Plenary Speakers
Tobias Bernaisch is Senior Lecturer for English linguistics in the Department of English at Justus
Liebig University Giessen, Germany. His research focuses on and combines concepts
and methods from world Englishes, corpus linguistics and genderlectal variation. He
has published the first comprehensive corpus-linguistic account of Sri Lankan English
and dedicates himself to modelling linguistic epicentres empirically – particularly
in South Asia, but also in other parts of the Anglophone world such as Australia and
New Zealand. For this purpose, his colleagues and he have compiled a number of large-scale
corpus-linguistic resources such as the Sri Lankan component of the International
Corpus of English or the South Asian Varieties of English (SAVE) corpus and its 2020
update. These resources habitually form the empirical bases for his work on the lexicogrammar
and the pragmatics of varieties of English, which relies on multifactorial statistical
modelling techniques. From a sociolinguistic angle, his research explores the role
of genderlectal variation in world Englishes, but also in the history of the English

Rajend Mesthrie is Emeritus Professor of Linguistics at the University of Cape Town. He was head
of the Linguistics Section (1998 – 2009), and currently holds an NRF (National Research
Foundation) research chair in migration, language, and social change. He was President
of the Linguistics Society of Southern Africa (2002-2009) and President of the International
Congress of Linguists (2013-2018), hosting their quinquennial conference in Cape Town
in 2018. He has worked on the topic of World Englishes since the mid-1980s, in its
own right as well as with an emphasis on multilingualism, variation and contact. He
is a past co-editor of English Today (2008-2012). Amongst his book publications are Language in Indenture: a Sociolinguistic History of Bhojpuri-Hindi in South Africa (Routledge 1992, reprint ed. 2019), English in Language Shift: the History, Structure & Sociolinguistics of South African
Indian English (CUP, 1992), Language in South Africa (ed., CUP 2002), World Englishes (with Rakesh Bhatt, CUP 2008) and most recently Youth Language Practices & Urban Language Contact in Africa (ed., with Ellen Hurst-Harosh & Heather Brookes, CUP, 2021). He is an elected honorary
life member of SALALS (Southern African Linguistics and Applied Linguistics Society)
and the LSA (Linguistic Society of America).
Joybrato Mukherjee is Full Professor of English Linguistics at Justus Liebig University, Giessen (Germany).
His research interests include applied linguistics and corpus linguistics, English
lexico-grammar and syntax, South Asian varieties of English and English as a world
language. From 2011 to 2017 he served as Chair of the Executive Board of the International
Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English. He has been responsible for the compilation
of various corpora, including the Sri Lankan component of the International Corpus
of English (ICE-SL) and the South Asian Varieties of English (SAVE) newspaper corpus.