speaking at the ninth New York Constitutional Convention, which began April 4, 1967. Historical Note: No comment., Undated.

Box 10

  • Item 27: McLeod, Jack. "Is he or isn't he going to run?." Buffalo Evening News. Cartoon; 13" x 16" Description: A donkey holding a poster of Kennedy, and an elephant holding a poster of Javits, pondering as Kemp and Carter hide nervously behind two trees. Historical Note: Both Senators Javits and Ted Kennedy had not decided, as of 1979, whether or not they were going to run in the 1980 elections. This matter was of vital concern to contenders Jack Kemp and Jimmy Carter., 1979.
  • Item 28: Berryman, Jim (James), 1902-1976. "Gaston and Alfonse in Albany.." Washington Star. Cartoon; Photo reproduction. 14" x 13" Description: Dewey and Ives being extremely genteel and offering each other the Governor's chair behind a desk. Historical Note: Senator Irving Ives announced his support for Thomas E. Dewey for a fourth term as governor almost simultaneously with Dewey's announcement supporting Ives as the Republican senatorial candidate in 1954., Undated. Original cartoon inscribed and signed by Berryman.
  • Item 35: Crockett, Gib (Gibson Milton), 1912- "When you fellows get straightened out, I'll take on the loser!." Washington Star. Cartoon; 15" x 13" Description: Javits, Rockefeller, and Lindsay all beat-up, twisted together and lying on the mat of a boxing ring, while Wagner stands at the ropes wearing a robe and the "Mayor" championship belt. Historical Note: Governor Nelson Rockefeller, Javits and John V. Lindsay conferred about a possible opponent to incumbent mayor Robert Wagner in 1965 right until the deadline. At first, Javits contemplated running, subsequently withdrew his name. He then put his support behind John V. Lindsay, who was nominated and later won the election., 1965 March 2.
  • Item 39: McLeod, Jack. "One man musical chairs-with Senator Javits playing the tune...." Buffalo Evening News. Cartoon; 17" x 12" Description: Javits at a piano, and two citizens watching as Kemp races around three chairs labeled "Senate?," "House?," and "Veep?". Historical Note: Javits did not announce whether or not he was seeking re-election in 1980 until February of that year. Jack Kemp, an aspiring conservative who had promised not to challenge Javits, had difficulty in plotting his political future till Javits made his decision., 1980 February 21. Inscribed and signed by McLeod, March 1980.

