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West Campus, Health Sciences, and School of Medicine


Please find your employment group for detailed benefits information that may apply to you.
    • New Employees: It is located on your offer letter. If you need a copy of your offer letter, please contact your department administrator.

    • Current Employees:  Current benefit eligible State employees will find it next to "Pay Group" on their paychecks. Current benefit eligible RF employees belong to the RF employment group. 

    • Prospective Employees: If the posting is no longer available, please contact
Employment Group Abbreviation  Type #
Employment GroupCSEA Civil Service Employees Association Employment GroupCSEA Employment GroupAdministrative Services Unit (ASU) Employment Group02
Employment GroupCSEA Civil Service Employees Association Employment GroupCSEA Employment GroupOperational Services Unit (OSU) Employment Group03
Employment GroupCSEA Civil Service Employees Association Employment GroupCSEA Employment GroupInstitutional Services Unit (ISU) Employment Group04
Employment GroupPublic Employees Federation  Employment GroupPEF Employment GroupProfessional, Scientific & Technical (PST) Employment Group05
Employment GroupUnited University Professions  Employment GroupUUP Employment GroupProfessional Employment Group08
Employment GroupManagement Confidential Employment GroupM/C  Employment GroupProfessional Employment Group13
Employment GroupNY State Correctional Officers and Police Benevolent Association, Inc. Employment GroupNYSCOPBA  Employment GroupSecurity Services Unit (SSU) non-arb Employment Group21
Employment GroupGraduate Student Employees Union Employment GroupGSEU  Employment Group  Employment Group28
Employment GroupPolice Benevolent Association of NY, Inc. Employment GroupPBANYS  Employment GroupAgency Police
Services Unit (APSU)
Employment Group31
Employment GroupResearch Foundation Employment GroupRF Employment Group  Employment GroupRF