Title AIDC 100 Archive - Paul Bergé Collection
Collection Number SC 336
OCLC Number 1510889791
Creator Paul Bergé
Provenance Donated by Paul Bergé in 1999 and 2000.
Extent,Scope, and Content Note The Paul Bergé Collection consists of 6 cubic ft. of documents, audio, videotapes and artifacts of the first
Chairman of AIM Europe produced between 1977 and 1998.
Arrangement and Processing Note Processed by F. Jason Torre, December 2001, revised July 2002. Revised and updated in March 2014 and April 2019 by Kristen J. Nyitray.
Materials are arranged by series, then alphabetically.
Series 1 Subject Files, 1981-1997 Series 2: Conference Proceedings, 1982-1998 Series 3: Standards and Specifications, 1981-1995 Series 4: White Papers, 1982-1996 Series 5: Corporate Publications, 1980-1993 Series 6 Periodicals, 1988-1997 Series 7: Books, 1979-1993 Series 8: Video Recordings Series 9: Audio Recordings Series 10: Artifacts
Language English
Restrictions on Access The collection is open to researchers without restriction.
Rights and Permissions Stony Brook University Libraries' consent to access as the physical owner of the collection
does not address copyright issues that may affect publication rights. It is the sole
responsibility of the user of Special Collections and University Archives materials
to investigate the copyright status of any given work and to seek and obtain permission
where needed prior to publication.
Citation [Item], [Box], Paul Bergé Collection, Special Collections and University Archives, Stony Brook University Libraries.
Historical Note Paul Bergé received his Masters of Business Administration (MBA) from the Nijenrode
Business School in the Netherlands. Prior to starting work in the automatic identification
field, Mr. Bergé worked in the computer industry at Phillips Data Systems, Nixdorff
Computer, and ITT Europe. In 1975, Bergé began working for the Plessey Company, a
recognized pioneer in the European bar coding business, European Headquarters in Brussels.
He joined Symbol Technologies in 1980 and established European operations in Brussels.
He was a managing director and remained in that position until 1988 when he was promoted
to Vice President of International Marketing. He subsequently transferred to the company's
headquarters in Bohemia, New York. Recognizing the need for a European equivalent
to the popular North American Scan Tech trade shows, in 1984 Mr. Berge` became founding
Chairman of Scan Tech Europe, the industry's European automatic identification industry
trade show. Soon after, he became founding chairman of the industry trade organization
AIM Europe, eventually serving as Chairman of AIM International. In July 1988, at
the request of the United Nations and working in cooperation with the China Institute
of Packaging and EAN, he spoke at venues in China. These lectures are credited with
China joining the worldwide International Article Numbering organization. Mr. Bergé
was made Executive Vice President of Olympus Symbol, Inc., a joint venture company
which combined portions of Olympus Optical Limited, of Tokyo, Japan and Symbol Technologies,
Inc., of Bohemia, New York, U.S.A. Bergé has received the Scan Newsletter International
Award and in 1989 was recipient of the American Auto ID industry's Dick Dilling Award
for his work in developing international bar coding markets.
Subjects Automatic identification and data capture Bar coding. Bar coding -- Equipment and supplies. System identification. Automatic data collection systems.
INVENTORY Series 1: Subject Files
Box 1 AECOC (Spanish), 1996 AIM International, November 7, 1983-October 31, 1992 AIM Japan (Some contents in Japanese), 1995-1997 AIM Manual, November 1983 Age of 2D Symbology QR Code (Denso), 1996 AMECOP(Contents in Spanish), 1995-1996 Article Numbering Center of China (ANCC)(Some contents in Chinese), 1992-1994 Basics of Material Handling (MHI), April 1981 Benefits of Scanning (NGA)
