The Stony Brook University School of Communication & Journalism is a young school
full of energy, bristling with ideas, keenly strategic, and deeply aware of the growing
need for thoughtful, engaging, and accurate communication and reliable, courageous
An academic component of a major public research university and a SUNY flagship institution, SoCJ has a close partnership with the Alan Alda Center for Communicating Science, the nation’s leading science communication organization. Together, the SoCJ and the Center combine the best of academia—advanced education, research and scholarship, and community engagement—with specialized excellence in training professionals in science communication.
This is an unusually powerful and exceptional combination, full of remarkable possibilities. SoCJ and the Alda Center stand securely at the intersection of communication, science, technology, and health and medicine. From this position, they are uniquely able and prepared to help society address the great opportunities and challenges of this intersection.
Our Mission
The School of Communication & Journalism of Stony Brook University educates the next generations of communication, journalism, and media leaders, practitioners, scholars, and professionals. It supports and integrates effective science and health communication research and practice and explores, clarifies, and strengthens the role of engaged communication in society.
Strategic Priority 1
Establish a leadership position as a foremost school of communication and journalism with a special focus on science and health communication
SoCJ has unparalleled strategic opportunities and demonstrated commitment to become a global leader in science and health communication education and research. It will grow in scale, influence, and regard by expanding its academic strengths and deepening its connections with other Stony Brook academic units. It will appoint outstanding faculty; develop new programs, degrees, and certificates; explore new modes of pedagogical delivery; and enlarge the Alda Center’s public facing professional development programs.
Strategic Priority 2
Become a recognized leader in linking communication research with practice
As communication modes and audiences continue to evolve, it is critically important to better understand how communication and journalism operate in increasingly complex and challenging contexts. GIven changes in how people produce and consume media, combined with existential problems facing the globe - in science and health, in preventing and adapting to a changing climate, in democracy and leadership - linking communication with research is of particular importance.
Strategic Priority 3
Enhance the understanding, appreciation, and importance of sound science and health communication worldwide
Recognition of the importance of engaging with public audiences through accurate and effective science and health communication is growing as is awareness of the relevance and impact of science and health research. At the same time, miscommunication and disinformation about science and health are on the rise. Enhanced capacity in science and health communication education, research, training, and outreach is essential to meet these needs.
Strategic Priority 4
build an innovative infrastructure and a robust financial architecture that enables strategic growth and powerful societal impact
SoCJ is deeply committed to thoughtful, strategic, and entrepreneurial growth, buttressed by exceptional academic leadership; an outstanding, collegial, and diverse community of faculty, students, and staff; and a sound financial foundation. The pace of its growth will be limited only by its imagination, energy, and focus. And its achievements and influences will only be enhanced and stimulated by its successes and new opportunities.
Read Shaping Futures: A Bold Strategic Plan
With Gratitude
The School of Communication and Journalism is grateful to the University leadership,
our faculty and staff, and our external constituents for their support and input on
this plan.
We are also grateful to AKA Strategy.
Our Stakeholders
Stony Brook University Leadership
Maurie McInnis, President
Carl Lejuez, Provost
Judith Brown Clarke, Vice President for Equity & Inclusion and Chief Diversity Officer
Justin Fincher, Vice President for Advancement, Executive Director of the Stony Brook Foundation
SoCJ & Alda Center Leadership
Christina Anselmo, Assistant Dean for Finance & Administration; Diversity Liaison; Title IX Deputy
Brenda Hoffman, Assistant Professor of Practice; Associate Dean for Academic Affairs; Graduate Program Director
Lori Kie, Communications Director
Nicole Leavey, Associate Director of Strategic Partnerships, Alda Center
Irene Virag, Assistant Professor of Practice; Associate Dean for Student Affairs; Undergraduate Program Director
Faculty & Staff
Jeremy Allen, Adjunct Lecturer
Phil Altiere, Production Supervisor and Broadcast Engineer
Stefanie Ambrosio Mullady, Academic Programs Coordinator
Jonathan Anzalone, Assistant Professor of Practice; Assistant Director, Center for News Literacy
Sarah Baxter, Director, Marie Colvin Center for International Reporting; Visiting Professor
Elizabeth Bojsza, Assistant Professor of Practice
Dina Brennan, Senior Workshops Coordinator
Eric Brodsky, Recruitment & Outreach Specialist
Alix Dehayem, Coordinator, Women in STEM Leadership Program
Lydia Franco-Hodges, Assistant Professor of Practice
Radha Ganesan, Assistant Professor of Practice
Christine Gilbert, Assistant Professor
George Giokas, Adjunct Lecturer
Charles Haddad, Associate Professor
Carla Jablonski, Adjunct Lecturer
Ruobing Li, Assistant Professor
Wenbo Li, Assistant Professor
Nancee Moes, Assistant Professor of Practice
Susmita Pati, Professor of Pediatrics
Lisa Pfeifer, Staff Assistant
Joshua Rice, Assistant Professor of Practice
Richard Ricioppo, Assistant Professor of Practice
Maureen Robinson, Staff Assistant
Jonathan Sanders, Associate Professor
Howard Schneider, Professor
Kimberly Stauffer, Assistant Professor of Practice
Xia Zheng, Assistant Professor
Janet Chow
Sydney Corwin
Timothy Giorlando
Christine Kelley
Anastasia Poulos
Bibiana Campos Siejo, Editor; Publisher; Media Executive
Anthony Dudo, Partner/Leader in Science Communication, UT Austin
Mike Dukmejian, Key Advisor, Loeb Enterprises
Mary Woolley, Partner/Leader in Science Communication, Research!America