Box 11

  • Item 2: King, Warren (Warren Thomas), 1916- "Doing it the hard way." Publication unknown. Cartoon; 22 1/2" x 18" Historical Note: Javits and Kenneth Keating, New York's senators in 1964, did not support Goldwater in his bid for the presidency that year., 1964 July 23. Inscribed and signed by King.
  • Item 8: Crockett, Gib (Gibson Milton), 1912- "No caption." Washington Star. Cartoon; 13 1/2" x 12 1/2" Description: The Senate smacking Javits in the head with a rolled-up "cloture vote," Javits holding a "gag rule," while Johnson looks on helplessly. Historical Note: Gag Rule. Senator Javits and Senate cloture vote. Lyndon?, Undated.
  • Item 16: Manning, Reg (Reginald West), 1905- "Psst - better turn your glasses 'round.." McNaught Syndicate. Cartoon; Photo reproduction. 6 1/2" x 7 1/2" Description: Javits alerting "Liberals," who is looking at a huge elephant labeled "Goldwater Delegate Strength," through the wrong end of binoculars. Historical Note: Javits was an ideological opponent of Barry Goldwater. He recognized Goldwater's growing strength as the Republican National Convention neared and had hoped to rouse liberal Republicans to find an alternative., 1964 May 28. Inscribed and signed by Manning.
  • Item 22: Rosen, Hy (Hyman J.), 1923- "Jack be nimble...." Publication unknown. Cartoon; 20" x 14" Description: Javits is dressed in "college man" clothes and holds a paper labeled "Upstate Political Visits." He jumps over a large candle with the face of Rockefeller, on a field shaped like New York State. Historical Note: This cartoon points to Javits' ability to cultivate support in upstate New York areas, independent of Rockefeller. Since Rockefeller was not doing well in poll surveys in 1966, he was suspicious of Javits' intentions., 1966 April 12. Inscribed and signed (very faint)
  • Item 32: Parrish, Joe (Joseph Lee), 1905- "Getting Everything Settled.." Chicago Tribune. Cartoon, watercolored. 16" x 14" Description: Romney and Javits stand on a platform with their arms around each other, while a very happy GOP Liberals elephant holds a campaign sign and dances near them. Historical Note: Initially there was much enthusiasm for a possible Romney-Javits presidential ticket in 1968 among Republican liberals., 1966. Inscribed and signed by Parrish.
  • Item 36: Rosen, Hy (Hyman J.), 1923- "Dad-Burn Showoffs.." Publication unknown. Cartoon; 17 1/2" x 14" Description: On the Coney Island beach, Javits and Rockefeller do acrobatics in front of a crowd, while kicking sand on a skinny, 98 lb. weakling donkey holding a balloon labeled, "Trial Balloon Candidates." Historical Note: In the 1962 elections Javits opposed James B. Donovan and Nelson Rockefeller opposed Robert Morgenthau in futile Democratic attempts to unseat relatively strong Republican incumbents., 1962. Inscribed and signed by Rosen.
  • Item 43: Robinson, Jerry. "Still Life." News Syndicate Co. Inc. Cartoon; 6 3/4" x 8" Description: A microphone is talking to a loudspeaker. Historical Note: Related to Javits' introduction of Senate Resolution 202 in attempt to limit Southern filibusters of civil rights legislation., 1964 December 3. Inscribed and signed by Robinson.
  • Item 44: Fischetti, John (Giovanni), 1916- "I want this struck in stone so that I won't ever forget it.." Publishers Newspaper Syndicate. Cartoon; 10" x 14 1/2" Description: A man, who has been beaten up and wears casts and bandages, is "GOP '64." Carrying a briefcase labeled "Moves for '68," he instructs a sculptor beginning work in his studio. Historical Note: This cartoons portrays a sculptor chiseling a monument for the Republican party so that the party should not forget the 1964 electoral debacle., 1964 November 4.
  • Item 45: Brodie, Howard. "Senate Civil Rights Debate.." Columbia Broadcast System. Memory Sketch; Photo reproduction. 13 1/2" x 8 3/4" Description: Javits standing and gesturing. Historical Note: Javits was a major figure in the Senate's debates on civil rights., 1964 April 2.
  • Item 46: Cartoonist Unknown [VAN?] "'74 will be a good year for the GOP." The Star-Ledger. Cartoon; 7 1/2" x 10" Description: Javits and Curtis talk, while a large, beat-up, torn and muddy elephant labeled "Watergate" looms up behind them. Historical Note: Watergate arose slowly as a political liability. Nebraska's Republican Senator Carl Curtis, with his back to the issue, is happy, while Javits, is worried as he sees the issue appearing., 1974. Inscribed, "Regards to Jack VAN The Star-Ledger."
  • Item 47: Postello, Jerry. "Mutiny Midst the Bounty.." Publication unknown. Cartoon, Color lithograph. 7 1/2" x 9" Description: Various characters in border vignettes including: "Big Brother Ike's Mission" a psychiatrist. In the center a sailing ship approaching an island of headhunters with Javits being thrown into the cooking pot, while Carmine DeSapio is holding a club, and Averell Harriman is serenely contemplating the White House, and Morehouse is dragging an unwilling Dewey to the center. 1950's. Along bottom margin: Presented by the New York State {cut off}
  • Item 48: Morrill, Leslie H. Publication unknown. Caricature; 14" x 10 1/2" Description: Jacob Javits holds a gavel-shaped shovel. Historical Note: No Comment, Undated.
  • Item 49: Pierotti, Joe. "Untitled.." Publication unknown. Cartoon; 9 1/4" x 11 1/2" Description: Javits in a top hat, cane, and tuxedo, jumping up and clicking his heels, with a broad smile on his face. Historical Note: No Comment, 1980. Inscribed, "To Senator Javits - With all the Best, John/80, Inner Circle.
  • Item 50: Rosen, Hy (Hyman J.), 1923- "It's What's Happening, Baby.." Publication unknown. Cartoon; 14 1/4 x 19 1/4" Description: Javits in mod 60's clothes, outside the GOP Discotheque, leaning on a campaign poster for "Mods 1968," while behind him are negative posters for Rockefeller and Goldwater. Historical Note: This cartoon refers to Javits' attractiveness as a potential 1968 Republican presidential candidate., 1966 May 3. Inscribed and signed by Rosen. Photograph laid in. See slide no. 69.