Box 2 Corporate Brochures Cypress Associates Delta Services Distribution Code Center-Japan (contents in Japanese), 1993-1995 EAN Brazil (Some contents in Portuguese) EAN International, 1995-1997 EDI (Electronic Data Interchange), undated FRA-BRS-Frankfurt Airport (contents in German), June 1994 Health care Industry, March 1985-July 1995
Box 3 Hong Kong Article Numbering Association (HKANA), 1989-1996 International Air Transport Association, August 30, 1989-August 3, 1995 JTEC Panel Report, December 1992 MGI Professional Reference Program, 1991 MIRC World Hand-held Terminals market (Report), 1990 Mailsort, June 1995 PDF 417, August 11, 1989-January 10, 1996 Pen Computer Market in Asia (Report), 1992 Polish Auto ID Systems Catalog (contents in Polish), February 22, 1996
Box 4 QUAD II Return on investment Analysis Guides, October 1990-April 1991 VDC European Market for Bar Code...Report, February 1995 Wireless Communications, 1995-1996
Series 2: Conference Proceedings
Box 5 1st Annual European IGC Bar Code Printing Conference, March 12-14, 1990 6th Asian Retailers Convention and Exhibition, October 5-8, 1993 Assisses Nationales De L'Identification Automatique (some contents in French), June
11-12, 1986 ATTIS '94 Pacific/Asia (Airport Projects-Panels Discussions), November 15-16, 1994 Auto-ID Asia '92, September 1-4, 1992
Box 6 Bar Code Marketing Conference, January 31-February 1, 1991 HKANA Conference (Monday sessions), October 4-6, 1993 HKANA Conference (Tues./Wed. sessions), October 4-6, 1993 ID Expo, May 16-17, 1994 ID Expo, May 4, 1998
Box 7 Scanning Technology '91 Expos & Seminars (sessions 1-3), 1991 Scanning Technology '91 Expos & Seminars (sessions 4-8), 1991 Scan-Tech Europe '86, November 11-13, 1986 Scan-Tech Europe (RF Identification), 1989 Scan-Tech Europe '90 (sessions 1-9), November 6-8, 1990 Scan-Tech Europe '90 (sessions 10-17), November 6-8, 1990 Scan-Tech Europe '90 (sessions 19-26), November 6-8, 1990 Scan-Tech Europe '92 (sessions P,T,U), November 3-5, 1992 Scan-Tech Europe '96 (Exhibition Catalog), November 19-21, 1996 Scan-Tech Korea '90 & '93, September 19-22, 1990-September 21-24, 1993
Box 8 Scan-Tech U.K. '88 (Book 2 & 4), 1988 Scan-Tech U.K. '89, 1989 Scan-Tech U.K. '90 (sessions B,F,G,I), June 26-28, 1990 Scan-Tech '89 (sessions 1-4d), October 17-19, 1989 Scan-Tech '89 (sessions 5a-6b), October 17-19, 1989 Scan-Tech '89 (sessions 6e-8c), October 17-19, 1989 Scan-Tech '89 (sessions 8d-9c), October 17-19, 1989 Scan-Tech '89 (sessions 9d-11d), October 17-19, 1989
Box 9 Scan-Tech '90 (sessions 1-2c), October 2-4, 1990 Scan-Tech '90 (sessions 2b-6d), October 2-4, 1990 Scan-Tech '90 (sessions 6e-8b), October 2-4, 1990 Scan-Tech '90 (sessions 8c-10e), October 2-4, 1990 Scan-Tech '90 (sessions 11a-12b), October 2-4, 1990 Scan-Tech '90 (sessions 12c-13e), October 2-4, 1990
Box 10 Scan-Tech '92 (sessions 1a-4a), October 5-8, 1992 Scan-Tech '92 (sessions 4b-6b), October 5-8, 1992 Scan-Tech '92 (sessions 6c-9b), October 5-8, 1992 Scan-Tech '92 (sessions 9c-10c), October 5-8, 1992 Scan-Tech '92 (sessions 11d-12e), October 5-8, 1992 Symbology '82, September 13-14, 1982
Series 3: Standards and Specifications
Box 11 Floral Industry Bar Code Standard, April 1990 NCR (Code 39), 1987 Standard for Automatic Equipment Identification, 1990-1995 Philippines Article Numbering Association, July 26, 1994 Uniform Code Council (UPC), January 1992-December 1995 USD-6, 1981 USS-16K, 1990 USS-49, 1990
Series 4: White Papers
Box 11 (continued) A White Paper on Two Dimensional Symbols, 1996 2D Experience in Taiwan, April 25-26, 1996 Evolution of Automatic Identification, October 16, 1989 Emerging Bar Code Symbologies, N.D. Postal Application of a High Density Bar Code, September 4, 1990 Computer Aided Item Identification Systems, September 1991 Ultracode: A different type of bar code symbology, June 6, 1996 Bar Code Symbology, February 16, 1982 New Developments in Magstripe Media, October 2, 1990
Series 5: Corporate Presentations Note: Papers listed as being part of the Symbol Tech. Papers were a single file within
a three ring binder.
Box 12 Bar Code 101, Section 1-5 (Symbol Tech. Continuing Education Series), undated Bar Code 101, Section 6-10 (Symbol Tech. Continuing Education Series), undated Bar Code Systems Integration (part 2-4), undated Bar Code Systems Integration (part 5-10), undated Bar Code Systems Integration (part 1-4), 1993 Bar Code Systems Integration (part 5-10), 1993
Box 13 Choosing and Using Bar Codes, 1992 Implementing A Bar Code System (Symbologies & Verification, part 1), undated Implementing A Bar Code System (Symbologies & Verification, part 2), undated Integrating Bar Code with EDI & Manufacturing Systems, October 3, 1988 Implementing the EIA-556 Standard The Power of Bar Coding, 1988 "Solutions for Series" (16 items) Symbol Glossary
Box 14 Symbol Monograph Series, Monograph 1, 1989 Symbol Monograph Series, Monograph 2, 1989 Symbol Monograph Series, Monograph 3, 1989 Symbol Monograph Series, Monograph 4, 1989 Symbol Monograph Series, Monograph 5, 1989 Symbol Monograph Series, Monograph 6, 1989 Raster Scanning & Single Line Scanning...(Symbol Tech. Papers 1), undated Percent Decode Lasercheck (Symbol Tech. Papers 2), undated Laserscan LS-700 and Laser Safety (Symbol Tech. Papers 3), undated Hand Held Scanning Device (Symbol Tech. Papers 4), February 21, 1983 Effects of Substrate Scattering on Bar Code Scanning Signals (Symbol Tech. Papers
5), N.D. Advances in Laser Scanning Technology (Symbol Tech. Papers 6), August 27-28, 1981 Film master ABCD Memo (Symbol Tech. Papers 7), August 1980 System Design Considerations in Bar Code Laser Scanning (Symbol Tech. Papers 8), August
1984 Fundamentals of Bar Code Information Theory (Symbol Tech. Papers 9), undated Information Encoding with Two Dimensional Bar Codes (Symbol Tech. Papers 10), undated Measurement Science Conference (Symbol Tech. Papers 11), January 19-20, 1984 SPIE's 26th Annual Tech. Symposium (Symbol Tech. Papers 12), August 21-27, 1982 Getting the Most from your Bar Code Real Estate (Symbol Tech. Papers 13), November
3, 1988 Wireless Store, January 1992
Series 6: Periodicals Note: Th e following series contains special editions or issues released by the publishers.
Box 15 Automatic ID News Europe, September 1992, Volume 1, No. 2 Automatic ID News Europe, November 1992, Volume 1, No. 3 Automatic ID News Europe, September 1993, Volume 2, No. 6 Automatic ID News Europe, January 1994, Volume 3, No. 1 Automatic ID News Europe, March 1994, Volume 3, No. 2 Automatic ID News Europe, May 1994, Volume 3, No. 3 Automatic ID News Europe, June 1994, Volume 3, No. 4 Automatic ID News Europe, July 1994, Volume 3, No. 5 Automatic ID News Europe, September 1994, Volume 3, No. 6 Automatic ID News Europe, Nov./Dec. 1994, Volume 3, No. 7 Automatic ID News Europe, March 1995, Volume 4, No. 2 Automatic ID News Europe, June 1995, Volume 4, No. 5 Automatic ID News Europe, September 1995, Volume 4, No. 7 Automatic ID News Europe, October 1995, Volume 4, No. 8 Automatic ID News Europe, Nov./Dec. 1995, Volume 4, No. 9 Automatic ID News Europe, March 1996, Volume 5, No. 2 Automatic ID News Europe, April 1996, Volume 5, No. 3 Automatic ID News Europe, May 1996, Volume 5, No. 4 Automatic ID News Europe, June 1996, volume 5, No. 5 Automatic ID News Europe, September 1996, Volume 5, No. 7 Automatic ID News Europe, October 1996, Volume 5, No. 8 Automatic ID News Europe, Nov./Dec. 1996, volume 5, No. 9 Automatic ID News Europe, Jan./Feb. 1997, Volume 6, No. 1 Automatic ID News Europe, May 1997, Volume 6, No. 4 Auto ID Today, April 1988, Volume 2 Auto ID Today, September 1988, Volume 4 Auto ID Today, September 1991, Volume 16 Chain Store Age, April 1996 Modern Materials Handling (Special 20-Page Pull Out) July 4, 1991
Series 7: Books Note: books are cataloged and can be located using the library catalog.
Borger, John. Bar Coding for Control: Bar Code Basics. Milwaukee, WI: Industrial Control
Group, 1989.
ID Systems. Auto ID in Manufacturing. Helmers Publishing, Inc.: New Hampshire. 1991
Jenkins, John. (Ed.) Machine Readable Labels in the Blood Transfusion Service: Proceedings
of a Symposium Held on June 13th, 1979. Lancaster, England: MTP Press Limited, 1979.
Lunde, Ken. Understanding Japanese Information Processing. Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly
& Associates, Inc., 1993.
Series 8: Video Recordings Note: Some videotapes within this series are in the European Video format, PAL.
Box 16 AMECOP. VHS format. Undated. Language: Spanish. Total Running Time: Unknown.
Australia Post Office: Bar Coded Container Tracking System. VHS format. Caulfield,
Australia: Atlantis Video Productions, undated. PAL recording format. Total Running
Time: 10 Min. 4 Sec. (2 copies).
Auto ID in Action. VHS format. Undated. PAL recording format. Total Running Time:
Auto ID Today: A Basic Introduction to Automatic Identification. Halifax, England:
AIM Europe, N.D. PAL recording format. Total Running Time: Unknown.
Bar Codes. VHS format. VOLVO/ODETTE, undated. PAL recording format. Total Running
Time: 8 Min.
Bar Coding in Hospitals. VHS format. Philadelphia, PA: Hewlet Packard, 1987. Produced
by: The American Hospital Association. Total Running Time: 33 Min.
Bars. VHS format. Panasonic, Corporation, 1988. PAL recording format. Total Running
Time: 1 Min. 40 Sec.
EAN Odyssey. VHS Format. Brussels, Belgium: EAN International, 1989. Produced by:
Y-Tec Productions. Total Running Time: 14 Min. (2 copies).
High Technology Business Minute. VHS format. Financial New Network. N.D. Total Running
Time: 1 Min.
Box 17 The Magic Light. VHS format. Brussels, Belgium: Video Promotion, undated. PAL recording
format. Total Running Time: 10 Min.
Minding Your Business October. VHS format. New York, NY: Gramercy Broadcast Center,
1990. Total Running Time: 40 Min.
Scan Hungary '88. VHS format. Brussels, Belgium: Video Promotion, 1988. Language:
English. PAL recording format. Total Running Time: 35 Min. (2 copies).
Symbol Corporate Video. VHS format. Hicksville, NY: Industrial Communications Associates,
Inc., 1989. Total Running Time: 60 Min.
Symbol Technologies News Video. VHS format. Bohemia, NY: Symbol Technologies, Inc.,
1989. Total Running Time: 41 Min.
T. N. O LS 8000. VHS format. Undated. PAL recording format. Total Running Time: Unknown.
VICS Quick Response-EDI. VHS format. PAL recording format. Undated. Total Running
Time: 28 Min.
Series 9: Audio Recordings
Box 18 Swartz, Jerry. Bar Code Data Capture in the 90's Speech. Audio Cassette. Original
Air Date: June, 1990. Milan, Italy. Total Running Time: Original Master.
Swartz, Jerry. Bar Code Data Capture in the 90's Speech. Compact Disk. Original Air
Date: June, 1990. Milan, Italy. Total Running Time: 1 Hour. Primary Master.
Swartz, Jerry. Bar Code Data Capture in the 90's Speech. Compact Disk. Original Air
Date: June, 1990. Milan, Italy. Total Running Time: 1 Hour. Listening Copy.
Series 10: Artifacts
Box 18 3-in-1 Bar Code Calculator. Manufacturer: Computype, Inc. Date of Manufacture: 1986.
Description: Double-sided, slide calculator with adhesive chart on reverse side, measuring
4 x 91/4 inches.
Bar Code Ping-pong Ball. Manufacturer: Halex, Inc. Date of Manufacture: undated. Description:
1 1/2 inch diameter, white plastic ball with the number '18' printed within a bull's
eye bar code on all sides, and stamped "Made in England."
Bar Code Wand. Manufacturer: The Plessey Company. Date of Manufacture: 1977. Description:
Ergonomically designed, black polymer plastic wand with contractible tip and optical
fiber cord, measuring 5 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/4 inches.
LS 3000 Hand-held Scanner. Manufacturer: Symbol Technologies, Inc. Date of Manufacture:
February 1993. Description: Clear, polymer plastic, hand-held Laser light scanner
with 1.0mW Maximum power capacity and a Laser diode-680 nM Wavelength class II product.
LS 9100 Stationary Scanner. Manufacturer: Symbol Technologies, Inc. Date of Manufacture:
undated. Description: Clear, polymer plastic, stationary base laser light scanner.
Box 18A AEDEX Bar Code Apron. Manufacturer: AEDEX Corporation. Date of Manufacture: undated.
Description: White cotton, chef's style apron stamped with a linear bar code on the
front of the apron. Used as a publicity give away.
Box 19 AIAG American Gas Association ANA/ANK Bar Code scrapbook, pages 1-30, c1988 Camcode, Inc. Clearpoint Computype International, Inc. Daiken Chemical Company, Ltd. Dataflash, undated Datapage Technologies International, Inc. Eltron International, Inc. Express, Inc., August 7, 1992 Fabric Bar Code Fabri-check Friedrich Rationalissierungssyteme Fuji Electric Intermec, Inc. KLM Cargo, 1989 Lacoste, Inc., undatedLaser Identification System, Inc. Lumonics Metalphoto NASA (US Government) Olympus-Symbol, 1993 Pannier Corporation Polaproof, undated Sato America, Inc. Sacn-Tech Japan QR, 1995. Symbol Technologies, Inc. Symbology, Inc. Unmarked Bar Code Film Master Vanguard ID Systems Zebra Technologies Kelflex Bar Code Tag